I was tied up, it all happened so quickly. I came to serve the Master. He told me he had a surprise. I thought he had found our newest victim. It was unexpected when he grabbed me and dragged me into the dungeon. My legs sliding, scraping against the cold stony ground. My hands tied together and placed on a hook leaving me to hang, the smell of death in the air. I truly thought today was the day my value ran out. That I was about to be disposed of, I was actually getting a little excited. When Master turned around with a sharp blade I imagined it being thrust in and out of me. However, he had different plans. He took the blade and cupped my breast with his free hand and began to carve into my skins. It stung and I tried my best not to whimper as I knew it would upset him, but I just couldn’t help it. Each new cut was done purposely to cause pain. Master was branding me, he wanted the mark to remain as a scar for the rest of my days so he needed it to be deep and to hurt. For my whimpering, though he decided to make me really scream. With the same blade, he brought it down to my pussy the cool sharp point pressed against my clit. Slowly piercing it the pain was unbearable. The more I scream the more he made it hurt until he was fucking the blade into my cunt, screaming at me to keep going, to fuck his blade. There was a bright puddle of blood collecting on the ground by the time I was cut down, still in pain even now, but still can’t stop touching myself.
Tag: Bloody Phone Sex
Much Deserved Torture Sex
I love hurting people
I love hurting people, any kind of people I don’t really give a fuck. Last night I got to kill a whole family, they were my neighbors and they were loud as fuck. Always stomping and yelling and playing loud ass music it was too much! I waited until they were asleep and I broke in to their house. I started with the father, he was passed out on his back with his huge beer belly hanging out, it was a real pleasure to disembowel that asshole real fucking quick. I left him there bleeding on the living room floor with his guts in his hands. Then I went on to the mother, well that bitch was so doped up that she wasn’t feeling anything I was doing to her so I just left her ass there. The brats were for last, they were the worst of the bunch, loud and bratty and spoiled fucking rotten. I stripped them naked, beat them and force fucked all their little fuck holes and then beat them to death. I can’t wait to see what happens when their bitch mother finally wakes up.
Sundays are Gangbang Rape Porn Days
Sundays are for gangbang rape porn. For me, at least. While on quarantine, I am stuck under the same roof with my stepson. He is a bipolar sadist. I only ever see his bad side because he hates me. I am the reason his mother went off the deep end. Daddy left her for me. A hotter, kinkier, and younger model. When I started birthing boys with my husband his first-born son developed deep seated hatred for me. Now, that boy is an adult and can do much harm to me. He has been blackmailing me for years. My husband does not know I still do coke. I got out of control many years ago and almost bankrupted us. I would have lost everything even custody of my sons if I did not agree to be a good wife and mommy afterwards. I just had to get more creative with my coke habit. About 5 years ago, my stepson busted me, and I have been his ass rape porn slave ever since. Sundays, in the basement he violates my ass for hours while streaming it for money. He lost his job from the virus and my ass is his cash cow. I hate it. He gapes my ass. He shreds my ass. He makes my ass bleed. He does not care that I cry and scream. He does it all right under the nose of my husband. He used a baseball bat on my ass yesterday because one of his viewers paid extra to see it. He only paid $100. That was all my ass was worth. When the bat came back covered in blood and shit, he made me lick it clean. I cannot wait until this quarantine is over and he moves back to his own home. Every day I am on lock down with him could be my last.
Snuff Sex on My Mind
Snuff sex is always on my mind. Right now, however, it is on my mind even more. Stupid people are multiplying and spreading faster than this damn virus. I was at the store trying to get some damn toilet paper like everyone else. This stupid cunt had her cart full of what appeared to be all the toilet paper in the store. Others were asking for one package and she was giving flippant responses. She was a Paris Hilton looking skinny spoiled bitch. She screamed rich bitch entitled whore. No one would miss her. I watched her put her loot into her new Escalade. I followed her home. I needed to know where she lived. She lived in a mansion. She represents what is wrong with this world. Nothing I hate more than self-entitled cunts who think the world owes them and that they are better than the rest of us. She was likely rich from the labor of others. The sugar baby, gfe vacuous type who gets men to pay her way in life. I had to reel in my hatred for her. It was broad daylight and I did not want to kill her in her home. I decided to hunt her at night. A hot bitch like that would be going out. I waited. I stalked her. I prevented her from draining the pockets of a man like you. I ran her off the road, hit her on the head and took her to my cabin the woods. She had some choice words for me, but I dished it right back. I let her know it was too late to redeem herself. I told her she was dying because she is a self-entitled cunt. Then I stabbed her in the stomach and cut up to her sternum. It is painful, but a slow death. I played with her internal organs and stuck my hand through her cunt from the inside. She screamed in pain, which aroused me. I know, I am a sick bitch. She finally died. Quicker than I had hoped. There are more pretty cunts like her, so next time I will do better. Maybe you will join me?
