Tag: Accomplice phone sex

Torture Sex with a Plastic Bimbo

torture sexThe bitch deserved torture sex. She went all mean girl on me when we met for drinks. We went to college together, but she thought I would have grown out of my “creepy Wednesday Addams stage” by now. She went off on me. Clearly, she forgot who I was. She changed 180 degrees from college. She used to practice witchcraft with me. She was a fellow Goth girl. Now, she looked like something straight out of the Housewives of Beverly Hills. I mean she is my age, yet I could tell she had plastic surgery and a lot of Botox. She looked like Bimbo Barbie. No clue what happened to her since we last saw each other, but I wasn’t about to let her talk down to me. I spiked her latte drink. When she got drunk feeling, I took her to my cabin in the woods for fun. Along the way, I picked up some dirty hypodermic needles. I know where the junkies hang out. I stripped her naked. She fucking got a boob job. I pierced her shaved pussy with the dirty needles. When she woke up, she started screaming. She was calling me names as expected. I pierced her lips together with more dirty needles. I mutilated her perfect, fake body. I cut her implants out. I sewed her tight bald pussy shut. I pierced her clit too. I love mutilation phone sex calls. Are you ready to help me torture a plastic whore to death?

I took his manhood and laughed

taboo phone sexI had so much fun last night, I met up with this total douchebag and I ended up taking his manhood! I know what you’re thinking, you think that I just emasculated him by fucking another man or pointing out how small his dick was right? Well, you would be wrong! I didn’t just humiliate that asshole, I cut his fucking dick right off! It was way too easy to do too, he was so fucking conceited that he thought his tired pick up lines were actually working on me, can you believe that shit? I let him think he had me, I even suggested going back to my place. And when we got there, I made him think he was going to get laid and I convinced him to let me tie him up. Then he was all mine. He was all tied up and instead of some good pussy on that pitiful cock he got a rubber band wound tightly around it. Then I cut tha mother fucker off and left him to bleed to death! It was so satisfying for me to watch him die…

Evil Teen Phone Sex

teen phone sex

I love being an evil teen phone sex slut. I got a bloody accomplice offer I couldn’t refuse. I will be in the middle of nowhere in the hills so no one will hear the little scream as we tie them to the rafters and fuck them senseless. My little body will be perfect for this P-man to knock up over and over again. I will be under strict rules to be high and drunk each pregnancy. After all these fuck dolls are only being created for My new  Evil accomplice to destroy anyway he pleases. No one will ever know these little cunts and cocks exist. they will be homeschooled on cock and abuse. Little leather outfits for them and nice new big tits bought by our new daddy. Can you imagine a sweet brat on the end of your cock with a nice black eye and bloody little pussy? Tied up fuck tots that I can serve up to the townsfolk after they are useless to us. I’ll be knocked up one after another, and I might just steal the brats from the countryside to fuck and abuse as well!

Cocksucker Castration

snuff phone sex

Cocksucker! Now do I have your attention? This snuff whore has captured you and you are hanging in an abandoned factory warehouse. Oh, this little blood loving slut didn’t do it alone. These massive black football player type big strong black men have had there way with your ass. Your bleeding down the wall with meat hooks in your shoulders.

I loved the way you squealed for me piggy boy. You have been pissed on and fucked so hard that your intestines are hanging out. You’re my bloody faggot bitch. My Bitch man slave, be my sex toy entertainment for the night. 

My shears are sharp and catching the light. Beg for me not to castrate you cock whore! I will let you down if you prove yourself. Ten big Black cocks are waiting for you to try to save your manhood! Suck them and let them fuck the pulp that is your ass! Can you save that dick? Or will I be slicing and dicing it as you bleed out for me, dealers choice!

Evil Angel Eats Your Family Jewels for Lunch

cannibalism phone sex

Some say this Evil slut had ties with the Angel of death directly. But I just love blood and gore, it makes me so horny. The only thing that I love better than destroying small humans is slicing and dicing your balls. I love feeding on cock and brat flesh! And if I can get both together then I am in orgasmic heaven. Bring me your brat and your balls and cock. I will cut you after I give your fucking fantasy to destroy that fuck brat and I will let you smell her fuck breath after she gags on your cock.  Then we will destroy her sweet cunny and asshole in one fell swoop with your daddy cock. I will keep her as my little accomplice as we cut your cock and balls off. Then we will saute them and eat them as you bleed out in front of us. 

Accomplice Phone Sex Surprise

accomplice phone sexAs a submissive, accomplice phone sex goes with the territory. I started seeing a new man recently. Turns out he only picked me up because he thought I was a mommy. I’m old enough to be a mother, but I have never wanted to me one. When he found out I had no desire to get pregnant, nor did I have a little girl for him to fuck, he left. I was desperate to get him back. He is handsome, wealthy and not as mean as some of the other men I have dated. I got desperate. I knew he had no desire for my loose holes. I went to the park and lured a cute little blonde angel away. I drugged her, then put her in my car. I showed up at his house with a sweet young present. He was impressed with me for going the extra mile to win him back. It worked. I watched as he made his rape fantasies a reality with a super young girl. I was jealous he wasn’t fucking me, but I won him back. Sure, I sacrificed a young girl to win back my man, but she won’t find a better man to fuck. He will make her a ass rape porn star. That is of course if she survives.

