Snuff Porn is Real

snuff porn Snuff porn is 99.9% fake. At least what is on the Internet is fake. But, every now and again one makes it on the Internet and people assume it is a really good fake snuff film, but it’s not. I saw one recently I knew was real. My companion for the night asked me how I knew it was not fake. I knew because I was there. About three years ago I woke up chained in a basement. I had clearly been force fucked for hrs, maybe even days. The last I had remembered, I was having drinks with a guy I met online. That man drugged me and sold me to a guy for $1,ooo. A mere grand was all my life was worth. I was not the only woman in that dungeon. This was clearly a Hostel type situation. Women were kidnapped, drugged and sold to the highest bidder to do whatever the fuck they wanted to them. I thought I had been sold simply for gangbang rape porn. That was just foreplay to them.

gangbang rape pornAs I was bound in shackles, I was forced to watch them mutilate a young girl. She didn’t look like a street girl, runaway or even a junkie. This was some family’s pride and joy. The more I focused on her face, the more I realized who she was through the bruises and swelling. She was a high profile missing girl from an affluent family. I knew they would never see their baby girl again. I watched as some masochistic asshole put her on an old time rack. I didn’t know they existed. Her tiny teen body was torn in half. I watched mortified, fearing that was my fate next. I wanted to vomit as I watched her body twitch. She did not die instantly. Her brain took awhile to catch up to her body. I watched as blood and sinew poured from her body. I counted in my brain how long it took her to die.  240 seconds. Approximately 4 agonizing minutes to die. As I watched the snuff film with my companion, I told him how many seconds it would take her to die.

How did I survive he asked? I was never meant to die. Only to bear witness to the fact that snuff movies are real.

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