Torture sex to me is not about the pain itself it is about how it makes me feel in a full body way. Not just physically, but mentally as well. Like mental floss so to speak? Maybe it’s like being a cutter I don’t know. This weaving of metal through my back is a lifelong dream. With a Master of pain a lot of pleasure and release can come from such a set of skin piercings. I’ve seen it with my own eyes. Women and men who enjoy suspension have described it to me as freeing and mind bending. Pain because absent with the rush of adrenaline. The bar piercing is temporary if you go that way. There also fish hook looking apparel. I just want the rings up my back. I find it so arousing and I think having a master rub ribbon of his choosing through each of them and using them to control me. I can almost feel the orgasm now.
Tag: Bloody Phone Sex
Torture sex, the misunderstood
snuff porn for master’s pleasure
Master brings me to his play room again. The same girl as before is on the table. He commands me to torture her. I really didn’t enjoy it the first time but, it’s my life or hers in the balance. I choose my life. I walk over to her and open master’s play bag. I pull out the cunt spreader and spread her pussy hole wide. She begs me to stop. I sigh and ignore her. I pull out master’s twelve inch dildo. I don’t bother lubing it up as I shove it into her drying cunt hole. She screams in pain. I feel a bolt rush down to my clit. I don’t understand why this is getting me off. I take the knife and I slit her wrists and belly. She begins to bleed out slowly. I take out the dildo and smear the blood on it. She cries out loud as I shove the blood soaked cock back into her dying wet pussy. I thrust it in and out of her as hard as I can. I take the knife and slice off her nipples. I toss them over to master’s dog. He eats them. I raise the knife and shove it into her chest. She gurgles a scream. I watch her as she lays there dying. I take the knife, look at master and lick her blood off. Master is pleased with me. Good!
Evil Phone Sex Castrating Methods
I love a chance to explore my desires with evil phone sex, and methods of castration are essential to explore, for me anyway. There is a special kind of fuckwad that castration phone sex is suitable for and I met one the other night. This individual really thought he could push me around! Tisk tisk little did he know he chose the wrong “Bitch” to try having his way with.
Oh, don’t worry, I did lead him on, of course, and with one plan in mind! I’m going to cut this fuckwads prick off and he won’t see the light of another day! I hate dickheads like him and he will bleed the fuck out! I let him grope at me and acted completely dumb drunk just to make sure I get him to leave with me.
I get him out the door and tell him my ride is around back. The back of this club is a series of old warehouses and I have my set up in one of them for just such an occasion. We start making out and groping hard up against my truck when I push him away and mention we should go back in one of the buildings so I could fuck his brains out. It didn’t require much more than a mention and a tug. We were in my spot and I had his pants open and his unremarkable prick out as his hands were working up my skirt. I stroked his fuckstick a little as I allowed him a few seconds to really get into the heat of the moment. I leaned down and yanked my knife out of my boot and put it to his throat as I shoved him down on a mattress I had in there, covered in plastic already.
His lust, and all the blood flowing to the other head had him somewhat confused as I was straddling him on the mattress. In seconds I had made a quick stroke with my blade across the base of his scrotum and started to bleed him as he screamed.
Accomplice phone sex gets bloody with Langley
I had a very special request the other day from one who I call Daddy. Daddy was very fucking horny, and from watching my big sister’s snuff video daddy made, I know just what he wants.
First we get my little brat sister, I get to fucking help snuff her out first. I lay her out on a small bed, straddling her waist, clit-to-clit. Daddy slides his big, fat cock into her little mouth and down her tiny throat all the way. She’s struggling for air while he’s face-fucking her, not that she’s going anywhere! I take my scalpel, and when daddy pulls back, I slice right through her throat to the fucking bone. I love seeing daddy’s bloody cock sticking out of her neck, and just have to fucking suck on it!
But he’s not done yet! While there’s just a few moments of life left in her, I turn her around, shoving her gushing neck right into my cunt, filling it up for daddy, while I pop her hips out of socket and hold those long little legs wide for daddy. He shoves his dick in so hard and fast her little pussy is torn the fuck open, and blood oozes out over his stroking shaft. Her heart beat it’s last, which means one thing…
It’s my fucking turn.
Accomplice phone sex presents from Langley!
I brought my accomplice phone sex caller a wonderful gift the other day. A sweet young thing I had been stalking for a while, little miss cheerleader. Thought she was so much better than the rest of the world because she had bouncy tits and fucked whoever she wanted. I snagged her from outside a party while she was puking in the fucking bushes. A cord around her fucking throat and she went down like a wet sack of potatoes, with minimal flailing. Not that she could have fucking thought straight enough to fight anyway. I plopped her in my trunk and buzzed away to his mortuary. He was instantly excited to see something fresh to play with! He gets so bored of the stiff, cold ones.
