Tag: Castration phone sex

Snuff Phone Sex Because I’m Not Someone You Want to Mess With Ever

snuff phone sexSnuff phone sex, I do best. The gfe thing, I never do. Perhaps you could call me a black widow. I do not marry men to kill them for their money. However, I will kill a man for not listening to my verbal warnings to get lost or stop calling me baby. Most men see the look in my eyes and know I am not messing around. But some men just do not listen. Not my fault.

Last night, I went to my neighborhood Goth bar because I wanted a drink. Although I do not socialize in that bar, I know most of the regulars and they know me. The bartenders all know me, and what I like to drink. But everyone there also knows I am a loner. And I prefer it that way.

A guy came up to the bar, sat next to me and told the bartender to put my drinks on his tab. He was not a Goth boy or a Steampunk guy either. More like some suit and tie nerd. Even the bartender told him he best move along. But the nerd did not take the hint. So, I looked him right in the eye and said unless you leave now, I will give you free castration phone sex.

He laughed like he thought I might be joking. So, I showed him my knife. But only one. When I go out, I usually have about 5 strapped to my body. The fucking idiot challenged me with, “I’d like you to try, bitch.”

Men Need to Pay Attention to My Body Language and My Words

The bartender looked at the guy with shock on her face and told him he better run now. Even though I don’t do not socialize at this bar or any bar, everyone there has my back. In that place, I can get away with murder and mutilation. And I have many times. So, when this idiot did not heed the bartender’s warning, I unzipped his pants, pulled out his cock and prepared to chop his dick off in the bar.

This idiot thought I changed my mind and wanted to jack him off. Stupidity deserves extreme cock and ball torture sex. So, I sliced his entire dick off and watched the expression of confidence change to one of horror. He passed out. While he was down, I cauterized the wound to slow the bleeding. Other bar regulars helped me take him out of the bar and into his car.

 We drove his car to a park miles away to put him in the front seat. This way he would think he drove himself there. Oh, I drugged his beer.  But it did not kick in until after I severed his cock. I planned it that way. And as a final touch, I put his dick on the dashboard. If anyone finds him soon enough, they can likely sow it back on. He will not remember he was at the bar or how he lost his dick. But he will never come on to another woman again.

Sadistic phone sex finding the weakness and exploiting it.

Sadistic phone sex             Sadistic phone sex finding the weakness and exploiting it.  It must be remembered that everyone has something they fear. Being sadistic is finding it, exploiting it, hearing the blood curdling screams of torture.

            Next, we tie in the torture games with the sadistic mind set of a snuff whore like me. What do you get? A sadistic torture loving freak that has no boundaries, if they are made, I walk over them.

            Cocks and balls are meant to be to be infected and tied up. Clitoris gets the scalpel just like the penis. Circumcisions are meant to be torturous not some bar mitzvah. At the same time, I could see throwing a party to cut off the head of a penis.      

            Now that is wicked. Seriously, you get money to be mutilated. Mutilation phone sex parties I do so like it. Get your cock cut off and be mutilated and pay me to do it. Make it a party.

            To be sure the Jews got it right there. Quickly now, let’s all line up to have our dicks cut off and give money to one person and collect with the other hand at the same time. Who wouldn’t like that.

            Talk about being sadistic and finding a weakness to exploit. A whole religion does that.

Mistress of Pain’s Cruelty

 Castration phone sexHey, you pathetic subs, I’m your dominant bitch, ready to play. Castration phone sex? Fuck yeah, I’ll snip your balls, you twisted fucks. Domination’s my game, and I’ll own you, you filthy freaks.

You beg for my attention, you worthless pigs. Want me to fulfill your taboo fantasies, you fucked-up freaks? Well, I’ll decide your fate, and it’s gonna hurt, you filthy animals. Restraints? Oh, I’ve got something special, you horny bastards. Barbwire, to keep you still, and motivate you, you dirty scumbags. Every twitch, a sharp reminder of your fate, you fucking suckers. As I hold your balls, my scalpel gleams, with a devilish grin on my face. A swift cut, and your screams echo, you pathetic losers. Enjoying the pain, you sick fucks? Let’s take it further, you twisted bastards.

I own your body, your mind, your soul, you filthy animals. Submit to my will, and embrace the agony, you worthless pigs. This is just the beginning, you filthy freaks, so call me, and let’s get twisted.

Snuff Phone Sex Comes to Life for Losers Who Live Close By

snuff phone sexSnuff phone sex is all I do. Well, snuff, torture, castration and assisting men in force fucking is what I do. I mean I am on a snuff site for a reason. And it is not so men can call me honey and baby. Or expect me to give them the girlfriend or mommy experience either. But every day I encounter more than one dumb ass who clearly cannot read. And sometimes, those dumb asses live near me.

