While my piercings have grown on me over the years they were not always a part of me I enjoyed. In fact they brought great pain to me. Both physically and emotionally. Most people go and have body modification done as something they enjoy. But these were unwanted. Very much unwanted. And when I say that. It is an under statement. You see right before I was leaving my husband the first time around. He had me restrained down in our basement for two days straight. On the second night a big burly biker guy came down and repositioned me in a fashion where he could access both my nipple and pussy. I had no idea what was going to happen. I just had thought I was going to have some unwanted cock shoved in me. Little did I know my husband had arranged for my clit and both nipples to be pierced. He told me that he had knew I was planning to leave so he wanted me to go with a parting gift.
Tag: Bloody Phone Sex
GangBang Rape Porn
It was just as good of a day as any to make a gangbang rape porn. I needed drug money and this kind of porn pays well. I showed up ready to earn my money. This particular director really makes me work hard for the money too. There were over 100 men waiting. I was the only woman in sight. This was more men than ever before. More than double the amount of men than any time before. I tried to negotiate for more money, but was met with a punch in the face and ridicule. No one was wearing condoms like I insisted. They didn’t care what I wanted or how I felt. They saw a bitch and decided to make an ass rape porn instead. Two even three dicks went in my ass at once as fists and cocks were shoved in my pussy. I knew better than to scream. I just thought about the money. They guys were doing meth and crack which was making them really aggressive towards me. Pulling my hair, smacking me, even pissing on me. They were enjoying degrading me. Cum was oozing out of my fuck holes. I was practically wore completely out. I started to pass out from exhaustion. They had been gang banging me for hours. One guy grabbed my head and smashed it on the floor. Blood trickled out of my mouth and nose. The sight of blood turned them all. They took turns bashing my skull against the concrete floor. My brain felt scrambled. I couldn’t talk. I couldn’t even think. My face was smashed in. Pretty sure I had several broken facial bones, not to mention a broken nose. This was no longer worth the money. They were tweaking and I was going to end up brain dead or worse. The next blow left me unconscious. When I woke up no one was around anymore. I was covered in cum, blood and piss. I looked worse than Rocky. No money was anywhere to be seen. I think I made a snuff porn instead.
Two Against One
Knife Play Phone Sex Lessons
Knife play phone sex fantasies get my pussy so wet. I run this little school for girls. It is a training school. I assist dark little bitches in growing up to be sadistic women like me. You just don’t become a murderous, castrating whore over night. Behind every evil woman is a female mentor. Yesterday’s lesson was in dismemberment. I had this annoying fuck who cut me off in traffic as our learning victim. I wanted my girls to understand the thrill of inflicting pain, while seeing how pain affects one’s body. I have a makeshift medical examiner’s room in my basement. Only the folks on the slab are not quite yet dead. This jack off was strapped down spread eagle on his back. I had him hooked up to a blood pressure machine and a pulse reader. We had not even begun the torture sex and his BP and pulse were high. I had an array of knives for the lesson. My pupils were so excited. One little girl asked to go first so I rewarded her enthusiasm with a big knife. She made some cuts on his thighs to see how his vitals skyrocketed. More girls grabbed knives and started cutting and stabbing. They giggled as he screamed in pain and pleaded for his life. That just turned us all on. He was close to having a heart attack by his vitals. It is amazing what pain does to the body. When I cut his dick clean off and blood spurted everywhere he actually passed out. No worries. We had smelling salts to revive him. I shoved his dick in his mouth so he would stay awake while my little evil angels took off his limbs. Had to use a chainsaw for his legs as he was quite stocky. Despite all that pain and blood loss, he did not die immediately. Of course when we chopped his head off that did him in. His head rolled around the floor with his eyes wide open as if he was watching his body die. It was a fun lesson, well for us girls at least.
Evil phone sex is the bloodiest.
