Tag: Ass Rape porn

Teen Killer Phone sex

killer phone sexReady for you teen killer phone sex slut? With all the bad girl shit you would expect from little old me? It’s really nothing new to a sadistic prick like you is it? Turning girls into serial accomplices to get your cock off. Having a nice young whore fresh off the street to fuck up and torture is always fun with a little evil girl beside you. Most of the time these little twats deserve it. And your daughter well, she would have deserved it eventually. A chaste sweet girl, who loved to dress in mommies under clothes and sing her heart out to some old school Brittney Spears and Lady Gaga. You would watch through the open door and debate if you should beat her ass with the belt again. But that just made you horny to fuck her face.

You needed her best friend to set her on a narrow path. But I couldn’t do that. Instead I was between her legs making her cry out, Daddy! When you caught us, you beat both of us senseless. But then the demon of lust took over as your cock was right next to her face and you made her suck it. With my help of course! I pushed her down until she was kicking and fighting for air. You killed her on your cock, just about. But the kicker was when you pushed her off of you and told me to slice her head off with the Katana off the living room wall. I don’t know why I did it, but I sliced your daughters head off and then held it so you could fuck her brains out literally! Oh, but you were not done with her body. You fucked that cold dead body and enjoyed every second of cumming inside your dead headless daughter!
Necrophilia phone sex with this teen killer is somethings sadistic and twisted and hot as fuck for you!Necrophilia phone sex

My landlord is pist

torture sex

Im behind three months’ rent, and my landlord is about to evict me. I’m flustered and can’t believe this is happening to me. I’m usually so good with budgeting, but I have gone on a coke binge the last few months. See, my boyfriend left me after he caught me in bed with a woman. He didn’t take a liking to a threesome with two girls. I thought that was every hot-blooded man’s dream.

My depression kicked in, and I began to sniff the nose candy. I got hooked, and that was all I cared about. My landlord was beyond mad when he noticed I quit my job and wasn’t going to pay up.

One day after a long night’s binge, I hear the door open. I’m sure I locked it, but I begin to panic as I hear footsteps come close. There’s my landlord, rob. He wants to collect rent with some tortured sex.

Torture Sex for your dick

Torture sexTorture Sex for your dick like no other! I enjoyed my victims dick sticking straight up in the air for me, as I slid hot sounds down his pee hole! The pussy wetting sounds a man makes as his cock is getting tortured! For the love of the Dark Lord, I give this cock the much deserved punishment it needs! My, My look at all that cock jerking and precum. Your dick seems to love when it gets hurt, are you a lowly pain slut? A man who needs the utmost searing hurt to get off? If I stab my nails into the side of your cock while squeezing and twisting those balls, are you going to erupt for me? Oh, baby, there are so many things I can do to you. Like stick my extra large and thick strap on up your ass as I deliver the pain punishments even more intensely than you ever imagined! Would you like to be my torture slut, and perhaps, just maybe my ass rape porn star? I don’t think you will “Like” it at all, But I will get off on it and that’s all that matters! I’m sure I can find some big black cocks to help me out with your ass initiations! Don’t be shy now, Let Mistress Jez Work you over!ass rape porn

The Ass of an Ass Rape Porn Star

taboo phone sexThis is what the ass of an ass rape porn star looks like. It is not pretty. Some guys like a used up ass. Some simply do not care because they plan to make my ass look worse or they are just using me to nut. I encountered a guy last night who wanted take photos of my prolapsed ass. He wanted to fuck me too, even torture me a little more, but he began with pictures. I bet you re wondering why I would do something like this. Why I would let men ruin my asshole for their pleasure. That is easy. I am a coke fiend. I need my coke more than I need respect or a pretty asshole. Since my husband keeps the finances on lock down, I must get creative when it comes to scoring coke or earning money to buy coke. This guy made me some promises, so I let him torture sex the shit out of my already used asshole. It began with pictures. Then he wanted to see what else he could do to my asshole. He put Icy Hot on my prolapse, and my asshole and my eyes started to burn from the pain. That shit was intense even for an anal whore like me. That was nothing compared to what came next. He picked up a stick. A dirty stick that was on the ground of this abandoned house where we were partying. He tried to poke my asshole back inside, but what happened was he ripped my anal wall. I could feel the blood trickling down my ass and leg. He just laughed and snapped more pictures. He picked up rocks and stoned my ass too. There was nothing off limits to him. I put up with it not just because I am a taboo phone sex whore, but because I wanted coke. I got my coke, and my ass was ruined a little more.

