Snuff phone sex gets men off more now than ever. I attribute it to being cooped up inside with the family. The boring family. I get calls often for family annihilation. Sometimes, I get to kill the patriarch and sometimes I am just killing the rest of his family. Family annihilators are always showcased in crime shows like Criminal Minds and the Law and Orders. There have been many in history who took their wives and brats like that Colorado dude Chris Watts. I get it. Wives nag and brats suck the life from you. Sometimes life would be better without them and some new hot thing on the horizon. I have killed my share of narcissists and brats before, and whores too. I have just not killed an entire family, but when I met Tim, I wanted to waste him, and anyone associated him. He hired me to kill his family and shift blame off him. I am a contract killer; however, I have standards too. He was an annoying tool who wanted to waste three young girls who could make me a lot of money in the sex trade. He was a tool, a jagoff, and every name I could think off. I took his money, but I did not stick to his plan. I called my friend who pays premium price for pretty whores and the younger the better. I sold his wife and three brats, profiting off them twice. I made it look like the wife ran off with them. My client thought I killed them and got rid of the evidence. I came back the next day and snuffed him out. I take killer phone sex seriously. He did not deserve to live. I made it look like a suicide and blamed him for the disappearance for his family. I wanted to carve the tool up. Take his cock and his balls, but to stage a suicide takes restraint. I put him in the bathtub drugged up and slit his wrists. He bled out slowly, but he knew I killed him and took his money. The next day the news was blasting family annihilator headlines and just counted my money with a smile.