Tag: Bloody Phone Sex

Worms Within


I started night classes at the local community college here. There was this fat girl always bitching about how everyone looks at her and makes fun of her. I am personally sick and fucking tired of hearing it. She is always walking around talking about she wants to lose weight but she is not even trying stupid fucking cunt. I went to the whore and told her that I would help her lose weight. She was so excited and begged me to please help her saying that she does not have any support from family. She came over tonight for dinner and then we were going to work out. While she was sitting at the table having a glass of wine I told her to just stay there I could still hear here from the kitchen. I cooked some steak and made a side salad. We sat down and ate and then we went walking. She came over everyday for over a month we would just do some light walking. She was so proud of how much weight she was losing. She had lost so much weight that she literally looked sick as hell,she was complaining about something moving in her stomach. I told her to come over my place tonight I would help her feel better. I heard the knock at the door and I opened it soon as she walked in I hit the bitch with my bat in the back of the head, she fell straight down to the floor. I tied her arms and legs up and got my knife. I could see what she was talking about her stomach was moving all around. LOL! Is the bitch stupid I know what the fuck it is. She woke up as I was cutting the bitches stomach wide open. She started screaming when I was pulling the fucking tapeworm out of her it was so fucking long. She begged me to stop hurting her. I told the fucking cunt she would of died soon anyways from all the tape worms I put in her steak that I fed her medium rare for weight loss. I could not even finish my sentence before the cunt took her last breath. 

A Hunting We Will Go

torture phonesex karma2Yesterday I saw this awesome purse in a shop window in town. It was made of leather and shaped like a human skull.
Since then I have been plotting and cumming as my mind races with all these ideas.
I am going to turn this one item into the hottest, twisted ass fun and money making scheme ever.
I am going to gather several prime candidates and bring them to my camp. I am going to groom them and make sure their skin is soft and supple and ready to produce a premium product.
Then I am going to release them and hunt them just like I do animals for skins and meat. They will never find their way out of the woods before I track and kill them.
Once I have killed them I am going to bring them back and skin them and process the hides. each skull will be used as the mold for the skin I retrieve from their bodies and I will make these awesome purses.
  Their meat will feed me for some time and the purses will sell at market in town and make me lots of money.
Of course no one will know they are buying a purse made of human hide and molded from it’s donors skull, but I will know.
The idea of it has me so fucking hot and horny and I can’t wait to begin! This is the best fucking idea I have ever had!

Smoking Hot

torture phonesex angie3When I went out last night looking for some fun, I knew the  minute I saw you that you were the one. My cunt reacted as soon as I saw you, the perfect human specimen and just what I needed to keep my wicked ways satisfied. I knew just how to look at you from across the room. It didn’t take long till you were making your way across the room to me. You bought me a drink and the conversation began. I initially had very decided plans for you for latter in the evening. But the more you talked the more my plans changed. You were so arrogant. So sure that you are god’s gift to women. So fine and so perfect and any woman would be honored if you choose to share your evening with them. Outwardly I just smiled and agreed. But inside my blood was boiling and my cunt was dying to take you home and teach you a lesson. You so needed to be taken down not one notch or two but several. Wouldn’t you know that I am just the bitch to do it in more ways then one. By the end of the night as I unlocked my front door the need to show you a thing or two was screaming inside me. I ripped your clothes off stroking that ego and making you believe that I just couldn’t wait for your male perfection. Then I undressed and your eyes betrayed the satisfaction over my perfection. I lead you to my play room and your cock was hard almost before we crossed the threshold. Men, your so predictable…I let you run your hands over my body. I let you please me with out touching you once. You begged me for some relief and I just told you to be patient. When the time was right I sucked that dick. I brought you to the edge and then stopped. Your begging for more was so pitiful but it was time for your lesson. I tell you how fucking hot you are and then took your hands dipping them in a pail of  fluid. The lighter was flicked and your hands in flames before your brain could register the act. I laughed as you screamed in pain while explaining that I just wanted you to be truly as hot as you thought you were. Smoking hot, sizzling, just for me. That will teach you won’t it?

