My Pussy Bit His Cock Off

Snuff Porn

Demoness Indigo invested themselves in a little sick fantasy lately where my cunny has sharp teeth deep inside, and any man I try to seduce will only have his cock gobbled off and swallowed up by my starving, monstrous cunt! It’s a hot role play I can really get the fuck into! My pussy chews that amputated cock off and spits it out like jelly! I can then take this to a whole other level of fucked up, just the way Frank Oo’Myer likes me to! He’s my little victim slut who loves when I make my pussy spit that bloody, ground up cock out and put it in a bowl for him to eat!

Frankie boy says it’s the strawberry topping he always wanted. While he’s sobbing from my literal cunt from chomping off his cock, I’m spoon feeding him ice cream that’s covered in the ground up remains of his once proud penis. I’m making him cannibalize himself because he’s worthless and he deserves to rot in hell like the piece of shit he is! I won’t stop at his cock, though! I’m going to shove his balls deep into my cunt so my little pussy teeth can chomp his sac into fucking oblivion!


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