Ass rape porn is always more than I bargain for with BG. I don’t know his real name, but that is what every one calls him. He is a notorious drug dealer with a sadistic desire to destroy the asses of strung out women in need of a fix. I try to avoid him. He is a desperate call only. I found myself desperate. I texted him for a fix the other night, but he said my ass is all used up and he was not interested. What the fuck. I was desperate to get high and no one else will give me drugs. I made him an offer he couldn’t refuse. What if I brought him a young girl with a virgin ass? I thought that would be worth some coke. He agreed. If I brought him an ass virgin, she could be my surrogate for his torture sex needs. My husband was going to hate me, but I borrowed his niece. She is a hot teen slut. Honestly, she is a brat and a cock tease, so this was a great idea. She can earn me some drugs and maybe get her attitude cut down a bit. I told her I was taking her back to school shopping. Just a little white lie. BG was pleased with her looks, but she pitched a fit. That was easily taken care of with a ball gag. To add to his twisted desires, he wanted me to help gape her ass. We put our hands up her tight teen ass together. Gaped her wide like the Grand Canyon. She was struggling, but I was enjoying it. She is a little self-entitled bitch anyway. BG took her ass cherry as I watched and snorted lines. I am going to have some explaining to do, because that little cunt won’t keep her mouth shut. I don’t care. I got my blow.
Tag: Accomplice phone sex
The Ass Rape Porn of My Niece
Torture Sex of My Girl Parts
Torture sex is what he made me endure for hours. Sexual mutilation with a sadist was not what I signed up for. I met him online and we clicked. I never told him I was a submissive whore. I didn’t want him to think less of me. I try to have normal adult relationships even though I know I don’t deserve them. He was a poser. He was friends with Master and they set me up. I had to be punished for being a cheating slut and thinking I was worthy of a man’s affection. He drugged my drink and when I woke up, I was hanging from a beam naked with my clit tied up and puffy. My master was there assisting with an evil grin on his face. I knew that look and I was in trouble. Maybe enough snuff porn trouble. He threatens to kill me all the time. Somedays, I wish he would. It was hard to hold back the tears as I knew what was coming. I saw the torture instruments. He had on a table in front of me a blow torch, various knives, a taser and clamps. The thought of a blow torch to my clit made me piss myself. “See something you like Cassandra,” Master seethed as he touched the blow torch like he was reading my mind. He knows my fears. He lit it and laughed. His accomplice thought he was just taunting me. When Master actually melted my clit away, his partner puked and passed out from the grotesque image of my mutilated girl parts. The smell of burning flesh lingers in your nostrils for days. I was in shock from the pain. I puked, but didn’t pass out, which might have saved me. In Master’s eyes, I was tougher than his failed assistant. He turned the blow torch on his balls and dick and I was just grateful the focus was no longer on me.
Killer Phone Sex Fantasies Solve Your Problems
You can tell me your killer phone sex fantasies. I know they consume you like they do me. I talk with guys that have fantasies like mine. Sometimes I get to provide some sadistic therapy to men who have an annoying problem like a brat or a wife, maybe both. I spoke to a guy last week who wanted to get rid of his pregnant girlfriend, so he could have access to her little daughter without her cock blocking him. We hatched a plan to sell her and her unborn brat into slavery. He wanted her to be sold to someone violent and for the brat to be raised by a P man. He really didn’t like his girlfriend, which turned me the fuck on. Normally, once cargo is bought, I have no knowledge of what happens to it once I have been paid. I am on a need to know basis with several traffickers. I live in Texas, close to the Mexican border. Since no fucking wall has gone up yet, getting rid of folks is easy. Once cargo crosses the border, no one in the US cares anymore. That cargo can be shipped all over the world or left in Mexico. I talked to a few of my trafficker friends and found one who had buyers already in mind. He assured me the pretty woman would be hooked on smack and used in a Mexican brothel that is worse than Hell. And, he had a P man looking to raise a little girl as his own, so he could explore his rape fantasies daily with her tiny holes. Both girlfriend and unborn brat would have horrible lives. That made my friend’s dick super hard. I told him his girlfriend would eventually end up doing a live snuff porn because that is what happens to white whores who lose their sex appeal in Mexico. I even suggested his bad seed may suffer a similar fate once she grew out of her sex appeal to her P daddy. Another satisfied customer. What problem can I help you solve?
