I have exactly what you asked for. Big tits, long hair, big eyes, unmarred skin. It took some doing finding someone their age without any type of blemish to their skin, but I managed. I always do. I have kept her safe and sound in the root cellar of a neglected property that you own just as instructed to do. You are paying me a good sum of money to have her ready for you and I always give my clients the upmost customer service.
The other thing you wanted was for her to be mentally broken. It has taken me a long time to do so, but she is now ready. You didn’t want her broken so that she will be complacent, not at all. You wanted all humanity stripped from her so she is more feral, you want her to put up a fight. This is why the length of time has come into play. This is something that doesn’t happen in a week, a month or even a year. Many years have gone by, each month I would see your payment hit my bank account and I would continue her ‘training’.
Now she grunts, eats off the floor, shits in the corner and never ever leaves the room. I don’t even speak to her. At first she would beg for me to say something, anything at all, and the tears, dear Goddess those fucking non-stop tears. If you weren’t giving me so much money I would of stomped her head flat just to get them to stop. However, now, she has forgotten what human words sound like. Her living space, or existence space, since what she is doing is no where near what we consider a life, is dark, quiet, and lonely. When you reach out to her she pulls away, only to hiss at you as a warning to stay away.
She smells like sweat, piss, shit and dirt. All in all she is a truly pathetic sight. Now that the last payment found it’s way into my lovely hands I will stop by your place of business later in the day and drop off the key to her room. She is ready for you to do with as you wish, and if you would be so kind as to tell me exactly it is that you do for her I would genuinely love to hear the details, and if you ever need me again, you know how to reach me.