I love digging through the dumpster at the hospital. You find all kinds of interesting things. Yesterday I found an annal speculum. Today I am going to find someone to use it on in both the medical sense of the word and the sadistic one. I tried all day and couldn’t find one single mark so I guess it is back to the old standby. I saw a beautiful big German Shepard in someones yard. He barked like a mad man till I got up to him with some raw meat. A little bit of fight and it is all gone for food. He followed me all the way home. All the way to his doom. It has been a long time since I mutilated an animal and my cunt was on fire! I love it when I start and their animal instinct kicks in, when they try to bite and fight to survive, hearing them yelp and whine, spurs me on. The first hing I had to do was use my new toy, shoving it up his ass and spreading it wide open as far as it could go. The howls of pain were music to my ears! Then I poured hot wax inside him and the cries became yelps. By the end of my torture he was mutilated beyond recognition. The fun part was taking him back and dumping him in his yard watching from the bushes as his family found him. I had another great orgasm watching them cry over his mutilated corpse!
Tag: Bloody Phone Sex
Mutalation Madness
A Young Sadistic
My earliest memories of being a sadistic go way back. It was really cold out and we were getting in the car to go to school. Daddy started the car and we heard the loud thud under the hood. When we got out of the car and looked there was a mutilated cat. That bitch was cut the fuck up, blood and guts everywhere. I felt a twinge of excitement and just laughed like hell while my father and sister where mortified. I couldn’t believe their reaction. After that I started grabbing every stray animal I could find in the neighborhood to take into the woods and torture and mutilate. The older I got the thrill went from just pleasure and enjoyment to sexual satisfaction. Fucking up the animals made my nipples hard, my pussy tingle and turned me the fuck on. When I finally learned about how to touch myself and finger fuck myself, making my pussy cum, I found that it wasn’t the same unless I was fucking an animal up or looking at and touching their mutilated bodies. I went on a couple of dates as a teenager and had vanilla sex with a couple of boys and they just couldn’t get me off. I always had to go find some animal to mutilate in order to get off. It seemed like a natural progression to fuck up people and the rush was even greater! I guess I was born a sadistic!
Money Can’t Save You
I can’t believe my luck. I found an ad in the paper looking for someone to care for an ailing elderly man that is fucking loaded. His wife is to old to care for him herself. I decided to give them a call and make an appointment for an interview. As I pulled up to the house, it is a creepy looking old mansion that reeks of secrets, age and money. Good thing I like that look, the darker the better and this place looks like it is straight out of a Steven King novel or something. Just looking at the joint was making me hot as fuck. Grabbing the huge brass knocker I pound it loud, these old fucks might not have their hearing aides turned up. I was surprised when she answered the door and not some hired help. She looked younger then I had expected and had a nasty fucking attitude. I decided right then I wanted this fucking job and I would derive great pleasure form not only fucking her up and taking her down a notch or two but robbing her rich ass blind. She offered me tea and she sat interviewing me all prim and proper with her nose in the air. I answered her questions while envisioning how I was going to torture and fuck her up, slowly and with great pleasure. I started right away and after meeting her bedridden husband and touring the mansion she had me change into the uniform that she had for me. During the tour I saw many of her own things that I would use to torture her over the coming weeks. I learned that there was no other staff in the house, just her, her husband and myself. Going to the basement to start the laundry I found the perfect place to tie her up. Pretending there was something wrong with the washer I got her to the basement and bound her to the radiator pipe. Warning her that it was about to get hot I went up stairs and turned the furnace on, letting it heat up while I gathered all the things that caught my eye earlier. When I got back to the basement she had already burnt her arm pretty good trying to get loose and touching her arm to the hot pipe, she was sweating so much I couldn’t tell if she was crying too. My pussy got wetter the closer I got and the more fear I saw on her face. This was going to bring me a lot of pleasure!
Now You See Me Now You Don’t
I love Hitchcock movies but one of my favorite is “The Lady That Vanishes” I imagine myself being on a train, sitting next to a stranger. Her beauty is breath taking but as soon as she opens her mouth she is a bimbo. Her voice is high pitched and whinny and nothing she says makes any sense. She instantly gets on my nerves and the overwhelming desire to slit her throat is becoming more then I can stand. Knowing that I can vanish and no one will believe I was ever there, I wait till she falls asleep. As soon as she is in a deep slumber I tie her arms to the armrest on the seat and stuff her dainty, lacy kerchief in her mouth. I take out my knife and begin slicing her wrists. Her eyes fly open and her crys are muffled. I know I am not cutting her to kill her but enough to cause the blood to flow and the pain to be felt. As she stares at me wide eyed and the blood drips from her wounds, I bend down and lick the blood off her flesh. I sit up and wipe my mouth before smiling sweetly at her. As I pull the handkerchief from her mouth I vanish. Her screams bring the other passengers to her side and her incoherent babbling about the vanishing woman lands her in a padded cell at the next town’s psychiatric ward. I often visit her there, causing her pain, driving her crazy slowly as I smile and vanish each time. No one believes her because it is impossible for anyone to get in and out of her cell without being detected. What a perfect version of Hitchcock’s movie, with my own special twist!
