Tag: Ass Rape porn

Ass rape porn

Ass rape porn

Daddy got paid a lot of money from a guy on the internet to film a dirty video with me. Men pay a lot of money to watch real incest porn, but this isn’t what the buyer wanted. He wanted to watch a sweet innocent teen like me get brutalized anally. Daddy held me down and forced his hard cock into my ass without any lube, it was painful and made me scream, but he decided that wasn’t good enough. He force fucked my bleeding asshole with his fist until my insides ripped and blood was dripping everywhere. I screamed louder and louder and he just laughed, this is exactly what the buyer wanted. Daddy wasn’t the only who force fucked my ass while the camera rolled. He had a crowd of dirty strangers there to fuck my bleeding hole and use me like a piece of meat too. By the time it was finished, I was already passing out from blood loss.

Public and Humiliating Bondage Phone Sex

bondgae phone sexBondage phone sex is something I am no stranger too, however, being strung up at a party is. I was attending a garden party. A client of my husband’s invited us. He is very rich, and apparently, very kinky. His home sprawled many acres. Everyone there looked very high class. They didn’t look like druggy whores. That means they didn’t look like me. I got drunk, drunk quickly too, even for me. I passed out and woke up strung up to a tree outside. I was tied up in a rope swing. All the party goers, my husband included, were standing around me. I was naked. I was drugged. The host started fisting my cunt. The party-goers were shouting to him to fist me harder and not to forget my ass. He double fisted me, then invited everyone to fist my sloppy holes. This was not the party I thought it was. It was a gangbang rape porn party and I was the star. My legs were held apart by two guests, so that the others could fuck the shit out of me. Some pinched my nipples until they bled. A few bit my clit too for the same outcome. I was a captive audience. I couldn’t go anywhere until I was cut down. Eventually, I was let go, but only after my cunt was pouring cum. When the host cut the rope, I landed with a thud on the floor in a pool of cum that oozed out of my pussy. My head was shoved into the pool of jizz on the floor. They forced me to lick it up before I could go home. I was feeling sick to my stomach. It was a lot of cum. The men, even my hubby, pissed on me while I cleaned up the pool of cum. I never saw this night coming. I guess everyone knows I am a taboo phone sex whore.

Tortured Ass Passed Around

Roleplay phone sexMy asshole has been passed around by the men in the house all day today. The men got up early this morning wanting to find out how far they can get my slave asshole to stretch. They told me they were going to do this when I first got to the house. I did not think they were going to pass me around all in the same day, fucking me hard in my asshole, stretching the skin so far out for so long that my asshole would be a gaping, stretched out mess at the end of the day. I could feel each one of their cocks getting harder and harder once my asshole started bleeding. I know they liked the way my blood felt on their throbbing torturous cocks. It let them go even deeper into me, making me gasp for air with each thrust they took. At one point, two men decided to fill my asshole and mouth up at the same time. They would switch every ten minutes, telling me to taste my bloody asshole. They made me clean every last bit of my bloody asshole from their cocks and balls. They decided to stop stretching me out once my asshole was a floppy mess. My black, beaten asshole was so stretched out the men stuck all of their hard cocks inside of me, letting their dicks glide up against each other. In the end, my asshole was a sloppy bloody, cum filled mess. They left me in bed at least. Lying there with a towel between my legs, trying not to pass out from the loss of blood oozing out of my gaping hole.

Making Gangbang Rape Porn with My Neighbor

gangbang rape pornI never plan to be a gangbang rape porn star. It just happens. Men look at me and they see victim. They see a bitch, a whore, a cunt, a slave, a sex doll, a worthless piece of shit… Most men don’t humanize me. I understand. I like to get high. I like pain and humiliation, but only when I am high. My freak side comes out when I am partying. Last night, I was not partying. My neighbor was having a party. I had boys trying to sleep, so I went next door to ask them to keep the noise down. My neighbor called me a nigger loving whore and told me to get  the fuck off his property. My mistake was telling him I would call the cops. One of his friends pulled me inside and started ripping my clothes off. Soon, they were all pawing and pulling at me.  My clothes were off my body and dicks were going in my ass and pussy. I was sober; I was not feeling too freaky, so I struggled and resisted. I fought, which is rare, but my neighbor is an asshole. He can’t do anything for me. He could, however, do a lot to me. Him and his friends sodomized me, fisted both holes, came and pissed on me and smacked me around too. I was kept prisoner all night. I was used as their cum dumpster and fuck slave.  It was the longest night of my life.

