Tag: Accomplice phone sex

Slave Accomplice Part 2

Accomplice phone sexMy hunt last night went better than I expected. Hunting a man is different than going for a slutty slave. My approach had to be to seduce him. I did not want to hurt him before I got him back to the house. It was either seduce him or knock him out. I chose the seduction method. Making a mans cock rock hard and knowing he has no idea what he is in for is a huge turn on, doing it to this man last night instantly had my slave box drowning with the desire to show my master how good of an accomplice I am going to be. I went to a football party. I wanted to find the straightest man I could, I knew when I got back to masters house I was going to make him my little bitch. Torture sex was not going to be something he would enjoy. I finally found him and could tell right away he was hypnotized by my big black titties. I had my big nipples showing through my shirt which would have any white mans cock rock hard instantly. He approached me and I did not waste any time seducing him into the truck master let me drive. Before we went to my truck I slipped a drug into his drink, I then made sure we quickly got in the truck before he could start feeling the effects of the drug. Not even five minutes went by and he was passed out in the passenger seat. I drove off quickly and headed back to my Master. Master was shocked by my quick arrival, he picked the jock up and carried him down to our torture chamber. Master put the jock in the chair and told me the rest is up to me. He is going to sit back and watch how evil my nigger slave mind really is. I tied the young jock up real nice and tight. Master already had any toy or tool I needed for this torturous event. I made sure to shackle his wrists behind his back and do the same with his ankles. Then I took masters thick wired rope, wrapping it around his body so tight, I was cutting off some of his air supply. I wanted this young jock to be in pain the moment he woke up. Ten minutes went by and the jocks eyes popped wide open. I could smell the instant fear seeping through his pores as he looked around the room. He looked at me like he wanted to kill me at the moment. Little did he know, this nigger cunt gets hot and ready any time there is torture and violence involved. I was ready to play and my master was soon about to see another side of this nigger sex slave.

Taboo Phone Sex Fantasies

taboo phone sexWhat are your taboo phone sex fantasies? I could write a Russian novel about mine.  I have snuff fantasies about killing young ones, old ones, anyone… I have a wicked desire to castrate almost every man I meet. I want to kidnap and torture a bimbo slut. I want to bleed out all the mean girls in the world. I want to traffic small girls so I can profit off their tender age flesh. I want to watch a male accomplice split the pussy and ass of a young one in two. Those are just the tip of the iceberg. Every day, I meet several people that I want to do very bad things to.  I talk to them too. I wish there were more accomplices in the world but finding a man that is worthy of my time is hard. It is also difficult to find a man who can match my sadistic needs. I was hanging out with Ivan last night. He wanted to fuck a super young girl, torture and kill her. He vomited at the first cut to her flesh. What a wuss. The young girl, however, she fought like a champion. She had balls. He was a disappointment. So, I gave her a knife and let her castrate the loser who had rape phone sex fantasies about her. She was young, but she had a lot of anger inside, anger she took out on her kidnapper. I think I just found my latest accomplice. Girl power.

Slave Accomplice To My Master

Accomplice phone sexI think my master is catching on to me. We had a talk earlier today, he told me he is noticing lately that I am not what I used to be. I was shocked by what he said and he could tell. He told me I am the best slave he has ever had, but the rush of feeling like he is torturing me is not there anymore. He said, to him, he thinks I like the torture and abuse he is giving me. I sat there quiet, he is right, I love being called a fucking nigger and having my black asshole and nigger cunt throbbing in pain from all of his torture. Master then said he is going to keep me around for other things. He will still torture me and use me like the dirty nigger I love to be but he needs to find other women who are scared of him. Women who will scream, cry, beg for him to stop all of the torture and abuse. I am disappointed, I love the way my master abuses me. I am not sure if I could ever find another man who is able to torture me the same way he does. Master did tell me I will now be his accomplice. He said since I am already an evil nigger slave, I might as well help him in his huntings.Rape phone sex fantasies My master has given me a mission, I know we have done some things together in the past but this one is very different. My master wants me to hunt a man. I have to bring the man back to the house and let master watch everything I do. My master told me if I am going to be his accomplice, he needs to see what I can do without his orders. This will be the first time I do something on my own, without my master by my side. He is sending me out tomorrow night for my first hunting. I am not going to lie, my nigger slave cunt is craving this hunt. I will not let my master down.

