Tag: Bloody Phone Sex

Evil phone sex with an twisted slut

evil phone sex


Once again, I’ve been contacted for one of my darker services that I offer. I get emails daily, looking for an evil phone sex slut to help with various jobs. These guys know that I’m in it for the money. It’s hard to find a heartless whore like me, who will do anything for some quick, easy cash. I’m really quick to snatch up a little slut for you. Pick your whore and I’ll get her in the car. It’s pathetic how these little whores will trust anyone. Once we have her drugged up and gagged, with her arms and legs bound, the real fun begins! I’ll pull out my knife and carve her tongue out of her mouth. Together, we will make this slut cum, scream and cry for help. I’ll slice and rip the skin from her thighs as you force fuck her with broken beer bottles. Cut and rip her pussy wide open. I’ll help you torture and mutilate her little body before we snuff her out and ditch her in some back alley.  Let this evil slut help you ruin a little whore this Halloween.

Taboo phone sex whore

taboo phone sexI am a taboo phone sex whore. I guess you can say I am a switch. I love to be dominated but I like to dominate too, especially young girls. Master often tells me to procure him something young and pretty. I found her at the mall. I know master’s type. Blonde, blue eyed and tiny. He likes those tender age pussies. That is how he got me. He kidnapped me when I was a little girl. I no longer remember my family. He treats me well as long as I am obedient. I do not like pain. Not his kind of pain at least, so if he wants me to bring him a treat, I do as I am told. Heather was just what he wanted. I did feel a bit guilty. I mean I pretty much just ended this girl’s life. But master is happy and that means he will go easy on me for a while. Survival of the fittest, right? I held her down as he violently fucked her tiny holes. Her asshole prolapsed and her pussy gaped so wide I think my head would have fit up her cunt. Both holes were bleeding and full of cum. The little girl died. Ooops. Master does not know his own strength.

Play Out Murder Phone Sex Fantasies With Me

murder phone sex fantasies

If you have ever found yourself having murder phone sex fantasies, trust me when I say that you’re not alone. I get calls from guys all the time who want to either snuff me out or just talk about murder fantasies in general. It doesn’t freak me out at all. In fact, I was very surprised when I realized that I also loved talking about it. I realized that I love touching my pussy while men talked about the vile things they wanted to do to my body. I didn’t even realize that I was touching myself until I had my first murder fantasy induced orgasm.

So you don’t have to worry that I will judge you when you call me for snuff fantasies. I’ll even help you come up with ideas to off me and make it really sexy at the same time. Suffocation, strangulation, torture, knife play – it’s all good with me. You just have to pick up your phone and call me so we can get this super depraved party started. And if you aren’t sure what way you want to have me meet my demise, it’s cool. I have plenty of ideas. Don’t you worry about a thing.

Can’t stand a time waster

taboo phone sexIf there is one thing I can’t stand, it;s a man that wastes my fucking time. I sell a very specific set of skills, I like to torture and murder people and getting paid for that is just a bonus as far as I am concerned. With that said, I’m happy to rent my services out but I am not going to take care of your bitch ex wife for free no matter how much I enjoy killing. Well here comes this guy that calls and calls and calls but he never actually hires me to kill anyone! He says oh I got your number from a colleague and then spends as much time as possible just asking annoying questions that he already knows the answer to. I was so annoyed by this asshole that I snapped. I reverse looked up the number he called from and went to his house. I broke in and strapped him to the bed before he woke up and then tortured that annoying fuck to death. I made sure to tell him exactly why I was killing him too, nobody likes a fucking time waster!

Kill Me Please with Snuff Phone Sex

snuff phone sexSnuff phone sex is what I live for. So many men are highly creative when it comes to killing or hurting me. I love to be hurt. I know I am sick bitch. Born a pain slut. I will die a pain slut. From being vampire dinner to being sexually mutilated and dissected, I love blood and guts. MY blood and guts. I want you to hurt me. I want you to bring your a-game to kill me in an epic fashion. Every day I wake-up, I wonder if it will be my last. I hope it will be my last because I am a stupid cunt. I know I am not girlfriend material. I will never be married. I will never have a family. No one will come looking for me when I disappear. I might not even miss being alive either. I have had a death wish since I was a schoolgirl. Honestly, I do not know how or why I am still alive. I guess because most men decide I am good for their rape phone sex fantasies and if I am dead that cannot keep force fucking me. I let any man fuck me. All good things must come to an end though, right. I am not going to fight you when you kill me or fuck me. I will embrace my death and just say, “Finally.”

