Tag: Castration phone sex

Castration Phone Sex With Dr. Swift

castration phone sex


Castration phone sex is one of those things a select group of people talk about. I never imagined that a doctor would have a thriving business cutting off balls, until my friend Emma told me that she worked in a private surgeon’s office that did at least twenty castrations a week. I couldn’t help but wonder and she told me that there were the men who had to get it done as a condition of release from prison and then there were the ones who got it to adhere to a program where they were being controlled. Whenever Dr. Swift saw a patient with a signed contract of consent, he knew there was a woman in charge who sent him there. The directions were always the same. The family jewels were to be sent back to the woman in charge with a note saying, “property of” and her name. It was a way to drive the point home that from this day his name would die, along with any control over his life and cock. Dr. Swift got a special thrill out of the act. After every surgery, she had her eunuch personal assistant come to her office and get on his knees in front of her with his pants down to show his ball-less cock, as he ate her very wet pussy. Being able to cut away the ability of men to get a woman pregnant got her so excited that she had to masturbate and ordered her assistant to as well. When she was near orgasm he was to repeat the words, ” Your fertile pussy is going to cum”, over and over, as she came all over his tongue. Her assistant would then stand up with his pants still down and his eyes fixed on the floor. He was not allowed to move until she told him to. When she addressed him as half of a man, he was able to retreat to the back office. Dr. Swift would come in to find him wearing a paper gown and nothing else. She would strap him to a gynecological table with his feet in the stirrups and a vibrating probe in his ass. His face was always red with embarrassment and she loved that, since he wasn’t allowed to shoot as he stroked before. If he had any balls they would be full and heavy. This time, he wouldn’t be able to stroke or control the useless spunk when it spurted from his fuck pole. She left him and closed the door. It was time to get a fresh scalpel and get to work. The eunuch would be waiting after she was done.

Bloody Phone Sex Exacts Revenge for Women and Girls Scorned

bloody phone sexBloody phone sex paints a vivid picture for you of what it might be like to hang with me. Mayhem often ensues wherever I go. But I would not want it any other way. Killing fills me with joy. I am not a altruistic person. But I do see killing as for the greater good. Usually, my victims have many folks who would cheer on their death.

However, as much as I enjoy ridding the world of tools and jackasses, I enjoy torturing them almost as much. If you neuter a man, you still make the world a better place, especially for women and brats. Plus, you leave the tool or the jackass alive to know his actions took his balls. And he must live with the knowledge that he will never fuck a woman or jack off ever again.

Torture sex still creates a euphoric feeling in me while making the world a better place. Sometimes, I let a young apprentice help me in neutering a man. This girl I know because she lives in the neighborhood recently survived a brutal attack. Although I do not like brats, this girl does not annoy me. In fact, I paid her to run errands and walk my pups for me over the summers when she’s off school. Not even two days after her attack, she showed up at my door covered in bruises. Her face looked like she fought Mike Tyson back in the day.

I Love It When I Can See Potential in a Young Girl

She got right to the point. When she broke her piggy bank, I knew she wanted my help with revenge. Apparently, she has heard some whispering about me. Always some truth in rumors. I found her assailant easier because she never told a sole that her attacker was her mom’ dead beat boyfriend.  She wanted revenge her own way. A little vigilante. Just like me. Well, her attacker will never attack her again. Or anyone because he got free and brutal castration phone sex. Happy to do it too.

I made it bloody and painful. No cauterizing his wound. That little girl delivered the final swipe that sent his useless balls flying across the room. He will never say a word either. If he did, it would come out what he did to that girl. Her mother is next on my list because she let it happen. The girl will live with me now. She has such potential to be a wicked butcher like me. Under my tutelage I can make her a sadistic killer like me. And the world needs more of us. We serve as population control.

Knife Play Phone Sex Requires Skill

I cannot enjoy Killtober without knife play phone sex. No guns for me. Knives require skill. Plus, it is much harder to trace because nothing gets left in the victim. Guns leave bullets. And bullets are traceable. I enjoy the challenge too. Perhaps, I like the hunt. It feels more predatory.

