I love watching snuff movies but making them is so much more fun. I am a sick bitch. It turns me on to see some dumb slut get slaughtered on film. After a while, all snuff flicks begin to look the same. I must reach into the depravity of my mind to bring some creativity to the genre. Most films it is some helpless little twit giving into some sadist butcher. But what if the snuff victim wasn’t so helpless? I love the Goth culture. I consider myself Goth. I know a lot of women in the lifestyle, many are bad ass bitches like me. I thought about a sadist on sadist film. Two bitches fighting till their death. I hired two sexy Goth babes for my homemade snuff flick. I lied to them of course, because no one was coming out alive but me. I paid them ahead of time so they would not suspect my ulterior motives. I even had a fake medic on hand, so they believed their wounds would be tended too. I wanted real blood and they understood that. They just didn’t know I wanted real death too. The props they thought were fake or rigged, were deadly. I tossed them into my movie like an epic battle of a Game of Thrones episode. They clubbed each other viciously, falsely believing the spikes in the club were retractable with blood packs attached. The first blow to the head sprayed brain matter everywhere. I was super wet. My star who threw the first blow didn’t realize it was fake yet. She clubbed her victim again. This time she didn’t get up. I wanted the film to go longer, so I went in swinging as the camera rolled. As my snuff porn star looked on in shock at the girl she just slaughtered, I clubbed her. Her blood and sinew splattered on my body. I was the last bitch standing, but then that was always the plan.