Snuff Movies Make Me Money to Buy Coke

snuff moviesI make a lot of snuff movies. Maybe not so much make as star in. But I have a reputation among snuff makers as a no limits whore. I don’t complain. And I never beg anyone to stop. I take my beating and I please my director and collect my payment.  Although I often wish I was dead, I keep my eye on the prize which is the money I will receive to buy more coke.

I met a new director last week. Although he knew of me and my solid reputation, I did not know him. And I like to think I know most of the sadists in the seedy underworld of snuff porn. So, when I meet one, I do not know, I always worry I might not survive the film. But then I think about the coke, or the director gives me some primo blow and common since goes out the window, LOL.

And that’s what happened with this guy. He coked me up so much that I lost all sense of reason. His shit was good too. The premise of his film involved a kidnapped suburban housewife who gets herself sold in a slave auction to the highest bidder. The director wanted me looking sophisticated, so his makeup woman gussied me up. Now, I figured if he had a makeup girl, he likely was a legitimate snuff director.

My Need for Coke Will Kill Me One Day

However, that was not the case. It appeared to all be a rouse. There was no costar with me. The director bought me and used me. Sodomized my ass with his fists and cock. As well as some things never meant for the lass like a hammer. He called me a dumb bitch. And I suppose that’s true because I got lost in his coke and never questioned how he knew me.

And for my stupidity, I almost died. He beat me. Kicked me and tried to drown me too. But I am a seasoned druggy whore. All I did was act like I was too fucked up to fight him as he tried to drown me. I went limp, but I fooled him. And I grabbed the hammer and whacked him in the nuts.

 I ran out of that warehouse as fast as I could and started screaming as I hit the sidewalk. However, I barely escaped with my life. I just know my need for coke will kill me one day. Not the coke itself, but the snuff sex situations I get myself into for the promise of coke will kill me one of these days.

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