Tag: Bloody Phone Sex

Painful Playtime

Taboo Phone Sex

Daddy and I love our play time. He loves abusing my tiny slut body! Our playtime usually begins with Daddy warming me up with brutal punishment on my ass and cunnie. He starts by strapping my arms and legs down while I’m completely naked. Then he pins open my cunnie by stapling my cunnie lips to my legs. The pain sears through my body, but I am Daddy’s good little pain whore and I take it!

Then daddy takes out his long riding crop and starts whipping my back, my bum and around to my cunnie. Daddy then starts making delicate cuts all over my body, using the blood as lube for his rock-hard cock. Daddy only unties me, so he can force fuck my swollen cunnie! Daddy then bit down on my nipple tearing and peeling the flesh back and in the gaping wound, he thrusts his cock in and out fucking my oozing breast!

Daddy cums in my mouth and cages me back up until our next playtime.




Can You Give Me More?

Sadistic phone sex My nipples and cunt lips are perfect for alligator clamps and weights. Don’t you agree? I love that special feeling I get when the weights are tugging at my skin. Ever have an alligator clamp slam shut on you before? It is a feeling of pure pain followed by immense pleasure. And if you are just sadistic enough. You will be so kind and whip me with a belt across my bare flesh making welts appear and bursts open. The smell of my own blood is a trigger for me. My cunt turns to a buttery sloppy mess. You see me trying to taste my dripping blood and you are so kind to scoop some up and shove it into my mouth for me. Are you this sadistic? Can you give me more?

The 12 Days of Castration Phone Sex Christmas

castration phone sexThe 12 Days of Castration Phone Sex Christmas has officially begun. I am castrating a loser for free every day until Christmas. Normally, I charge 10 grand to take a guy’s loser nut sack. You would be surprised how many guys beg me to take their nuts. Some want a clean castration, others prefer it dirty. Dirty as in catch a nasty infection dirty! I am charitable to a point. My 12 Days of Castration spree will all be dirty castrations. Ted was the first beneficiary of my charity. He has been begging me for years to cut his nuts off, but he just never had the funds to pay me. He is a broke ass loser. His little dick is 3 inches. He can’t even pay hookers to fuck him. He has a dead end job and few friends. I am doing the world a solid by making sure he cannot reproduce. Never will he be a baby daddy. We never needs more sad sacks in the world. I surprised him at his place. The fucking loser had the audacity to tell me to leave. No fucking way. He begged me almost daily for years and now I am going to take his nuts for free and he tells me to leave? I clocked him in the head. Loser went down like a sack of potatoes. I tied him up, stripped him and then tossed some cold water in his face to wake him up. I was holding my rusty knife to his nut sack. The moment he spoke, I sliced his nuts. A dirty cut too. Usually, I would cauterize the wound, but this punk ass didn’t deserve any mercy. I tied a sock around the wound, so he wouldn’t bleed out, but he was going to lose some blood and have a nasty scar from the procedure to remind him always of what a worthless piece of shit he is. Merry fucking Christmas.


Snuff pornYou sent your friend in first to fuck the shit out of my mouth and I used the razor I had hidden in my mouth to slice and dice that cock. He screamed out in pain as I clamped down on it. Cutting the inside of my mouth and tongue up in the process. I didn’t care though. I was going to end you both. Blood was everywhere, completely covering my face and tits and the floor. You rushed over and starting to try to pry my mouth off of his cock, but I wasn’t letting go for anything. Not long and your friend fell to the floor, his cock severed in half. Hah! You punched me in my face making my ears ring. You dug the razor out of my mouth, and brought it down to my pussy. You sliced from my asshole to my cunt until there was one huge hole. I’ve never felt so much pain in my life. I could feel the blood pooling around my ass on the cold table. That’s when you drove your cock in my new huge ass/cunt hole. I could hear the blood squirt with each pump. And with each pump I knew I was going to lose consciousness soon. You then put your hand around my throat and fucked me until I was gone.