Torturing Tess

torture phone sex

Torturing little girls who think they can’t be touched is a hobby of mine! The juice bar is a great play to find a teen slut who dismisses anything that doesn’t serve her. Tess (the name on her cup) ran into me and spilled her fruit smoothy down my black shirt, not thank you or anything as she rushed past! I was on her in a flash, the car door barely shut before I had stuck a needle on her arm and knocked her out cold. When Tes awoke I was naked over her body admiring her sweet curves as I buckled the last leather strap. Her screaming awoke my pussy! I wanted nothing more than to off her quickly so I could cum, But I waited for Xander, He wanted to film this snuff star and make sure her every abuse was captured! I would get my turn to be her demise! I enjoyed the thin slices of flesh being pulled off her. My fist covered in barbed wire fucked her to shreds! It was amazing and made me cum down my thigh when Tess screamed for her daddy, Only to look up in horror as her daddy was the one strangling her! Remember My pets there are no coincidences ever! This snuff accomplice always hunts her victims! And fucking enjoys every bloody forced sex minute! snuff phone sex

Cock After Cock After Cock

Roleplay phone sexI had an interesting torturous weekend. Master took me out of town for what he said was a slave vacation. Ha! I will tell you almost dying from different men’s dicks fucking my skull like I am a sex slave doll is not a vacation. It was exciting, but no vacation to me, or my throat. My master wanted to show some of the other masters how you really deep throat, and fuck a slaves throat. He also wanted to show them how a little slut slave is supposed to take any mans cock. If master says I am going to get my skull fucked until I blackout, then that is what is going to happen. My master had the men spread out around town, Master told me where I need to go and let me know these men will be kidnapping me. I have to do whatever these men want me to do. Master gave them orders not to go too far and actually kill me. I doubt these men would have gotten that far anyway. What they did do was stick their cock, balls deep down my throat. Each cock suffocated the life out of me. My master had to pick me up from the last man, I passed out from him ramming his big thick meat so hard into my throat. All I heard before it happened was him calling me a nigger slut slave and everything went black. I lost my voice, I am not sure if it will return anytime soon. Seeing those men take their aggression out on my slut slave mouth, did have me very excited. It was an exciting weekend. I am always willing to help out any Master, even if I have no choice anyway.

Spoiled brat had to go

taboo phone sexThis spoiled little bitch was annoying the fuck out of me. It all started when she parked her car right next to mine, she was way too close so when she opened her door she slammed it into mine and left a dent behind. Then she had the nerve to get mad at me about it! It was clearly all her fault but I didn’t want to make a scene in the parking lot so I just took her info and promised to bring her some money to pay for her repairs later on that day, even tho she didn’t have any damages and it was all her fault anyway! I just wanted the bitch to shut up and give me her address. She was too dumb to live I swear! I showed up to her house a few hours later, she was there alone so I knocked her out, stripped her and tied her to her bed. Then I invited several friends over and we all took turns violating her little fuck holes all night long. She’s still tied up there now, I left her alive to slowly starve to death, it seemed like a fitting punishment for being a bitch.

Slave Torture Training

Accomplice phone sexYesterday I was an accomplice to my master. I got to see first hand how bad this Slave slut was to the master I spent two weeks with. I do not know how he didn’t just slice the cunt slave to pieces and use her cut up flesh as dog food. I know I secretly love this life and getting tortured, raped, cut and beaten is something my cunt aches for but she doesn’t deserve to be a slave. This whore deserves to die a painful death. While watching my master beat her to a pulp, ripping half her hair out of her damn head I was confused why she would not obey. She put up such a fight. At a certain point, each slave needs to realize they are a slave and it does not matter if they like it or not. You must obey your master. You have no choice in what your master does to you but the one thing a sex slave must do is obey. Maybe she wanted to die, once I got that thought in my head I wanted to put her to the test. After all, if my master and I did have to kill her, I would find another sex slave and train her to be perfect, obeying working girl for my temporary master. My master could see the disgust in my eyes. He pulled me to the side and asked me did I want to give it a try. That is when I told him I think we should pretend to kill her. He liked that idea so much it looked like he wanted me to turn back into his slave and stretch my ass and cunt out one quick time. So without a word, he went back to the worthless slut and punched her one good time in the stomach. This bitch would not give up, that is when I yelled out, “Kill Her”. She looked at me, not able to believe I just said that. I walked over to her, looked at my master and said, this pathetic cunt does not deserve to be a slave, she does not deserve to live. She is a pathetic piece of shit that needs to be thrown away, once and for all. That straightened this little bitch up. I smacked her as hard as I could across the face and told the pathetic whore if she does not start acting the way a sex slave should act, then I will personally cut her limb by limb and make sure she has a slow and painful death and while I am doing this my master will be fucking her pathetic cunt and ass until her flesh is cut into tiny pieces.