I knew from the way he looked at me that he was pure evil, the epitome of evil phone sex. Still, I knew he had the good drugs and I couldn’t resist. He watched me warily as I approached him in the parking lot. He was an unattractive man with a reputation as having a huge cock and lots of money. “Excuse me, sir. I’m looking for something special to help me celebrate tonight.” His gold grille flashed as his evil mind ticked. “Please step inside of my limo and let’s talk.” But I was so naive. As soon as I sat down, I felt his hands around my throat. “Damn trashy drug whore. Why you bother me?” he hissed.He flicked his knife out and cut my bra, exposing my huge tits. “Nasty.” he grumbled as he slashed his blade across them. The blood spurted all over his pretty limo. This really enraged him and he let loose with a barrage of punches. My neck snapped back with the impact as my nose shattered and my eye sockets crunched. I felt a tooth fall into my cleavage. He pulled out his cock and began to jerk it, obviously pleased with the damage he had done. ” Here’s your something special, whore.” He motioned to two of his men. “Give her a double and dump her.” I saw the flash of a needle as something was injected into my neck. I began to foam at the mouth as they shoved me from the limo. I landed right in the middle of hell in the homeless district as the dirty bums surrounded me with grins on their faces. Out of my good eye I saw cocks being pulled out as I lost consciousness. The coma took me before I knew how many men were to violate my half dead carcass that night, spewing diseased cum into my drug ravaged body. Such is the life of a druggie slut.
She got what she deserved!
God this bitch is so annoying! All she does is lay around all day long and bitch about literally everything and I just can NOT take it any more! This bitch was on my last nerve so I fucking ended her miserable life last night. You know the funniest part of all of this was the fact that she is always crying and whining about how she should end her life, but when it came time for her to die, she begged me not to kill her! Ridiculous for real but her begging didn’t matter to me at all, I have no fucking mercy at all. I tortured her slowly and then invited several hardcore men to come and fuck her to death. They fucked all of her holes, stretching them out until they were ripped wide open and filled with cum. Then when she was almost at the point of death, we took her outside and lit her on fire! It was fucking amazing!
Ass Rape Porn: Geneva Meets Her Demise
Lost and roaming the alleys of the meat packing district trying to find the location for the audition, I started to doubt the directions I received. An ass rape porn shoot was going to pay out a good chunk of cash that would cover my rent. I was just about to try hailing a cab but realized the area was pretty desolate and I had no cell coverage, *Shit*!
Not paying attention to my surroundings and trying to get to an area with a signal I was suddenly grabbed by a leather gloved hand over my mouth. I felt the stabbing pain in my kidneys as a knife penetrated me and I was dragged into a doorway. Seconds pass and I feel my clothes being cut off and the blood loss had me losing consciousness. Barely aware of what was happening I felt a massive cock forcefully enter my ass as my face is shoved into a raw cold carcass of something skinned and bloody.
Completely unconscious, the continued violation and fucking of this damsel in her cunt and ass by a meat processor who just happened upon the lost victim was like heaven for him. He took his use of her and would just skin and hang her just like any other piece of meat he processed. This would certainly make the most tender cuts for his culinary creations for the next week.
