I remember my ex was very dark and sadistic. I had to get a restraining order on him after he broke into my house several times. I relocated hoping he wouldn’t find me again. I heard on the news that they were finding animal’s in the forest disemboweled like they were used in satanic ritual. It wouldn’t have bothered me but it was in the forest close to my house. A young girl had gone missing. Something told me that it must be the cult my ex belonged to. He was trying to make a human sacrifice. I realized this was what he had wanted to do to me. I had to act before it was to late I could take the captives place. At night when the moon was full I went to the woods with a flashlight. I found A trail with lots off foot prints. I could hear chanting deep in the woods. I ran deeper into the darkness. I found many hooded figures surrounding a naked girl. She was tied up. And laying over a huge stone. I shone my light right on her. Everyone turned to me. The leader proclaimed. Now we shall sacrifice the virgin to the devil. Her soul shall become eternal. The queen of the damned. I interrupted the chanting. Take me instead! I pleaded. They all drew their knives and viciously attacked me.
Tag: Bloody Phone Sex
Queen Of The Damned
Torture Phone Sex is Therapeutic
We could all use a little torture phone sex right now. Inflicting pain is therapeutic. Let us hunt for a victim that we can work our anger issues out on together. The world is full of useless cunts and pricks. Hell, you may be one of them. I met this guy at the grocery store. Meet is too strong of a word. He was all up in my personal space with no mask. He tried to hit on me. Got right up in my face like there is no pandemic and gave me a lame come on. I told him to back off and tried to kiss me. The mother fucker tried to kiss me. For a quick moment, I thought about gutting him like a pig in aisle 7. I wanted this mother fucker dead. Natural selection would kill him sooner or later, but I wanted to speed up the process. I followed him out to the parking lot and gave him my address. The look on his face was priceless. He thought he was getting lucky with a Goth girl. Nope. He was getting sliced and diced. He was getting torture sex. I drugged his whisky and while he was passed out, I dragged his body onto a sheet of plastic. I did not want his blood on my floors. Normally, I kill and maim in my cabin in the woods, but these are not normal times. I was impulsive, which I never am, but this asshole needed taught a lesson. I did not kill him. I castrated him. I took his nuts. I used a rusty blade and I waited before I cauterized the wound. He bled like a stuck pig. He was awake for it thankfully. I like to torture when my victim can feel it. I am a sick bitch. I had him tied down, so he would not escape. I neutered the bastard. Just like I will neuter you if you come at me like a dog in heat. Castration phone sex is my favorite hobby.
Let them all burn
I was bored at home looking at shit online when I came across an article on witch burning and I thought to myself that would be really fun to try. I wanted to see if they would die from the smoke first or literally burn to a crisp so I set up my own little experiment. I kidnapped an entire family so that I could see how long they would last, I wanted lots of different ages and sexes to really see what would happen. There was the mother and father of course along with an old grandmother and two little brats, a boy and a girl. I took them far out in the country where no one would be around to hear them screaming and started the torture. I tied them all to poles with brush piled all along the bottom and lit the fires. They were all screaming and hysterically begging me to let them go but I was enjoying the show. The old lady died first from the smoke, it was honestly a little disappointing how little she suffered but the rest of them had many many burns before they finally succumbed to the fire and died. The only thing I will do differently next time is bring a man with me, I wanted to fuck while watching them burn and all I could do was masturbate.
Pure Evil Phone Sex
I always thought of you as such a sweet man and friend of my parents. I am in complete shock that you have me here, tied up in you basement as your very own little torture doll. I tremble every time I hear you coming, as I have no idea what is going to happen this time. Is there any way we can come to some sort of arrangement on my freedom? Perhaps I can be your accomplice to finding new victims to keep here in your basement. I swear I won’t tell a single soul where I have been and whom I have been with. I have a way with women and girls and they trust me very easily. I’ll be the perfect partner in crime for you, but please just release me from this basement. I cannot take it anymore. I am begging you. I am at my breaking point and I just don’t know what to do other than plead and offer up my complete services as your accomplice. I know all of the places to hunt for your new victims. Let me prove to you just how fruitful this arrangement can be. I had no idea you were such a monster. You hide it so well.