Drugged for Ass Rape porn

ass rape pornHe drugged me! He had made ass rape porn while I was out of my mind on something injected into me. My little butthole hurt so much as I timidly walked out of the room naked. “There’s a good slut, how does that ass feel this morning baby?” I had no clue who he was. But sitting there at his table was his wife and daughter who were laughing at me. They were replaying the video showing my teen ass getting pulverized. I was so mad, I felt the evil boiling up inside of me. But instead, I just picked up my clothes and tried to get dressed. But he grabbed my hands and told me I wasn’t going anywhere. I fought so hard as His fat, dumb wife tried to help hold me down. I grabbed the knife off the counter and stabbed her in the heart not once but as many times as I could until she let go of me. I ran around the table, bloody, covered in his wife’s blood. I laughed as she gasped and cried and begged for help! “Stupid bitch!” the daughter who was just younger than me lunged forward and I caught her by the hair and hit her head on the table until she fell unconscious on the floor! The “daddy” who turned my ass hole inside out, Was coming for me naked with his cock out jacking it so fast using his wives blood as lube! Only he didn’t want me, he wanted his comatose daughter to feel the wrath of his big daddy cock. I really loved her waking up to my bloody shit hole in her face as her daddy ravaged her little cutie booty until it turned inside out! As she was crying face down in her own blood, I whispered to him that he didn’t need to drug me. And he whispered back, “but it pissed you off and now we have trash to take out. I would love to watch you finish my daughter off! I knew you would be perfect for the Job!” And with that he handed me the same knife I killed his wife with! I knew just how to end this bloody phone sex tale!bloody phone sex

Do You Have Rape Phone Sex Fantasies?

rape phone sex fantasiesRape phone sex fantasies are okay with me. In fact, I like them. I encourage them. At least on the phone, I do. My daddy force fucked me all during my youth. So did his friends. When I ran away as a teen girl, I said no one would fuck me against my will again. That did not go so well for me. Men cannot control themselves around me. I bring out their animalistic desires. I was at a club last night with girlfriend. Last time I went clubbing, I was drugged, and gang banged. I decided to take a chance again. I figured lightening does not strike twice, right? Same club. But I knew the odds of anything bad happening again were slim to none. I was dancing with this one nerdy guy. He was a hot nerd. This asshole kept trying to push his way on to the dance floor with me. I told him he was being rude, and I was not interested. I was trying to avoid the bad boys. Bad boys never treat me well. I thought the jackass got the picture, but he followed me to the bathroom. It was an individual unisex bathroom and he pushed me in and locked the door. He said I needed to stop being a cock tease. I kneed him in the balls because I was not going to be a victim again. He slammed my head against the mirror, cutting my head. With blood trickling down my face, he pushed me up against the sink, yanked my panties off and shoved a bunch of fingers inside me. He shoved his dick inside my ass, choked me and fucked me savagely for 15 minutes. He left me with marks on my throat, cum in my ass and blood on my face. I was gone so long my nice guy was not in the club anymore. Even when I am trying not to be a taboo phone sex whore, bad boys find me. I do not think I am worthy of a good man. Do you?

