Tag: Bloody Phone Sex

Snuff porn with my girl a big dick and my bloody pussy

Snuff pornSnuff porn has always made my tiny pink cunty squirty! Oh Hells bells it has been such a bloody week and I have came so hard my body is still recovering from violent sex. I watched five different real snuff flicks over my holiday break. My boyfriend brought over some good snacks and coke, and weed! My girlfriend was elated to have a nice big cock all week to ourselves. 

Snuff porn with my girl a big dick and my bloody pussy

We are normally some daddies jail bait fantasy during the week and they fuck us and leave.  But we have an older boyfriend who is so fucked up in the head he also has a nice big mean dick! He showed us so many girls being ravaged and killed in these high dollar underground videos.

Watching someone fucked so hard before and after death is amazing. Just cracking bones, and splitting skulls has me eating my girls cunt while he fucks my period pussy! 

Now after watching men have Sex with dead bodies so beautiful, I wonder if we could find our own fuck meat to kill and fuck after life!

Ass rape porn under a dark Christmas tree

Ass rape porn

Ass rape porn. I invited you over for some fun but my man was not impressed. My dark Christmas tree shows my true goth passion for death and dark shit. As soon as you came in I was dressed for sex success, grabbing you by the neck and throwing you down as you enter the door.

“Fuck my ass bitch” I tell you. You bend me over and slip my panties to the side. I love ass sex and my man doesn’t give it to me enough. You whip out your thick girthy cock head and slip it in my soft pink spot. It’s so tight on your shaft your about to blow, we have a problem though, I hear my man and I have to get rid of you quick and clean.

As your cock is deep inside my shit hole and I turn around and stab  the fuck outa you, using knife play, your blood dripping down your neck you fall to the floor after I cum all over your cock. My man will never know you fucked my ass.

Snuff Sex Slut Walks into Your Murder Phone Sex Fantasies

snuff sexThe sick need for snuff sex can’t be stopped. You see a drunk whore walking alone at night and you need to push your dick in her. Before you can stop your self you have a wire wrapped around her neck. You squeeze until the slut stops fighting and loses consciousness. Then your cock is inside her. No matter what women say, that wet tight cunt is made to be fucked. Whether she likes it or not. 

You have her legs forced apart when she wakes back up screaming and flailing around. You cover her mouth but don’t stop fucking. You can’t stop fucking. That’s when you hear my footsteps coming. You take the knife out of your pocket and stab it through her chest and cover her mouth. Your cock starts twitching. You’re so close to cumming, but a drunk slut like me was about to ruin it. 

Fuck Me On Her Corpse

I get close enough to see the knife sticking out of her chest. I turn to run, but you grab my ankle. I trip and you drag me to her corpse. Then you throw me on top of her. You pull the knife out of her chest and the blood gushes out and all over my body. When you press it to my neck I stop fighting. It’s like your murder phone sex fantasies are all coming true at once. 

You rip my panties off and throw them into the pool of blood. You’ve already torn a cunt apart. so you force your cock into my tight asshole. The scream sends shivers to your cock. And the fighting. I’m just making my asshole milk your cock even more. I stare down at your last victim. My tears fall onto her face while you fuck your cum into my cunt. 

Castration Phone Sex Because The World Already Has Too Many Losers

castration phone sexCastration phone sex is what I want for Christmas. And I do not care if you want it or not. I am the wicked butcher. Always armed with a big knife, I stalk my prey like a hunter. Last night, I went hunting at college bars. I knew I would find some jerk frat boy with useless equipment I could remove. And as it turned out, I had a plethora of candidates to choose from.

I went with the drunk frat boy who I observed insulting girls. This guy did not look like any prize either. However, he acted like he was the best thing that could ever happen to a college girl. I watched him insult girls left and right when they rejected him. But when he insulted me thinking that crap would get him laid, I decided he would get my Merry Christmas cock and ball torture sex for free.

I brought him home. Made him think I was drunk and horny. But I was neither. At least not for him. I made him undress for me to confirm what I already knew. And I had the proof of his worthless junk right in front of me. If he measured 4 inches hard, I would be shocked. But I acted like I wanted to suck that cock so bad. My performance seemed Oscar worthy, LOL.

Men Need to See Their Junk as a Privilege Not an Entitlement

While in front of him, on my knees, I pulled out my knife and slashed his balls right off. His blood sprayed all over my face. But that’s not a problem. I bathe in blood. He started screaming and calling me names. I am impervious to that shit. I watched him run around my house like a chicken with his head cut off.