Blood Slut
I love the sight of it. Delicious, pooling red richness as deep and vibrant as a liquid jewel. It gets me hot. It makes me wet . . . and it rushes me with the capricious adrenaline of a sick, heartless bitch. I want to grab your hair in the palm of my hand and twist those dark locks around my fingers. Tangling them, grasping them, holding your head in my hands. I want to crack open your skull against the wall and whisper at you to hush, shushing you maternally as your own blood is gurgling in the back of your throat, as you’re choking and sputtering as your life is dying, as you’re leaving this plane of existence and my clawing fingers are shoved up your pussy, violating you and watching you suffer with your dignity shattered at my feet. I suck your life, take your soul, laugh in absolute pleasure. I get high on your pain. I love to see you hurting, it fills me with such glee at your expense. That kind of abject control. That kind of power makes my heart beat faster, my veins pump harder, and my legs wild enough to wrap around a man three times over again. I love a good blood slut. I’m a pain whore . . . ‘cus I just love to cause it. I lean over you and absorb it into me like energy draining right from your soul. I’m a succubus of pain. And while you’re taking your last breath, I’ll shove the tubeless truck iron into your uterus that much deeper, laughing at your misery and filled to the brim with deadly elation. When you’re just about to expire, I whisper how your mother won’t miss you, she’s better off without you anyway. I tell you what I’m going to do when I sneak into your house and kill your cat tonight. The helpless agony of a million broken dreams and guilt as everything is lost at my fingertips. The utter and depressing hurt in your eyes. Yeah, baby. It’s my aphrodisiac.
Teen Models Wanted
What a wicked and well planed scheme. The warehouse was just out of town and had been abandoned for a long time. The exterior was in great shape and the interior was perfect for a fake set up in front and a glorious torture chamber in back.
The ad was short, sweet and cheap and the response was overwhelming!
I set up appointments as the secretary and was ready and waiting for them.
The first Mother/Daughter duo was stunning. Of course I started snapping photos and gaining their trust right away.
Then it was time for a break or so they thought. My heart raced as I took them to the back and used one against the other while recording the whole thing.
The poor Mother knew if she didn’t do as I said her Daughter would suffer and the Daughter knew the same.
I began by cutting their pretty little faces and making them lick the blood off each other. Keeping the torture simple for now, until the others arrived.
As the day worn on five Mother/Daughter duos showed up. More then enough for a night of hideous torture and mutilation, destroying their beauty, accompanied by my pleasure and endless orgasms.
All of it on film. Fucking the little ones with knives, removing nipples one at a time, cutting and slashing and delighting in the screams and pain.
Today I sleep amongst the corpses and tonight I get rid of all of them.
I love it when a plan comes together!
I Love Blood
Have I told you how much I love blood? Well in case I haven’t let me tell you now. When I am playing with my pets I like to watch their blood flow right from their bodies. I like when they are alive and I cut them lightly but deep enough to watch the blood start to come to the surface and flood over their skin. I was playing with someone recently and I had them standing up with their hands tied above their heads and their feet in the shackles attached to my floor. I like to stretch them out in this position. Then I take a small paring knife and make several little cuts all over their body. Make the incisions fast and then stand back and just admire my work. The blood comes to the surface so slowly. I have a chair that I will sit in and spread my legs wide and touch my wet pussy while I watch them slowly bleed. The best are the unwilling because then I not only get to see the blood but I also get to watch them cry. Blood running down their body making it look almost like paint and then throw in the tears and I am cumming. I fucking love blood!
Unmasked Lust=Evil Phone Sex
He didn’t even try to hide the lust in his eyes. The look was dark and as his eyes ran up and down me. I could feel him undressing me in his mind, imagining the curves of my body with out my clothes on. He looked like a wild animal ready to take his mate, hard and rough. I could tell by the way he looked he had it in him to demean his woman, he was used to being in control. He carried himself with an air of confidence and arrogance. Just the kind of man I love to tame. A challenge I am always up for!