Snuff Porn Hostel Style
Snuff porn is what I masturbate too. I love Russian, Japanese and German snuff films the most. They seem the most brutal, the most realistic. Some American horror movies turn me on too. My favorite is Hostel 2. I love the fact that it is a woman who turns the tables on the men and takes control of the kill club. However, my favorite scene is about 40 minutes into the film, when this hot bitch gets naked in a tub with some big ass knives and a naked nerdy girl hanging over her. She slices her slowly at first, letting the blood drip on her before going for the neck slice. As the blood cascades over her hot naked body, she cums, I cum, anybody with a sick mind cums. It is my favorite scene in a horror film. I have always wanted to make a snuff short just recreating that scene, but with a much younger girl as the victim. So, I made it happen. I snatched a little cock tease from the mall. A daddy’s princess type. You know the kind. Rolls her eyes, smacks her lips, twirls her hair and thinks she is better than anyone, especially a Goth girl like me. She got a wakeup call. Literally. I spiked her Starbucks frappuccino at the mall, then slapped her awake once she was suspended above me. I had to suspend her from the drain pipes in my basement and I had no tub, just a plastic tarp to lay my naked body on. I saw the fear in her eyes. She pissed on me, which I half ass expected, but didn’t enjoy. I cut her cheek with a sickle and laughed as she cried. I gauged and eye out too. It plopped on to my right tit. I made lots of little slashes on her tender tight stuck up body. Blood was dripping all over me. I was rubbing it in my skin, but I wanted more. Needed more. I sliced her open like a captured animal. I didn’t go for the neck. I wanted her to see her entrails, organs and blood spill onto the body she mocked earlier. She watched me play with her guts before she drifted off to never never land forever. It was so fucking hot. But, in my excitement, I forgot to hit record on the camera. That means I need to find another little one to snuff out. Maybe this time, you would like to help?
ass rape fantasy
Last week master set me up to be anally tortured and watched as it happened. It was a rainy day and Master told me to go to the store to get some paint after ruining the walls the last time I got tortured. Anyway, I go to the store and there was an overly eager store attendant that didn’t seem to look right. I should’ve followed my instincts but I didn’t and asked the strange boy to help me anyway. He told me that he would have to take me to the back to get exactly what I asked for. My palms were sweaty as I walked into the plastic covered stock room. We passed another door and my stomach sank. The man pulled me by my hair into the small bathroom in the back and immediately began to rip my pants off. When I turned around I caught a glimpse of master sitting on a stool watching my struggle. The store worker took a box cutter and began making small cuts and marks on my tits and ass. I cried as I tried to get away but all it did was make him hornier for me. His cock was super stiff and I knew he we was going to satisfy his rape fantasies on me. I tried not to whimper but the sweat from adrenaline was making my body slippery and glisten under the bathroom light. His lust for me grew even more and he was able to force his massive cock into my asshole. I screamed as I felt my ass being ripped open I begged and screamed for master to save me with terror in my eyes. He just laughed at his stupid nigger slave for thinking I was going to get help from him. I felt the store worker grab a hold of my neck and force his cock balls deep inside my asshole. He was choking me so hard it made me secretly enjoy getting taken so roughly by his massive dick. My cunt soaked from how hard he was pounding me and the fact that Master was watching made my ass hole open up to receive more punishment. I moaned through the pain and the blood that was dripping from my ass down to my twat. I soon realized that I loved every second of that painful nightmare.
A Day In The Park
This wasn’t because he owed anybody money. This was just because Daddy wanted to watch me get fucked and abused by a bunch of strangers. He put me in a cute nightie and took me out to a quiet area of the local park. He used heavy rope to bind me around my waist to a tree. He spread my legs and tied them as well, using tent stakes to secure them. He put a gag in my mouth so I could not make much noise. There was a path from the main area of the park leading to where I was. He had placed signs along the way advertising a whore for the using. He then waited behind another tree and watched. He watched as man after man approached me, fucking me mercilessly in whatever hole they chose. I was fucked hard in the throat, pussy, and ass. I lost count after the 20th man had used my body and cum in one hole or the other. My body was a literal cum dumpster overfilled at every opening. This was for Daddy’s pleasure, but I must admit, I came multiple times. The thrill of being used as a nameless, worthless whore overcame my fear and all other feelings. At that moment I lived for nothing but being filled by cock. Then another man approached. He exclaimed over what a mess I was and how I was repulsive to his sight. He then removed his belt and used it to spank my tits, pussy, lower legs, and any other body part the belt would touch. He found a large stick. It was almost large enough to be considered a limb and he placed it in me, fucking my poor pussy until it was bloody, raw, and full of splinters. He told me this was how worthless whores should be treated. Then he shoved his cock down my throat deep making me gag over and over until he unloaded his spunk down my sore raw throat.