Evil Bloody Fun

accomplice phone sexSometimes daddy lets me bring a friend along to play with us. So, I took my good friend who is just as perverted and sadistic as we are. Did I mention she is also a hot piece of ass too? Well, she is and that makes it all the more fun. We headed out to find a boy toy to use and abuse before, well you know. Didn’t take long, there is an ass at every corner bar, and we quickly zeroed in on the leader. A cocky nice looking but completely stupid hunk of meat. I smiled at her, and she nodded and then we put our charm on display. The thought of two girls was all it took to lure this dude back. Now daddy was anxious, but I wasn’t going to let a good cock go to waste.

We got that dude hard and had an incredibly hot threesome. After we had had our fill, I sucked him hard one more time. He thought he was going to go another round, but his thoughts were crushed when daddy came out from the closet with his blade and stuck it deep inside his back. As he lay in pain, we stuck a dildo covered in icy hot up his ass and rammed it deep. We cut off his nipples, whipped him with a paddle and finished by taking a meat tenderizer to his balls before completely castrating him and slitting his throat. It was a bloody fucking hot mess.


    • Yoran on September 29, 2021 at 9:36 pm
    • Reply

    I want to waste you babe

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