A Bloody Deathly Fun Night

accomplice phone sexThe best part of being daddy’s accomplice besides the blood and torture is the deceitfulness and hot ass sex. It just seems hotter knowing that I will be their last lay. I love luring the victims into daddy’s torture pit. Tonight, I picked up a couple looking to have a threesome with a hot wild girl. I fit that description perfectly and then some. They latched on and we went back to the house. We undressed, smoked a bowl and got down to it. She was hot and he was hung so it was a pleasant prequel. Daddy always watches as I have my fun before coming into torture and terrorize. As soon as the man squirted his warm cum across my face daddy walked in with a knife. They were terrified and my pussy was wet again. I sat back watching as daddy tied them up, rubbing my clit and enjoying the show. He bound them to a hook facing each other. As he rammed a dildo up the man’s ass his dick got hard. Hard to imagine that pain can cause an erection, but it can. Daddy then took his hard cock and put it inside the woman’s cunt. She was crying and he was screaming but daddy was methodical. He made tiny cuts to their chests, backs and arms watching as the blood trickled down. He then stuck that knife deep in the woman’s fake tits and removed the implants. All the while his dick remained in her pussy. No matter how much they flinched it remained. After a while he finally slit the man’s throat and as he bled out daddy sat down beside me. I started blowing daddy as we watched him succumb. As daddy blew his load deep in my mouth, he smiled, zipped up his pants and went to finish her.

I took the lazy way out

taboo phone sexI was visiting my hometown last week, visiting family and whatever and I had planned on killing this family while I was in town. They were all assholes, real uptight churchy people, really insufferable pricks I’m sure you know the type. I wanted to do a home invasion type of thing and break into their house and kill them all in their beds after torturing them for hours but that didn’t happen. I got food poisoning and was sick as hell, and even after I got better I was too weak to murder people like that, I had to find another way. Well, as sick as I was I thought that would be a great way to torture someone else so I went out and bought a few different kinds of poison and mixed them into a beautiful cake and brought it over to them. I watched them eat it and one by one they fell ill. They were sick and choking on the vomit as their tongues and throats swelled shut, it was a beautiful sight to see. I watched them all die in front of me and I didn’t have to lift a finger, it was glorious.

Let’s Act Out the Snuff Porn, Together!

snuff porn

Sure, you could go online and surf the net for snuff porn, or you could just pick up your phone and call me. Think about it – would you rather watch a pre-made video, or talk to a live girl who can give you exactly the fantasy you want? We could come up with a super hot role play and I know you’ll blow your load really hard for me. I’m not saying I’m the best at snuff role plays… well yes, actually I am saying that. I have more than a few satisfied callers. I guess the question is – how do you want to off me? Do you want to kidnap, torture, and then kill me? Do you want to smother me slowly with a pillow while you fuck me? Do you want to slice and dice me and cover yourself in my blood? You can do all of that and then some. Let’s get creative and play! If you don’t want to snuff me out, maybe we can work together to do it to someone else. I know there is some slut out there who deserves it. Whether it’s me or someone else, it’s going to be so much fun!

Mutilation Masturbation

Torture Phone Sex
Torture phone sex is fun, but it doesn’t really compare to the hunt. I thrive, needle in hand, prowling the night clubs for my prey. I’m wet in anticipation, ready to dig my knife deep between their thighs; I intend to show my catch a real good time. I’m talking week long sessions of screaming, blood streaming from wounds. I want to cut something pretty apart at the seams.
I saw her, dancing up on the pole. I wound my way up, dancing beside her. My hands slid down her body, catching a nipple in my claws. I sunk my teeth into her neck deep in the underbelly of Chinatown, slipping my needle into her belly button. I beckoned her, and she followed; her cunt was starting to drip from the drugs. I grinned the whole taxi ride back to my place. In my basement, I tied her to the table, and flicked open my knife.
I cut away her shirt, her tiny micro skirt, that lacy little thong. I licked along her body, tasting the sweat on her skin. The second needle slid silently into her tongue, and she was limp. Trapped, but awake, my pretty kitten stared me down with wide eyes. She was terrified as I started the sawzall, taking each arm and then each leg, until she was nothing but a bloody stump for fucking.
Needle three kissed my amputee in her sweet, tight pussy. She started to feel it, the overwhelming pleasure. Her cunt dripped, all drugged up and bound down. She was begging for release, from her ties or to cum I wasn’t sure. But it gave me an idea. I picked up her detached arm, manipulating her still-warm fingers to coax her into cumming, stroking her clit with her own dead fingers, and fucking her in my sickened mutilation masturbation.

Snuff porn

Sadistic Phone Sex Cunt

sadistic phone sex

Based on a lot of my calls, I know that some of you out there are sick fucks who love sadistic phone sex. Don’t get me wrong at all – I’m not saying that being sick in this way is bad. Quite the contrary, actually. I love giving up all my control to strong, sexy men like you who want to do the vilest, cruelest things to my hot little body. It makes my pussy wet to hear about all of the things you would do to my body, causing me pain to bring you pleasure. I live for hearing these kinds of fantasies. Maybe you want to tie me up and strangle me while you fuck me. As soon as I lose consciousness, you let go, making sure I’ll still be alive. You keep fucking me and shooting load after load inside me. When I wake up, scared and in pain, you strangle me again until I pass out. Of course, one of these times you’ll probably go too far and snuff me out, but you deserve all the fun you’ll have in the meantime. We can talk about that or any other sadistic fantasy you have. I’m at your mercy.