You had been watching me while jacking off for awhile. I didnt know it but you were following every day. I would walk home from the store and you wouuld be watchig me from the windows of your car. Pretty soon you figured out what street my house was on. You were waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. I wa alone one night starting to drift asleep in my bed. You slid the window open inmy room and crept your way inside. I awoke to someone pouncing on top of me and pinning my shoulders down with my knees. You had a gun in you hand and you started pistol whipping me. Hitting me hard on the side of my head. You said you were going to make me your punishmet whore and if I didnt obey you I would get shot right in the head. You ordered me to get down on my knees and suck your cock immediatley. I was trembling while you forced your cock in my mouth. The barrel of the gun pointing at me.
Tag: Accomplice phone sex
Laylas Your Punishment Whore
I tried something new
I was being all domesticated the other day cooking a chicken and as I broke the breast bone in that bird to spatchcock I was struck by the sound and thought to myself that I should try and recreate that with some young and tender little whore. So I went and got a nice fresh young one, she would be so tender and delicious I just knew it. I used her first of course, no sense in letting that sweet little baby cunt go unused and then I shaved her bald and washed her thoroughly. Then I split her open and pulled all of her guts out just like you would gut a deer. Then I flipped her over and pushed until I heard that same satisfying crack and I split her breastbone. Then I seasoned that bitch up and cooked her until she was tender. I fed her meat to some of my lovers that enjoy that sort of thing and let me tell you, she was fucking delicious.
Caniballism and Sex with dead Bodies
Let me slice you into pieces and eat your soul. I get off on sex with dead bodies just as much as the next pervert. But I love to watch the aftermath of how I will get rid of your pathetic useless body. You deserve to be on a spit and roasted until the meat falls off your bones. Yes, Your cock will be inside me before I cook you, A nice post mortem boner, you will never feel my pussy in life, but after death, I will ride that cock until my cum rains down on you. I will glaze and marinate you and eat your fucking flesh. Gutted and your intestines thrown out for the vultures. Don’t fuck with me if you’re a vanilla man. I am only interested in death, rape phone sex fantasies, and blood and gore! How would you like to serve your Goth Queen today, Alive or In my crockpot? Make my pussy cum with your pathetic weakness, and fill my dark soul with death!
Dirty Little Whore
Snuff sex is my destiny. I have accepted my fate. No matter what I do, I seem to land in the hands of bad men just like daddy. I was on Tinder the other night. I thought I could have random normal sex. I mean on Tinder I am anonymous. No one knows my history as a sex slave on Tinder. When Brandon came over to fuck, he was not what I expected. He was not who he said he was. He was not Brandon the 20 something college hunk looking to hook up for a night of fun. He was Mark, my master’s right-hand man. I had been duped. He set me up to fail and now he was punishing me. Actually, he was blackmailing me. He knew master would be pissed if I fucked anyone else, especially if I was fucking for pleasure. I am an owned slave. I fuck for the pleasure and profit of my master only. I had to let him do whatever he wanted to me or he would tell my master he catfished me. I would be dead if master would ever find out. I had no choice but to let Mark fuck my ass. He punished my ass so hard that it prolapsed. My little asshole was inside out. He pulled my hair, pissed in my mouth and fisted my cunt too. He said I deserved it. Maybe, I did.
They should have followed the rules
I was out for a walk earlier today and I saw a woman with her brats at the playground even tho that playground was closed. We’re in the middle of a pandemic, we’re all supposed to be social distancing and all that bullshit so what the fuck was this whore doing there germing up the place? Well I decided that I should punish her for breaking the rules. I followed the dumb cunt and her brood of brats home and waited until it was dark. Then I broke into her house and had a little fun. I herded them all into the living room and tied them up and asked her what the fuck she thought she was doing earlier, she told me that she didn’t believe in the pandemic and thought it was just a ploy by the government to get us all chipped. The stupidity really hurt my brain so I just shot the bitch in the face to shut her up. Then I moved on to her brats. I spent a lot of time cutting them up into little pieces while they were alive, it took them a very long time to die and it was just so satisfying.
