Castration phone sex is a popular fetish in the phone industry. Many men love to jack off to the thought of a bitch in charge chopping off their nuts. It is the ultimate domination fantasy for men. Is it for you? I’m skilled at junk removal because I have had some real life experiences. Men have paid me good money to remove their nuts. I am not one to say no to fun money. I call it fun money for two reasons. One, it is fun to make sure losers cannot reproduce or have that much fun in the bedroom. Second, the money paid to me by losers funds my travel to exotic places like the Caribbean. Last week, Troy decided to part with his nuts. He had hired me in the past but backed out on several occasions. I told him third time is the charm. If he backed out, I was going to hunt him down, remove his balls with pliers and let him bleed out. He knew I was serious. That may have lit the fire under his ass. He came to my place. I had all the instruments laid out. I cleaned the castration chair, which was my grandpa’s execution chair from the 60s in an old prison that shut down. Did I tell you my gramps was a doctor who injected the lethal dose of potassium to death row inmates? I think I inherited some of his sick enjoyment of torture sex and killing. Troy got a shot of Jack Daniels before I clipped his balls with my hedge clippers. There was a lot of blood, but that was on purpose. I wanted him weak and in pain. I didn’t kill him. He was a big boy. Would have been hard to dispose of his body. But, I let him know as I cauterized his wound that if he spoke of my service to anyone, I would hunt him down and snuff him out. I took his $10,000 tribute and felt secure that I scared the piss out of him.
Tag: Bloody Phone Sex
Castrated Anal Sex
Your pathetic dick deserves to be castrated, cut off and shoved up my tight, dirty little asshole while it’s gushing blood! I’m going to wrap your throbbing cock up tight with a rope, cutting off the circulation and laughing my ass off at you as I watch your shaft and balls turning blue and purple from being wrapped up so tightly! I’m just going to be sitting over here, playing with my cunt as I watch you squirm and suffer! I’m sharpening my butcher knife, I need to make sure it’s ready to slice off your manhood! Oh yeah, I want it to be gruesome and bloody, a torturous experience just how you like it! I raise my arm up high and violently cut that pulsating dick off of you, your blood splattering all over me as I castrate your pathetic cock! I’ll cut the balls off separately because I want you to feel the agonizing pain one after the other! Once i’m finished, i’m going to bend over in front of you and fuck myself with your castrated cock! I love the feeling of the gooey, sticky blood and flappy skin as it plunges in and out of my tight fuck hole. It feels like a piece of deflated bubble gum, all soft and rubbery, so disgusting! It looks sickening as I use it as though it were a dildo, covered in your flesh and blood!
Cab Fare
Taking a cab is scary enough with out having to worry about what the taxi cab may do to me. I came home from the bar last weekend and I was so drunk I did not want to drive home, I tried to hitch hike and that did not work, I even offered to suck a guys cock for a ride. I eventually gave up and flagged a cab down. When he pulled over the cab smelled like ass and smoke. The driver was a fat bald guy with a gritty smile and a nasty torn up t-shirt on. He attempted to be chivalrous, but I suspect he just wanted a look at my ass when he flopped out to open the door for me. He gave a smile, but he did not even bother getting back in the driver seat, instead he shoved me into the backseat, pulled my hands behind my back, pushed my head down into the ass smelling back seat, ripped my panties off and rammed his cock into my asshole. He thrust so hard and nutted so fast I did not even have time to react. He then asked me where he was taking me and told me “no charge, you already paid.”
Fuck Me Until I Bleed
It’s Langley again! I was watching snuff videos last night and in one scene I saw a slut get fucked so hard that she bled! So then my family invited a neighbor over and told him to act the scene out with me. His only request was he wanted me to beg him to attack me harder. I was not attracted to him and was begging my family to give me a break just for a day. The next thing I knew, my cousin and brother were holding me down. I fought so hard to get away, that I ripped a fingernail completely off! Then the neighbor took out his thick cock and I knew there was no hope. All I could do was cry. I could feel his cock ripping and opening my slit up wide. I didn’t want to beg, but I had to. I cried “fuck me till I bleed,” over and over as tears flooded my eyes. I thought it was going to be over, because the neighbor came inside of me, and the blood mixed with his fresh cum. Then my cousin turned me over and thrust his hard cock into my delicate ass! I told him to assault me until I bled, and by the end of it I was bloody all around. The most terrible part is that I came 5 times! And I was disgusted, but at least I enjoyed it in some way. Maybe one of you sexy guys can force fuck me good, and it won’t be so bad. Just a thought!
