He Was Sick Of That Bitch

He called me up and wanted to talk about ways to kill the bitch wife of his. We settled on suffocation phone sex with some plastic bag fun. It’s easy and contains the mess perfectly. I told him to just get a contractors bag as they are my favorite heavy duty bags to use for all my clean up. I use them as tarps and as ways to haul remains out. Contractor trash bags that are heavy fucking duty are my sidekick man! I always keep a couple around with a roll of duct tape, scissors, and some kind of twine or rope. I always have a knife at hand and it goes without saying I always have either vodka or some Everclear on hand also. I wouldn’t be a good sadist without any of those things. And lets not forget a few kinds or things for fire! Ya know I started out as a little bit of an arsonist. I remember setting a church on fire once as a wee thing. But that is another story. So anyway, back to the bitch wife. I directed him to drug her drink, get her passed out really good. Take the trash bag and duct tape. Put the bag on her head and fasten the tape around the bag at her head. Then he needed to violate the fuck out of her whore cunt and ass and use anything he had once he was done hate fucking her. But be sure that he gets satisfaction while she suffocates to her death and the shock that he causes those holes as he tears them up. If he needed I would be by after dark to finish her off. He followed orders quite well and we hauled the dead whores body away to a swamp full of crocs.

Suffocation phone sex


    • VoreFan on July 17, 2020 at 11:03 am
    • Reply

    Better to give them to the crocs alive. Much more fun!

    1. That DOES make a good time!

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