Tyler called me last week. And he called me every pet name in the book despite me telling him not to do that at least a million times. He called me for some boring vanilla shit and did not understand why I wanted to give him castration phone sex instead. The way I see it, if you cannot respect a woman’s boundaries you do not deserve your balls.

So, I Googled his address and found out he lived 10 miles away. That rarely happens. But if I am getting billing info and a guy lives near me, I tell him I am a CA girl. That way I can pay him an unexpected visit like I did to Tyler over the weekend. Of course, the loser still lived at home with his mommy. How pathetic. No way this guy gets pussy. Well, no way now, LOL. I had to stake out his house to learn his habits and figure out a way to remove his nuts without mommy waking up.

I am Not Your Girlfriend or Your Mommy

This guy gave me Norman Bates vibes. But he will not fuck again. I snuck into mommy’s room first and chloroformed her while she slept to ensure she did not wake up. Then I went to junior’s room, put duct tape over his mouth, strapped him to his bed and gave him some extreme cock and ball torture sex. Just what he needed. However, I wore a ski mask to hide my identity. And I never spoke so he would not know my voice.

I chopped his balls off while mommy slept in the next room. This little bitch boy cried and screamed, but no one came to his rescue. My guess, mommy discovered him the next day with blood all over his sheets and his balls stuffed in his mouth barely breathing. Perhaps, I should have killed him, but I think it will be more fun for him to be without balls or an erection for the rest of his life

Knife Play Phone Sex Because It Takes More Talent and Skill to Kill with a Knife

knife play phone sexKnife play phone sex is my specialty. My nickname is Wicked Butcher. Some folks do not even know my real name. And I like it that way. I do not want my crimes linked to me. I find it much harder to match up a blade than a bullet. But I literally own thousands of knives. And most of them my grandpa purchased on the black market so they would never get linked to him or me.

Some of these knives are centuries old and priceless too. But since so many of them have been used in crimes, I could never sell them. I find knives the best killing tool. I can stab, cut, slice, dice, skin and gut a person with a knife. And I can give a man free castration phone sex with a knife too. It feels more primal to hunt with a knife. Plus, it requires more skill. A bullet only requires decent aim. I’m a hunter. And I like a fair fight.

I am Like Chucky. Tiny, Stealth, Evil and Violent

Usually, I always strap two knives on my body because you never know when you might need to fight. I am tiny. Barley 5 feet tall and less than 125 lbs. Men underestimate me all the time. Sometimes, I like to pretend that I am a helpless dainty girl to lure a predator. Men never see my knife until it’s too late.

A guy underestimated me last night. Thought he could scoop me up and put me in the trunk of his car. I let him think he captured me. But my knife allowed me to fiddle with the inside of the trunk and end up in the back seat of his car where I stabbed him through the seat a few times. Not enough to kill him. But enough to let me gain control of the car so I could drag him out of the car and eviscerate him. And I took my time too.

So, if you try to harm me, you get torture sex for a long time, including cock and ball torture and castration before I kill you. So, this predator lost his balls, lost his cock and eventually lost his life. Men never see me coming. I am like Chucky. Small, evil and violent.

Lock me up and torture my pussy


Kidnapping phone sex

Lock me up and throw the key away, kidnapping phone sex, I’m an evil bitch and as soon as I’m out of here you won’t live to see another day. I won’t only castrate you, but I’ll use your fucking cock as my toy, make you cum all over yourself so you’ll enjoy life before I end it.

You trapped the wrong bitch asshole. You put shit in my drink after we fucked to take me away to this dark dungeon where you’ve locked me away to torture, humiliate and have rape fantasies with. I’m not bothered though. All I can think about is the evil shit I’m gonna do to you once I’m out.

I can tell it’s early morning when you come down and give me bread and water. You empty my bed pan and wipe my ass. After that you loosen my leash to pound my pussy. You cum all over my face, shoving your dick in my mouth to swallow the

Castration Phone Sex Can Happen Anywhere

castration phone sexCastration phone sex is my hobby and my passion. Balls are a privilege that I can revoke at any time. Just because you have balls does not make you superior. In fact, I will argue it makes you inferior because men get too accustomed to their balls. They touch them nonstop. Men become a slave to their balls. And that makes them do stupid shit. When they do, I revoke their privileges.

If you cannot use your balls for good, you do not deserve them. And you would be surprised at how many men think they are superior to women and that their balls give them certain rights to my body. Men can be so fucking stupid. I am not a woman who believes my body your choice. However, I do believe your body, my balls if you act like an entitled fool.

Your Balls are a Privilege and I Can Revoke Your Privilege Any Time

And Jeff acted like a fool in front of me. So, I revoked his privileges. Severed his balls from his body with some extreme cock and ball torture sex.  And I did not do anything to dull his pain or slow the bleeding down. Where would be the fun in that, right?  I rarely take out my anger publicly. Safer to kill and maim in my dungeon. But this asshole followed me into the restroom at my Goth bar. He was out of place, not me. So, I knew my bar patrons and the staff would have my back.

