Tag: Bondage phone sex

I am so stupid

I am such a stupid little slut and I do not know why my master even lets me out to pee sometimes. I feel like I should not be aloud to cum or breathe without his permission. I was such a bad girl, my master told me to put my ass in the air so he could give me my daily spanking, and I was such a bad girl. I asked hum if I could have his huge cock afterwards.

Snuff porn

I know better. I am not allowed to ask anything or even blink without his permission and I was way to bold asking for his cock. I need to be punished. Master said he is going to put his shoe up my ass and that he will break my back by stepping on my spine until I beg for forgiveness. I do not know what I was thinking. I will  have deserved everything that master gives me. I just hope I can earn his cock back because I love it so.

Hands Around My Neck

Strangulation phone sexI made so much money tonight walking the streets selling pussy, I was excited to go home and hand the cash over to my man. But no amount of money is ever enough to satisfy him, he’ll always find a way to be angry.
“Bitch, what are you smiling about, this ain’t shit!” he said while counting the cash.
“It’s never enough for you!” I screamed.
And that was my biggest mistake, talking back to my man was a big no no. He threw the money at my face and flew towards me and wrapped his hands around my neck. He squeezed my neck harder and harder. I clawed at his fingers, trying to escape his grip. I finally just stopped fighting and accepted my fate…I was about to die. I faded into darkness.
When I opened my eyes, my man was fucking me. His dick was pumping my pussy hard and fast. His sweat dripped onto my face mixing up with my tears. If I don’t get out of this abusive relationship I was going to die.

Snuff Sex in the Club

snuff sex

Snuff sex is not what I was expecting. I was expecting bondage. It was an underground bondage club. That was what the ad said when it was announcing its big grand opening. The ad specially called for bondage whores  to come and explore their underground world. Submissive whores like me soon discovered the ads were just a rouse to lure prey there. I fell for it too. I was not the only one. I was in a room, suspended from an overhead beam when a man in an executioner’s mask walked in. I thought it was role play; master and servant kind of games. After I blew him, I found out bondage was the furthest thing from his mind. He pulled out a very menacing serrated blade. He made sure to tell me in graphic detail about all the pigs he has gutted with that blade. I was quivering. His voice was sinister. The look in his eyes told me that this was no role play game to him. I was right. He cut off my right nipple, then my left one. I was forced to chew on my own whore nipples. The torture sex did not stop there. Next up was both breasts. He cut them off like he was cutting of a chicken thigh to eat. I passed out from the pain and shock of seeing my own blood and flesh pooling beneath me. How dare I pass out. He punched me in the face, breaking my nose and jolting me awake. He skinned me alive. Tore the flesh off my body, slowly and deliberately to torture me. I heard screams and cries from all over. I knew this was no bondage club. This was one big snuff porn shoot, only it was not fake. I was not getting out of this club unless it was in a body bag.

Black Leather and Wet Flesh

Sadistic phone sex I didn’t make enough money tonight and my man was pissed. I walked up and down the Houston streets, but came home with $200 and that’s not enough to keep my man high all night long. When I came through the door and gave him the money he didn’t show his anger at first. He smiled, kissed my forehead, and told me to take a hot shower. Relief flowed through my body because I thought I was in the clear. I went upstairs and got in the shower. The hot water and soap erased the saliva and cum from the tricks that paid me for a good time. I closed my eyes and let the water cleanse my face…
But my man busted in the bathroom and grabbed me from the shower by my hair, pulling the shower curtain and rod from the wall. He dragged me to our bedroom and flung my body to the floor. He pulled a leather belt from the closet and wrapped it around his fist. I cried out and begged for forgiveness but he wasn’t hearing it. He hit my wet flesh over and over again. The pain was so bad that I blacked out eventually, but when I would wake up he would start whipping me again. When he finally stopped my body was covered in welts. I need to get out of this relationship but I can’t leave him.

Forced To Take Pictures

Teen Rape Porn


I was walking home from school today when I got distracted. A guy in a yellow VW Beetle Pulled up and asked if I wanted a ride. You were so handsome! I accepted the offer and you asked if I wanted to have a drink at your place. We were getting along fine so I figured why not! We got back to your place and he quickly shut the door behind him, motioning to you sofa. I sat down and took the glass of wine you offered. That’s when you start to spell out the way this situation is going to work. I am going to let you take naked photos of me OR you are going to kill me. Fuck- that’s a bad deal but I guess I have to just listen to you. I start stripping and you start snapping away. I have tears and fear in my eyes. Once I’m naked you walk up and start fucking my face. You hump at my face so hard I start coughing up blood. You pull at my tits and cunt so hard it leaves bruises. I am so scared, I think you plan was to kill me all along. What happens next? Do you kill me or let me live?

Daddy’s Little Helper

Accomplice Phone Sex


Daddy knows I’ll do anything for him. So it was natural that he asked me to be his helper for his newest obsession. He picks me up from cheer practice and we cruise around in the van looking for victims. Daddy never really spends quality time with me and I especially like this new game because it gives me a little bit of a break from being his punching bag.