She wished she was dead
This stupid little whore was walking down the wrong road this morning when she passed by my house. I live in a pretty remote place and I never see strangers just walking by like that so when I saw her I was pretty upset. I went out there and forced her into my house, I asked her why she was on my property and the bitch had the nerve to tell me she was lost. Well she was right about that, she was definitely lost now, there was no hope for her. I tied her up and beat the shit out of her before I made some calls to rent her out. I’m going to have a lot of men come over and roughly fuck the shit out of this whore until she dies, it’s exactly what she deserves.I can’t wait to see her stuffed full of cock and beaten senseless, I wonder how long she will last…
Bloody Phone Sex Victim
You may not believe this, but I’ve recently discovered the thrill in using fake blood on my snuff calls, because it really gets me in the mood. Especially for those bloody phone sex calls. I just bought two new gallons of costume blood because I love drenching my body in it while we play out a crime scene together. I love the feeling of that oozing gooey blood red liquid all over my tits while I’m begging for you to spare my life. I especially love it when my roommates come home to find me in a pool of fake blood. With all that said, I’m really looking forward to some bloody massacre type calls, where you show me know mercy and use every torture device you can think of on my sweet innocent young body. The more violent you become, the more of my blood I’ll use, as we get off together. Don’t hold back and don’t be afraid to get rough. I prefer it that way and the bloodier the better.
I made him my bitch
One thing about me that you have to know is that I can’t fucking stand an arrogant fucking asshole of a man. I am nobodies little bitch, I don’t submit and I will not be condescended to. So when I met Michael I was ready to stab him within minutes, he was an arrogant prick that thought he could order me around or something. I had to set him straight real quick so I slapped him in the mouth and forced him down to his knees. I told him that I was a fucking Goddess and I would not be spoken to that way and you know what? That little bitch caved right away and begged for my forgiveness. I had to make an example of him because no one was ever going to talk to me the way he did. I made him strip and go fetch me my big strap on cock. Then I made him suck it like a little faggot. He was talking back to me so I slapped him with it and shoved him down on the floor. I forced fucked his little ass until he was squealing like a little piggy. When I felt he was sufficiently humiliated I stopped fucking him and beat him instead. I wanted to really make him learn a lesson and believe me he learned it well. He won’t ever be treating any woman like he has in the past ever again or next time I will kill him.
Making Snuff Movies For Him
My panties were torn, and he pumped so hard that his dick seemed to grow larger inside of me with each thrust. He began spilling all the details he wanted with the snuff movies of his daughters I was going to make for him and others who paid well. We were in an abandoned warehouse as he claimed my pussy even though I had not been willing at first. And the pain was a turn on. My cunt was being ripped, but nothing some self-sutures could not fix. His wife and son would be poisoned and threw in the farthest ocean with some cement but his lovely teen daughters would be mutilated and tortured as men, (as many that I could find) took their holes and pumped them full of cum. My new accomplice Brent would disappear off the face of the earth after I was done making these whores the stars of the show. I felt him pull out but only to tear his 10-inch cock into my tight ass hole. I screamed, but no one could hear me. My nails dug into his shirt as his heavy body pressed me painfully into the cement ground. And when he bit my neck making blood spill, I fucking came hard. I never thought his rape fantasies Phone sex material playing out would be something that fulfilled my deep snuff heart and cunt. He pulled off of me and said after the snuff whoreletts were murdered and I got my money that One day Brent would contact me to hurt again. And my cold heart looks forward to it.
Walking Alone Is Deadly When You Look This Hot
I never noticed I was being followed. It was late at night. Me and my hot friend were just leaving the bar. We were dressed up like total sluts. She was just about to call us an Uber when I opted to walk home instead. She told me to be careful and we parted ways. I was walking down a dark street on a rough neighborhood. I noticed a car slowly pulled up beside me. The man had a dark shades on I couldn’t see his face well. He must have thought I was a prostitute. He got out the car and had a gun in his hand and pointed it right at me. I froze to scared to run. He said “Bitch drop down on your knees.” He put the gun right in my mouth and made me suck on it like it was a cock in my mouth. Then he forced me to take my panties of and sodomized me with the gun in my vagina hole. I was scared out of my mind.
Babysitter Phone Sex From Hell
You were hired by my parents to babysit me which I assumed was going to be an evening of board games and movies, but you had other plans in mind, didn’t you? For starters you relocated me to an unknown location, where my parents are to never see or find me again. At this location there is a basement that you keep me in. It’s your own little playground of torture and fun and my living nightmare. You visit me there every night and sometimes throughout the day as well. I tremble every time I her your footsteps because I know that nothing but horror and pain awaits me. Over there in the corner is a table where you like to display all of your favorite torture devices, even though you have a lot more upstairs. It’s like this ritual act every time you decide to introduce a new one to me, because you enjoy the look of fear on my face throughout the process. Well I can’t take this fear and panic any more! I want you to end my life and end this terror once and for all!