Tag: Accomplice phone sex

The Rise And Fall Of Dawn

Accomplice phone sex


Sure, accomplice phone sex sounds great, but the one time I tried to take on a trainee and make a twisted little mentee in my image, it went horribly wrong!  I thought I could create a cute and cum thirsty killer just like me, but, boy, was I wrong.

I was on the prowl one night when I came upon a big piece of property with a small little house on it and an old shed tucked way out in the back forty.  I lurked in the shadows and crossed along the perimeter of the land until I reached the out building, where I could hear muffled screams coming from the inside.  I quietly dashed over to the door and slowly slid it open to find it was a makeshift bedroom obviously set up for abuse and torture.  The target of all of that pain was laying shackled to a bed with big, greasy fuck pig on top of her, rough humping and pushing her face hard into the mattress.

The flashbacks to my past were staggering but fueled my instantaneous rage.  I jumped on that jackass like a jungle cat and started stabbing him in the neck over and over again until he gurgled and spurted and collapsed on top of the captive girl.  I pushed him off of her, unlocked her blood-slick shackles and quickly absconded with her into the darkness.

Of course I felt bad for her so I took her under my wing and brought her into my lethal life of sex, drugs and severe sadism.  I even told her to pick a new name for her new life, just like I did, and, after a little deliberation, she went with “Dawn.”  She was into all of it, didn’t even freak out in any of the weird rooms in my house of horrors!  Dawn took to kidnapping, torture and using whatever lousy fuck she wanted to please her pretty little pussy with no problem.  She took to her new life with vigor and extreme violence.  And that was kind of the problem.  She was a little too into it and way too into me.

Sure, we were lovers, we did a lot of fucking together.  That wasn’t the issue.  She didn’t just want to be with me, she wanted to BE me.  We would plan a simple stalking or subway throat slashing and then Dawn would go off on her own and do it before our agreed upon scheduled time.  Also, every festering little fuck pig we brought home she would take control of the situation and have all of the fun with them herself.  Like she would edge me out of the situation and cut all of the juiciest spots or fuck all of the biggest cocks herself and try to just leave me with some sliced up and bloodied bodies and a bunch of limp dicks!  I was not having it.

The fuck straw that broke the killer camel’s back was when I found her in my bed wearing my lingerie and fucking the corpse of a guy I actually liked.  He didn’t deserve that, he was one of the good ones.  But, in true Jennifer Jason Leigh style, she didn’t like that he and I had any sort of friendly connection for one reason or another so she put a stop to it.  So I put a stop to her.

Sometimes you can’t get close enough to a person, either to have a real connection with them or to simply kill them.  So, when you’ve failed to successfully assimilate them into your lurid life and if you don’t want to risk what they might do to you if they manage to get their hands on you, in that case of having absolutely, positively no other choice at all, I bring out my .45 ACP.  I might not have been able to trust the crazy cunt I created, but I can always trust my Colt.  

Poor Dawn didn’t have a chance.  Truthfully, I should’ve known better.  Sure, we started out the same, but Willow was created and crafted by the dark, but Dawn was created by Willow.  Kind of like a copy of a copy.  I’m an imperfect being, nothing I do will ever be perfect.  But I guarantee you I’ll never try to teach an abused bitch how to be me, ever again.


Pandora’s Mortuary Is Open Again For Deviant Play

Snuff phone sex

Hello once again to my fans of the grotesque, wickedly twisted, and dark corners of the mind. I’m happy to open the mortuary doors once again. Truthfully the pandemic was a real buzz kill, great for business and plenty of corpses. However, due to the amounts, it was required to have more than one mortician around. Keeping my cold formamide smelling work area more populated with the living than usual. Which is such a shame really. You should have seen some of the corpses that came in for me to prepare or just burn. Such beauty and potential gone to waste. 

Now the traffic is steady but no need for extra hands around, I’m able to handle it all once again. I was so happy to be able to let those other workers go. None of them had the spark like me for allowing the dead to be useful to the living in a carnal way. Now I look around the room and see nothing but potential. I’ve renovated it for even more corpse storage and more fun gadgets. Experimenting on the dead is not everyone’s idea of a good time, but it is mine. Sure a lot of these tools are used for autopsies but they make excellent torture devices when the time arises. So you know a little bit about my past few years, what has the rest of the wicked been up to? 