Neutering him was my Christmas gift to all coeds on his campus. And women everywhere. The world does not need another asshole male. He eventually passed out from blood loss. So, while he was out, I gave him a drug to erase his memory and knock him out so I could cauterize his wound and dump him in the woods near the bar I picked him up at.

When he wakes up, he will have no clue what happened to him. No memory of me. And no memory of how he lost his worthless nuts. Merry Bloody Phone Sex Christmas you filthy animals.

Rape phone sex fantasies feed you

Blood leaking all down her legs turns you on, you sick fuck. Your Rape phone sex fantasies are what feed you.  “Tie her up and take her panties off” you demand of me as you push a young bitch to the ground. Since I was raised being an accomplice, I know what I must do. If I don’t, I’m the one punished. Therefore, I get her naked and tie her up. “If you do as he says it will go easier” I whisper in her ear as I stuff her panties in her mouth. What you really want is to be able to use your pcock to dominate a young bitch.

Her little hole getting ripped open makes you feel powerful. That’d why you wrap your hands around her dick and ram your cock in her virgin cunt. “Open up for me or pay” you grunt as you force your cock inside her. By now my pussy is wet. Only because I have seen a tight hole getting opened up. The blood dripping down to your balls makes her cry. “Bitch milk my, you were made to be used” you moan as you hard fuck her young cunt. You use the blood to lube of your dick to force yourself deeper inside her. “She is tighter than the last young hoe I napped” you moan as you fuck her.

Rape phone sex fantasies

That only told me that, you wouldn’t last too long from the hard torture fuck you are giving her. But I know what gets you off. You need to know that you choose what happens to her. That’s when you wrap your hands around her neck and pound her harder. I see her eyes starting to roll and her body starts to limp up. That’s doesn’t stop you from ripping her little young pussy hole open, it makes it better. “Milk me with you little body whore, or I’ll just get rid of you” you grunt as you fuck her hard.

Finally, your bloody cock starts to explode inside her. But you don’t stop there you wrap your hands tighter around her neck until you suffocate her. “When she goes limp, you will clean her cunt” you demand of me. After a bit more she went limp. Then you pop your cock out and get me ready to clean her up. Fuck I want a fuck toy to myself, is all I think about. 

Kidnapped Used And Abused

Kidnapping phone sexKidnapping phone sex.  I was leaving work digging in my purse for my keys when my mouth and nose is covered from behind, everything goes blank, when I wake up  in a strange room,naked  hanging from the ceiling, bound by ropes, a full face gag on my head, I try to squirm and wiggle free but that only makes the ropes tighter. You hear my muffled screams through the door, Shut the fuck up whore! Screaming wont help you now, If you want to make it out of this alive you will keep your fucking mouth shut! you tell me as you run the blade of a very sharp knife across my throat,tears running down my face, you lick them with a sticky tongue that smells of cigarettes and whiskey, I hear your pants unzip, feel a hard cock pressed against my soft ass, my ass cheeks spread wide and your thick cock shoved in my asshole no lube only your funky saliva on the head of your huge fucking cock, fucking me up my ass for what seems like hours first your cock , then a dildo that had to be about 3 inches around,my asshole was on fire its now numb, my whole body is numb from hours and hours of being tortured and abused at the hands of you, I have been tased ,whipped, choked,pissed on, spit on. When your friends arrived you removed my gag so they could rape my mouth, fill it with cum , piss,one of the nasty motherfuckers even spit in my mouth. Just when I think the torture is over, you bring in a furry four leg friend to mount me, filling my sore pussy with his red rocket spewing his load inside me, When his furry cock finally returns to its normal size he gets off me. Thankfully nobody wants to follow up behind him, I’m determined to be useless until one of you decides to take a huge shit on my chest. You blindfold me, wrapping my bruised and abused body in a dirty blanket,Knocking me out with a chemical soaked cloth, When I come to I’m naked in a field covered in shit, piss cum and any other body fluids you can think of. 

Santa’s little elf get’s kidnapped and fucked

Accomplice phone sexAccomplice phone sex. Late at night I love prowling the streets for young fucks to bring home to torture with my partner, sir big cock. He’s an evil man who’s uses his 12 inch cock to rip, tear, and force fuck his victims. And I’m the chosen whore to help. I get off watching him, cumming in my panties while I help hold them down.

