Taboo phone sex fantasies are my specialty. I am the girl of your dark fantasies. The one that never says no, even to the things that other women would say no too. I was partying with Josh over the weekend. I met him in a fetish chat room online. He drove to my city and we got a no tell motel to meet. He had some great blow. I didn’t realize it was cut with some sort of hallucinogenic. Acid has never been my thing. He had it planned. We had talked about our dark fantasies. One of mine was to have my ass brutalized until it prolapsed. I am a pain slut. I’ve had lots of rough anal sex in my life, but my ass has never been ruined. Josh did his best to ruin my ass. It’s always been his dark desire to ruin a girl’s pretty little butthole. He handcuffed me, collared me too. Pushed me down on the dingy carpet so my ass was exposed. He had a special baseball bat for the occasion. It had barbed wire around it. He spanked me with it first. The drugs dulled the pain, but it still hurt to the point I puked. When he rammed it up my asshole, I passed out. The pain was worse than 4 cocks in my ass at once. He was shredding my hole. I cried when he slapped me back awake. When I opened my eyes, he was holding the bat in front of me. It was dripping with blood and flesh, my blood and flesh. It was like something out of The Walking Dead. This was beyond what an ass rape porn star would endure. I needed medical help. He left the motel with me bleeding and shitting myself on the floor of the motel. His last words to me, “Be careful who you tell your deepest secrets too, Cassandra.” Ain’t that the truth.
Tag: Bloody Phone Sex
Taboo Phone Sex: What are Your Dark Fantasies?
Fuck These Preppy Whores
Now that we got all these little preppy bitches in the basement it’s time to start fucking them up.
Let’s knife fuck the blonde till her pussy is in pieces. I want to cut off all her pretty hair
and stuff her ass with it. Now the black chick, I have serious plans for her too. Let’s tie her up and
hang her from the rafters while you fuck her holes. And the cute and tiny asian bitch?
Little cunt should of never left her rice patty but since she loves doing math so god damn much,
let’s make her count aloud each and every time we hit her. I love being a fucking sadistic whore
to these little obnoxious bitches. I bet they are going to wish they would of just let me
sit with them during lunch. Oh well- let’s have fun with our whores, daddy!
Snuff phone sex
I was at a club and finally got done doing my stage time. I went to the back to freshen up and maybe pack my stuff up for the night. I was all alone since the girls were all in the front giving dances and preforming. I heard a mans voice behind me so I quickly turned around. I was still ass naked from my performance.
I told him he could not be back there. I was thinking he may just leave and say it was a mistake that he was back here. Instead, he pushed my body up against my dressing room vanity and forced my legs apart. His hand went over my mouth to muffle my shrieks. He entered inside of me with his swollen cock and began to fuck the shit out of my cunt.
He whispered into my ear how I was a little dirty slut just asking for this. He was giving me what I wanted. I tried to plead through the cracks of his hands to let me go but he was not budging. When he finally used me as the cum rag he intended, I thought he was going to be on his way. He took me by my hair and led me out the back to his car.
He demanded that I get in and took out a sharp blade. I decided in that moment to try and sprint off. I did not even stand a chance. He grabbed me and made a slice from my neck down to my tits. I gushed blood down my torso. He told me he wanted to keep me alive a little longer and that I need to be patient to act stupid like that.
I submitted to him and just got in the car. I have no idea where he plans on taking to me, or worse- what he plans on doing to me.
,My man traded me for a few hundred to a man from his job. I had a bad feeling and refused to leave the car so my crackhead boyfriend dragged me to the front door by my hair. I relaxed a little when a harmless looking man opened the door. But I should have known not to judge a book by its cover. As soon as my man’s car left his driveway the man attacked by biting me. That’s what turned him on, biting. He bit me all over my body. I had bite marks on my tits, face, neck, thighs, and legs. I lost count after 20 bites. He acted like a wild animal and my cries of pain turned him on. By the end of the night, I was a bloody mess. This man who looked like an innocent school teacher was a sick psychopath. My man came and picked me up the next morning. When we got into the car to leave he slammed my head against the window and yelled at me for provoking the man. I cried all the way home.
