You really don’t need that now do you? You’re a pathetic waste and frankly the only pleasure you could give me is to let me castrate you and cut off that useless peg of a dick. I would take great pleasure in pursuing castration phone sex with you, but you see I would have to take it further. I personally like taking souvenirs, like most serial types do. I like to play with my victims and nothing is better than to start with a castration while you cock is hard. I slit that ball sack right open and let those nuts fall… I then move to filet that cock, kinda like you butterfly a steak filet before I completely dismember it from your slit nut sack. My good boy really loves when I give him the bloody meat to feast on. So, are you up to be my next victim?
Tag: Accomplice phone sex
Your Accomplice Phone Sex Partner Not Your Girlfriend
Accomplice phone sex is the only way you can serve me if you are not a victim. I am not your girlfriend. I am no one’s girlfriend. Guys IM me with “Hey Baby” all the fucking time. I am stabbing them repeatedly in my mind. When guys call me baby or honey on the phone, or worse, try to do a fuck call, my instinct is to chop off their dicks. So, my advice to you is that if you are not looking for a castration call, then you best not treat me like a girlfriend. This is a snuff site. It is for dark fantasies only. Get the fuck off my page if you are looking for a blowjob because I have sharp teeth and a collection of worthless dicks in a jar. I am the woman of your wicked dreams, not your wet dreams. I can make your wet dreams come true but as your accomplice. You want to fuck and torture a young girl? No problem. I have no maternal instincts whatsoever. I will kidnap and kill any little one for or with you. Are you getting the picture? I make snuff porn not girlfriend porn. Again, if you are looking for a woman to fuck or give you head, go somewhere else or die. Yes, it is that black and white.
His wife set him up
The wife of a prominent business man came to me last week looking to set him up. Her plan was pretty fucked up, we were going to frame him for murder and make sure that he spent the rest of his life in prison where he would have no control over his money… that would all fall to his wife to take care of. Since we were talking about millions of dollars here I was very happy to help her. Her husband had an unfortunate fetish, he liked helpless little girls so I acted like the perfect bait. I acted like I was drugged and simple, maybe even a little slow and waited for him in his office late one evening. I acted like I was lost and had no idea how I even got there, he was ready to call security to remove me but once he saw that I was naked under my coat he was suddenly eager to be alone with me. He pulled my coat open and molested me and I let him, I waited until he was extremely turned on and rock fucking hard, then I quickly injected him with a powerful tranquilizer. Once he was passed out I filled his office with all sorts of evidence, even a little dead girl to complete the scene and called the police. They hauled him off to prison and I was paid very well, so this story definitely has a happy ending for me!
Domination Phone Sex Prisoner
He told me it was a domination phone sex week for me. He kidnapped me and tossed me in his basement. I was chained up like a wild animal. Stripped naked, forced to lay on a cold, damp slab of concreate. I had to piss and shit in a bowl. My only nourishment for the week was his cum that I had to drink out of a bowl on a floor. No water. No real food. Just his cum. I was cold, scared, and alone. Bugs were in the basement. So many bugs that they covered my flesh like a blanket at night. The sound of the cock roaches and crickets drove me crazy. The entire week I was deprived light and basic human necessities. Today, he came down to give me his cum. He gave me more than that. He fucked my ass, my mouth and my cunt. I was dirty and I smelled. I had not had a bath since he took me, unless you count his cum and piss as a bath. I thought today was my last day alive, but he made me a deal. Bring me a young girl and I can be his accomplice, not his prisoner. It is survival of the fittest right? I took that deal. Now, I am free and have 24-hours to bring him a super young slave for his demented teen rape porn.
Fuck me silly
Getting fucked up drunk and high always leads me to trouble. I like pain though. I am naturally obedient and submissive and don’t mind being fucked and used and abused by a couple of guys who enjoy snuff sex with a dumb cum slut like me. I am hot young and have an appetite for hard dicks. I like them even better when they take advantage of me. Have me screaming bloody murder. You know that makes my cunt quiver. Show me the way to infinite extasy. I enjoy my holes being double stuffed and double cream. I don’t mean only two I want a minimum of two in each hole. Six dicks are stretching me out and slapping me around like the whore I am. In my inner core, I will always be this trashy snuff loving victim.
Castration Masturbation
I love when you masturbate to my castration phone sex. You know I am well advised in such. I love cutting and slicing those testicles right off. I have many different real-life ways I prefer. Shears, rubber bands, rusty blades, and scalpel are a few of my favorite. Each has one has a special place in my dark soul. Shears are fast allowing me to cauterize and still use you for my toy. Rubber bands are a long drawn out painful process that keeps that dick hard for me as I tempt you with my sweet virgin pussies. Rusty blades are the most horrific, yet they delight me so! And a scalpel is the best way to surgically remove those yummy rocky mountain oysters and leave your ball sack hanging as a dreadful reminder of the man you once were. In each instance, you become feminized and my personal servant. A man with no balls is perfect to be enslaved by an evil whore like myself! If I deem you good enough to keep around that is. I delight in pathic men like you who never knew what to do with a small dick beside the small victims I find you. And my favorite part is when you come willingly to have them removed by you evil delight Jezabel. Most always it is the cheap phone sex sissy training Girls who send you to me, like the sexy Girls over at The only difference is they will dress you up and make your serve cock, but I will physically take your manhood.
