Tag: Bloody Phone Sex

They all had to go

taboo phone sexI like my privacy, I enjoy the solitude and silence of having no neighbors but unfortunately someone bought the parcel of land that borders mine. These assholes decided to build their house very close to the edge of our property line and they were far too close for my liking. I tried to be nice, I tried to suggest that we would both be happier living further apart but they were insistent that the only place they wanted their house was that spot. Well, I can’t exactly have all the fun I have with these motherfuckers all close to me so I had to get a little drastic. The whole family came out to see the foundation poured so I snuck over there quietly before the concrete men came. I managed to get them alone one by one, the little girl was first. All I had to do was let a little bunny loose nearby, it ran in front of her and she chased it over by me. I hit her over the head and knocked her out and then tied her up and gagged her. I repeated the process until I had the whole family knocked out and tied up then I dragged them over to where the foundation would be poured. I covered them with a layer of dirt and just waited. The concrete men buried them alive without ever knowing they were there and since they were gone, the house was never built and the property was foreclosed on. Guess who just bought it… I’ll be keeping my privacy forever now.

Mutilation Phone Sex At Its Finest

Mutilation phone sex

Its all my daddy’s’ fault that I am so good at mutilation phone sex. He set me up young. First by force fucking my and my little sisters cunny and making us into his little sex whores while mommy had run off. I still think he murdered her after finding out about the black man down the street, but that is a tale for another time. Daddy was a very sick man. He kept his glass dick filled and made us work the farm in just our undies and degraded us every chance he got. But I was his clean up girl as I was the oldest. See daddy has a habit of taking young girls and women off the street and bringing them back to the old house and doing horrid things to them. Down in the basement is a meat hook and all kinds of bondage and torture equipment. Once he had fucked these little living dolls he needed something to really get his cock off. The Meth made him hard for days. And slicing tits and nipples off was just the start. I would see his precum begin to drip as he sliced faces and pussies next. After he had held them down and smothered them with my pussy he would take a big metal pole and shove it as far as he could up these once beautiful cunts. And after that would be how he got off finally mounting a dead body growing cold under him…

snuff phone sex

Faith’s Cannibalism Phone Sex

cannibalism phone sex

When he told me that I looked good enough to eat, there was no way that I could have been prepared for what he really meant. He told me that he was a Dominant man with a very particular fantasy in mind. I’m a no limits kind of a fuck slut, what could he want that I’m not ready for, right? His voice lowered to a near growl, and his heated breath beat the words into my ear. ” I told you, you look good enough to eat.” My legs went limp, and I fell into his embrace while I scrambled to gain a hold with something around me.
My pussy would always quiver when I had cannibalism phone sex. This was taking place, though. My heart thundered in my chest while the knife shredded my dress like it was made of paper. The cannibal marched me into his kill room and pressed the blade into my fragile neck before dragging it across in one swift motion, bleeding me like a pig. As each drop hit the drain, he told me how he’s feast on me for days, and then the lights faded, and I just melted into death’s arms.

I don’t look like a killer

taboo phone sexI don’t look like a killer… but I am one and that is a fact that some people learn just a little too late. I was bored so I logged on to a dating app and posted a few sexy pictures, it didn’t take long for the eager horny men to respond. I picked a cute one and invited him back to my place, it was almost too easy to get him to agree to being tied up and once he did he sealed his fate. He thought that he would be getting a sexy night but instead he would be tortured to death. I cut him to pieces slowly and carefully. I wanted him to experience as much pain as possible, it was such a turn on to me to see him suffer. I was so wet that I just had to sit on his face and smother him in my juices while I cut off his manhood. I came so hard watching all that blood pour out, it was so satisfying.

Knife Play Phone Sex With Faith

knife play phone sex

The dream that I had last night caused me to wake up in wet sheets. My panties were soaked, and my sheets looked as if I had been squirting relentlessly. Do you perverted animals want to know what got my masochistic cunt drenched and creamy? My mind races to the dark, dangerous places with me being your vulnerable victim. My hand went into my messy cummy panties, and I started to fuck myself with brutal finger pumps, but as you probably could guess, that’s not enough for this pain slut. I needed more force, more anger fucking into me and pushing me to the edge.
I hopped up from my bed and got the cold silver blade that I keep in the fridge for knife play. Then I pressed the cold metal to my neck and held it there while I writhed around in the sheets and begged you not to slice my throat and take me. I heard the rough, emotionless voice in my ear telling me to fucking beg all that I wanted but that I wasn’t going to live through the night. My clit was humming with need, and it needs knife play phone sex. Take me.