I approached him with all the sickening sweetness i could muster without puking in my mouth. I wanted him to think I was demure and shy and oh so innocent.
My act worked perfectly. He invited me back to his place with a satisfied and evil smirk on his face. I accepted with cum soaked panties knowing I would take him down a notch, or two, or three.
As soon as we got to his place he made us a drink and I opened the pill into his drink, waiting for it to take effect, all the while creaming in my panties.
I knew he would be to heavy to move so I have to tie him up right there on the floor.
I find a nice sharp knife in the kitchen and take off all my clothes waiting for him to stir. When he opens his eyes I stand over his face and spread my pussy lips and ask him if this is what he wanted tonight. He is so confused; poor thing.
I begin cutting the clothes off his body and I can feel him shaking but his macho attitude is keeping him in control, or so he thinks.
I lick the blade and begin shaving his legs, he is a hairy one…
The closer I get to his penis the less he can maintain his composure…..ahhhhhhh yes this is what I have waited for….The tip of the blade touches his balls and he urinates all over himself, making me cum and earning him a nice big slice on his inner thigh. He cries out in pain, bad move. I go to the kitchen and cme back with a box of salt and pour it all into his wound.
“Don’t you enjoy demeaning women?” I ask. He nods his head but doesn’t speak.
“It’s going to be a long night for you” I say with a smile….
Mmm, What A Bloody Mess
I knew from the look on your face you were more than pleased with my little surprise I brought home for you. Isn’t she sweet baby, so pretty, fresh and innocent…oh but not for long because we are going to subject her to things grown men couldn’t ever dare think about.
But, people like you and I crave all that is depraved and evil don’t we, we’re addicted to it and I am the perfect accomplice to feed your addiction. When I push her down to her knees before you, you take my hand and pull me close to you. Kissing me deeply I feel your hand slide up inside my thigh to my wet smooth pussy, fingering my swollen clit.
You tell me I went beyond your expectations with this tiny worthless little cunt, that perfect untouched body is all ours now and we’ll put her through unimaginable brutal torture. Just how much pain and gore can that tiny body withstand….well, we’ll find out for ourselves right now.
Mmm, doesn’t she look delicious strapped down with her wrists and ankles bound like that? Hearing her whimper and moan makes my cunt drip and throb harder. Fucking with her mind is almost as fun as fucking her fresh, tight body. When she cries out for her Mommy, I tell her that her Mommy didn’t want her worthless, pathetic little waste of space anymore and gave her to us!
Ohhh my, the look of incredulity on her face is priceless, breaking down her body and soul is so addicting, it’s so hard not to laugh right in her little face…so I do! Giggles Mmm, the blood lust between us is growing stronger and more intense, all those dark hidden taboo fantasies that you keep hidden in the dark corner of your mind are finally realized.
After I’ve had her eat out my sweet, pink snatch while you fucked her up her ass hole I show you something I’ve made special for this occasion. I made a very special dildo for you to use on that tight, young cunnie. It’s a ten inch dildo that I have attached broken shards of glass, hooks and pieces of broken razors fashioned on it….isn’t it beautiful?
Make sure she gets a nice long look at it and let her know exactly what you’re going to do with it, I mean I believe in being very truthful. And the truth is, this little worthless cunt is going to experience every degrading, demeaning and hardcore torture/fuck session we can think of.
Are you ready to finally let go and cum with me. let me lead you to all those and rape phone sex fantasies you’ve been trying to ignore? Your cock is throbbing right now just thinking about it and believe me it only gets better!
My First Willing Victim
I had a willing victim to play with! I won him at a local club that I belong to. He knew that I planned on snuffing him out. I told him that I was going to keep him for a weekend and hurt him and then kill him on Sunday after I was done playing with him. I won him on Thursday night and I brought him back to my house and let him sleep most of Friday. I wanted him to sit and ponder what his future may bring. Friday evening came and I thought I may burst. I needed to play with him. I had waited long enough. I went into the room where I had him chained to the wall. It is a room in my basement. It has a dirt floor and no furniture at all. There is a hole in the ground for him to piss and shit in. I have had him in here naked the entire time. I take him out of the room and lead him into the main part of my basement. I have all sorts of toys hanging on the walls in my basement. I led him over to where I have a stockade type restraint. I buckled him into. What a pretty site he was with his ass in the air and his head and arms restrained to the stockade. I went and choose my favorite sharp knife of the wall and went right over and started fucking him in the ass with it. Of course he started to bleed so I stuck my knife in my fireplace, got it hot and shoved it right back in him. I continued that routine for quite a while. I had so much fun that weekend. I can not wait to get my next victim!