Gothic Phone Sex Fantasies are Super Hot for Me as the Accomplice Too

gothic phone sexGothic phone sex fantasies are super hot to me. I love vampires, zombies and monsters in general. If I had my pick, vampires are the hottest of the supernatural creatures we see in movies. I think of the hot vampire in Fright Night or the gorgeous blood suckers in True Blood or the Vampire Diaries. I get monster type calls periodically and when I get to chose how I die, I go with the sexy vampire. Why would I not? Of course, I know they do not look as good in their undead form but while walking at night looking for blonde bimbos to feast on, they are often hot as fuck like Eric from True Blood. I had a caller earlier in the week who usually kills me rather violently during our fantasy phone sex calls. He let me pick this time how to die, so I suggested he be a Gothic blood sucker. He liked the idea of eternal life and turning a bunch of sexy bitches into his eternal sex slaves. It was a hot roleplay, more romantic but with plenty of violence and gore to turn me on. I am a pain slut. My sexy vampire made me his head sex slave which meant I had to lure him some young things to turn. When you get the vampire’s kiss, you stay the way you are forever. He likes pretty young things. I am pretty but not so young, so I lured some barely teenage girls to his house to party. I lead them to their slaughter, their blood bath. It works for me too because then I have young cute sex slaves to worship my dead cunt. I love being an accomplice phone sex partner to the dead and the living. What kind of fantasy can we do and who can we kill?

Taboo phone sex for georgia

Taboo Phone Sex

Your taboo phone sex whore needs you to feel good! I get down on my knees and let you rub my clit hard while I take that cock into my mouth. I start sucking and licking up and down the shift circling my tongue around the tip to feel you twitch in my mouth with need. I suck him down my throat and feel him hit far back. My gags and chokes only made him suffer more with wanting to hurt me then way I wanted to be hurt. Before I know it he has a handle of a knife in hand. He wants to fuck me with it..He’s going to fuck my dripping cunt with his knife while I suck his cock down my tight little throat

Evil phone sex with Stephanie

evil phone sex


Stephanie, the evil phone sex tramp is what they call me and they’re not wrong at all. I’m the sneaky, evil bitch that you always have to watch out for. I might go from riding your dick and kissing you passionately, to biting your tongue off and spitting blood all in your face. Tonight, I have a kinky, new fantasy that I want to play out with you! I signed up on a certain website, looking for rich, older men that need a sweet, little slut to spoil. I’ve already arranged for a few of them to come over at various times tonight. I’m going to need your help in snuffing them out once I’m finished with them. I’m not just going to rob them for all their worth. First, I’m going to trick them into thinking I’m going to fuck them for cash. That’s when you walk in and help me tie them up and torture them. I like to bash their skulls in but we can take it slow if you like. I’ll bend over and let you pump my hot cunt full of cum while we watch that pathetic, old fuck fade away in front of us.

Mutilation Phone Sex Means Fun with Your Cock and Balls for Me

mutilation phone sexMutilation phone sex takes all kinds of forms. I am a cock mutilator by trade. I loved to ruin a man’s junk just because I can. I carve up little sluts too, but that is mostly for profit. Castration and cock and ball mutilation is for personal pleasure. I am not one of those women who believes men rule the world. There are plenty of men who do not deserves their cocks or the balls. I am not talking about perverts who diddle little ones. I am talking about chronic masturbators. Men who try to force their tiny dicks on grown women like me. I am talking about tools who think they can dominate a woman just because they have balls. Balls are not some badge of honor and they do not give you certain rights. In fact, I will argue that balls are a privilege not a right, and therefore your privilege can be revoked whenever I want.

I revoked Lawrence’s balls. He is a fucking neighborhood loser with a tiny dick. A peeping Tom. He also drugs women’s drinks to take advantage of them at community events and parties. I put an end to all that. I cannot have a major creeper in my community continuing to violate women. He needed some free castration phone sex. Oh, he paid but not with money, LOL. I drugged him at a neighborhood block party. I usually am not very neighborly, but this loser needed put in his place forever. I switched his drink with the drink he laced to give to some unsuspecting woman. When he was acting drunk, I escorted him home along with a few neighborhood women who wanted some revenge. It is called Karma, Lawrence. You cannot drug women and fuck them and expect nothing to come back on you. He met Karma that night. He was intoxicated but coherent enough to know what was going on. Coherent enough to feel the pain of several women giving him back what he is ode tenfold. Torture sex does not even describe what us girls did to his junk. We carved our names into the flesh of his cock. We severed his balls. We anally tortured him with household objects. And we made him a eunuch. He will no longer be slipping women mickies to take advantage of him. Karma always comes back to you guys, and if I find out about your predatory behavior, I will bring Karma to you sooner.

Knife play Castration phone sex

Bloody phone sex

I finally liked a guy and he was my greatest trophy, I meant his cock was my greatest medallion. When we first met he was great, almost perfect. Then as time went by I became obsessed over him. I had him by my side everywhere I went until one day… A female said Hi to him and he said it back. Oh lord, I was furious. I kept my cool until we got home. That is when I unveiled my secret torture dungeon in my basement. I took an oath when I first met him 3 weeks ago that I would cleanse myself and become a better version of myself.