I never go anywhere without at least 3 knives strapped to my body. I even sleep with one under my pillow. Never hurts to be cautious. I like to be armed and dangerous because yoknife play phone sexu never know who you might meet who deserves to die. Admittedly so, my threshold for stupidity appears less than the average person. I will disembowel a person for looking at me wrong. Bloody phone sex turns me on anyway.

But in my defense, there seems to be a lot more rude, creepy tools in this world than there ever were. Take William for example. He made a scene in my Goth bar that I love. Tried to bully people off their bar stools. And he insulted almost every girl in the bar, including me. I do not care how drunk you get, that’s no excuse to be rude. Plus, you cannot go into a Goth bar and think you own the place because you are some rich yuppy.

There is No Fun or Skill in Killing with a Gun, So I Use Knives

So, I let him buy me a drink and I slipped something into his drink. No one in that bar gave a damn about this asshole. Took him to my kill dungeon to torture the fuck out of him. A knife prolongs the agony, but a gunshot kills without much suffering. Where is the fun in that? I carved this fucker up until it looked like he had been skinned alive. I have a knife for everything, even peeling a human jackass.

William suffered. He suffered a lot. Not only did I skin him alive, but I also cut his flesh until I exsanguinated him. But not before I gave him free castration phone sex. I guess you could call it castration plus since I took his dick off too. Sliced it like a pepperoni roll. Even drugged, he felt everything. And because he bled out slowly, it took him a long time to die. A long painful journey to Hell is the only way to go.

Accomplice Phone Sex Babe Finds Cathartic Release in Ball Busting

accomplice phone sexAccomplice phone sex has not always been my forte. Once upon a time, I starred in snuff films and had an owner. A few owners. But if the seedy world of snuff and extreme BDSM taught me anything it was how to survive. Survived my father’s abuse. Survived one abusive man after another. I survived underground snuff flicks. And I survived my last master, who killed all his former slaves. You learn to be scrappy in this seedy world.

And now, I serve as an accomplice for perverted men like you. However, sometimes, I get to give back some of the torture and pain men inflicted on me. Perhaps not to the man who deserve it, but to some loser. When I met Edward, I thought it was a chance meeting. But he planned it. Saw me weeks ago at this local coffee house I walk to every morning, and he recognized me from my snuff porn days. A fanboy of sorts.

When he asked me out, I did not yet realize he was a fanboy. At dinner he told me. And he told me he long fantasized about cock and ball torture from a blonde goddess. At first, I felt disappointed. Handsome man. Appeared educated and sophisticated too. Great job. Awesome car. Potential boyfriend material. However, he seemed only interested in what I could do to his cock. Not for his cock. To his cock.

It Feels Great to Take My Anger Out on Some Man’s Cock and Balls

When he told me he would pay anything if I would trample and mutilate his cock, he piqued my curiosity. How could I say no. I tossed out a number, thinking we would negotiate down. But he said no problem. No haggling occurred. Hey, if a man wants to pay me for cock and ball torture sex, I take the money and destroy that dick. I find it cathartic release for all the shit men put me through in my life.

We stopped at my place so I could grab my sounding device, spiked heels and castration band. My guess, Edward woke up the next day with major regret. Not only did I chemically castrate him, but I also mutilated his manhood. Destroyed it. Left him in a pool of tears and blood with a dick that looked like raw hamburger. Maybe not the date I had hoped for, but I sure did turn lemons into lemonade.

Trick or Treat it is your balls I want to eat!!!

Cannibalism phone sex

Destroying you with Cannibalism phone sex is my evil slut pleasure. Let me count the many ways to take your balls and disfigure your cock. You will not need them after our little rendezvous.  One bite isn’t enough, as I will eat you alive. Prepare for me to be your worst nightmare. Are you ready for a feral teen Cannibal that will feast on your flesh and organs? But what I really am after is a delicious set of gonads prefilled with cream.

That means I will need to beat and scar your cock to get that semen boiled up!  Your screams will be music to my pretty little ears. Next, I suck the wounds I inflicted. As your hot sticky blood will be my drink.  Testicle soup will be my dinner. Will you get to cum before you are my prey? Questions abound about your last orgasm, I am playing Goddess with your very Life as cock and ball blood drains to the floor! 