He especially loves girls my age and so we have been hitting the mall lately. I lie and tell them my daddy is a photographer looking for fresh faces and we con them into going for a ride. Next thing they know, they are being chloroformed and tied up in the back of daddy’s van. We take lots of pictures of them so I guess daddy being a photographer isn’t a total lie. But anyway, I really like it when they cry and beg. Daddy has me gag them with my cunt- “climb on top of their face, baby”, he says sweetly to me. I put my bald went cunt right on their faces, fix my knees down on their arms and let daddy do his thing! Daddy really loves it when I make our victims drink my piss. He orders me to pee right down their throat just as he is about to fill up a struggling bald cunny. Watching those little legs trying to fight my big mean daddy off is just such a thrill!

After we’re done we start having to figure out what to do with our leftovers. Did you have any ideas?


Ass Rape Porn in the Back of a Truck

ass rape pornDo you watch ass rape porn videos?  Sometimes, I willingly make them, other times I am too high to realize what is happening. Then there are times like last Thursday night, where I am forced against my will to star in one. I ran out of gas on my way to score some weekend medicine. It was dark, raining and I was not in a good part of town. My cell phone was dead, so I could not call for assistance. I knew there was a gas station a couple miles down the road, so I walked. I was about halfway there when a car stopped for me. A couple of college aged boys. They looked like fish out of water in that part of town. They were looking to score drugs or pussy was my guess, but I didn’t look a gift horse in the mouth when they told me to hop in. The car was one of those old school Ford trucks with a cab on top. As I was sitting between them, I got a bad vibe. I could see the lights of the Marathon Station when the driver made a hard right onto a side street. Before I could say anything, the other boy put a soaked bandana over my mouth. I woke up bound and gagged on a dirty mattress in the back of the cab. It was stained with blood, urine and who knows what else. The driver was pounding my ass bare back, while his friend filmed it. My body contorted in the most uncomfortable position ever. Every trust deep into my ass shoved my face further into the soiled mattress. The other boy joined his friend in the anal torture sex. Two cocks at once in my ass without any sort of lube tore my ass in two. After they came in me, they contemplated what to do with me. I thought for sure my throat would be slit with the rusty knife I saw laying in the corner of the truck. But they tossed me out the back in the rain, tied up, naked, with cum leaking out of my ass. No one found me until the morning. No one with two legs that is…

No Escape

Sadistic phone sexMy boyfriend gave me to you for two crack rocks. He said you could do anything to me, but leave my face unmarked. When my boyfriend walked out of the door leaving me alone with you, you punched me hard in my stomach. I fell to my knees trying to breath because you knocked the wind out of me. You pull me back up on my feet by my air, and spit in my face. Tears fall down my face because I know this is only the beginning. You make me follow you to a room in the back of your home. Panic sinks in my stomach as I look around this room and see all your torture devices. You laugh when you see the fear in my eyes, and you break my man’s rule and slap me hard across my face. I see your hard cock print in your pants, my pain is giving you pleasure. You pull a hook down from the ceiling and bind my hands to it. You pull a rope on the wall and it lifts the hook back uo to the ceiling. Tied to the hook and hanging in the air, I can’t run and there’s no escape. You pull a whip from the wall and hit me over and over again, leaving red welts all over my body. Someone out there, please help me!

OBGYN Dark Medical Fantasy

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If you’re the doctor I have to let you do anything you want. You’re a medical professional who should be treated with respect. Make me open my little legs up wide so you can insert the speculum. This isn’t a typical device- yours opens much bigger than it really should. Watch me squirm around while you open my unwilling little cunt up as far as you want. You realize I’m not going to make this easy so you ask a male nurse to come in and hold me down for the rest of the examination. His cock swells up when he sees the tears in my eyes he decides to start throat fucking me while you jack off right at the opening of my pussy. Then you go to your drawer and get a wart removal iron and begin mutilating my clit- this should stop me from slutting around town since I won’t be able to enjoy pleasure from stimulation down there anymore. Just when I hope it’s all finally over, you remove the speculum so that you and the nurse can put both of your cocks inside me. Blood and cum everywhere, you tell me I can get dressed and leave. I secretly can’t wait for my next visit even though it hurt so bad. Call me to confirm my next appointment!


Sadistic phone sexMy drug addict boyfriend sold me to you for $200. I’m scared because I see the evil in your eyes. And my judgement id right on the nail, because as soon as my man leaves you slap my face hard. You drag me by the hair to your basement. I look around and see that you’ve turned your basement into a torture chamber. You tie my hands together and hang me from the ceiling. You cut my clothes off with a knife, nicking my flesh several times because you’re in a rush. Next you grab a pitcher full of water a throw the cold water on my naked body. I’m shivering and my are teeth chattering with tears falling down my face. But it gets worse when you grab a leather horse whip and strike my wet flesh over and over again. No one can hear my screams. No one was going to rescue me.