Snuff Sex is the Only Kind of Sex for Me

snuff sexSnuff sex is the only sex for me. Sure, I enjoy fucking. But I do not enjoy cuddling or baby talk or any of that relationship bullshit. I use men as I see fit. And when they do not follow my rules, I kill them. You could make me cum like a porn star or have a huge cock, but I will kill you if you try to spoon me or talk like a man in love. The only thing in this world that I love is a good kill.

Although Troy showed a lot of promise, he quickly violated my rules. We met on the dark net. I helped him kill a bitch. A young schoolgirl he fucked. She did not look at it the same way he did, and she tried to blackmail him. So, I told him how to get rid of her. And that bonded us. He enjoyed turning her into a snuff porn doll. He showed me pictures and videos he took of her dying too.

So, when he suggested we meet, I thought he could be an excellent accomplice. But he disappointed me, and I killed him. I think he wanted a girlfriend more than an accomplice, and I am not that girl. Having a devious and soulless accomplice is all I want. However, men love an elusive Goth chick. Even when I am clear about what I want, they still ignore my boundaries. So, the way I see it, Troy had a death wish. Or why else would he disregard my rules.

I Can Just Kill a Man for Shits and Giggles

He did not put up much of a fight when I castrated him. And I enjoyed severing the balls of a man I just fucked. His testicles glistened with my cunt juice. I tossed them into the woods as a treat for the animals. Then I dissected his body like he was a lab frog in a high school biology class. He bled everywhere and screamed in pain as I removed his organs one by one. Organ meat contains iron and protein. I saved his heart for last. And I ate it while it still beat.

Troy’s last image was of me eating his heart and laughing at his painful, torture sex death. Some men will just never understand me. So, I take that as disrespect to women, and I will not stand for it. Listen to me. Respect my boundaries. Hunt and kill with me. Or lose your life.

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