Together we stripped her and laid her out on the autopsy table, slight under her breath whimpers, not that she would be waking up any time soon, between what I shot her up with and the alcohol, the dumb bitch would be fucking dead before she could scream. With a cock hard as a rock, he began cutting her. First the “Y” incision, slipping the scalpel through her flesh like butter, collar bone to pelvis. Her blood seeped out in a long, thick, gooey wave from the cuts, her heart still trying to pump away, to no avail. When he laid her open, her eyes opened filly wide, shock momentarily frozen on her face, before her heart began it’s final, shuddering, beats. Beat… Beat…Beat… And she was gone. I could just barely see a little steam from her body cavity as he went to work. He liked keeping his work room extra cold, kept them fresh longer. Piece by piece her internal organs were placed in little metal dishes, gleaming still with the moisture from when she was still living.
He sawed her legs off at the hips, and with my help, cracking the bones out of socket, removed them completely. This makes things so much easier!
Removing his blood-covered apron, his raging dick was ready. As he entered her still warm cunt, I gripped her womb from within, jacking him off within her.
Feeling him surge load after load of high-powered cum in her was the most amazing feeling.
What’s next?
Sadistic Medical Fetish
My Master has an extreme medical fetish and loves to use me as his guinea pig to test out his sadistic experiments. I was dressed in only white thigh high stockings and high heels when Master dragged me into his dungeon and stabbed a sharp scalpel into my right hand, attaching it to the sheets that were laying on the hospital bed. Fuck it hurt so much! My hand was gushing blood and he hit bones when he brutally shoved it into me. He had a sex swing hanging from the ceiling right next to the bed and he roughly bent me over it. My hand was throbbing with pain, I could feel my ligaments exploding inside! He hooked an IV up to my arm and started the flow of a liquid substance into my veins! He has been working on creating a new type of sexual sedation drug that allows the person to be awake and aware yet unable to have any sort of control over their body, allowing their Master to have complete power! He was fucking me hard in my pussy and asshole simultaneously while the poison gushed throughout my entire body! It was such a horrific feeling! I could feel his huge throbbing cock deep inside of me but was unable to react to anything. It was truly an out of body experience. I ended up having a bad reaction to the substance and my body began to convulse and I had a seizure as well. Master unhooked the scalpel from my hand and unleashed me from the sex swing, harshly dropping me to the floor where I was curled up into a ball while suffering. He made sure to film the entire experience so that he could refer back to it while perfecting the formula!
Torture sex
My car broke down on the side of the road and to my surprise my phone was dead as well. I had no choice but to either hitch hike or walk home. I maybe walked a mile from where my car had broke down when a stranger pulled up next to me in his car. He asked if I needed a ride home since,” I looked like I could use a ride.” I said no hoping he would go away. He smiled at me for a while and said, “I understand you can’t trust any one now days especially with everything you see on the news.
I laughed and told him that he indeed was correct. I waived good bye at him as I watched him drive off down the road. It was beginning to become dark outside and I was still maybe three miles away from my home. I heard a weird noise but I continued to walk forward. Suddenly I felt a large person grab me by the mouth and a sharp pain in my neck. I awakend some hours later in a truck tied and gagged. When I looked to see who the accuser was, I was surprised to see that it was the same man that tired to offer me a ride earlier.
The man pulled over into the woods near by and made his way down a dirt path. I was so scared since I had no idea of what was about to happen. I felt my body shaking as the man began to touch me. He began touching my bald pussy trying to work his fingers inside of me. I tried pushing him away from me but he just got upset and began hitting me non stop. His fest made my eyes and face bleed like crazy. I was then fucked in the back seat of his truck, he had me do all kinds of positions while I was tied up.
He made me take his cock in all of my holes, he had no problem stretching them out or filling them up. Once he was done getting his cock wet, he tied me up side down on a tree. A bag was placed over my head so I couldn’t see and he made a tiny slit around my throat. Gravity just made my blood flow out all over the place, I was getting everything covered from the amount I was bleeding. Then I felt the bag around my face get wet .The pillow cushion was absorbing all the blood making it almost impossible to breathe.
The stranger watched me drown to death as my body wiggled all over the place while I was suspended in the air. The words I’m sorry were carved into my chest and my corpse was left there to rot. I guess the moral of the story is always have a phone charger.