Gangbang Rape Porn in a Moving Van

gangbange rape pornGangbang rape porn was not on my to do list yesterday. In a rare moment, I was sober. I was out of coke, but I had mom duties to do. I had to grocery shop and take the boys to appointments. I had finished my mom duties and decided to go to the gym. I had a nice work out, but on way out, a group of men grabbed me and stuffed me into a minivan. They were young 20s and very aggressive. I was kidnapped and traveling in a fuck van. One guy was driving, but the rest were in the back of the van fucking me on a dirty mattress. They used my back door like I was their private ass rape porn star. They pulled my limbs in different directions. My shoulder got dislocated; I heard it pop and the pain hit quickly. They shoved cocks in my mouth, pussy and ass while the one guy drove around town. No one would know I was in a rape fantasy mobile. I tried screaming, but no one could hear me. My best bet was to ride it out until they had their fun. I swear they drove around for a couple hours before they pushed me out of the van under a bridge in the seedy part of town. For once, I was not looking for trouble, but it found me nonetheless.

Torture Sex on Tinder

torture sexTorture sex is something I am no stranger to as a pain slut. I was a cutter as a young girl. I loved being in control of my pain. Now, I am rarely in control of my pain. I run with a bad crowd. I love bad boys and I have daddy issues, which means I lack good judgement when it comes to men. I met Charles online. It was Tinder, and I was looking for sex. I wasn’t looking for violent sex, however. I don’t always want to be abused, but because of my issues, I don’t judge character well. The signs were there in hindsight that Charles was a sadistic man not looking for casual sex. He didn’t want to fuck, well he didn’t want to fuck gently. He wanted to torture me; he wanted snuff sex. He told me he is in trouble with the law. He fucked some street hooker who lied about her age and she blackmailed him. He assumed the law was on his side because she was a street whore, but he was wrong. He didn’t pay her, and she called the cops. Funny, she was a buxom blonde too, just much younger than me. I should have realized that when he told me the story, that I was going to be the surrogate for his rage. He sodomized me with such force and anger, my asshole prolapsed. He choked me as he fucked me too. I still have purple ligature marks around my neck. I signed up for casual sex, but he wanted to fuck me to death. He damn near came close too. My ass is prolapsed, my neck is purple, and I can barely walk today. Just another day in the life of this fucked up taboo phone sex whore with daddy issues.

Torture Turned To Snuff

Accomplice phone sexI got carried away the other night. My master had to punish me, He knew I liked it though, so, to me, it was not a punishment it was more like a sexy torturous night with my master. While I was showing my master what type of accomplice I could be, I took it to far with the young jock I tricked and took back to my masters home. I wanted to torture this man and prove to my master that I would be the best sex slave accomplice he could have ever want. I also wanted to show my master that I was not afraid of blood or any type of violence. I had to Snuff the bitch boy. It is not like we could let him go. He would run back like the little bitch he was and snitch in seconds. I think I made my master feel a certain type of way. Now that he knows I am a twisted little sex slave he is not too sure what to do with me. When he saw me take the strapon and use it on the little bitch, thrusting the big hard rubber dick deep inside his dry tight asshole, then whipping the hard rubber out and inserting a knife to let his asshole bleed out for lube. I think it caught my master off guard. I wanted to see all the blood though, it turned me on to watch the little bitch’s asshole bleed while I was making him my sissy slave. The cries coming from his mouth, begging me to stop had me go into a trance. Then knowing my very own master was watching me do all of this, oh it just sent me over the edge. I couldn’t help my self, I was too far into my torturous trance to stop. Even when he fell to the ground from losing so much blood, I was still going. His lifeless corpse lying there turned me on that much more. I cannot help my slave cunt loves all torture and violence. This life is all I know, I think my master should love the fact he has a woman who loves being tortured but also loves to torture. He gets the best of both worlds. Oh well, hopefully, he will learn to love it. Only time will tell.

