Knife Play Phone Sex Requires More Skill Than Guns

knife play phone sexKnife play phone sex always turns me on. Knives remain my best friends. They protect me. And the provide me with so much joy. People who kill with guns, I think are pussies. You just need good aim. And you don’t even need that if you get close to your victim. However, knives require skill. Knives make the fight more even too. Hunters bragging about their kills, I cannot stand. The animal did not stand a chance. They never saw you coming.

I like to look my prey in the eye as I stab them. Never animals though. I would never harm an animal. They make the best accomplices. Since I built my underground torture sex bunker, I rarely visit my kill shack anymore. But I felt nostalgic over the weekend.

My little shack in the woods that my grandfather left me allowed me to practice my knife skills. And allowed me to improve my disposal skills. In that cabin, I discovered that wildlife made the perfect accomplices. They ate my victims.

Knives Require Skill, Patience and Precision

So, this tool I drugged and took to my cabin allowed me to reminisce. My cabin remains off the grid. It served as my grandpa’s fishing cabin and kill shack too. They say the killer gene skips generations. I miss him so much. He taught me everyone I know about murder and torture. And doing both under the radar. No bodies, no crime. This guy I brought to my kill shack sexually assaulted a fellow Goth chick. And I could not let that slide. Hurt one of my own and I kill you.

When he woke up, I had him tied up. I read him his list of crimes, and then carved up his cock and balls. When I told him I thought he deserved castration phone sex, he pissed himself. Although he tried to apologize, nothing he said could make me change my mind. I did not plan on letting him live. But I just enjoy mutilating junk first.

Men get this look of horror on their faces when my knife gets close to their balls. I tortured his worthless cock and balls for hours before I slit his throat and tossed him to the bears and coyotes. Let this be a lesson men. I punish and kill sexual predators. I make the world safer for women.

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