Torture Sex in an Alley

torture sexTorture sex I am no stranger too. Does not mean I like it though. I like fucking and I like partying. But anal torture always hurts way too much to enjoy. And men love to destroy my ass. I was not looking for trouble last night. I mean I was not out of coke for once. I had plenty. I just wanted out of the house, so I went to this local dive bar. I was drinking and playing pool. I would have fucked any of the guys in the bar, but no one was coming on to me. Someone drugged me though. I can handle beer and I was not drinking anything else. Suddenly, I was in the bathroom puking my guts out. I must have passed out. I do not really remember much. I woke up in an alley tied up like a package. Three men were on top of me fucking my holes. I smelled like stale beer, cigarettes, and puke. I was not really with it. My head was foggy. I could feel how sore my ass was though. These were not the guys I was drinking with. I did not think so at least. They were younger. I was trying to get information from them, but they just saw me as some ass rape porn star, not a woman. I was in an alley somewhere. My guess was that I was drugged and either dumped in the alley, or I was jumped going to my car. These boys either planned this or got lucky. I was becoming clearer in my head and started screaming. I told them to stop fucking me. I yelled for them to get off me. They just smacked me around and fucked me harder. At one time I had all three dicks in my ass at once. Someone heard my screams and called the cops because the sirens scared them off. I have no doubt they would have killed me if the cops had not come. Even when I am not looking for trouble, it finds me.

Ass Rape Porn and Torture Sex

Daddy was the first one to force fuck me. He even forced me to watch Ass rape porn so I could be ready for what he had in stored for me. That day we had gotten snowed in, and mom had taken her daily doze to knock her out. He came in my room when I was sleeping and I felt his hands running down my body, he stopped when he got to my panties and took them off.

Torture sex

Turned me over to my belly so he can have my ass in the air. He then told me to bite down on my pillow and that is when he shoved his big hard cock in my tiny tight asshole. I screamed into my pillow as he fulfilled his Ass rape fantasy with me his young daughter. He grabbed me by my neck as he shoved me down on his cock more, pounding away and ripping my asshole open. He loved knowing he was using my ass so much that he came hard. It made his whole-body shake as he was filling my asshole with his gooey nut. He made me wash up all the blood and told me to get ready for more. He had a whole night planned or torture sex for me.  

Force Fucked By Daddy & Friends

Torture Sex

Another morning full of force fucking! I just woke up and already my daddy and brother are filling the house with all their friends who need their balls drained. Of course my daddy and brother use me first, stretching my holes out and getting me ready for a long day of use and abuse! They all come in and watch me get violated in my own bed, my daddy is spreading my ass and fucking me hard before, cumming down my throat while face fucking me thoroughly, leaving my pretty face a sloppy mess. My brother comes right behind him, fucking my cunt and abusing my mouth making me gag with a belly full of my father’s cum. My cunt is leaking in excitement by the time the five other guys surround me ready to pounce!

Violent Phone Sex Fantasies

violent phone sexViolent phone sex fantasies can be explored anywhere, even in the club. Last, weekend, I went out with my friends. I put on a slutty number to meet my girls. The club was packed. I had not seen it that packed in over a year. We were having fun, drinking fruity drinks, and dirty dancing. We got drunk too fast. Like someone spiked our Sex on the Beaches too fast. Last thing I remembered was dancing with my trainer. He was in the club too. The next thing I remembered was waking up naked with my girlfriends and my trainer on some concrete floor. I think we were in the basement of a church because there was an alter and stained-glass windows. The alter was covered with candles and a creepy skull that looked human. Next to the skull were candles, dildos, and torture devices. We saw a guy in a hooded executioner’s outfit. He told us all we were going to be gangbang rape porn stars. Our heads were pounding. My trainer, tried to fight him, but his skull got hit with a baseball bat. He must have been collateral damage because he was with us in the club and sharing my fruity spiked drink. Our captor brought in a bunch of men who were cloaked in similar fashion. We all got ass fucked. And not with cocks. We got anally fucked with fists, a fire poker, a cattle prod, baseball bats and a blow torch. My ass was so damaged it prolapsed. All our assholes looked like deformed, bloody roses. He made us suck on her each other’s prolapsed anuses too. It made me sick to violate my friends like that. We had burns too from the blow torch. They would not turn it on when they anally fucked us with it, but they would make sure it was hot enough to scald our assholes. For hours, we were violated worse than an ass rape porn star. Eventually, we got out, but barely. Now we have disfigured assholes and may never shit right again.