He wanted me more

taboo phone sexI met a man as sadistic and cruel as I am. He is tall and handsome and has a cock so big it almost hurts when I fuck him, the only problem is that he is fucking married to some bitch. Well, I won’t stand for that type of thing, if I am going to be with someone he will be faithful to only me or he ends up dead with his whore.I told my new lover that he had to choose and he of course chose me. We decided to kill his wife so that he wouldn’t lose any money in a divorce. It was so fucking sexy, he let me into their house late at night when she was asleep. We tied her to the bed and gagged her and spent hours torturing her fat flabby body. She was crying the whole time, if she wasn’t gagged she probably would have begged for her life but we didn’t give her that chance. We murdered her in her own bed and then fucked right next to her dead body. We were covered in blood it was hot as fuck. We took the corpse out to the woods and buried it, good riddance too now he’s all mine.

Why I Prefer Knife Play Phone Sex

knife play phone sex

Knife play phone sex is near and dear to me. I am a cutter. I do not cut myself. I cut others, maybe even you. I love the sight of blood. I like the sound of skin tearing. I like cries, whimpers, and screams. Sure, I could shoot some one dead but no fun in that for me. One bullet and a thud. It is over quickly. A knife, however, can inflict pain for hours. A knife can do a lot more than a gun. It can castrate a tiny dicked tool. It can stab the cunt of a trailer trash whore. It can dismember body parts. It can skin the flesh off a person. I can gut a little whore like a pig. I can disfigure a vain cunt.  A knife is perfect for torture sex. A gun is what a hothead uses. I do not partake in crimes of passion or anger. I do not just stab a person. I plan it out. That is how I have never been detected. I plot. I hunt. I observe the patterns of my prey. No rush in killing either. I take my time, so my victim feels the pain and feels the impending death. That is what gets my cunt wet. I am a hunter. I get off on stalking and planning some little slut’s death or even some grown ass prick’s death. You can have your guns. I will keep sharpening my knives and planning my crimes. Care to join me?

She died slowly

taboo phone sexI wanted to kill a whore slowly, I’m always getting carried away with the blood lust and killing them far too quickly. I wanted to really take my time so I figured if I took a step back and watched the bitch die in another room I could keep myself from killing her too fast. I got a vacuum bed and put an unlucky little whore in it. She was naked and terrified, she begged for her life but I showed her no mercy. I sealed her into that bed and took slowly all the way to the end. I was able to watch her struggles from across the room, she was fighting for every breath and I just kept on slowly taking more and more air until there was none. It took several minutes for her to die and as I watched her I was overcome by the need to rub my dripping wet pussy. I was more turned on than I had ever been before. Once she was dead I sat on her latex covered face and rubbed my pussy all over  it until I came. I loved it, I want to try it again with someone even younger next time…

I made her pay

taboo phone sexThis annoying woman moved in a few doors down from me and she has been harassing me for days. She just pops in whenever she feels like it and I can’t fucking stand it! First of all she is one of those women with her own little side business so she is always trying to sell me shit I don’t have any interest in. Second of all, she always comes by my house at the fucking crack of dawn and waked me up, I can’t deal with all that bullshit so I waited until she was asleep last night and I broke into her house. I had a mask on, not that I really needed to bother cus that bitch was knocked the fuck out. I tied her to the bed and grabbed my trusty bat. I beat that dumb fucking whore to death with my baseball bat and then shoved the whole thing up in her pussy and left her there spread eagle and naked beaten to death with a bat in her vag. She deserved it all for being so goddamned annoying!

A Kidnapping Phone sex Tale

kidnapping phone sexDo you like a hot kidnapping phone sex tale? I was out getting some fresh air. I feel like a caged animal. I am sure you can relate. I was walking, taking in the night air and listening to some Ozzy thru my headphones. I was not aware of the car following me. Once I turned on a dead street to circle back home, some one jumped out of the car and shoved me in the trunk. I thought it was master as first, so I did not panic. I panicked when the trunk opened, and I saw some stranger with steel in his eyes. I asked him what was going on. I tried not to show my panic even though this was a panic worthy moment. He ordered me out of the trunk. He had the gun, so I did not fight. Contrary to my persona, I do not have a death wish. Not this week at least. There was a castle in the background. A beautiful, old Gothic building. My fantasy mind got ahead of me. I wondered it this was Dracula’s castle. I have a thing for vampires. It was not the home of Count Dracula, but pardon the pun, it was a blood relative. All vampires descend from him. I met a handsome count who looked hungry. I speculated that this virus has hurt their feeding schedule. Not as many folks out and about at night. No easy prey stumbling home from a bar at 4 am in the morning. I offered my neck to him as a gesture of kindness. I just hoped that he would see my willingness and find some way for me to remain living. I can be quite helpful. He bit my neck and I felt immense pain, followed by immense pleasure. I lived but I now belong to him. I am now in charge of talent acquisition. That is just a fancy way of saying I work in the kitchen. I find him tender flesh he can devour nightly. Whatever he has in store for me, I will embrace. What is your fantasy phone sex scenario?

fantasy phone sex