My friend called me up crying the other night as her piece of shit boyfriend needed to be taught a lesson. I suggested we go in and film an ass rape porn making him a god damned star. I hated the little bitch she had been dating a fucking back wards little dicked moron. I was extremely happy to hear he had laid his hands on her and tried choking her. I was not going to stand for that. I showed up at his place with three of my big black buddies. He was a racist little shit too. I really got wet thinking about this little bitch white boy getting rammed by three massive black cocks. I was filming the shit out of this as I played accomplice in this snuff porn. It was making me really fucking turned on watching and filming this little racist shithead get owned by big nigger dicks. He used that word for the last time. He slapped my best friend a few times for sleeping with black guys and called her names. Well I will enjoy watching and rewatching as this little bitch got the ass violation of a lifetime and as his dumb racist ass gargled his last breath on the rod of a 12″ black dick. I invited her along to watch and she was a good girl. She joined right in on this accomplice phone sex letting him watch her take that BBC in front of him as she had her pregnant that was by his loser semen aborted at the end of that black cock. It was a sloppy mess and I rubbed that aborted beast slop all over my cunt as I rode the BBC of my main man. My main man being the gang leader of these thugs and my best friend and booty call when I need some good dick.
Tag: Ass Rape porn
Force Fucked by His Furry Friends
I was used so good tonight. I was tied to a bench after being stripped buck naked. I was facing away from everyone and didn’t know what was going on, that was until I felt tongues on my pussy. I was confused because it felt so different. I tried to look back but I could only turn so far. I caught the glimpse of what looked like two big furry friends. They were growling at each other trying to fight over my bald wet pussy. I was trying to fight the way I was feeling, having their tongues on me felt so good. And the fact that they were willing to fight over my pussy was getting even more wet and making me close to cumming. Before I knew it, I felt nails on both of my sides. He was mounting me and forcing his big pink rocket inside my tight wet pussy. It hurt, but also felt so good. He was fucking me so fast and so hard. He was grunting in my ear and going even faster. He was starting to swell and before I knew it, he was pumping that hot seed inside of me. He big swollen knot causing him to stay inside until he was fully drained.
Rape Phone Sex Fantasies in the Burbs
Do you have rape phone sex fantasies? I sure do hope so. I love violent fantasies. I have a reality that is not far from fiction. I have bad choice in fuck buddies. I am married. I am a mother. I live in suburbia but the soccer mom life bores me to death. I want nothing to do with the vanilla world. That is why I do coke. Even if my life is dull, I can numb myself to it with some coke and let my life escape to the nasty corners of my mind. I was super coked up the other night and snuck out of my gated community to slum with the other druggies and whores. I met a dealer who made me a sweet offer. He wanted me to service his friends and in exchange, I would get some high-grade coke. How could I say no to that? I did a few lines and started sucking cocks. The men did lines and went animalistic. They tied me up so I would not fight. They started shoving a couple cocks at a time up my ass. Gaping my asshole like they had fisted me. When high, I fancy myself an ass rape porn star. I was begging to be sodomized. My asshole was prolapsed, and I was oblivious. Once I knew, I joked that they should fuck my asshole back in. I let the dealer’s posse use me up and stretch me out until the sun started to rise. I knew I was pushing it close to getting home undetected. I pleased the dealer and his posse. I left with my ass hole hanging out looking like raw meat. I had a big bag of coke, so it was worth it. I snuck back into bed with my husband, covered in cum and smelling of sex. He was none the wiser. I am good at leading a double life.
Gangbang Rape Porn Fantasies
When you have gangbang rape porn fantasies, you find yourself in trouble often. My mistake is telling men I party with my fantasies. I get high and my mouth will not shut up. The other night, I was partying with some men in this flop house. It is a dingy old warehouse that burned down ions ago. It is where people go to get high, sell drugs and have sex for money. It is near the river, so no one is ever there unless they are doing something illegal. I was mixing my drugs which always lands me in trouble. We started talking fantasies. I was telling these meth heads my locker room fantasy. When I get high, I think of walking into a high school locker room and letting the jocks gang bang me. The dudes I was partying with thought an older woman fucking a bunch of teen boys was hot. The next thing I know, I am bent over some crate getting cock. This was not as hot as I pictured it in my head. These boys were slapping my ass, pulling my hair and burning me with their pipes. When they could not cum anymore, they used things lying around in a burnt up old warehouse. Pieces of wood were crammed up my ass. Broken bottles too. They were so high they did not know they were fucking me with things that were tearing me to shreds. I felt like I was having an abortion without being pregnant. I was high as fuck too, but I felt the pain. I felt the blood. They kept getting higher, but I was tied up with dirty socks. I was no longer as high as I once was, and I begged them to realize they were destroying my body. I do not think they cared. Never get high with strangers.