He tried to push himself on the wrong girl. Without missing a beat, I pulled out the knife strapped to my leg when he pulled his worthless dick out of his pants. I grabbed his dick, tugged really hard, and put my knife under the balls. And with one smooth move, I severed his worthless nuggets in a dirty bathroom stall. For all I know, he bled out on the floor. If he did, he would be taken out with the trash. I am an evil phone sex bitch. Do not cross me. I will sever your balls and leave you to bleed out too.

Castration Phone Sex is The Best Thing Ever

Too many worthless nut bags around and really Castration Phone Sex can the a World of good. As a goth goddess of sadistic desires and ways, my favorite thing is torturing men.

Castration Phone Sex Turned to Mutilation with Morticia

We just finished a Holiday of delicious blood shed. St. Valentines day is an amazing time for my filthy shenanigans. In I fact I love to draw out the pleasures of torture, murder and mayhem through the whole weekend.

First I had an afternoon date with some loser I really wanted to just dissect. Since He is pure vermin this is what he deserves. Obviously just a filthy fucking pig. And I just imagined making him squeal for me as I cut his bity clitty off and dissected that worthless ball sac.

Once I got the pig back to my place I had a welcoming contraption ready and sprung. He was immediately grabbed at the ankles and hoisted up and hanging from those ankles. This device essentially tied his ankles and slipped a modified body bag on him to restrain him.

Now that the loser was hanging and trying to squirm lose why screaming I waisted no time and shoved my panties in his big mouth. I laughed at him and told his mouth is the only thing big on his worthless body.

Finally I grabbed my hunting knife and went for the cock and bags. Those things where quickly cut free and I got a good laugh. I screamed “I fucking knew it loser! Look at that worthless fucking thing between your legs!” Then spatting in his face I demanded him to apologize to me and laughed because he was gagged.

Domination Phone Sex is a Playground for Sadistic Fun 

Then the moment of bliss Off with the balls and the dick. Now it’s true I mentioned castration. However this is full on mutilation. After all a he is a worthless pig just deserves to be dissected and bled.

Castration Phone Sex

I’m your evil bitch babysitter

Babysitter phone sex

You hired me to be your babysitter, little did you know that I’m an evil bitch, little sissy fucks don’t make it out alive. Your barely legal teen son has been acting out, looks like he needs shit shoved up his ass to teach him a lesson.

Poor guy was already scared when he saw me. After you left it didn’t take long for me to tie the bitch up. I spread his legs and tied them to the bed. I went into my goodie back and pulled out my biggest black dildo and some lube. The look on his face made my pussy so wet. With some spit and lube I shoved that shit up his butthole, torturing and assaulting his whole backside. I love the screams!

Blood is dripping out of his ass, I had to lick that shit up, mmmmhmmm. He’s so scared. With the cock far up his little pink spot, every pound, every stretch makes him shake, like a little baby bitch he is.

I busted out my knife and started cut at his balls, I decided not to cut them completely off, I just wanted more blood to play with, bustin his balls. I like to collect the blood of my babysitting victims, spread and wipe it all over my soaked snatch and tits. 

Mutilation phone sex for me to destroy you into pieces.

Mutilation phone sexMutilation phone sex for me to destroy you into pieces. I would love to slice your face right the fuck up. Sometimes I can’t even stand that smirk on your face. I just want to cut it up and make you like a joke. The room is filled with knockout gas and with my little body I have extra strength, dragging up on my metal cutting table. Oh boy, you are really begging me as you come around. Begging for your life as you’re shackled down and chains. 

Mutilation phone sex for me to destroy you into pieces.

Iam Just a Gone wild fucking gremlin. You must pay for all of your deadly sins. I have buried too many bodies for you now. I want to slice and mangle more flesh. Little daughter’s getting revenge!!  My revenge is going to be cutting your fingers and toes off one by fucking one. Don’t you realize my little tiny cunny is getting so much for you. What for mutilating every inch of your fucking horrible statistic flesh. 

Next I go after your balls, peeling them like the frozen grapes in my freezer! Skin hanging dn blood pouring as my exacto knife perfects the flesh peel! Castration phone sex anyone? Scream for me! Making me all the more excited to fuck you up you til your heart stops! It is so much blood and my knife is so sharp!

Castration phone sex so bloody with a side of cannibalism

Oh how I am enjoying watching you struggle with those arms and legs tied down to the table! Keep on humiliating yourself in front of your Sadistic slutty daughter! That just makes me want to slice and dice more until you bleed out. With the price of meat these days, you will feed me and my sisters for a month! we will eat your balls like pate’  first!