Snuff sex is for the wicked
Snuff sex is for the wicked, the twisted fucked up kind of people like myself that just can’t get off in normal boring vanilla ways. That’s why when I saw that sweet little bitch walking all by herself I knew that I would be having a very fulfilling evening. I lured her into my car and took her with me to my remote cabin in the woods where no one would be able to hear her scream. I stripped her and tied her to the bed with her legs spread wide open and then fucked her with my favorite wicked strap on, the one with the razor blades embedded in it. It ripped her to pieces from the inside out and she soon bled to death in a horrific way. It was very fulfilling for me, I came more times than I could count!
Taboo phone sex with victim Aubree
Some people wonder what it feels like to have the euphoric feeling of floating out of your body. Well I feel that every time a man decides to choke me and fantasy rape my asshole and cunt when I am unwilling. I have gotten so use to losing consciousness and being taken to the brink of the loss of consciousness that I do not even know what it feels like to be caressed and gently fucked any more. Quite honestly I crave being choked, punched, slapped and humiliated because it makes me feel alive. If I am in pain I know that I am alive and not dead… yet anyway. I am sure some day some man will be raping me while he is holding my throat so tight that while my skin bruises and my eyes turn red from the blood vessels popping, that I will simply fade away into nothing and my corpse will be all that is left as he continues to fuck my shell and then throw away what is left of me.
Snuff phone sex with Stephanie
Please hurt me! I want to feel how pain you can cause me and I want to see if you make me hurt. Take me to a room and do what you will with me, Treat me like I am a piece of dirt. I am literally here on this earth to please you and be your snuff phone sex fantasy slut. I will scream and make you cum all over yourself. I can go as extreme as you want, if you have any ideas you can call me and tell me what you want baby. Just know that I am here for you to snuff and make your little bloody fleshy whore. I wanna die on your cock fuck me to death please baby.
Snuff porn fantasies Indigo
Do you know what it is like to feel blood dripping down your rock hard cock because we just slit the throat of a hoe that no one will miss? We fucked her in every single hole possible, tortured her for hours and made her scream and cum unwillingly. The rape fantasies we carried out until her dying breath. And we did it all because we wanted to get off. After we finished her off we fucked on top of her lifeless body because it makes me wet and come so much harder knowing I took her life away only to make me happier because I am a sick and twisted slut that enjoys watching others in pain, all while I play with myself. I enjoy my sadistic side and embrace it because I am numb to the feelings of others. The only thing I am worried about is my own interest and what is going to make me wet and get me off.
Severed Cock, It’s what’s for dinner
I’ve been “playing” the victim for a while now and it gets old. One of my best girlfriends from way back has a bit of a fetish. She likes to cut men’s dicks off, why I don’t know. I am going to assume some type of trauma, or she’s a lunatic, but either way, I know who to call.
We meet up at a local outdoor café and get right down to discussing what we have in mind. My thoughts were blah and mundane compared to her ideas. Oddly enough our waiter was being a dickhead. He must have been having a bad day, but not the best table to have a crappy attitude. My friend wrote her address and “let’s fuck” on a napkin and when he came with our bill, she handed it to him and said take a look. He looked down at the napkin and all he did was smile and nod. My friend turned to look at me and winked.