But, nooo he couldn’t stay cool and not say hi back to that stupid whore.

Ughhh I’m so mad. I brought him down to my basement and locked the doors behind me. Then I asked him to drink my homemade “wine”… Minutes later he was passed out. When he opened his eyes he was tied up and I was in my villain black leather costume. He didn’t know it was me. I couldn’t reveal my real self to him. He would hate me. I had planted a fake head that looked like mine on the ground right next to him with blood all over it. I made him believe that we both got kidnapped and they chopped my head off.

I wanted to traumatize him just like he did me when he broke my heart waving back and saying hi to that stupid ran down whore walking by us. It’s sad he has a good dick but unfortunately it must go. I wanted to disable him forever. I need him to turn into a pussy. I want him to look in the mirror after this experience and call himself a bitch. Without any numbing medication I got his dick hard and cut it off with garden scissors. He screamed his pain away until he passed out.

When he woke up he was in the intensive care unit. I didn’t want him to die I just wanted him to suffer!

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies are My Specialty: Let’s Kill Together

murder phone sex fantasies

Murder phone sex fantasies are my specialty. I cater to your darker thoughts and fantasies. Sometimes you are the one who wants to die, and sometimes you have a victim already lined up for us to slaughter. Either way, I am down to play. Most men are not so stupid as to attempt to kill or force fuck me. But every now and again, I meet a dumb fuck with a death wish. Brett was the latest dumb fuck. He hired me to help him kill his daughter’s best friend. Apparently, he spiked the little bitch’s drink one night and fucked her, but she was not completely out of it. She was a smart little one. One I wish could be my accomplice phone sex partner. She has been blackmailing him since. He has a lot to lose because if convicted he would spend the rest of his life behind bars being some guy’s bitch. So, not only was he dumb enough to not drug her completely, he thought he could fuck me too? Like the fee he paid me to take care of his problem meant he owned me. I was clear that the money he gave me was solely to get rid of his problem. Now, I had to turn the tables on him. He was too dumb to live. I had the intended victim do the honors. I would have killed her had this dumb fuck stuck to our agreement, but this was an opportunity I rarely get. I had a protégé. A young girl obviously devious in her thinking and methodical about her planning. I gave her my knife and let her do with him what she wanted. This was revenge. She cut his cock and balls off and shoved them in his mouth like she was baking a cake. She did not flinch. She did not hesitate. She is my mini me and I am going to groom her to be a sick dominant taboo phone sex bitch like me.

Sex With Dead Bodies And Live Ass Rape Porn

The first time i saw ass rape porn is the first time i saw someone have sex with dead bodies. My great uncle made me his accomplice and had me take a dumb slut from the park for him to have fun with. I was happy to do it because it meant he left me alone and my wounds could heal. He ripped her clothes off and tied her up, when she tried to scream, he punched her in the mouth knocking some teeth out. After he did that, he laughed and stuck his cock deep in her mouth.

Sex with dead bodies

He used her blood to lube his cock up. Then he bent her tiny body over and shoved his cock in her asshole. She couldn’t scream because he had wrapped his fingers around her throat. Every time he pushed her down on his cock, he choked her a little harder every time. I didn’t know if the blood running down her legs was from her asshole or her bloody mouth he had fucked. But when she stopped moving, he pounded her harder until he came. That was the first time i saw someone having sex with dead bodies. He fucked her body all night until he made her gator meat.

Snuff Sex is Not What I Wanted but it is What I Got

Snuff sex is why I am here most days. I am a good accomplice too, but most guys want me for their own personal use. I met Stan on a fetish site. Turns out we did not live too far from each other, so I was down to meet him. We agreed that I would be his accomplice and help him lure a teen girl to his house. He has long had rape fantasies for hot teen sluts. Can you blame him? The teen girls today look rode hard and put away wet. When he saw me, he changed his mind. He thought I was hot.  I am in my 30s and pretty used up. I have perky tits because they are fake. He decided instead of taking any risks in kidnapping a girl for his rape phone sex fantasies, he would just fuck me. I was not prepared. I wanted to be an accomplice. He saw my pictures and never mentioned wanting to fuck me. He thought I was not the girl in the avatar. He assumed I was some old middle-aged woman past her prime. To many men, I am. To this guy, I was his dream bimbo. We talked about violent things to do to a young girl. I never would have suggested a double fisting in her ass if I realized it would be my ass he was wanting to fist. I tried to convince him that I was not what he wanted, but he was certain I was all he wanted. He drugged my drink when he realized I was not going to give in easily. I woke up tied to a bed with my legs bound up to my chest and his two fists in my asshole. I started screaming in pain. I was not ready for this. I did not want this. But I was stuck as his ass rape porn star. Two days later and my asshole is still prolapsed and a raw, sore mess. I guess I am always going to be the victim.

snuff sex