Ass Rape Porn Bloody Phone Sex
Nothing turns me on more than my sexy deviant Master taking complete and utter advantage of me and my delicious body! Ass rape porn is my fucking favorite, I love bloody phone sex! Tell me how you want me to stretch out and prepare this tight little perfect asshole for you so that it’s gaping for that throbbing cock of yours when you use and abuse me! I love being submissive to your wants and needs while you torture and destroy me in every way humanly possible! My pain tolerance is insanely high and nothing is off limits with this dirty, kinky slut whore! I absolutely love it when my Master ties me up roughly and hangs me from rafters so that my feet are barely touching the ground. I want to feel as much pain as possible while you get me ready to take the ass raping that I deserve! You better be sadistically laughing with pleasure while you watch me squeal and squirm, anxiously and patiently awaiting my brutal beating. Bring your spiked bat over to my luscious ass and spread my cheeks wide, you better fucking spit on it too! Shove that bat right up my tight little hole, ripping me the fuck open and piercing my internal organs! You better be making me gush blood and guts, the bloodier the better! Fuck me hard and please, don’t have any mercy on me, Master! I want to know what it’s like to experience pure euphoric pain at the mercy of your evil hands! Whip my ass and entire body with a leather braided bull whip, I want to see blood all over myself, dripping from head to toe! So fucking sexy, I am so horny and ready for my Master to destroy and mutilate me!
Violent Sadistic Phone Sex
Nothing turns me on more than violent and sadistic phone sex! I love being tortured, mutilated, belittled and made to feel like scum of the earth! The more that you torture, force fuck and beat the hell out of me for your sexual pleasure, the better! Nothing is off limits! My tight, dirty little cunt is horny as fuck for you! Verbally and physically abusing me makes my pussy fucking drip! My slutty whore body is yours for the taking! I want to be your demented sex slave and cater to all of your evil ways and needs! Drag me into your torture chamber and do whatever you damn well please with me! The thought of you torturing such a gorgeous, slutty, luscious body and the extreme pain and anguish that you’ll inflict on me is fucking intoxicating! I want you to be extremely unmerciful and cruel while we get down and dirty! You better love treating gorgeous women like pure and utter shit! I’m your personal property to use, abuse, humiliate, torture, mutilate and even dispose of, should that be your wish at the time to further enhance your sexual pleasure! My only desire is to pleasure you without any concern for myself whatsoever, I am your filthy whore! Inflict the maximum amount of pain imaginable on me, I beg you!
Accomplice phone sex by Langley
I met up with my accomplice phone sex caller the other day, and he had let me know it was his birthday, so I wanted to prepare something extra special for him. And I knew the perfect teen to snag….. An hour later, as soon as I unloaded her limp little body from my van, I drug her down to my basement torture chamber. It was easy to slice her fucking clothes off her unconscious form, stopping to admire her tiny slit, just barely forming her first bush. It turned me on so fucking hard to slide my middle and ring finger deep into her little fuck hole, so creamy and tight. Oh! And a pleasant surprise! This little fucking cunt is a virgin! He’ll be so happy to hear that! I explored her ass a bit and enjoyed groping and crushing her tits. I was getting myself so fucking horny! I slid down my own panties, and ground my clit into hers, fucking her hard till I came. Dumb bitch, her eyelids barely fluttered.
I Had this great little setup, with a wooden wedge frame to straddle her on, angled to dig into her cute little ass, and shackled her ankles to chains that could be drawn apart through the eyelets sticking up from the concrete floor. To the front of her, a hardened forked spear just barely dug into her tits, while I placed a yoke with two buckets on her thin shoulders. Once she was all handcuffed and in place, I signaled him to come on over. As soon as he saw her, I could see his prick shoot to it’s full hardness, undoubtedly dripping in his pants, which I removed right away. Us both working naked was just the only way to go. She was just starting to moan and whimper. Not that it mattered, the dumb slut could scream all she wanted here, in fact, I hoped she would!
I stood him in front of her, a large container of rocks by his side. One-by-one he dropped them into one bucket, then the other. She was begging and crying to be let go. I leaned into her ear, whispering to let her know she’d never see the light of day again. That got those screams I wanted! I had to fucking laugh, even though blood was beginning to run down her front from her jugs being pierced, and down from her asshole getting sliced open by the sharp, sliver-riddled wood, that sweet little pussy of hers was dripping and running! I got down on my knees, face fucking my caller’s cock while he added more and more weight to her load, pressing her further, and further down on the implements of her torture. She was screaming, sobbing, begging, and pleading just like a good little whore! I could feel he was getting close to surging his load down my fucking throat, when I told him of her virginity. He came so fucking hard!
The grand finale, each of us went to one bucket, and at the same time put all our weight down. With a series of delicious, sickening cracks, pops, and a wet ripping sound, my bench cleaved her in half, cunt to collar bone!
I finished cutting her head from her shoulders, using his re-hardened cock to smear a thick sheen of blood over her dead fucking lips. Sticking his massive dick down her throat, I grabbed her loose-hanging esophagus, and began stroking him inside her decapitated fucking head!
He said it was the best blowjob of his fucking life!