Tag: Bloody Phone Sex

A Play Toy For Me

accomplice phone sexAs summer comes to an end and all the coeds head back to college me and daddy head to the bars to grab us some victims. First up was a douche bar, complete with those frat boys. Easy prey and stupid. All it takes is a smile from a pretty girl and some half assed compliments and they are like putty in your hand. I spotted the leader of the douches and made my way over. He bought some shots and we talked and with a smile and thinking he was going to get laid we left. We got home and of course daddy was hiding in my closet. He loves to watch his baby girl in action. So, I do what I do best. Got on my knees and started blowing his cock. I know what daddy likes. Seeing my face covered with cum. It always excites him. So, when I could feel the douches dick start to twitch, I pulled him out of my mouth and squirted his semen across my face. As the douche was catching his breath daddy stepped out of the closet and we pushed him onto the floor. His dick retreated and shriveled up so fast and he actually started crying. Like sobbing. Then he started the begging and throwing daddy’s got money and blah blah blah. We didn’t care. We took our time removing his cock and balls and then moved on to those little punctures, trying to see if we will hit an organ or not. It is quite a fun game daddy and I play. Once we were bored, we decided to slit his throat. As he laid there bleeding out, daddy pushed me down on him and fucked me as douche took his last breath. It was fucking great. Can’t wait to find another play toy next week.

This bitch was so annoying

taboo phone sexThis bitch was so fucking annoying! All she did was talk talk talk constantly, she thought that she was better than everyone else too real conceited and as far as I’m concerned bitches like that don’t deserve to live. I had to kill her but she lived right next door so I had to be careful. I waited until everyone on the block was asleep and broke into that dumb bitches house. She lived there alone because no one else could stand to live with a bitch like that so once I was inside she was as good as dead. I climbed up on top of her and slapped the shit out of her. She woke up and as soon as she saw that it was me she started begging me to leave her alone. I told her it was too late for that and started stabbing the shit out of her. She died in her bed and I left her there to rot.

Installment Payment #2

Ass rape porn

It has been hours since the mechanic left me in this room. My body is sore and mutilated And I think I might die in here!

Then I hear the door open!

It’s him! The light hurts my eyes and I can’t hardly see but he is holding something that looks like a drill!

He walks over and yanks the filthy panties out of my mouth. I start to whimper and beg him for something to drink.

Then he back hands me and splits my lip!

He finally unhooks the restraints and my limp body falls to the floor.

I can hear the drills start to hum as he plops his naked ass on my face, suffocating me with his smelly fat balls! I try to move to catch some air but he is too strong!

Then I feel it! My tiny dehydrated ass is being turn apart by the drill! But he is not done! He stuffs a second one in my tiny shit hole, fulfilling his ass rape fantasy!

At this point his fat cock is choking me as he rides my face and all I can do is lay there.

He kept saying, “Eat it bitch! It’s the only meal you’re going to get!”

I did as I was told and swallowed every but of that chunky cock spit. And then swallowed the vomit when I threw it back up in my mouth.

He stood up and gave me a golden shower as he told me what a filthy whore I was and then laughed as he turned and locked the door.

My body just laid there in the piss and blood. But I did not mind. I was just happy to be alive. At least for now.


Snuff Porn and Rape Fantasies

snuff pornSnuff porn is more fun to make than watch. Anytime, I am with a guy and we are watching some hardcore snuff movie, I tell him we should make our own. I love to hunt little sluts with an accomplice. I can kill and mutilate a little victim. I can even fuck her bald cunt with my knife. But that will never be as much fun as a real cock drilling her little cunt. I love to watch tiny pussies bleed, but I want to see virgin blood first. Something about the cunt juice of a virgin slut that tastes so sweet. Not that I do not enjoy the blood of a mutilated cunt too. It is just one is sweet and the other is tarter tasting. John was happy to hunt with me. He had a victim in mind. He has been stalking this little slut about an hour away. Smart man. He has listened to my advice. Never hunt near home. He went to the mall in the next county over and found a little girl who is often there with her babysitter. He changed up his appearance, blended in and simply observed. The best hunters are patient and stealth. He knew where she lived, so we took a drive. It was late and I was certain she would be fast asleep. No one locks their windows in the suburbs. You would think they would. Crime is up and sociopaths like me and John who harbor rape phone sex fantasies, have deadly plans for their precious fuck trophies. Window was open. We snuck in the bedroom window and immediately drugged her before she could wake up. John fucked her in her pink princess twin bed with her teddy bears around her. He fucked her little asshole too. He had to wear a condom because we could not take her with us to kill. He worked over her little holes. She will wake up with no memory of how she got bloody sheets or swollen fuck holes. We drove back to my place and fucked with her virgin blood still on his cock.