A Kidnapping Phone Sex Fantasy
I have a kidnapping phone sex fantasy. It comes to me in the form of dream. I keep having it. I am almost convinced it happened and either I was too strung out to remember it correctly or I was drugged. I am jogging along the road in broad daylight, when I see a stranded woman with a flat tire. I go to see if she needs help and a guy comes from around the side of the car, knocks me out and I wake up in my panties in some rustic looking cabin. The couple order me to do different things like dance for them. Their tasks are humiliating but they turn sexual. I have to suck the man’s cock. I have to eat the woman’s old hairy beaver. I have to lick both of their old asses too. It is degrading and humiliating, but that was just their warm-up. They kidnapped me for shits and giggles. They made me their sex slave, but once they got off, they wanted to hurt me. The woman took her man’s beer bottles and fucked both of my holes with them. I had the wide in of a beer bottle in my cunt and the bottle neck of another one up my ass. I was begging for them to stop, but they were high as fuck and enjoying doing weird shit to me. My asshole was bleeding, but the man did not care. He just fucked my ass raw and bareback. He clearly had watched way too much ass rape porn. The woman smacked my face and cut my flesh as he sodomized me into oblivion. I wake up as the guy is about to slit my throat. My pussy is wet. What is wrong with me? I start to think it is all a dream, then I see all the little scar cuts on my body and think this happened. I just do not know when or where.
Gangbang Rape Porn in the Suburbs
I went to a party Friday night, not excepting a gangbang rape porn. I have two lives. One in the gated communities among middle-class families. I am a soccer mom and a trophy wife to the outer world. Then I have this dark druggy life that takes me to seedy allies where I am used and abused for a fix. I am the junkie you hear about selling her brat to get high because she is so strung out. I have two completely different lives, so I was not excepting my two worlds to collide at a birthday party for another soccer mom. Turns out her husband has a dark side too. He was shocked to see me. I had never met her boy toy husband before. Well, I had met him, just not through her. He is a frequent flyer at this dungeon I party at on the weekends when my husband thinks I am visiting my mom. He has fucked me hundreds of times. Hard, bareback and in the ass like I was his private ass rape porn star. He could not resist fucking me in their bathroom. He likes older women, but not like his wife. She is too pure and sweet for him. He likes his women dirty and nasty like me. He choked me as he fucked my ass in the bathroom. He pounded my back door so hard that my head was hitting the mirror. He left and I tried to clean myself up. Some of his friends came into the bathroom and had their sloppy seconds with me. All the while, my husband and their wives were drinking wine and beer out back. One of the guys gave me some coke and I went straight into gang bang mode. One after another, my ass took a big dick raw. Only me and the guys knew my ass was the real star of that party.
Taboo Phone Sex Whore Gets a Shock
I thought as a taboo phone sex whore I was shock proof. I went into a BDSM club for the first time since February. My favorite little underground fetish club opened back up. I got a call last night that there was a male patron requesting me. I had no clue it was open again. I put on some slutty clothes and rushed down to have some overdue fun. I was escorted to a private room blindfolded per my patron’s request. He wanted to play a game. He skull fucked me and I was clueless who he was, honestly. He spoke. The voice was vaguely familiar, but I was not placing it. I did not care. I was just happy to be back in the BDSM game again. After a few hours of skull and ass fucking, he removed my blindfold. I almost puked when I saw my father. I had not seen him in decades. I tried to forget his evil face, but it is permanently etched in my brain. “Hello, dear Cassie,” he seethed. I peed myself. I ran away from home when I was a young teen girl. Never looked back, either. Honestly, I assumed my dad was dead. I have not heard from him. I did change my last name to make it harder to find me. I figured he died or just got himself a new little whore to abuse. I am in my 30s now. That is a few decades too old for dear old dad. He punched me in the face. The blood dripping down my face was lube as he skull fucked me some more. He choked me while his cock was in my throat. Daddy was never small. And even in his late 50’s his dick was just as hard. When I could, I screamed for help. Before security came, daddy was gone out a back exit. Next time, I may not be so lucky. He knows I am alive. He knows my name. He knows the city I live in. It is just a matter of time before I star in a snuff porn for dear old dad. My last one.
Ass Rape Porn
I was a little low on cash and I saw this ad, “$$Girls wanted for Adult Movie$$”
I am no stranger to a good thick hard one and I heard they pay well. So I got all dressed up in my lacy black stockings and high heels and went for my porn star premier!