You Are Not Safe
The world is full of evil, just most people are to blind to even notice it these days. They are desensitized. I look down at the pale brunette struggling to breathe at my feet. Oh, Master had fun with you. You really shouldn’t have trusted me, what kind of stranger just walks up to you and ask if you want to come over for snacks. I didn’t know you, and you have never seen me before. It’s why I picked you for Master’s easy prey. You thought it was a nice warm day out so you put on your cute flimsy work-up clothes that are not ripped and drenched in blood. Then you went for your run and ran into me. What made you trust me? Was it my hair? My “kind” eyes? I wish I could understand why the mind hasn’t properly developed warning systems when you meet evil. I guess it doesn’t matter now. I think Master plans on draining all of your blood and then he will fuck me in a pool of it. Turns out your great day was actually my great day. Goodnight silly girl.
Killer Phone Sex Accomplice Revenge with Your Slutkins
You have no clue what this killer phone sex sadistic is capable of! I asked you to bring me your youngest since you owed me money for the slutkins porn I made you. Do you fucking even know the risks involved in that shit? I might be a whore, but I am no dumb bitch! Your youngest was to be collateral until you went to empty your bank account for me. But no, You thought paying me wasn’t of importance. You were fucking wrong! I waited until I knew you were just a sick p-daddy want a be and had no intentions of making things right. I was angry, and I was out for revenge. I stalked your home with accomplices until the timing was right. I took your precious family. Your wife and three daughters down very fast. I made sure to leave plenty of blood at the scene. When you came home you found me waiting in your armchair. I had the heart of your wife in my hand and asked you if you were happy with what you had done? Lights out! When you woke in my dungeon of pain and gloom your precious milky skinned daughters were crying out in pain as they were being gangbanged. Blood drenched them and these little whores could take a pounding. I told them that this was all daddies’ fault as I pushed your face into each sweet cum and blood-filled cunny. Are you happy now daddy! I will string you up and kill you if you fuck with me! Pay me my money bitch or don’t I will get revenge.
Laylas Your Punishment Whore
You had been watching me while jacking off for awhile. I didnt know it but you were following every day. I would walk home from the store and you wouuld be watchig me from the windows of your car. Pretty soon you figured out what street my house was on. You were waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. I wa alone one night starting to drift asleep in my bed. You slid the window open inmy room and crept your way inside. I awoke to someone pouncing on top of me and pinning my shoulders down with my knees. You had a gun in you hand and you started pistol whipping me. Hitting me hard on the side of my head. You said you were going to make me your punishmet whore and if I didnt obey you I would get shot right in the head. You ordered me to get down on my knees and suck your cock immediatley. I was trembling while you forced your cock in my mouth. The barrel of the gun pointing at me.
I tried something new
I was being all domesticated the other day cooking a chicken and as I broke the breast bone in that bird to spatchcock I was struck by the sound and thought to myself that I should try and recreate that with some young and tender little whore. So I went and got a nice fresh young one, she would be so tender and delicious I just knew it. I used her first of course, no sense in letting that sweet little baby cunt go unused and then I shaved her bald and washed her thoroughly. Then I split her open and pulled all of her guts out just like you would gut a deer. Then I flipped her over and pushed until I heard that same satisfying crack and I split her breastbone. Then I seasoned that bitch up and cooked her until she was tender. I fed her meat to some of my lovers that enjoy that sort of thing and let me tell you, she was fucking delicious.
Snuff Porn at Church
I was in the mood to make snuff porn. Perhaps it is all the horror films I have been watching on Shudder or maybe its just my nature. All I knew was that I had to get out of the house and kill something. Kill something young and tender. I got in my car and drove around. My town was a ghost town. No one out. Hunting is challenging because nothing is open. My usual hunting grounds are empty like malls and public parks. I can’t leave the state without my license plate being recorded. I could, however, leave the county. I drove three hours to this city with a crazy pastor saying God will protect him and his congregation Stupid fucks like that are breeders. I knew there would be brats there. I am a blasphemy sex bitch anyway. I have no problem killing on so called holy ground. The world needs one less Bible thumper in the world anyway, don’t you agree? I mean the God fanatics are out in droves and their little crotch fruit will grow up to be just like them. I grabbed a little angel who was in the hallway by herself. She wondered off, I guess. I suffocated her just enough so she would pass out. I put her in my trunk and took her to the woods behind the church. I made it look like a satanic sacrifice. Hail Satan. I mean these are some end of times. I put her in the middle of a pentagon and cut her open. Sliced her tender flesh. Fucked her tiny holes and dismembered her. It was a bloody hell of a scene, but I worked out some aggression and maybe taught those bible thumpers a lesson about having church in the midst of a worldwide pandemic.
They should have followed the rules
I was out for a walk earlier today and I saw a woman with her brats at the playground even tho that playground was closed. We’re in the middle of a pandemic, we’re all supposed to be social distancing and all that bullshit so what the fuck was this whore doing there germing up the place? Well I decided that I should punish her for breaking the rules. I followed the dumb cunt and her brood of brats home and waited until it was dark. Then I broke into her house and had a little fun. I herded them all into the living room and tied them up and asked her what the fuck she thought she was doing earlier, she told me that she didn’t believe in the pandemic and thought it was just a ploy by the government to get us all chipped. The stupidity really hurt my brain so I just shot the bitch in the face to shut her up. Then I moved on to her brats. I spent a lot of time cutting them up into little pieces while they were alive, it took them a very long time to die and it was just so satisfying.