Daddy made me a taboo phone sex slut

taboo phone sexI am a taboo phone sex slut for you. I have very dark desires. Do you? I had a traumatic upbringing. My father fucked me from a wee girl until a teen. When I got my period, he had no more use for me. I had aged out for him. He tossed me on the street. I hooked and hustled to survive. Now, I find that my daddy issues run deep. I am desperate for a man’s attention. So desperate, I let older men use and degrade me. I had to turn to the street corner last night so I could eat. This older man pulled up and asked me how much. We negotiated and I hopped in his car. He was driving a BMW. I felt safe with him, but I knew better. No guy paying for street corner pussy is ever safe. He pulled his car into a dark alley and made me suck his cock. He held my head down for so long, I passed out because I could not breathe. I woke up with a fist in my ass and a chain around my neck. He kept making me pass out to revive me. He was one of the roughest fucks I have had since daddy and I loved every minute of it.

Sick And Twisted Lumberjack

Bloody Phone SexMy favorite pet and I play a sick and twisted game of lumberjack from time to time. Every inch of him is a weapon; his hands, his teeth, his cock. I reward his fierce violence with my utmost affection, and the pick of the next victim. This time, he chose some pretty young bimbo parading the streets. I sent him to go and buy her for the night. He lured this bitch into the woods, and she got all excited when she saw pretty little me waiting for her. My sadistic smile must have unnerved her; the soft kiss I gave her would be the last comfort she would ever know. My pet knows how much the first blood makes my cunt drip, so when she slipped her tongue into my mouth, I bit it clean off. She screamed, and I smiled in crimson. He raised his axe as I turned her around. The horror in her eyes as he swung and cracked into her ribs, opening her belly with his down stroke, is one I still masturbate to. Her intestines wriggled on the ground while we watched her bleed out; I was still chewing on her tongue.

Violent Fantasy Phone Sex with My Son

fantasy phone sexI have dark fantasy phone sex desires. I am part soccer mom and part submissive whore. I like to be treated like the druggy whore I am. My phone son understands me. I am slim and stacked. I like my nose candy. I live on a diet of coke and cum. He loves his druggy whore mommy. He loves me black, blue, purple and yellow too. He gives me coke and I let him abuse me for profit. I know he loves me. He just needs me to help make him money. He live streams us fucking. There is less fucking and more torture sex. He has brass knuckles. Do not worry about me. He gets me good and high first. I rarely feel much until the next day. And when I do feel the pain, I just do a line off his cock and feel better. Last night, his followers were in a violent mood. Every suggestion of using brass knuckles or fisting my ass or even suffocating me with a plastic tarp brought the dings of Bitcoins hitting his account. We never want to disappoint the paying audience, so I did a line and let him abuse me for profit. He punched my face. He fisted my asshole until it prolapsed. He beat me. He suffocated me. If I passed out, he punched me back awake. My son loves me. He will never kill me. I am his money maker.