You should never drink alone
I was craving some long pork, something young and tender and sweet so I went out hunting late last night to find some. I went to the college here in town where all the young people were out drinking with their friends when I came across one very drunk freshman half passed out on a park bench all by herself. This is a good lesson on why you should never go out drinking alone like that, I just helped her up and led her to my car and she was too drunk to protest or even realize what was going on! Honestly, she deserved her fate just for being so stupid! I brought her back to my place and cleaned her up, thoroughly washing her entire body and shaving off all that hair before liberally coating her skin with olive oil and spices. Then I popped her in my giant oven and started roasting her. She didn’t even wake up until she was locked in the oven and starting to cook but by then it was far too late for her. In the end she was delicious tho, would you like a taste?
Jealous Jezabel Ready To Snuff
There is only one man in this house who has not tortured my black ass yet. He is the head Master in charge around here. I would love nothing more than to be at the mercy of this man. I have caught myself in a fantasy about him many times. I will get on my slave knees and beg this man to torture me if I have to. I know he wants me, I see him drooling over these black slave tits of mine all the time. He has a woman I see him with who goes by the name Jezabel. Jezebel is a twisted and evil woman who wants nothing more than Blood and torture. I did not know that until she tried to snuff me out. As soon as she saw how the head Master was looking at me, I became her new prey. She checked out my background and used it against me. She paid off another man in the house to be an accomplice to her twisted plans. Once she had everything in place Jezabel tricked me into following her. Men and drugs were all I needed to hear from her twisted mouth and I was following her like a pet. Then Jezebel pounced on me and tied me up, throwing me down the basement stairs. I was frightened and turned on at the same time. I see one of the men who lives in the house in the basement with his power tools.
His name is Jim. Jim picked me up and through my brittle body on a slab. Fuck, Jim looked so sexy handling me like the nigger slave I was. Then I see Jealous Jezabel walking towards me. She ripped my shirt open exposing my big titties. I saw Jim in the background looking at me like a piece of meat he was ready to eat. That is when I felt a knife pierce deep into my left titty. I screamed out in pain and pleasure. Seeing a woman take control over me, fucking my black tits up because she was jealous made me want to take her by the hair and smash her face into my oozing bloody titty. I wanted her to be my fucking vampire right then and there. Suck all my fucking nigger slave blood up. As I looked up at Jim and Jezabel the room started going black. I woke up with gauze wrapped tightly around my chest. Jezabels boy toy stopped her before she could end my life. My black tits are fucked up for right now but I can still live another day, fantasizing about the headmaster torturing my slave body.
I Want to Make a Snuff Porn
I want to make a snuff porn. You can be my assistant or my star; it all depends on you. I have no problem torturing and castrating a man on film. However, I like to make money, and the kind of snuff films with men as the stars don’t earn me as much money. The snuff flicks with little girls as the stars make me bank. I just like to have a male accomplice to assist. I film, you fuck. I torture her, you fuck her. It is a perfect partnership, don’t you think? Mr. Black was my latest accomplice. He paid me to help him kidnap and kill a little girl. I was the video recorder for his dark fantasies. Let me tell you, Mr. Black was one of the most sadistic accomplices I have ever had. Not only did he fuck her tiny holes until they prolapsed and bled, he cut her and burned her flesh too. He enjoyed hearing her scream in pain. She cried for her mommy. That always makes me wet. He tortured her for hours like a true sadist. When he was done cumming in her tiny little body, he snapped her neck like she was chicken. He got hard again and fucked her dead body. Sex with dead bodies made him hard. Made me wetter. I filmed him force fucking her, torturing her, killing her then fucking her lifeless young body. I want to make another snuff film with him.
Layla Meets her End With Jezabel
I might be a snuff whore but I am still very much a jealous woman. And the only difference between me and the girl next door is that I carry a hunting knife. Well, that and I love the smell and taste of blood. So when my boy toy was drooling over Layla’s big black tits I knew I had to act fast. I sent out an SOS looking for men who wanted a black whore to fuck up. I found just the pay duck in Jim. He wanted her hogtied and delivered to his basement of torment. I knew Layla’s lusty body ran drugs for her associated and took cum like it was nobodies business. I do stalk my prey before pouncing. All it took was an envelope of cash and a promise of pure coke and lots of cocks to have Luscious Layla following me like a puppy pet. Her eyes became frightened but she merely whimpered as I tied her like cattle and threw her down the basement stairs. My only request was that I got to slice and dice Layas Big Tits and make sure my boy toy knew that they were disfigured at my hands. I so enjoyed her screaming as I tortured those round black jugs. Jim had his power tools ready as we put her on the slab. My knife dug deeper the more whore Layla screamed as I made quick knife work of those titties! This was going to be a hell of an accomplice snuff out!