I fucked that little whore up!
This little annoying whore came to me the other day begging me to make her over and teach her how to be as sexy as I am… as if some stupid whore could ever look like me! My attitude and confidence is what makes me sexy, this bitch was weak, she could never be like me. Of course, I didn’t tell her that, I just invited her in with a sweet smile on my face and told her that I’d be happy to help her. I put her in a special latex catsuit, it had all kinds of nifty little clips in it to bind her up before she even realized that she was in any kind of trouble at all! Bitch thought she was looking real sexy… until suddenly she couldn’t move at all. I decided to suffocate her so I wrapped her entire head in duct tape and sat back to watch her squirm! She was struggling but couldn’t get out of the restraints and I’m afraid that poor little thing didn’t last very long at all…
Chained And Whipped
I don’t know why the devil decided to choose me as a victim in this life and to always inflict endless pain on me, but he did. Master threw me into a dark, small closet and chained me to the wall with my arms stretched out above my head. I was left in there to rot for hours, I don’t even know how long because I was in and out of consciousness. Being scared and alone is a daily feeling that I have to endure, but some days are worse than others and today was one of those days. So much time went by that my arms went numb, all circulation was lost. They may as well have been amputated! The door finally cracked open and in came a huge burly man with a leather whip in his hand. He was wearing a ski mask and terrified me with just his appearance. It was so dark that It was hard for me to see his movements, all I could do was feel, which was ironic considering how fucking numb my entire body was. This undertaker of a man began to whip me, and with each lashing, I was screaming bloody murder from the pain. My skin was ripped open, blood streaming out as I cried for mercy. He kept lashing and lashing, it felt like it was never going to end. I was laying in a pool of my own blood when finally the whipping abruptly ended. He slammed the door to the closet and left me there to decompose like the helpless cunt that I am!
Torture sex
I never realized how badly my holes need to be ripped open. I invited a really good guy over whom I thought would be a really good fuck. As soon as I answered the door he came right in, slamming the door behind us. He pushed me up against the wall face first and started to strip my skirt right off of me. I was totally not expecting this, well like this.
He pushed his cock into my dry ass, pumping himself inside of me ripping my ass right open. He was biting my neck hard enough to draw blood down my back. He snatched me by my hair and, his cock still in my ass and lead me to the floor. He started beating my ass with his fist, leaving the imprints of his hands all over.
I could not help but to puke all over the floor as he ass fucked me hard. I know he is not even finished yet torturing my holes.
Let me be your main course
Have you ever wanted to find a little slut and carve her up like a thanksgiving turkey? I think that I am the perfect meal for you baby, I want you to take your time and make sure I come out perfect. I want you to shove vegetables up my pussy and lather me up with a nice mix with oil and spices to make my skin nice and crispy. You can either put me in the oven or you can make chicken noodle(girl) soup. Mhm, does that sound good? I have the perfect amount of body fat that will slice like butter when I am fully cooked. You definalty have to put a apple in my mouth and cover the delicate places with tin foil. If you want a good meal than call me.
Please abuse me
I have been having a lot of really dark evil fantasies about getting kidnapped and raped. Do you think you could help me with those fantasies baby? You can make me do whatever you want to me. I want you to beat me, fuck all my holes, and make me suffer. I want you to make me feel all the pain that a little whore like me should feel, I deserve to be used and abused by you and whoever you want to take turns with me. I even wanna scream and beg for you to stop I know that will make your cock rock hard. I am there to nothing but a pussy and asshole, just a cum dumpster for you cum baby. Please abuse me!
Deadly Online Dating
I met you on OkCupid a few weeks ago and naturally I’ve been a little shy about actually meeting you in real life. Once we went out to a movie and grabbed a little dinner I was feeling really comfortable with you. So excited that maybe I had met a nice guy for once I quickly agreed go by your house and mess around. I didn’t want to disappoint you after being so sweet all night but it was a huge mistake. You quickly locked the door behind us and we sat down, started making out but then you pulled out a pair of handcuffs. You cuffed my arms together and pulled out a knife. Dragging the blade around different parts of my body. You ordered me to put my head back and take your cock all the way in. You were plugging my throat so deep and I kept trying to tell you I couldn’t breathe but you didn’t care. Everything went blank and I guess the best way to say this is that I won’t be doing anymore online dating.