Torture Sex With Ivy
Torture sex always makes my cunt wet and tingly. I am very possessive of my man if I even see another bitch looking at him I will fuck her up. So you can just imagine how I felt when I saw our new neighbor. I’m sure the look on my face said it all. She is a little petite Asian chick with a fake boob job. She never has on a bra and her shorts are so short you can see her ass checks.
She is always waiving at you and yelling hi hi. You keep telling me that I am over reacting that she is not your type. You tell me that you would never cheat on me. You tell me that I misunderstand her intentions due to a cultural difference. But I know better I see the way she looks at you. You decide that the best way to handle this is to invite her over for dinner. I leave the room to get us a bottle of wine.
When I return that fucking little cunt is sitting on your lap. I drop the bottle of wine on the floor. It breaks and leaves shards of glass and red wine all over our hardwoods. I grab her by her long black hair and throw her to the floor. You are telling me to calm down. I tell you that if you really love me you have to prove it to me. I have my foot on her throat.
I tell her to open her mouth and suck your cock but she refuses. I tell you to hold her mouth open and I piss down her throat. I reach over and pick up a shard of glass off of the floor. I apply more pressure to her throat while I start slicing pieces of her tits off and feeding them to you.
I feel the life drain out of her body as I am slicing off her pussy lips. I put her bloody pussy lips into my mouth. I shove you onto the sofa. I slide your big hard cock into my hot wet pussy and start fucking you. As we are fucking I feed you her bloody pussy lips straight from my mouth into yours. As you shot your jizz in my pussy I whisper in your ear how much I love Asian food.
Brats Boil Your Blood?
Blood boiling annoying little brats that really start pushing the parents limits and tweaking nerves deserve the ultimate punishment. I mean they are only going to be a cold sore on society as they get older and my belief system is to nip it in the goddamned butt before then. So I was enlisted for this job by one of the parents of this really bratty duo of young twin girls. These two have wreaked havoc on the house and really started to get the parents in trouble with the school also. So I took this on and was super psyched to find out they had a brother in college and was willing to assist me.
I loved the thought of having him tie the girls up and letting them watch as we fucked, then as he rape fantasy fucked the two of them. Their fuck holes were tore the fuck up by the time we were done with them and eliminating the evidence was the highlight of it all. We hacked the two up in little pieces and collected their blood for a ritual at the end. These two were just such a treat.
Head bitch in charge
Snuff sex is what I need to keep me happy. I don’t like it vanilla I never have and surely never will. I can’t stand any of that lovey dovey shit. I am the type of bitch that will fucking cut your cock off when I finish making it cream. I like to see fear in your eyes and watch you squirm and cry and plead for help. It takes a special wicked soul to enjoy what I do. If you don’t you will become my victim real fast. I like to be dominated but don’t cross me or I will fuck you up and castrate you in front of all your friends. I love embarrassing you and making you feel worthless. I love being able to fuck you and with a strap on and make your pathetic cock show. I will make sure you don’t forget your place is in my knees and I will gladly leave you in a puddle of cum and blood.
Cannibalism Phone Sex with Ivy
I had just put on my cheetah print swimsuit. I had planned on going out on the prowl. A manhunt so to speak. When my doorbell rang and who do I find standing there. A fucking bible thumping annoying as hell Jehovah’s Witness. Apparently, you had come to save the princess of darkness from her wicked ways.
Normally I would have told you to fuck off but today was different. You were in your early twenties and not very tall for a man. I decided that you might work out quite nicely for the dinner I had planned. I invited you in and had you sit at my dining room table. I ask you if you would like something to drink. You ask for a water. I put a mickey in your water along with a slice of lime. Now I just have to listen to your Jesus shit until it takes effect. It knocked you out cold. Perfect for me.
All I have to do is get you undressed and tied up. Then it is time to fit you in the roasting pan. I hog tie you so tight that I break your arms. Your head is the only thing hanging over the side of the pan but the rest of you fit in very nicely. You are just starting to come to when I start shoving frozen sticks of butter up your ass. I think four will do. You start moaning and begging. I can’t stand all of your crying and complaining. So I shove a stick of butter down your throat and cram an apple in your mouth.