Knife Play Fun


I have kept you for a week. Feeding you, making you think we are friends and I am here to help you. You are young, you ran away from home and have no where else to go, no other friends, no where to turn.
I have enjoyed your company, I have enjoyed laying with you under the night sky and fucking you like I would a lover. But it has all been for a reason.
There is always an ulterior motive. Life is a jungle, it is kill or be killed. Use and be used and your time was finally up.
You were happy to do exactly as I said thinking this was another game that would end in pleasure and be fun. And it did, for me.
You stand there tied to the wooden stake coming out of the earth, naked and unafraid.
I take you one last time. Slowly. Gently at first, and then I let my blood lust for pain and horror take over my mind, heart and soul.
I bite chunks of flesh from your body. And the knife play begins. The cutting and stabbing and watching you bleed that satisfies my soul.  I cut pieces of you off and eat them in front of you. I shove things in side every opening in your body that you never imagined would be inside you, piercing you from the inside out. And finally I set the fire. I watch it as it climes up your legs. I listen as you scream and beg me to put it out.
No one can hear you, no one is coming, no one but me that is.
I am cumming hard, it is flowing down my legs, my eyes are wild with a satisfaction that only I know how to feel. A satisfaction brought to me by your pain, your innocents and your screams.
I will sleep well tonight and plot to go find the next body that will lay in your place until he or she brings me this same pleasure.

Stocking Up For Winter

torture phonesex karmaI saw her standing there all ripe and plump. She looked fucking healthy and there was plenty of meat on her bones. She will do just fine. I need to get ready for the winter. I need lots of meat just in case it snows and I can’t make it into town for food. She is by herself in the market, mindlessly walking around with no fucking clue that I am watching her. She is mine and she doesn’t even know it. My fucking heart is racing and I can taste her before I even have her. I know she is going to be wonderful, just the right mix of fat to make her nice and tender and flavorful. It isn’t going to be long before I have her in my grasp.
The time is now, I grab her and take her back to camp. I shave all the hair off her body in preparation for butchering. She will provide me with meat to last a month or two at least. First I slit her throat and bleed her, just like a fucking animal. Then I take my time cutting off her head , arms and legs. Now to gut her and get all her innards out. I will save her heart and liver, they are my favorite parts and make for great eating. Once she is gutted I begin butchering her and creating fine cuts of meat. The flesh from her arms and legs will be jerky. Small strips of meat that I will salt and dry in the last days of summer.
I thank her for her gift of nourishment as I prepare the meat for the winter.

Swinger’s Roulette

My lustful craving for bright red blood and smoldering human flesh was just on the edge of boiling over and forcing me to snatch up some innocent scum for a night of torturous fun, when I had a savior. I was invited to a swinger’s party. It was a whole weekend in the woods with a sea of horny couples looking to fuck any stranger they choose. I went alone, patiently waiting for some stupid, helpless couple to stumble upon me. As I looked around at all the slutty girls and horny men, my cunt began to drip as I wondered which one would fall beneath my blade and make my cunt spasm with their horrific screams *smiles*. Finally, a little blonde teen and her boyfriend asked if I was interested in a threesome. Her boyfriend liked darker looks in girls and wanted to see his girlfriend submit to me, completely. I couldn’t believe my luck! I would have taken any one of these whores, but the misfortune of a blonde bimbo at my hand pleased my twisted soul on a whole new level. I went with them to their camp and they had a roaring fire outside the tent. I told the bitch to get on her knees and open her mouth up so that my cunt juice could drip straight down into her pathetic mouth. Then, I had her boyfriend take his cock out and stuff it into her mouth. He held her head and skull fucked her while I came up behind her and slid a pretty, shiny blade down her stomach. Right at the end, just above her fucking cunt, I shoved the blade in deep. Her screams filled the whole camp, but all the other swingers thought the bitch was just being fucked! I thought I would have to cut her boyfriend’s tongue out before he could say anything, but instead, I just saw his cock jump at the sight of his bleeding whore of a girlfriend. I rubbed my fingers on my cunt and licked the sticky blood off the edge of the knife. I let him take his cock and slam it into my dripping wet cunt as we cut off pieces of his girlfriend’s flesh and muscle –  both of us cumming hard with each tearful shriek of pain from her pathetic throat. We sliced her up until she bled to death and then we roasted that bitch on the fire and found out that she was actually tastier than she looked.