Cannibalism phone sex Trick or Treat it is your balls I want to eat!!!

Eating your balls is a deviancy of a delicacy during Castration phone sex! 

Yumm!! Yumm!! Eat ’em up and chew your balls up, and you will never get that last Nut! 

Oh, you didn’t know I was Evil Incarnate when you first saw me? Lil Miss Harper just wants to tie you up and beat your balls. Tenderizing your dick meat, so I can have a tasty treat!  I’m salivating just thinking about it! My mouth waters as I get ready to devour your balls. Get ready, because I’m coming for you!

Torture Sex with a Sexy Switch Means You Might Lose Your Balls

torture sexA sexy switch enjoys torture sex too. Once upon a time, men tortured me sexually. But now, I get to be behind the wheel. And I love it. When I met Alex, he told me he wanted extreme cock and ball torture. I met him at the strip club, but I tortured him at my place. Over the past few years, I have acquired some bondage equipment, large dildos, sounding devices and a slew of whips and chains.

Not all men enjoy this kind of cock and ball torture, but you might be surprised at how many do enjoy it. Since my strip club frowns upon screaming in the VIP room, I felt seemed safer to mutilate his dick and balls at home. Alex did not have a clue how extreme I could go.  Castration phone sex callers inspire me daily and fuel my revenge fantasies. Alex appeared to be just like one of my callers. A simp who knows his cock cannot pleasure any woman. Or an extreme pervert who wants to check himself before he wrecks himself.

I Love Extreme Ball Busting and Cock Mutilation

I do not care why you want cock and ball torture if you pay me. The money helps, but sometimes I would do it for free because it helps me deal with my repressed anger over daddy and his friends, and men like my former master. I strapped Alex to a surgical table that I purchased last year at an auction. He seemed impressed that I had all sorts of devices designed to hurt and destroy his worthless junk.

I put one of those castration bands farmers use for sheep and cattle around his balls. Slowly his balls turned blue, purple and eventually black. Once they go black, those balls remain dead for life. They may not fall off, but they will never aid in an erection again. This process mimics a chemical castration. While his balls went through the necrification process, I lubed a sounding device up with Icy Hot and put it down his piss hole. Good thing I had him restrained properly because he almost came off the table from the pain.

He started to have second thoughts about such extreme cock and ball torture phone sex, but I knew I would not turn back. He paid me way too well for me to walk away. I did the job he wanted. Turned the juice off in his balls. Created pain. And mutilated his cock. And I loved every minute of it. Who is next?

Bloody Phone Sex Rampage for Killtober

bloody phone sexKilltober equals bloody phone sex. My Halloween rampage took off earlier this year. Just too many folks need put out of my misery. But I am an equal opportunity killer. Your gender, age, skin color, or size never matters to me. If you act like a tool or a bitch, and you cross my path, I will kill you. And without remorse either. I am sort of an equalizer.

I meet folks who need killed everywhere. And yesterday, I met Bob at the grocery store. Meet might not be the right word. More like encountered. He went off on some old lady cashier for going too slow. Who yells and degrades a grandma? If you cannot control your anger like that or enjoy picking unfair fights so you can win, that makes you a tool. And tools, I find expendable.

As I followed him out to his car, I watched him yell at more people who did nothing wrong but pass him by. I found a snuff porn victim at the grocery store. And I think that might be a first. For his deplorable actions, he lost his cock and his balls. He lost his life too. But I wanted to make him suffer. And I wanted him to know why. I am sure the act I caught at the grocery store was mild compared to what he has done in the past. Folks do not act like bullies just once.

So Many Folks Deserve to Die to Make This World Better

I ran a background check on the license plate of the car he drove off in and determined he did not have a wife. So, likely home alone. Perfect for me because I do not need his DNA in my car or home. But I leave no DNA because I am a smart killer. I caught him by surprise. The loser thought I snuck into his house to fuck him. But I let him think that so I could get his worthless dick out.