Waiting for the guy to show up we hear the knock. My friend…let’s just call her Nancy, answered the door with lingerie on, we both had the sexiest thing in our delicates collection. Nancy said that if this is going to be his last time with his cock I guess it doesn’t hurt if it’s happy. We brought him to the kitchen; he was surprised to see me but grinned. Must have been thinking he was about to have a 3some. She tells him to get undressed and suddenly pulled out a gun and put it to the waiters head and asked if he was going to have a better attitude than what he displayed at the restaurant. Of course, he flipped out and started yelling saying yes Maam I will always have a better attitude, Ma’am. Nancy smiled and said “Too late” and with one slash his cock was on the counter, severed and still hard. The waiter started to scream and Nancy warned him if he continued he would have a cactus shoved up his ass… he didn’t stop screaming. Well, my cactus is ruined. When she was done with him, he crumpled onto the floor in a ball of sobs. “Aren’t you afraid he is going to go to the cops if you let him go?” Nancy said, “Sure I am, but by the time he’s been through the wood chipper I don’t think it’s going to be a problem.” They guy started to scream again with her comment, so she stuffed his cock in his own mouth. She made him stand up and he was a quivering mass. Nancy took the cock from his mouth and threw it into a hot cast iron skillet and made him tend to cooking it like it was a kielbasa. He kept gagging and crying to please let it stop, and just then she told him to go sit at the kitchen table. He went and sat down ever so slowly, his ass just having been jammed with a cactus. She brought him a fork and a steak knife and a plate with the recently cooked cock. She looked at him and said “Dig in” he looked horrified. She told him he could eat it or she would bury him in sand up to the neck and pour honey all over his head. He still didn’t eat. Nancy came out with a syringe from her pocket and injected something into his beck that made him pass out immediately. He’s scraps in the middle of a garbage truck.
I asked her why she felt like he needed that much for just some bad service. She looked at me and said “That was my boyfriend, well ex-boyfriend. He broke up with me, so this is payback.” She laughs and I join in cause now I’m scared shitless of her, I’m moving to another state in a few months. What would she do to me?
Killer phone sex
I was feeling kind of risky, since I wanted a total stranger whom I have never met to come over to my place and basically beat me senseless, while at the same time forcing his will on me to do sexual favors. I want to be dominated I want to experience pain in a whole new light. I answered my door to a normal geeky guy who didn’t seem to fit the bill of what i would presume as an animal. My opinion on him changed very quickly the moment he slammed the door shut behind him. He grabbed me and covered my mouth, so I could not scream as he began to punch me in the stomach multiple times. I became winded and ,all I could do way lay on the floor like a bitch hoping to catch my next big breath of air. I looked at him with a scared kind of look since this is not what I expected from him. He smiled at me with such delight and began kicking me with his his big feet, I felt my ribs cracking I let out a scream and instantly regretted it. He jumped on top of me and began pounding my face in with his hands until I could no longer see out of either eye. My Nose would not stop bleeding since it was really broken. I just cried since this was way to painful for me. I begged him not to hit me anymore, and he agreed If I decided to suck his big fat cock. I grabbed his cock with my bloody hand and began sucking the best I could with two fucked up eyes a broken nose and mouth full of blood. He just kept pushing my head down deeper and deeper down his dick. I could hear him cussing at me and telling me what a nasty whore I was as I continued to work his sausage down my throat, He was not very content since he grabbed at my hair really fucking hard, twisting it all around his hand pulling it up as I sucked him off, I tried so hard to concentrated but it felt like my hair was about to come off my head. I stopped sucking to scream and again I regretted it. He threw me on to the floor ripped off my shirt exposing my boobs. With one hand he twisted my nipple and with the other he began fingering my pussy. I guess I didn’t scream loud enough for him so he reached down to my tits at eye level and with his teeth he bit off my right nipple. I screamed out loud as I did my best to coupe with the pain. I begged him to stop that I wanted no more of this and his response was pushing my head down as he stretched out my pussy. I squirmed and begged him to get off of me. I tried reaching back to grab his balls so I could escape and instead I kept getting stuck into the back of my head, I began seeing stars and feeling light headed and all I could do was wait and stay still as he fucked and filled my holes. When It was over he turned my body over and looked me straight in the eye and watched me take my last breath before he slit my throat watching me bleed to death. His face was red with such anger but smile was from having fun.