Tag: Bondage phone sex

gangbanged in an alley way

Rape phone sex fantasies

I wake up with a pounding headache. I am in a back alley in the city. The whole night is a blur. I look down and see my clothes are ripped to pieces. I’m laying in my blood. I scream out in fear. I don’t recall what happened to me. I look around for my purse. It is gone and so is all my money to get back home. I reach around and feel something. I look down and realize I found my phone! I pick it up then, quickly realize I have no service here. Fuck!!! Then I look down and see that there is something new on my phone that, I didn’t put on it. I open it up and my jaw drops in disbelief. A video of last night flashes before my eyes and tears stream down my face. The last thing I remember is sitting at the bar, and a charming guy and his male friend walk up and ask me if I wanted a drink. I politely say yes but feel a bit hesitant. What the hell, I never do anything fun. The charming guy starts talking to my on my left while the other guy orders a drink for me on my right. I’m so distracted I didn’t even notice what he must have done behind my back. The male friend had slipped a date rape drug in my drink. A few minutes later, I’m dancing the night away with the charming man I never even asked for his name. Everything starts spinning and the room is going black. Then I see on my phone what happens next. I’m staggering in front of the male friend while the charming one is holding me up. He is practically dragging me down the streets. People pass us, and they laugh and tell them I had too much to drink. It is a lie. I see black fuzziness. All i can make out is a street light down a back alley. The charming man then grabs me by my throat, he dangles me in the air like a ragdoll. I don’t react. I don’t scream. I just give a blank dead stare that would even scare me to see. They look at each other and laugh. They start talking about how they were going to fuck the shit out of me. They laugh and discuss how they are going to beat my whore ass until I surrender myself to them. I begin to sob more profusely as I watch each new scene on my phone. He throws me down on the hard concrete, and I hear my head crack from the impact. I give the faintest moan and close my eyes. They check to make sure I’m still breathing. Funny, they are acting like they really care. The charming guy takes over the camera and films his friend ripping my pantyhose and skirt.  He then reaches up and rips open the buttons of shirt to expose my breast. He looks up and smiles to the camera. He proceeds to manhandle my boobs in the most uncaring way I’ve ever seen someone touch women. He then spreads my legs open and rips off my white silky panties. I’m completely exposed. I feel like a dirty skank.They take close ups and laugh in the background. They both start sticking multiple fingers in my pussy. I’m not even wet. You can see they’re ripping me with each finger they put in. I start to bleed. They finally stop and roll me over. I’m limp and don’t make a sound. I feel like it’s pointless to fight them. The charming man is now on top of me fucking me so hard I’m surprised he isn’t knocking me out. My head continually bangs against the concrete. He pulls my hair and chokes me hard. After a few minutes of this torture, he moans out in a pleasurable moan that makes me sick to my stomach. He stands up zips his pants and gives his friend a high-five. How could anyone be so sick? His male friend says it his turn. He laughs and says, “I’m gonna fuck that ass so hard you wont walk right for a week. I’ve never had ass sex before so when he jabs his cock in my ass I squeal out in utter pain. He laughs and says, “he’s gonna make sure that my ass is ready for the next time I decide to be a slut,” I wasnt even trying to be a slut. I just wanted one night to myself. NEVER AGAIN!! He only takes a minute or two until he is moaning in ecstacy. He turns me over, and they start to ram bottles and random objects in my pussy and ass. They laugh while blood is pouring everywhere. All of this torture goes on for what seems like forever. Finally, they are done using me as a fuck toy. The charming one says,  “this slut got what she deserved.” as his friend nods in agreement. They talk about how they’re sending the video to their phones to save with the other ones. Assholes have done this before. I can’t believe that this video is going to be spread around town. I’ll be the biggest joke ever. I drop my phone still in disbelief of what I just saw. I sit there rocking back and forth wanting to die. Tears stream down my cheeks. I close my eyes a few seconds. Then i realize that lights are flashing in my face. Someone has come to my rescue. I’m so happy. I’m gonna be okay. I will get over this pain.

Taboo Phone Sex

taboo phone sex

Saturday nights are perfect for two things, hard core fucking and great phone sex, sometimes at the same time! When you call me, we can talk about anything and you can bet your ass that I am getting off on it. I often finger fuck myself while on the phone, having rape fantasies and bondage daydreams. I love to be fucked hard, till I fucking bleed. I want to be taken by someone who just doesn’t give a fuck and will give it to me like a real man, without any care or concern on whether or not I am being hurt. Yes, fuck me like your life depends on it, and my life depends on pleasing you! Put a gun to my head and tell me not to cum on your cock until you give permission. Tie me up and beat me into submission, make me worship your cock before you cum all over me. I can’t wait to talk to you, call me tonight.

