Rape phone sex fantasies Langley’s Story

Rape phone sex fantasies


The Rape phone sex  fantasies are  awesome! Every time my daddy plummeted into my little cunt and made it seem real before coming to college I would say that.  What an idea to get my fix. I would do anything to feel good for a few seconds. I was trying so hard not to think about all the things that could happen to me or the why it would happen.  It was the matter of perspective  that it did happen  at all. I was so high most of the time in class I don’t know what was going on from one day to the next and  they say little ones shouldn’t be afraid of the boogie man! I was afraid more then you think and when he came  for me millions of miles away from  home .I tried to fight and too scream but nothing came out of  my mouth but a squeal.

      Quickly ,my hands and feet were tied and then mauled in the head by what was that a hook or brick?  No one could tell but I did feel  the rip of my skirt and my panties being pulled down and then the insertion of a needle or what was that metal hooks inside my little cunt. My legs were forced open and I felt the pressure of lips and teeth on my clit. I felt him spit out blood on to my face and I had to resist the urge to kick him. I would do anything and fuck anyone I had to  get the powder oh that powder would kill me but I didn’t care. His massive head sat at my fuzzy clit ripping it open with every thust. The blood that came from me did nothing to stop him from thrusting forward and pushing inside of me. I screamed but the words could not form in my throat.”You like that you are a filthy whore..” Taking a knife and cutting my skin off and then placing it in his mouth made me want to throw up. Blood seeped from me as his over-sized filling enveloped me. Turning me over, he put his hand near my ass and began to probe further with a needle. I was pass pain but I couldn’t say a word. Then I felt the piercing steel enter my flesh and him drinking my blood and then ….

     Have you seen this girl? My parents were canvassing the neighborhood looking for my remains I am sure by now. I had the brightest future of any of my pupils and I threw it all away for the sugar cane that went up my nose. He was coming for me and  I knew he would not stop until I was gone but it didn’t stop me from going and disappearing. My parents would never find me and him he would go back to his life my step daddy. My killer, who had held me  down and did these terrible things. But who  would believe it? The only evidence was this faded photograph and Rape fantasy phone sex tape that was destroyed by his accomplice. I was gone so will you call and retail my death things in after life can be sketchy and there is not a Damn thing I can do right now but maybe if you call you can!

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