Missing His Black Pussy Sex Slave

He isn’t going to tell me but I know my master missed me. The way he talked about that other slave I could tell he now knows this chocolate pussy sex slave is everything he could have ever asked for. He called me down from my room and told me he wanted to talk to me. He told me he now understands he has it good with me. That I am above average when it comes to being the perfect sex slave. Now, not only does he want me to be his sex slave, he wants me to be his accomplice.Torture phone sex My master told me every other week we will train other sex slaves, the ones that are not making their masters happy. We will take them for a week and turn them into the best sex slaves they can be. I mean, these girls have no choice. They are slaves to their masters. I do not understand how someone could be bad at it. I know some girls have died from being horrible sex slaves to their masters. I guess some masters would rather not kill off their slaves. My master told me while I am an accomplice to his training operation I will not be a slave. He said the moment we are done, I better go back to being his black fuck slave or there will be punishments. Oh, if master only knew how much this black slave cunt throbbed every time I felt him abusing me for his pleasure. Calling me a nigger whore, telling me I do not deserve such a fine thick white cock, all while he is punishing my aching cunt and asshole. Master said we will get our first sex slave tomorrow. I am excited, yes I love being abused and tortured by my master but their is something about being able to do the same to a slave whore that has my clit pulsing with extasy. I will know for sure tomorrow.

Blasphemy Sex on Sunday

blasphemy sexI have a super hot caller who loves blasphemy sex with me. He knows the only true God in this world is Satan. Every time we hook up, there is trouble, as in a sacrifice will be given to our unholy father. Sundays are the hottest days to give a sacrifice to Satan. All those pretty, innocent little whores in their Sunday best worshiping a false god. We snatched up the tiniest one we could find. When it comes to human sacrifices, Satan likes them young. The younger the better because the blood is sweeter. My partner in crime and fellow Satanist, stole a goat too.  We mixed the blood of the innocents together, then we fucked in the pool of blood made from our sacrifice. Our little lamb that we sexually mutilated and dismembered, laid dying next to us. She was being exsanguinated. As her warm blood enveloped us, we fucked like wild animals hailing our dark master. Satan is the only one worth worshiping. We give him weekly sacrifices and he gives us incredible powers. Covered in the blood of the innocent, we bowed down to Satan and mocked those worshiping in churches around the world. They all need blasphemy phone sex to wake the fuck up. God is a myth. Satan is the true lord and master.

Satanic parental abuse

Blasphemy sexSeeing all of these Moms and Dads who have no problem engaging in blasphemy sex with their little ones really makes my slutty snuff cunt super fuckin wet. They don’t care about abusing young ones, especially their own! Parents who take complete direction from Satan himself are the best type of parents that you could possibly have. They are simply vessels for the Devil to do his dirty work. Parental abuse against sweet little angels is the direct work of the Dark Side. The most evil of mommies and daddies are willing & eager to have their youngster’s souls sold to Satan, just like how they sold theirs a long time ago! The only reason naughty Satanic parents even go to church is so that they can have their way with all the little ones that attend! Molesting and force fucking those tiny bodies in front of the entire church procession is exactly what the Devil would want to happen! The more blasphemous and sexual situation created against Jesus Christ, the better. The parents cry out how much they love Satan and how much they hate God and Jesus, they truly just don’t give a fuck!