The smell of sex was everywhere! The floors were sticky and the sheets were stained!
They gave me a pill and a shot of whisky.They said the pill was a triple strength antibiotic that works immediately, just to make sure I am clean, and the shot was to help me relax!
We did a few teaser photos and the whole time, they were grabbing at me, slapping my ass, pawing at my tits, sticking their fingers in my mouth. I was starting to feel very weak and dizzy!
Then my body went limp, I was wide awake but completely paralyzed!
Within minutes, my nipples were hooked to clamps and my hips were belted down! Cameras were placed everywhere and a monitor was right in front of me so that I could watch from every angle!
I was not sure what they were planning! I could not fight…it’s like they wanted me to watch them rape me!
The shock machine was turned on and the intensity was increased until my body began involuntarily twitching!
Then I was suddenly surrounded by cocks!
I watched on the monitor as they filmed the ass rape porn! My cunt was being stretched by two thick rock hard dicks as a third tore my ass to shreds!
My body was being jerked hard with every thrust and the strap was cutting into my skin! My nipples were mutilated and swollen from the clamps!
I was starting to feel it! The pain of being destroyed by those three punishing cocks and the shocks being sent through my tattered tits! The meds were wearing off!
I started to struggle when suddenly that shit stained cock was forced down my throat, gagging me as he held my nose, forcing my mouth open, slamming my face with brown drool running down my cheek!
Then a mass eruption of cock cream hit me like water out of a fire hose, stinging my wounds and then drowning me in a shower of piss as they hosed me off!
When they finished, they unstrapped me, gave me ten bucks and said they would be in touch. Most girls would have been humiliated or insulted but what they don’t know is, I would have done it for free!
Ass Rape Porn Family Style
Ass rape porn is not just for women! I love to watch a man’s ass hole be fucked until it is nothing but a large hole on his back side. Rodger owed me for some shit I had scored and I was making him pay. It is a deadly sin to cross me! I kidnapped him from his workplace parking lot. As he was chloroformed he dropped. My burly accomplices load him in and found his house keys. We let ourselves in to find his wife and two sweet girls getting ready for school. The three of us had them on the ground and beat up some as we knocked them out cold too. We were going to make multiple snuff movies with this lot. Everyone woke up strapped down to gynecologist chairs.
They were naked and all four began to scream. I hit the light and my accomplice men came at them with balls full and cocks larger than any these whores had seen, I guarantee that! Rodgers for inch cock was straight in the air as I positioned the screen so his precious family could watch his ass gang bang! In turn he would watch as more men came into my dungeon of pain and forced sweet young holes and that whore wife pussy open. It would be the destruction of a lifetime!
Blood and cum began to fill the air and my cunt needed satisfaction! I leaned over Rodger and mouthed his face.
“Eat My Pussy Bitch! Lick me until I cum all over you my ass whore!”
I was so fucking close to squirting as he licked my swollen clit and tongue fucked me. The timing was near as Hunting knives with gut hooks were raised. At the peak of arousal I shouted now! Roger and his family watched as we killed them. The fucking snuff porn would be the best I ever made! And I would have my freezer stocked with roasted human flesh all winter!
Brutal Ass Rape Porn
Finally, I got to make another ass rape porn. I am known on the BDSM circuit as a hardcore anal whore. I make bank off my ass because I do things most women will not even consider. I love cocks the most in my ass, but often directors are not paying me for the normal things in an ass. I have worked with this director before. I love him because he pays the most and he is gentler with me than most directors. Not this time. I arrived in Columbus for the shoot. He told me this was a violent and brutal forced ass movie. My cunt got wet. His videos cater to men who have rape phone sex fantasies. He made me do an enema first. He wanted my reactions as real as possible, so I never met my costars until they rushed me. He does unscripted movies to give them an authentic feel. This felt authentic. A couple guys came out of nowhere and stockpiled on top of me. They sodomized my ass, often putting a few big cocks in my ass at the same time. I could feel my asshole gaping. It was stuffed to capacity. One of the dudes tied my hands up and hooked me to a bar above the couch. He rode me hard. He did not put me away wet, however. I was dry expect for some blood from my torn asshole. Oh my, I was screaming in pain. I tried to ask for a cut, but that was not happening until it was all done. These men attacked my asshole with brute force. They pinched and bit my nipples. They spit in my face, slapping me repeatedly calling me a blonde bimbo. I know I am an anal taboo phone sex whore, but my ass has never been fucked like that. I did get paid, which is good because my asshole does not look pretty right now. I am going to need a few days to recover.