21 shots on her 21st birthday

taboo phone sexSorority sluts are so dumb and make perfect victims in taboo phone sex. I had one of the sorority sluts enjoy an epic 21st birthday. I set the whole thing up. The night was young, and I had the perfect dosage of arsenic for her 21 shots. I knew she wasn’t going to turn down the favorite game. All eyes were on her shot after shot. The more she took, the harder it was for her to breathe. She didn’t feel well and didn’t want to finish the game. Number one rule in this sorority you can’t quit what you have started. All the frat boys were making her take each shot. Trying to prove a point she didn’t stop. I watched like a hawk and could see her make her way to a vacant room. I helped her and locked the door behind us. All eyes were no longer on her. Luckily I was going to watch her take her last breath. I let my friend in the room and watched as he ruined her holes fucking her almost dead body. Lifeless covered in piss and barf her 21st ended with a real bang! 


Taboo phone sex

There are many different types of traps.  Bear traps, Leghold, snare, and the list goes on.  My very favorite type of trap?  Honey.  That’s right.  A Honey trap can be the most lethal there ever was.  If this type of trap is “sprung” then it destroys lives, and the effects are far reaching.  It is almost like the Butterfly Effect.  Pretty amazing when you think about it.

Someone I know needed some help to find out if his wife was cheating on him.  He knew it was another woman.  I do know a lot of sick fucks, but this person wasn’t one of them.  I went to school with him, the thought of being unfaithful in a marriage sickened him.  Cheating is what broke up his family when he was younger.  Now he hates everything about it, and has no respect for those who indulge.

I don’t care either way, none of my business.  However, since I have known him for a long time I told him I would try and pick her up and then go from there.  He thanked me and asked me if there was any way I could get pictures if she fell for it.  I told him sure.  He wanted to know when and where it would happen.  I told him it was better if he didn’t know, that way he couldn’t just show up and perhaps ruin the whole thing.

It took about two months of just following her around to see that she was indeed cheating.  For a moment I thought that maybe I would just take some pictures of her with these other women instead, but I wanted to have some fun with her.  I walked into the bar that she frequented and waited.  I have to say, there are some really horny women out there!  I saw many hands without wedding rings but indentations indicating that one was recently taken off.  Women are just like men, we can be down and dirty too.

She walked in.  I moved close to her, started a conversation, laughed at her dumb jokes.  We finally left, she asked if we should take a uber since we both were drinking.  I told her no, not necessary, I just had the one.  She got into my car, I said her name, she turned toward me and punched her hard in the face.  Her nose immediately started to bleed, I hit her two more times, hard.  She was knocked out.  I drove back to my house and turned my cell phone on. I called her husband and told him that I had to scrap tonight, that I would do it next week.  He said okay, but was thinking of backing out.  I told him not to worry about it.  I then went up the mail slot and pushed my cell phone through the slot.  I wouldn’t need it for the rest of the night.

Eventually, I pulled off the road, going further into the woods so no passing car would be able to see my vehicle.  I got out of my car, then pulled her out. By the time she woke up, she was naked, and secured to a tree.  I had my fun with her, then left her there, bleeding and still tied to the tree.  Her panties shoved down her throat.  I made sure that there was nothing there that would point to me in any way, then gave her a soft kiss on her forehead, wiped it off with some dirt then left. I wonder when she will be found.

Taboo Phone Sex Roleplay

taboo phone sexTaboo phone sex role plays are the hottest. One of my callers came up with a creative role play yesterday that gave me wet dreams last night. I was a prisoner in an experimental prison.  Instead of being sentenced to death in a normal electric chair, I was sold in a hostel style auction. My death was going to be violent and bloody and painful. I was praying for a lethal injection when I saw the room my purchaser took me to die. Rusty knifes and dirty tools were on a gurney. Men with so much money they can pay to kill a death row inmate, had evil things planned for me and my posse of prison bitches. I could hear blooding chilling screams. I could see the hate in the eyes of the man who bought me. He strapped me down to the gurney. He strapped me down mid arm and mid leg for a reason. When he fired up a dirty old chainsaw, I knew why. He dismembered my hands and my feet first. Then he untied me because I wasn’t going anywhere soon, according to his warped sense of humor. It was torture sex. Actually, it was just torture because he never put his cock inside me. He masturbated in my squirting blood as he slowly took off more of my arms and more of my legs. He got off to my pain. He told me he was saving the state tons of money by killing me himself. It was a slow, painful death and nowhere close to being humane. Just how I like my snuff fantasies. I deserve to be killed in a bloody and violent way. I am a worthless druggy cunt who contributes nothing to society. If you were to kill me, could you top dismemberment?