Daddy loves snuff

Snuff phone sex

My daddy is a very bad man. Hurting innocent young girls like me makes his cock nice and hard. He forces me to be his accomplice and lure young cuties into his van for him to torment. He took me to the mall with him to watch all the pretty girls coming and going. I kept my hand on his cock as he watched them and when it got really hard, I knew which girl he wanted. I lured her over to me and we tossed her in the back and drove down an old dirt road so daddy could have his fun. I sat on her face and made her lick my pussy while daddy force fucked her tight bald cunnie. You could tell she was a virgin the way she bled when daddy stuck his dick into her. He’s a very sadistic man though, and force fucking her little pussy wasn’t enough to make daddy shoot his load. Instead, I had to take a knife, sharp as sin, and plunge it into her belly and slice her open from her pelvis to her chest. I could see daddy’s cock pumping in and out of her. I reached into her bloody guts and started to stroke him as he fucked her. I had never seen daddy cum as hard as he did that day in that poor girl’s guts.

Killed a bitch today

taboo phone sexI killed a bitch today but don’t worry she was just some stupid whore. She was just talking and talking and talking and I just snapped! I couldn’t take all the noise in my hungover state so I just slapped the shit out of her hard enough to knock her down. Then of course the bitch started screaming and crying so I went crazy and just beat the fucking shot out of her until she was finally unconscious, then I dragged her inside my house. Fucking bitch was so heavy too and that just made me even madder. So I tied her up and grabbed my biggest meanest  strap on cock, the one with the razor wire embedded in it and I fucked that stupid cunt to death! She begged for her life but I didn’t care I just shredded that pussy up! She bled out on my floor and after that I had blessed silence so that I could finally sleep.

Helping Him Make Snuff Movies

snuff moviesI started watching snuff movies with him. Then he asked me to help him make one. Many guys watch them with me, but few want to make one. Snuff films aren’t for the weak at heart. What shocked me most was that he wanted his stepdaughter to be the star of the show. I knew the girl. She is a teen tease. One of those mean girl types everyone would be secretly glad was dead. She is not even out of school yet and wreaking havoc. From what I have been told, she is trying to get her mom to kick my friend to the curb. I had him watch some snuff porn because it can be therapeutic to watch. After a few days of watching young girls get slaughtered, he told me he wanted to kill his stepdaughter. He begged me to help him. He has no money of his own. His wife is the cash cow. She inherited a bunch of money when her parents died in a car accident. I hated this teen whore, so I told him he could pay me later. I know I likely will never see the money, but I was helping a friend. I asked him if he wanted to fuck her first. I was surprised to hear no. Most guys want to use those young snotty holes first. He really did just hate the bitch. I decided to have some fun with her before I let him kill her. I sodomized her with a huge dildo. One so large that it shredded her asshole. She was crying. I wanted her to feel some pain. Little bitches should feel pain. She was pleading for her life when my friend slit her throat and watched her take her last breath. It made my cunt wet to be a part of his first snuff sex film.

Dangerous Love


Bloody phone sex

I just want to suck your ass all night long I did something terrible to your sister. Your sister made me angry, so I had to fuck her up I sliced her in little pieces, and now we’re going to have her for dinner. Yes, I know that I’m sadistic and I know that I’m really crude, but it’s okay with me if it’s okay with you. Your sister was a cunt bitch, and she didn’t deserve to live anymore so I took control cuz I know you wouldn’t. I cut your sister’s pussy into little pieces, and I sauteed them in some butter. Do you want some of her pussy over some rice it’s delicious? I slammed your sister’s head into the wall; I best her fucking face into the ground I made your sister pay for being such a filthy whore. I really enjoyed torturing her I put her through hell, and I loved it so much I can’t wait to get your mommy. Your mommy hates the fact that I strap on cocks and I fuck you well I know this because I showed her the tape. Now mommy’s on my hit list she’s next I can’t wait to get her in my dungeon. You told me I was twisted you said that you really like did you couldn’t help but really love my really fucked up ways. Now you’ve got me, and I’m so fucking horny for you all the time you can have me you can love me you can fuck me, and you can cut me too. Am I still your dream girl so fucked up and sadistic as I am? I suck your cock better than anyone who’s ever done it because I make you come more than 2 times, and I swallow every drop. Kiss me, lover, let me know that you still love me so much let me know that you still trust me more than any other bitch. I’m always dreaming of you when you’re not around I deserve you more than anyone else. Do you like it when I smile at you with blood all over my face I think it’s sexy and I think you love it. I’m your dream girl, and I know this it doesn’t matter that I’m crazy.