Tag: Cannibalism phone sex

Spring Fever

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Winter is a hard time of year for me. I have a fetish that is hard to full fill while it is cold. The whore’s don’t work as much so I have very slim pickings. When spring hits the valley every whore is out and working. My hunting grounds are full once again. I am looking for a specific body type. I want a younger whore, one who ran away from looking to make her dreams come true in the city of sin. The whore who’s dreams were crushed and now she has to sell her body to survive. Her young body needs to be a little thick. Thick thighs and ass. I love a nice thick ass. Of course I throw money at her to get her into the car. I offer to bring her home for the night. Giving her a shower, clean clothes, warm bed and delicious food. The money makes her say yes. What she doesn’t know is that she will be my delicious dinner. 

Spring Time Killer Phone Sex Fantasies

killer phone sex fantasiesKiller phone sex fantasies anyone? Be honest with yourself. There is someone in your life you wish dead. You have come to the right place to explore them. I hate just about everyone. I wish people dead every day. Sometimes, fantasies become reality in my world. Either I take matters into my own hand because I have a low tolerance for dick heads and stupid cunts, or I am contracted out for disposal services. Why do people come to me to hide their bodies? Because I know what the fuck I am doing. Spring is the best time to hide the evidence. Human remains make great fertilizer for my garden. Folks who hunt with me always ask how I never get caught. That answer is simple. Never leave any evidence. A human body can’t be left for discovery. I hate hunting in winter because I need to find a place to keep a body on ice until the ground thaws and I can dispose of it in my fertilizer granulation machine. This machine is awesome. You shove the body in and it grinds it up, even the bones, into minuscule parts that are later sprinkled over my couple acres of land. The body can go in dead or alive. Either way its bloody fun. The smell is far less pungent than horse shit. Bonus, human fertilizer produces very nice vegetables and lovely flowers. Right now, I have a few bodies chilling in the meat freezer until the first day of Spring when they get mixed in with some coffee grounds in the fertilizer machine. I take sadistic pleasure too in serving people food that was grown in the soil of their missing loved one. So yes, this sadistic bitch can’t wait for Spring. Let’s hunt together. Let me get rid of your ex girlfriend’s body . For shits and giggles, let’s make her grieving family a carrot cake with carrots grown in her remains and deliver flowers to her grave that grew in the same manner.

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Cannibalism Phone Sex

There aren’t a lot of things that can compare to the excitement of cannibalism phone sex. Hearing about how you want to cook my flesh for dinner makes me really hot. When you call in and you tell me you want to snuff me then eat my body. I know what you think of me. You think I’m a worthless piece of meat and I love every bit of it. I cling on to your every word. I want to be trapped in your dungeon room without any water or food. I want to suffer and be torture for weeks on end until you are hungry for me.

My body is going to be covered in harsh blood red marks from the lashings. I want the whip to have pieces of skin left on it. Or maybe you will use a bull hook and I’ll have deep hole wounds in my skin. I’m going to scream and beg, but that is just going to get you going more. Your cock is going to fill my throat up as I beg for air while you skull fuck me. After your done fucking my throat, you throw me on the ground and kick my stomach. You make sure to break several ribs.

I’m lying there in pain but I know it’s nowhere near the end. You suspend me in the air and begin to cut each limb off one by one throwing it on the grill. Blood is everywhere and I’m just a chunk of flesh begging you to kill me. I know I will soon bleed out but you make sure every last moment is severely painful as you cut each piece of rib out of my chest. My eyes start to become hazy as you look into my dying eyes. I can hear you cumming on me as I take my last breath.

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Accomplice phone sex with Ivy

