I am a snuff movies and chill kind of girl. I do not watch sappy ass chick flicks or romance movies. I need violence and gore. I was told this new horror film Terrifier 2 was so disturbing that people were puking and leaving the theater. I knew it was not a snuff flick. I also knew it would not be as violent as anything I have done before too. It was a Hollywood movie. Special effects might be gory, but no way this film would be too violent for me, however. I have yet to see a film too violent for me. I don’t think anything could be too violent for me. I have made some pretty gory snuff porn in my life too. I went to see this film knowing the movie would not be as good as the hype. Terrifier 2 was good, but it was not too gory for me. Art the Clown may be my spirit animal though. He just hates all people, and he is brutal as fuck. He gave me some inspiration for my next kills. I mean this killer clown castrated a dude. He poured acid on women’s faces. He dismembered folks. He even gutted his victims and pulled out their beating harts and ate them. His is a sick mother fucker. Right up my alley, but Art the Clown is fiction. Venus the Bitch, is all real folks. I decided to get some acid. I mean it would be fun to disfigure some stuck up cunt who thinks her looks alone will get her by in life. I was all set to use the acid on this dumb cunt I saw, when a fucking jack ass thwarted me. I decided I would fuck him up, but I wanted to put the acid on his cock not his face. I made him think I was going to blow him in the parking lot. As if I would ever blow some tool in a parking lot, but it got his pants down. I tossed the acid on his worthless junk, and it was better than castration phone sex! I mean the flesh burned off his cock and balls. It was like his junk was melting. He passed out and went into shock. I poured more on him for shits and giggles and watched his body turn into a pile of mush. I have a taste for a new level of sick torture now.