FireWoods (375x500)

Blood Curdling Screams

torture phonesex angieI watch you laying there, shackled to the hard cold floor. You have already urinated all over yourself and the hot yellow liquid has drained down into the drainage on the floor. I walk around you rubbing my clit and pinching and pulling my hard nipples, licking my lips in anticipation while building the fear with in you. Your shaking now from fear and this pleases me. A cold chill of pleasure runs up my body. How many times can I make you scream? How far do I have to go to get that blood curdling scream that makes your throat so hoarse you open your mouth and no sound comes out? My cunt quivers and my body tingles as I administer torture to reach my goal. I want to hear that hair raising scream that makes my cunt gush cum down the insides of my thighs puddling on the floor under me. My method of choice is burning. I watch your face as I pour  accelerant on your skin and light it burning your flesh in a small patch. Your body convulses as you scream out in pain and I put it out so that I can do this again later. I love the smell of your flesh as it burns. I take hot irons out of the fire and touch them to your skin. Again your body trembles as you sceram for me and my cunt is tingling with delight. But the one thing that really makes me cum, that can bring me to the heights of pleasure has yet to cum. You watch with terror filled eyes as I pull out my machete. I move it in the light so that you can see the reflection and I watch the light reflecting off your face. I walk over to you and lift your hand, it will be first. I lift my machete and come down hard severing your hand from your arm, you scream, yes you really scream but it still isn’t enough for me. I pull the hot iron from the fire and sear the bleeding wound shut, cauterizing it to stop the bleeding and getting the best blood curdling scream from you so far. This only serves to seal your fate. I will amputate your limbs one by one. First your hands, then your feet, then your arms at the elbows, your legs at the knees, working my way up, Slowly, over the course of the day, until you are a cauterized stump with a head. Still able to feel pain. Still bringing me pleasure..

Cannibalism Phone Sex


My refrigerator went out yesterday so I had to call a handy man to come and work on it. As he was working on the fridge he noticed me checking him out. He asked me if I liked what I saw and of course I did. But, not in the way that he thought I did. I told him he looked quite tasty and he just smiled. I offered him a drink he accepted as I was making it for him, I made sure he was not looking and I placed some sleeping meds in it. He drank it all up and when I started noticing that he was nodding off. I asked him if he wanted to know what I liked about him. He blushed, and said yes. I leaned over and whispered I was checking you out cause you look quite tasty for dinner tonight. He started to panic but he passed out. I dragged him to the bathroom where I stripped him down and scrubbed him clean. Then dragged my delicious dinner and placed him in the oven. All he needed was a few spices and he was perfection. Now, I have something to fill my fridge with for a few weeks. 

Late Night Hunting


It was a perfect night for a late night hunt. I met up with my friend Pandora and we went looking for a little victim. We walked upon a young lady walking alone in the park that we were driving by. Pandora got out of the car and walked over to the young girl and put a rag covered in chloroform over her mouth and drug her to the car. Where we took the long drive back to Pandora’s morgue. We carried her inside and laid her on the cart and began cleaning her. We hosed her down and scrubbed all the dirtiness from her. Pandora then grabbed her autopsy tools. As she started to cut her the prey started to awake. I held her down till Pandora could tie her up. She cut her all the way down opening her chest cavity. She was screaming and crying all we could do was laugh. Asking her what kind of diet she was on. She could not answer she was bleeding out to much. I leaned over and told her we eat HUMAN! Young pretty girls like you as she took her last breath. We took the little girls body all apart and called a friend over to help cook dinner for the party we are having tomorrow night.

Accomplice Phone Sex

accomplice phonesex angieI told you I would help you. You know that I know just what to fucking do and how to get away with it. You have wanted her for years and we have been planing this for weeks. Watching her every move. Poor little fucking creature of habit. She does the same fucking thing day in and day out and our window of opportunity is clear. You have been sending her a single black rose every day for weeks now. She calls you every night crying and freaking out, she has no idea who would be doing this. Each night your dick gets rock fucking hard and you cum knowing that it won’t be long before she knows exactly what is going on. You picked the right accomplice when you picked me and the time is almost upon us. Tomorrow I will abduct her and bring her to you. You will hand her the final black rose, only this one will be dipped in blood, her blood. You will have your way with her while I watch and before the night is done, I will wrap my hands around her neck and squeeze the life out of her as you fill her pussy up with your cum, watching her lips and face turn blue, watching as her eyes bulge our of her skull, burying your cock deep inside her as her body jerks and convulses taking it’s last breath. Then we will decapitate her body and dispose of her all over the city. A piece here, a piece there. Rest assured I will cum watching you and helping you the whole time. Are you ready? I am!blackrose