Let Me Be Your Accomplice Phone Sex Partner

accomplice phone sexI make a hot accomplice phone sex partner. Look at me? I am a blonde goddess, but do not worry. I know my place. I am your slave. I am at your disposal. I have a master in my life who likes his pussy younger and tighter than mine. He only fucks my ass. The other day when he was pounding my ass, he told me he should kill me. I had outlived my usefulness. If I was no longer fun to fuck, why keep me around. I understood, but I was not ready to die yet. I discussed being a useful accomplice. I mean I can pass as a babysitter, a talent scout, even a candy stripper. I can go places he cannot go and get girls he could not get on his own. He loved my idea. I knew my life was contingent on finding him something suited to his tastes. I have a candy stripper outfit and a hospital badge I stole awhile back from this male nurse I fucked while donating blood. I knew I could get into the hospital. The security is tighter, and no visitors are permitted in, but no one paid me any attention. I looked the part. I blended in. I went to the ward with the young ones on it and kidnapped a young girl. She only had a broken leg. That just meant she could not get away from me or from master. She was doped up. I wheeled her right out of the hospital. When you are a pretty woman you can get away with anything. Master was quite pleased. When he fucked her tender age cunt, exploring his rape phone sex fantasies, I knew I had extended my life. Master ravaged all her tiny fuck holes. The bloody mess between her legs let me know she was a virgin. If I keep finding master young pussy, I will live.

A Co Ed For Daddy To Torture

accomplice phone sexSo, it is move in week at the local college and daddy was feeling some young coeds to fulfill his sadistic urges. He had me enroll and even set up a dorm room for me. I scoped out all the prospects and soon found the perfect one for daddy. She was from out of state, knew no one and was a very naive cutie. You know the kind that nobody would miss for a while. I quickly struck up a conversation and one thing led to another and we were soon on our way to Target. We stopped of course for some Starbucks and while she wasn’t looking, I slipped one of daddy’s happy pills into her drink. She was out of her mind within minutes and I headed straight to daddy’s. When we arrived, he came out to great us and carry his prey into the shed. He smiled back at me letting me know what a good job I had done. Once inside we laid her on the table, and we waited for her to start coming too. Once she did, she started screaming and I immediately put the dental instrument in her mouth. A ball gag just won’t do for this one. Daddy cut her clothes away, nicking her with the blade as he went. The look of terror in her eyes as daddy handed me the knife and I grabbed her nipple and started slicing was priceless. As tears ran from her face daddy rammed his dick so far down her throat she started throwing up. It was so hot, and daddy was so bad. You are going to love hearing about the bloody mess she became.

The Sting of Your Touch

bloody phone sexI had gone out the other night to this underground club. It was a lot of fun but no one was allowed in with out a mask. I sitting at the bar when this man came up next to me. He was dressed all in black, including a black hoodie and a black mask. I could not see his face at all. He asked me if I wanted to go outside. I knew I shouldn’t but there was something powerful and commanding in his voice!
We stepped out to the side ally and the second the door closed, he turned and punched me in the stomach! It hurt so bad that it brought me to my knees and I thought I was going to throw up! He grabbed my hair and yanked my head back to see his giant throbbing cock staring my straight in the face. I knew what I was in for and I knew it was going to hurt but I needed to feel that pain!
He forced his thick meat down my throat as he punched the back of my head forcing it deeper and deeper. I would have cried if I could have breathed.
I knew he wasn’t going to kill me, at least not yet. He was getting off on the struggle! He yanked me up and changed my tired body to the dumpster.
I could feel the blade of his knife slice my skin as he cut my clothes off!
He was so strong and I couldn’t fight as he pushed my bloody body against the cold steel of the dumpster and slammed his punishing rod in my ass!
I cried out in pain as he fucked my shit hole with the strength of ten men. He yanked my hair and buried my face into a filthy bag of garbage to muffle my screams!
Soon, I was enjoying the pain, like the trashy little fuck whore that I am. I wanted him to spew that seed all over me. But he wasn’t going to give me what I wanted. The punishment seemed to go in forever until finally he stopped.
I took his cock out of my gaping ass and said that it was time to clean the whore up as he gave me a golden shower. The sting of his piss in my open cuts felt so good!
He unchained me and my lifeless body fell to the hard pavement. I never saw his face but I will never forget his voice. I wish I could hear it again. I love the power he has over me. I want him to make me his dirty little fuck doll. If you see this. Please come back. I body is aching to worship you!