I pour hot melted butter all over your body before covering you with rosemary and sage. I light the fire and you start cooking. Not only do you smell delicious but your agonizing cries of pain make my pussy hot and wet. My boyfriend arrives home and I greet him wearing nothing but an apron. As we are on the sofa fucking he tells me how good dinner smells, but he asks what is the sound he is hearing. I laugh and tell him that too is dinner my love. I cum all over his big thick cock as I hear you finally succumb to your death. When my dinner party guests arrive I carve you up and serve you as the main course. Everyone enjoyed you including my little furry friend.
Evil Babysitter Phone Sex
I love evil babysitter phone sex. I hate brats. All brats are useless unless servicing your cock or my cunt or both. Don’t you agree? I can clean up well and look like a normal 20 something girl. I just never want to. I made an exception because Charles had super cute brats. As cute as those evil time consuming little bitches and bastards can be. I was low on the rent. Just needed a few extra hundred dollars and little bitches bring top dollar on the dark net. Normally, I kill them for a client who wants to destroy their little holes first. I procure a guy brats while he explores his rape phone sex fantasies and then I dispose of the bodies. All for a fee of course. I don’t expose myself to get little soul stealers for free. I had no clients wanting my fuck and kill package, so I stole two brats and sold them myself. Charles thought he was hiring Lena for the night from an accredited site. He did, I just stole her identity. Within an hour of being there, I drugged the brats. While passed out I dress them in slut clothes inappropriate for their age. I made sure they were clean, then put the live on the dark net. I auctioned them off to the highest bidder. They sold fast too. Of course, they did, they were super young and cute. I met my Russian high bidder two hours later for the trade. He gave me more than a few hundred dollars for a cute boy and girl at a popular age for P men. He can do what he wants with them. Sell them to men for snuff films for all I care or keep them as his fuck slaves. They are just useless brats. There only purpose is to keep adults happy, don’t you agree?
Teen Rape Porn With Ivy
You called and told me that you had found two teen girl stow-a-ways in the shipping yard that you manage. You said that they were super cute little girls from South America. You wanted to know if I would be interested in using them to make some steamy hot teen rape porn. Just you saying that made my cunt juicy.
You ask me if I could come and help you with the girls. When I arrived they were still in the shipping container too scared to come out. I assured them that I was there to take them somewhere safe. They were more than willing to leave with me and they were totally clueless about what was going to happen to them.
When we arrived at my place we took them down to the basement and into my dungeon. As soon as I turned on the lights and they saw all of the torture devices they started crying and wanted to leave. The oldest one turned and tried to run towards the door. I grabbed her by her long brown hair and drug her over to the black leather bench. You helped me tie her down.
We put her friend in the medieval stocks. I turned on the camera and filmed you ripping her clothing off exposing her young teen pussy and perky tits. She laid there helpless and crying which only made your cock harder. You shoved your big hard cock into her tight teen pussy and started pounding it. She was screaming for you to stop. I shoved her dirty panties in her mouth to shut her the fuck up.
You pulled out of her pussy and slammed your cock into her tight puckered ass. You reached up and started choking her as you were fucking her tight teen asshole. You shot your wad in her ass as she was gasping for air. We left her tied to the bench and her friend still in the stocks. These two are just too cute not to keep and play with for a while. Who knows as young as they are we might could make them into the perfect pets. If not we will snuff them out and dispose of their bodies once we tire of them.
Eating Him Alive
Snuff Sex at the cemetery sounded right up my heartless bitch alley. I know what you want. Your letter told me everything. It was past midnight and I saw you at the grave of your youngest daughter. The rosary dropped from your hand as you saw me. “I did this.” You stammered, we both know what you did. No words escaped my mouth as I sliced into your spine paralyzing you in an instant. Your dick was already hard from just being near her grave. I tilted your head so you could see me cut the mushroom tip off your dick. I brought it to my mouth and chewed and swallowed. “Is this what you want?’ As I sliced a piece of your ear off and made you watch me DeVore pieces of your body slowly. Your body would be too much for one person so my coven sisters approached and showed those glimmering blades. We all went to town eating you alive, I hope our cannibalism phone sex ways are enough to satisfy your need to be destroyed piece by piece.