Snuffing Out The Junkies is Hot
During these times people have become desperate for money and that makes it a lot easier for me and daddy to have a little fun. We find druggies on the street and offer them a little cash or drugs to come back and make a little video. They never even ask what kind of video, they are desperate. We grabbed a couple of them the other night and after we got them all fucked up, we started. They were dirty and unkept which made it all the hotter. We tied them up and daddy had his way. He didn’t go easy on this group either. He beat them with belts and straps until their skin was broke and blood ran down their bodies. And of course, he let me cut off their tits because that is my thing. For added excitement he used a cattle prod to ram up their dirty nappy pussies, making them scream and shake. It was glorious. My pussy was wet just watching. After torturing them some more he took out his knife and slit their throats as they twitched and gagged on their own blood. Daddy is a sick man so he made sure to get that video camera right up to their faces so he could capture their very last breaths. It was so fucking hot I can’t wait to do it again.
I Became His Victim
My slutty ways we’re bound to get me trouble. I was at a party with some friends and we had gotten really drunk. No surprise I got so wasted that when it was time leave I was a total mess. I started stripping in front of everyone. And yelling out obscenities. The host was get annoyed by me so they arranged a ride home for me with the quickness. They had me escorted into the car of someone I didn’t even know. I noticed we were driving really far out. He had asked me where I lived but eventually I realized he wasn’t even headed in that direction. Where the fuck are we going? I yelled. He pulled out a gun and pointed it at me. He ordered me out of the car. I was so scared I did exactly what he said. He bent me over the hood of the car and forced himself in side of me. I was getting taken advantage of right in the middle of the street.
Bloody Easter
Master says everyone is supposed to be staying home. Their gathering was selfish and pointless so they were worthy of punishment. He dressed me in a beautiful white gown and had me infiltrate into the group. They started with prayer and praise to the false god. Each minute felt like nails against a chalkboard to me. The hypocrisy was laughable as their preacher talked about avoiding sin, he was always looking at me with eyes full of lust. While he talked about how important this day was, he undressed me with his eyes. Bet he was grateful his robes hid his boner, but I knew it was there. I started with the hypocrite first, Master said it was ok to start without him. While the service was over and the group started gathering for the Easter festivities the preacher found me in a back room. The tension was high, he couldn’t control himself trying to use religion as a way to describe our connection. I smiled and hopped up on a table and pulled up my dress. Watching as the “holy” man got down on his knees before me and started to eat my cunt. It felt good so I waited until the cusp of orgasm before I drove my long blade into his neck. Cumming against his face while he choked on his own blood. I left his lifeless body behind, admiring the bloodstains on my dress, smiling as it seemed like an approval. I walked into the room where the rest of the sheep gathered. Master was already there, waiting for me. They had no idea the wolf that hid among their flock. When people noticed me and the blood of my dress all fell silent. The only sound next was the slashing of Master’s blades as he worked quickly but efficiently through the room.
Ass Rape Porn His Daughter was The Star
The best thing about being a sadistic is that I have my clients and they often have spoiled brats that need to be taken care of. I love when I get invited over to conduct an ass rape porn scene and making his daughter the star. I love to just sit on the whores face with my big gag of a strap-on cock shoved in the brats tiny little mouth. I love to cut her panties off and expose that cuny to daddy. I make daddy break her first, they love to get this pleasure especially when I am gagging the whore while he rips that tiny cunt. Her screams are muffled and the wife/ mommy never knows what is happening to her dear little brat. It exhilarating to tell that daddy to wrap his hands around his little daughters neck as he drives his cock in her. Choke the Bitch I scream at him. He complies and often can’t even hold his spunk at that point. Sometimes they survive and I get to have my fun with them. I love to watch those assholes and pussies get destroyed into a bloody mess and ya know what? Happy Fucking Easter Bitch the only thing your getting is a taste of this Easter is blood bitch, your own sweet blood gurgling in your throat.
I Love Accomplice Phone Sex
Sometimes Daddy lets me go out with my friends to have a little fun. Tonight, I went out with a girlfriend and we had plans to be really really naughty. We stopped at a local dive a few towns over and picked out our mark. He was an out of towner in for work so he was just perfect. We drank and partied all night and at closing time we took him back to my house for a little fun. We started out taking a few shots and doing a line or two and then we undressed him. We sat him on the bed and we both got between his legs sucking on his massively hard cock. He was moaning loudly and rocking his hips back and forth. We knew he was close so as she continued blowing him, I reached for a blade and just as he started to blow his load, I cut his dick completely off. Blood and cum were flying through the air as he screamed in the background. It was so fucking hot that I almost orgasmed just watching it. Not done with him yet we secured his hands and feet to the bed and gagged him. We then took our sweet time as we cut his balls off and then continued to dismember him piece by piece. Once we were done, we looked at our work and it was so bloody that I put on a strap on and fucked her sweet hole as he breathed his last breath.