Accomplice phone sex

We knew this camping trip would always be a memory. What we did not know is how we would remember it. We went back to his home state and it had to be during this damn storm. I am so happy we brought someone to eat. We had hoped we were going to be able to actually hunt her in the woods. The storm changed that. We were snowed in and stuck in this cold cabin. We had left overs from our last hooker we slowly roasted over a nice hot fire. I loved making this bitch eat meat off of a burnt hand. Her tears made my pussy wet and his cock hard. I love being his accomplice in this dirty life we live. Something about the snow and our still living meal made me so fucking horny. We started fucking in front of her. Listening to her scream and beg for help as he slammed his cock in and out of my tight juicy pussy made me cum so fucking hard. After we fucked we were heated and ready to fuck this bitch up. I stripped her down as he got a boiling hot bath ready for her. I started cutting her hair off and shaving her body. We wanted her to be nice and clean before we seasoned her body. We wanted her to be as calm as she could be. We waited for the water to get to the perfect temperature for her. We wanted her stress and worry to melt away with the warm water. We got her out of the tub and onto the table. Poor thing fell asleep after we hit her on the head. She never saw it coming. We rubbed her clean body with olive oil, we got every inch and curve on her body. We lightly covered her with Salt and Pepper but there was one thing missing. We needed her filled with his warm yummy cum. As I helped him guide his big thick cock into her tight ass she started to wake up. Begging him to stop, begging us to let her go. Her begging made him cum so hard inside of her. She was ready, ready to be slowly cooked. We watched her cooking over the fire in the big fireplace. We fucked as she cooked. We were snowed in, with a warm fire and enough food to last us for a few days.

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She smells so good as she cooks. Sookie is my latest meal. I found her on the side of the road here in Vegas. She waved down our car and asked if we wanted more company. My dinner partner gave her three hundred dollars to get in the car and just drive around. We talked and payed her six hundred more to come to our home with us. It is such a long drive and once we pulled up you could see the fear in Sookies eyes. Her fear made me horny. I choked her from behind until she passed out in the front seat.

Cannbalism phone sex


Once we got her in the house and tied up, we woke her up with warm water as we cleaned her body. My head Chef could not keep his hands off her. He really got all that yummy oil and seasonings rubbed into her body. He got all the curves and deep inside her pussy. Once he added his own juices inside of her we tied her up and started roasting her slowly. 

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Humiliation Day!

January 3rd is Humiliation Day. It is one of my favorite times of year. This year I went out for a special humiliation shopping list. I wanted a chubby pig to fire roast. I went to meat market after meat market with no luck. Walking through the market I found her. She was plump in all the right places. Her ass was so thick and juicy I wanted to take a bite of her there. I love the market I go to. Fresh meat and all of them alive. I love that part, bringing home my live dinner and getting them fattened up. This piggie was fat enough. I knocked her on the back of the head after I followed her out of the store. She was shopping alone and it was just perfect timing. I brought her home to have fun with my meal before I tied her up and start roasting her. I put make up on her and made her crawl around in her own filth. She was a shit covered piggie that was going to fill my belly.

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Cannibalism Phone Sex: Blonde Rump Roast for Thanksgiving?

cannibalism phone sex kidnapped submissiveCannibalism phone sex seems to pick up in popularity around the holidays. I think all those men with finer taste get hungry for an exotic meal. I’m a perfect meal, or so I have been told. I’m not too skinny, not fat, just got some meat on my bones. My callers have a lot of different ways of capturing me. Kidnapping, home invasion, duping me with a Craig’s List ad, hitchhiker, stranded motorist, drunk party girl… What remains constant however, is the preparation they take so I am ready to be served on Thanksgiving. I am caged; fattened up with protein shakes; my fake titties are carved out of me; my tats scrapped off me with sandpaper; my body washed of chemicals; my bleached blonde locks restored to my natural color or shaved; and all my piercings removed. Apparently, I will taste better natural.

snuff porn submissiveOnce restored to a natural state, the seasoning of my flesh begins. Sometimes I am basted in a herb and butter sauce. Other times, a seasoned marinade is used. I’m usually tenderized first so my flesh will hold the taste best. That is always very painful. There are lots of ways to cook me. Can tie me up like a turkey, stuff my ass and cunt with a sage dressing and oven roast me all day long. Bonus you get to hear my screams from the oven as I slowly cook to death. You can ram a spit roast though my ass and out my mouth, stuff an apple in my mouth and roast me over an open flame like a pig. You can listen to my blood curdling screams as the spit roast pierces my internal organs. . Being burned alive is nothing in comparison. You can even chop me up into little pieces and make a stew out of me. Get off as I bleed to death. Either way you choose to cook me, I am very delectable. Of course the way I taste, has everything to do with how you prepare me.