Bondage Phone Sex Whore

bondage phone sexDo you have bondage phone sex fantasies? I am a bondage whore. I love being tied up. I think it is the vulnerability I enjoy. Not knowing what might happen to me next. I met Brett at a bondage club. There are all sorts of rules at a club. We sparked, so we left the club and came back to his place. His bedroom was a BDSM palace. He had a bed designed especially for BDSM games. He chained me to the bar above the bed. I was worked up with anticipation of what might come next. But what came next was he left. He left his house with me chained to his bed.  It seemed like eternity before I heard the door open again. But who walked into the bedroom was not a man I knew. It was not Brett. I asked who he was. He slapped me hard across the face, then choked me until I passed out. I woke up with his dick down my throat.  Brett returned with a few more friends. What I thought would be some fun bondage games, turned into a gangbang rape porn. I was chained up and fucked in every hole. Some of the men forced booze down my throat until I was puking. I was a hot mess. Covered in puke and cum. His bed looked like a porn shoot with all the cum everywhere. Eventually the whips and chains made an appearance too. I should have stayed at the club. They have rules about the exchange of bodily fluids. Here I was a captive for a group of strangers using me as a human toilet and cum dumpster. They all passed out eventually, but I was still chained to the bar above Brett’s bed. I woke up the next day smelling of booze and sex. I was sore from my arms being suspended above me for almost 24 hours while fucked. I prayed they were done with me, but day two was just the beginning of a weeklong torture experiment.

Bondage Phone Sex with a Redheaded MILF Whore

bondage phone sex

I have a bondage phone sex story to share. I am a submissive whore. Normally, a pain slut fuck doll. Torture, snuff and rape fantasies and rough anal are among my favorite things. Bondage has always been a little vanilla for me actually. That all changed this weekend.  My dealer offered me a sweet deal. He had a big time supplier for shit heavier than I do who wanted to make a bondage film for his spank bank. His only requirement for the lead was that she be a red headed MILF. I was going to get my usual weekend blow package free for 6 months if I did this favor for him. I scratch his back he does the same for his heroin supplier, everyone is happy. It was not a happy ending; at least not for me. His dealer was Russian. A big tall burly man who looked like he could snap my neck with two fingers. As soon as I arrived, I knew I should not have agreed to this little endeavor. My greed for drugs got the best of me. Mr. X as he called himself,  immediately strung me up so I was suspended mid air. It was painful to say the least. My  legs were stretched out; I was gagged and my arms were pinned behind me as I hung from ropes above a thick tube of some sort. Mr. X was a puppet master, controlling the strings so I danced up and down this pole. It had the girth of a baseball bat, but was twice as long. He pulled some strings literally and he impaled my pussy on this fuck stick that gaped me wide open. The pain was unbearable. I have had many a big thing up my fuck holes, but the head of this torture sex device was covered in thumb tacks. Every time I was lowered down, my pussy and ass got impaled by sharp objects, shredding my insides. I passed out a few times. Nothing a bucket of ice cold water couldn’t revive. My torture lasted almost 12 hours. My pussy was shredded; my ass prolapsed and my dignity gone. But who needs dignity when you have 6 months of free coke?


snuff porn

She had always played  it off like she was so innocent, so perfect and I could never measure up. I was so fucking sick of everyone saying how wonderful that she was! I was better! I was even more tired of her looking down her snobby little nose at me. Today was the day that I would get my revenge. I would show everyone that the world would go on just fine without her. And with her gone, everyone would see that she wasn’t so great after all, and their attention would turn to me. I waited for her to come out of work and when she got close to her car, I made my move coming up behind her in the dark and wrapping my arms around her and pulling her to my master’s car. He was pleased with my prize, and was more than willing to help me snuff her out, but not before having some fun. We strapped her to a wall in the dungeon and I began using my curling iron to burn her oh-so-perfect skin. Not so perfect anymore! I burned her clit, spreading her legs wide then fucking her with the hot iron. Master loved it. He stuck his cock in her mouth to shut her up while I cut her and snuffed her out with a rope to her neck. Now she is listed as missing and everyone is looking. Soon enough they will give up and realize that she wasn’t so great after all.