When we got to his bedroom, I overpowered him easily and tied him to his bed. The loser thought I just wanted to play kinky games. In a way, I did. I used an elastor on his balls which farmers use for castrating sheep. Once bound and gagged, I read him his rights and mutilated his body. I carved Bully in his chest with a very sharp knife and watched the blood pour out of him. Then I continued the torture sex with his cock. Carved loser on his useless pecker. More blood loss. But I prefer red to all other colors.

I sexually mutilated him before the final cut to the throat made him bleed out on his bed. Normally, I would take his body out of the house and feed it to the wildlife in the woods behind me, but he weighed too much. Dead weight literally. If anyone missed him or discovered his body, it looked like a woman scorned killed him. But they will never know I was the woman. No one ever knows it was me.

Cheap phone sex killer queen less than hired assassins.

Cheap phone sex             Cheap phone sex killer queen less than hired assassins.  Now I have been called a lot of things. Whore is one. I like it. Killer queen bee. It must be remembered that I am super cheap to deal with. All in all, I have no limits, you let me run wild. I will do the snuffing of life. Make it bloody and gory. Revel in it.

            After all, that is what I will do. Get your cock hard. Careful now, I may just decide to take a bite off it. Rip your nuts back and forth like a dog with a bone. Not letting go. Castration is always fun.

            It must be remembered that I am a cheap killer queen that you pay less than hired assassins. I like what I do to. We have covered the Bloody phone sex aspect, the castrations, and finally we will discuss how much of a killer I am.

            Just what are you thinking? You want to be a killer like me? Learn from me for the low cheap price that I am. Be a whore with me in fact. There is nothing that would be stopping us. Together we would be unstoppable.

            In any event my price never changes. It is a very cheap price for a whore that really does like what she does. So much so that it ought to be illegal. But it’s not. Live out that fantasy with me. Be a killer right alongside of me.

            Together forever.

Snuff Sex Achieves The Complete Mind Fuck End

Snuff sex is all about a torturous sexually enhanced death. As a sadistic cunt, my greatest pleasure is to feel life slipping away in my very own hands.

Just to feel that neck brake. Watch as the light goes out in their eyes. The trickle of blood sensually slipping from their lips. The paleness of their skin as death takes them in it’s grip. These are some of the best things that pleasure me.

But wait, there’s so much more. Sometimes to just get sexual gratification is something of a high for myself as well. Essentially, It’s exciting to have a guy penetrating me as I take a piece of piano wire to his neck.

In any case that slow penetration of his penis in my cunt, excites me. Furthermore the slow deep slicing of that neck with razor wire. Then that flow of blood gushing all over my naked flesh as I slice his arteries.

Finally, it should be noted that my intense pleasure of castration and cannibalism really do go hand in hand as well with my sadistic needs.

Snuff sex

Castration phone sex evil bitch takes a bite first.

            Castration phone sex evil bitch takes a bite first.  First comes the torture. Next comes the pain. Finally, the castration takes hold. You are going to lose it one way or another. I am going to get you.

            Now there are many ways to castrate. As shown above I am going to take a bite out of it first. In fact, I could even torture you for a while as I chew on those balls. Bite down like a bitch and yank my head back and forth.

            Listen to your screams of agony. That will only make me bite harder. Cry and I will find another form of torture.  Castration phone sex

Torture phone sex from an evil bitch gets the pussy dripping.

            Now I know what you are thinking. It will all soon be over. As shown above I do like it to be evil. What would be worse than snuffing you after the torture? As long as you are suffering my pussy will keep dripping.

            Obviously, I like to get off. Keeping you alive just to torture you is even better. The castration and making you suffer is what really does turn me on. It must be remembered that Violence is very important.

            On the positive side the more you scream and beg the wetter I get. On the negative side the more you whine, there is the greater chance I will increase the pain. After all, you need torture as a punishment before the castration.

            Hence the biting.

            In summary there will come a time that I have grown bored. As soon as this happens. You can be sure that your cock will be no more. All in all, it will be a question of how you lose it in the end.

            From time to time, I may take a suggestion. At the same time, it is just as likely to find a new way to torture you to get off some more.