Tonight’s the town Christmas parade and the street’s are filled with pray.  Dressed in all black leather I jump on the back of Santa’s slay and I spot a hot little elf. I grab her by the hair, knife in hand and drag her to my master. I gag her mouth and tie her down to our dead bed, blood dripping from my cuts. Aww, poor thing is whimpering like a little bitch, so I smack the shit out of her. Sir cock cuts open her little white leotard and assaults her tight little pussy. Shredding and tearing her cunt. Her creamie exposed while he fucks the living shit out of her. This bitch won’t stay still so I leash her up like a dog and hold her leg’s up high.

My snatch leaking goey white cum as his cock smashes her cervix. She’s out cold making it even easier for us to finish off this elf slut bag.

Ass rape porn of a different kind will be perfect with you

Ass rape pornAss rape porn of a different kind will be perfect with you! When you first think of it, you think of some young little slut bent over while a big stud is ramming into her. But that’s not what I am talking about. You are going to be the victim and I am going to be the stud, get it?

First, you are going to have to taste it. My asshole is going to give you mouth to mouth until you turn purple. The only air you will be able to breath will be sucked out my asshole slave. When I tell you to tongue counter clockwise be sure to follow my orders because I will not hesitant to snuff you out. There are plenty of slaves like you that will eagerly take your place.

My thighs will squeeze your head tightly and I will grind and smother your face until you’re totally broken. You will respect my dominance and as you gasp for air you will know better than to beg for my mercy. Once I have conquered your soul, I shall bend you over, exposing your vulnerable hole for all to see.

 I shall invite my faithful cocks, the masters of my twisted harem, to plunge into your depths, tearing away the last vestiges of your innocence. You will be their plaything, their fuck toy, a vessel for their perverse pleasure.

But fear not, for I shall be your guiding light, your shepherd through this den of decadence. I shall push your boundaries, stretch your limits, and lead you down a path of extreme sensuality and Torture sex. You will emerge from this dark odyssey, forever changed, forever mine.


Violent Phone Sex Christmas Because It’s More Fun to Spread Christmas Fear

violent phone sexViolent phone sex Christmas has a nice ring to it. Don’t you agree? I love to spread fear this time of year. But I am no Grinch. I am not stealing presents from little brats. Instead, I am castrating perverts and men who annoy me. Even men who try to ruin Christmas for others.

Last week, a woman hired me off the dark web. She wanted revenge on her ex-husband who refuses to pay support or help get his brats Christmas gifts. He sounded like a real Grinch to me. So, I knew what I needed to do. Castrate her ex for free. I normally do not kill or torture for free. But I guess I was in a giving mood. The holidays make me want to give back.

She gave me all the info I needed. And I asked her if she wanted me to kill him, but she said no. She just wanted to hurt him and scare him into paying support. So, I paid her ex a visit in the middle of the night. I used the hidden key to get inside. Easy peasy. I found him sleeping. More like passed out drunk. Well, that makes castration phone sex so much easier.

Not All Men Deserve To Have Their Balls

I tied him up to his bed and he still did not wake up. He sleeps nude. Which made it easier too. When I slapped him awake, he thought one of his friends sent him a hooker. I do not look like a hooker. He wished I was one though after I took his junk. I put a castration band around his nuts and just waited as his balls turned blue.

While we waited for that, I encouraged him to help his family out more or I would take his cock and his life too. He deserved to be neutered. According to his ex-wife, he blows all his money on hookers and young sugar babies. Since he can no longer fuck, he can spend money on his brats now.

I made a bloody phone sex mess out of his bed. Although I untied him from his bed, I knew he was in too much pain and shock to come after me.  I spread Christmas fear in him. But his ex-wife sees it more as Christmas cheer. You better watch out men, this wicked butcher knows if you have been good or bad.

Home invasion phone sex wear the red suit.

  Home invasion phone sex           Home invasion phone sex wear the red suit. Dripping and soaked in blood. Big black boots. White pristine gloves. This time of year, breaking in, stealing them blind. It will not be noticed. Just like home alone. All the people are gone. Now we find the loot, take possession. Anyone left…oops be the bloody killer you want to be.

            The red suit will soak up the blood. Home invasions are a great way to kill someone, cut them up, suffocate them, at the same time get your dick wet. Now I know as the misses in the house the cunt will be dripping. Right alongside of you going to help your soak all in.

            Have that Killer phone sex with your whore. Edging you. Santa Claus is perhaps an elf. In some places called good old St. Nick. Dropping to my knees sucking your cock while you are strangling some little brat that is on good list to death.

            Feel the hardness as you wrap your hands around that scrawny neck. Squeeze with all you might. The saying might be Momma had a brat, and the head popped off but I do believe it good old St. Nick came a calling and a bloody massacre happened in the home invasion. It’s a killer time of the year.