Gangbang Rape Fantasy

taboo phone sexAs usual, I am having a rape fantasy. In this one; however, I am in gangbang rape fantasy. A bunch of bikers are having a party in a park and I happen to walk by when things were going strong. I am grabbed by several of them and dragged to a picnic table, then stretched out across the table on my back. Someone was holding each arm and both of my legs. One guy took out a pocket knife and cut off my clothes. The bikers were quick to whip their cocks out and put them in my mouth and pussy. Though I knew it was best not to struggle, I did anyway because I do love the fight and excitement it brings. It makes me so fucking wet and my orgasms are out of this fucking world. I was gangbanged, fucked repeatedly while many watched. I lost count at how many times that I came. I loved every fucking second of it.

Fuck Doll

Bloody phone sexI love being a good little fuck doll. I love being tied up, down, anyway that I am wanted and having the shit fucked out of me. Use my body as your cum dumpster. Choke me, slap me, beat me, kill me, I am yours to choose what to do with. My life and body is yours to use and to dispose of. I want to be your cum whore, I want to be filled with cum while you beat me bloody. I want you to end my useless life, and then fuck my dead body; I want you to get your fill out of me, any way that you think is best. I am forever your willing slut to use.

Accomplice Time

taboo phone sex

I got to be an accomplice yesterday, luring in a little bitch that my dom had been watching for some time. The thrill of the chase excites me, although this one didn’t run, but I did have to stalk her to determine her usual route home from school so that I could happen upon her easily. I stopped her and asked for directions to the nearest ice cream shop, and when she told me, I said that I’d like to buy her an ice cream. Easy enough, she was all for that! I texted my dom to let him know that I had her with me, and he came over in his car. He stopped on the side of the road that she and I were walking on, and I grabbed her and pushed her into the car.

When we got back to my dom’s dungeon, we tore off her clothes and gave her a good fucking. She bled like a fucking stuck pig and dom was very happy.

Blasphemy Sex – The Cultists

I had found the most beautiful old church in the middle of nowhere. I mean, it was like time had forgotten it. I decided to explore it a bit. The wood of the structure was turning gray with age, and when I walked inside, the flooring creaked and cracked. There were boards everywhere, and not a pew to be found. It was like someone had started deconstructing the church for remodeling some time back, and then abandoned all hope.
I thought I heard something, so I stood still and listened. When nothing else came to my ears, I kept moving through the church. I found an altar that still seemed to be in tact at the back of the church, and I set to explore it, but was grabbed from behind! I didn’t even have time to react, my arms and legs were grabbed so quickly. I saw nothing but robed figures. They all wore dark red robes with large hoods that completely covered their faces. They tied me to the altar and started to rip my clothes from my body. Hands massaged over my skin, and I couldn’t hold back the revolted shudder. Their laughter filled my ears, even as I struggled to keep my breathing even and not show any signs of the emotional distress I was feeling.
They bound my hands tightly with some thin cord that cut into me, and I had to bite back the yelp at the yank they issued to make sure it was tight. I knew that my blood was no longer flowing to my hands. They did the same to my ankles, and I had to hold back another yelp of pain. By that point, I was so scared that I was actually trembling, but you’d have never known if they noticed it or not. They worked quickly and methodically.
A bowl and knife were brought out, and they started slicing into me at various points on my body – all of them over vital organs. I felt the blood slowly leaking out of my body from those points as the knife was inserted into my cunt. With a great thrust and then a twist, they managed to separate me from my uterus, and yanked it out. At that point, there was no holding back the screams as I slowly bled out onto the floor.Blasphemy sex

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies – Kidnapped

Murder phone sex fantasiesHis voice chilled me to my very bone. He had called twice before, issuing what I had thought were empty threats by way of prank phone calls. But, this time, I had chills going up and down my spine.

*3 days later*

He grabbed me after I left the grocery store. He has me tied up in the back seat of his car, and I have no idea where he’s taking me. I am so scared!! Oohh, we’re stopping! Please let there be people around!!! No!!!! No people, only trees!! Why?!

He’s carried me to a clearing, and oh gods!! He’s cutting my clothes off with a knife!! He’s crushing me, and … ahhhhhh, that hurts!! I think he ripped my cunt open!! I can’t scream with this damned gag!! Why is he doing this to me?! Oh god, my lungs!! He’s crushing my chest; his hands are so big, and his fists are just crushing my chest!!! I think that’s a broken….Yep, that’s a broken rib!! Someone please help me?! What’s that? Oh, please gods, NO!! Please? I can’t breathe. I can’t…