Ass Rape Porn Easter

ass rape pornIt was an ass rape porn Easter. I was looking for some blow to celebrate the holidays. The guys that were going to give me the blow, punked me. They had no blow, just devious plans to sodomize me. They were high on something, but by their looks, my guess was they were crack heads. I just snort lines of coke. I know I shouldn’t sound like I am better than them since I am a submissive whore, but these guys were not who I wanted to party with on Easter Sunday. I had told my family I was going to the store, and I snuck downtown to score some blow. I came home with no coke and a gaped, swollen asshole. When I arrived, they were waiting for me. One of them jumped me while the other one put chains on me. I was restrained before they stripped me naked. They informed me they had fisting fantasies. These crack head bastards fisted my ass until he was gaped wide open. It was so big, they could put their entire fist inside me without touching the walls of my asshole. Luckily, they grew tired of fucking with my asshole. They let me go, but I had to waddle home to my family with an ass gaped so wide I would never shit the same way again. I guess I should never try to score coke off Tinder.

Slave Accomplice To My Master

Accomplice phone sexI think my master is catching on to me. We had a talk earlier today, he told me he is noticing lately that I am not what I used to be. I was shocked by what he said and he could tell. He told me I am the best slave he has ever had, but the rush of feeling like he is torturing me is not there anymore. He said, to him, he thinks I like the torture and abuse he is giving me. I sat there quiet, he is right, I love being called a fucking nigger and having my black asshole and nigger cunt throbbing in pain from all of his torture. Master then said he is going to keep me around for other things. He will still torture me and use me like the dirty nigger I love to be but he needs to find other women who are scared of him. Women who will scream, cry, beg for him to stop all of the torture and abuse. I am disappointed, I love the way my master abuses me. I am not sure if I could ever find another man who is able to torture me the same way he does. Master did tell me I will now be his accomplice. He said since I am already an evil nigger slave, I might as well help him in his huntings.Rape phone sex fantasies My master has given me a mission, I know we have done some things together in the past but this one is very different. My master wants me to hunt a man. I have to bring the man back to the house and let master watch everything I do. My master told me if I am going to be his accomplice, he needs to see what I can do without his orders. This will be the first time I do something on my own, without my master by my side. He is sending me out tomorrow night for my first hunting. I am not going to lie, my nigger slave cunt is craving this hunt. I will not let my master down.

Anal Torture Sex with a Meat Hook

torture sexWhen he said I deserved anal torture sex, I laughed. I thought he was joking, or at best just meant a hardcore ass fucking. I am no stranger to ass play. I told him to bring it on. That was a huge mistake because I had no idea who I was dealing with. First, I had no idea he had a foot long thick dick. Second, I didn’t know he was a sadist. I met him at this flop house I go to get high sometimes. He is dealer. He doesn’t deal in coke. He sells the hard shit, but when no coke is around, high is high, right? I will huff a can of spray paint like it’s 1995 if that is my only option. I was high when he told me I was an ass rape porn star. That is why I was so cocky about it. Once he had a meat hook in my ass hoisting me in the air, I realized I was in way over my head. He whipped my ass first. I was flying in the air, suspended only by a meat hook in the ass. I could feel my ass ripping to shreds. I was bleeding and in agony. That was just the beginning for him. When he let me down, he joked about pushing my prolapsed ass back in my asshole with his big dick. Damn, that fucking hurt. Mind you, I was high on smack at the time, so I am sure it hurt a hell of a lot more. I was screaming bloody murder as he fucked my asshole with one large item after the next. When he was finished with me, I couldn’t walk and I couldn’t control my bowels. I was shitting everywhere. Blood, shit and his cum flowed out of my ruined asshole like a river. I think I need to stick with coke dealers.