Knife play phone sex because knives are my weapon of choice. There are so many more uses for a knife than any other weapon. Plus, knives take skill. Anyone with semi-decent aim can shoot a person and kill him or her instantly. Where is the fun in that though? I like the hunt. I enjoy the kill. To fully enjoy any kill, I need it to be prolonged. A bullet to the head and he or she is dead. A knife wound though, well that can take an eternity to bring your victim to his or her demise. Knives have many more uses too. That is why they are my first choice when it comes to weapons of destruction. Knife play phone sex is my favorite for a reason. So many more ways to kill, maim and torture. A gun, not so much variety. I guess you could hit some one in the head with the gun and you could shoot some non-fatal areas like feet and arms to drag out the pain. If you want your victim to endure pain for hours, even days, a knife should be your weapon of choice too. Let me tell you about my victims this week. I was an equal opportunity killer. I killed a young cunt and a 40 something year old predator. Let us start with the girl. She was a young cock tease. She looked like one of those beauty pageant girls. I called her Little Miss Sunshine. She did not look so good once I was done with her because I used my knives to destroy her body. I carved her flesh. I stabbed her cunt. I slit her wrists. I cut off her beautiful blonde locks she was so proud of. I bloodied her little body. Pure torture with a variety of knives. She screamed for hours. And once she died, I used a big ass knife to decapitate her and dismember her little limbs. Now, for the old pervert. I used my weapon of choice to castrate him. I took his balls first then I cut his entire body. Little slits in his flesh head to toe. Then, I coated his body in honey and left him outside for the animals to eat alive. Knife play phone sex is just so much more fun than any other weapon. I love my knives. Knives make torture and murder more fun and turn killing into an art form. What is your weapon of choice and who is your victim of choice?