Daddy’s Breeding Snuff Whore

Taboo phone sex

Daddy loves breeding me until I’m nice and swollen for him. Then he likes force fucking and beating me until that fetus slides right out of me- no first breaths or cries, just mangled tissue and blood just like Daddy likes. Daddy says maybe one day I’ll make it to term and we’ll have another snuff whore in the family. But for right now, he just wants to play and torture fuck me, his favorite daughter!

Right now, my belly is perfectly swollen, my breasts are tender and filled with milk, I can barely move and I hate it. Daddy says it’s almost time. When I’m ready, Daddy will force fuck and torture my cunnie until pain blisters throughout my belly! He’ll make me gag and bleed all over his cock while he suffocates and beats my face with his hands!

A good breeding snuff whore like me knows better than to put up a fight. My raw cunt and ass are bred for the abuse! Daddy starts beating my swollen belly until the pain surges are intense! He kicks and thrusts harder and harder until the pain is agonizing and heart pounding. Out slides a fresh mangled corpse. Daddy disposes of it. In a few weeks, I’ll be ready to breed again.



Bloody phone sexI’m so sick of being your little fucking victim. I’ve been plotting this for some time. I’m going to trick you. I’m going to have a razor in my mouth and the next time you force fuck my mouth, I’m going to have a sharp little surprise for you. The only thing that is going to fill my fucking throat tonight it the blood from your sliced and diced fucking cock. You won’t be able to torture me anymore. Even if I drown in your blood, or I’m tied to this bed until I starve and die, at least I won’t live as your slave anymore. I want to watch you fucking suffer this time. I want to watch you bleed out. I want to watch that dick be lifeless. The dick that had tortured me over and over again relentlessly. If you bring friends this time, they’re going to suffer the same fate.

Sacrificing Sarah

killer phone sexsnuff sexI was working on set with a couple people on a movie set with Sarah H. she got the roll for a straight to dvd film and for lackluster career it was no surprise. I got so close with her that I was asked to get her in her most vulnerable state. by one of the film editors. I knew a top secret that made her the perfect pawn in our game. We hung out one day and she left her phone in my car. Curiosity got the best of me and I saw all her home made porn. She had pictures jerking off randoms and getting fucked. That wasn’t the only secret I found out I saw conversations that were private that made her my soon to be victim.

I invited her over and together we drugged her. It was a couple of us and you can say it was a cult in some sorts. We wanted sacrifice her because she had an it factor in our eyes and a little something extra. Watching Sarah wake up in pure terror was the best.. She had no idea she was going to be a snuff sex slave. Frazzled and confused she couldn’t see we all had masks on and it was pitch black. We revealed ourselves to Sarah. She was in a stream of tears and it was actually a turn on. She felt betrayed she really thought we were all friends. I tried to pacify her and told her we were.

It didn’t take long for her to plead and bargain. We knew she would use her big secret as a way to get out of the sacrifice. I let her know we knew she was growing a little more than a gut. I figured out she was pregnant before she did. That was her way out she thought but in reality we chose her because we knew she was growing a tot. I did what I was told and began lick here slutty face. Her make up came off and reveled all her big pores and pimples. I was sucking her snot and whiteheads off and all the gunk out of her pimples. I then was ordered to take all her shit right in my mouth. I wasn’t done with the slut. We kept her till her water broke and sacrificed that offspring. Thankfully it was girl so it was twice as nice.

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