So what are you eating this Thanksgiving? May I suggest a nice blonde rump roast seasoned to your liking?

Cannibalism phone sex Thanksgiving feast!

cannibalism phone sex

I was excited to go home for thanksgiving this year. I missed my family so much. I am at my house packing my bags, making sure I have everything I will need. I realize that I need to run to the store really quick. When I arrive home I notice a strange car parked in my drive way. I got a weird feeling as I got out of my car and approached the random ass car. I looked inside the window to see if anyone was inside. There were no door panels on the door or door handles. The car looked well kept. I walked to my front door and noticed it was cracked open.

“Hello?” Bam! I fell on my face. As my eyes rolled to the back of my head I went unconscious. I can hear what’s going on around me but my body is not responsive for some odd reason. I hear the car driving, and the man next to me mumbling. He sounds like he is talking to me. “Oh baby I am so hard, I have wanted you for so long.” “Oh baby you feel so wet, you want me to don’t you, you little whore?” My eyes start to open and I can see everything now. Lights are making my vision blurred but I can make out stuff.

There is a table with thanksgiving decorations. There are side dishes; corn, mashed potatoes, bread, green beans, and a huge silver plate in the middle with nothing on it. It must be a big turkey that goes on the platter. The man gets on the floor next to me and licks my cheek. “Some rosemary and salt will do you good.” I look at him puzzled. My hands are tied up and so are my ankles.

He rips my clothes off of my body. He starts touching my smooth kissed by the sun skin. “Mm so soft.” He takes his fingers and puts them in my mouth, my saliva makes his fingers wet. He runs his sausage fingers down my chest, my belly, and unto my pussy. He feels inside of my cunt. “You are going to be so tender and delicious.” He gets a pole and puts me on my tummy.

He slides the stick in between the rope where my hands meet and my ankles. He picks me up and carries me to the back yard. There is a huge fire and a table full of ingredients and a baster. He puts me on the table and begins to rub seasoning all over my body. He puts an apple in my mouth and starts shooting juice and onions and fruit up my pussy. It finally connects in my head, I am his center piece turkey.

He puts my body over the fire, begging to roast my flesh. I can’t yell and in a matter of fact I am starting to choke on my saliva. “That’s right honey, keep those juices inside. We want to make you moist and savory.” Tears run down my face as I try to plead with my eyes. “Don’t worry I am very thankful for you.”

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Time To Feast

taboo phone sex angieThanksgiving is just around the corner and I have a feast in the fridge marinating and getting ready to cook and serve to all my guest. Obtaining my feast was an adventure as always. I found a new “farm” way out in the country that has a wide variety of flesh to choose from. The “farm” is very innovative in their approach to this very selective process. They offer a variety of options for one to make a purchase. One may mingle with the live specimens and examine them up close and personal before making a choice. One may view their choices from behind a one way mirror for a less personal purchase. One may actually hunt their meal in a secured area on the grounds for a more sporting approach to their purchase. Or one may simply go to the meat shop where there are pre-butchered cuts of meat for sale. Being a selective connoisseur of the finer meats, I combined the up close and personal inspection with the sport of the hunt. After choosing several select specimens I had them sent to the hunting grounds and used my favorite hunting weapon, my bow and arrow. After felling my prey I was able to gut her there on the property before they wrapped her up and put her on ice. Now the main course is marinating and the bits and pieces for my “giblet” gravy is marinating in a pot as well. I look at her every day while masturbating in the kitchen with the anticipation of sharing this feast. Won’t you join us for dinner?

Thanksgiving Dinner Prep

Taboo phone sex

Each year I search and search for the perfect meat for my thanksgiving table. I don’t want her to be fat or too thin. She needs to be just right, so this year I have had my special human turkey tied up and force feed all the proper foods. I want to fatten her up just a little bit. She is tied up so she does not use those muscles and make her meat tough. I do not want my guests chewing and chewing on a whore. I want her meat to melt in their mouth as they take the fist bite.

Cannibalism phone sex

I want them to crave more of her. I want my meat to be decadent! That is why I have kept her here, locked away. She is going to be perfect. She makes my mouth and my pussy water. I just want to eat her now. But I am going to wait and continue to feed her everything that is going to make her body taste so amazing.