I left my pathetic roommate all tied up and bonded before class.. I tortured the living day lights out of her and she’s still got the wounds to show it! There is no way I will be having her walking around campus all bruised up so people can ask questions.
She’s literally in there gagged and bonded with her feet tied to her hands. She’s so sweet I couldn’t help it.. Its like her tiny little squeaky voice just irked my fucking nerves. I wanted to give her a dose of reality! She’s some trust fund baby who to me hasn’t experienced a lick of life!
She deserves what I am doing to her.. There is no reason why anyone on earth should be living a carefree life! Well, not under my watch at least.. She was always bragging about how she has this and she has that.. I snapped! I stood up and rang her fucking neck.. Luckily it didn’t kill her.. Well the only problem is now that I’ve reacted with black out anger..
I didn’t exactly plan for this! I have no idea how I plan to dispose of her body.. I have to kill her! If I don’t she will tell, I know she will.. I can’t take the risk.. After all these years of getting away with rape, murder and torture.. There is no way I am going to let her be the end of it..
I plan on dicing her up and putting her in my suitcase.. Then bringing her to the woods and burning her in a bonfire.. But before I get rid of her I was hoping I can get a perverted man to rape her.. Would you like to do the honors? Maybe you can help me bury her…