Crazy Curation

Snuff porn


I have a huge collection of old, homemade snuff porn that provides a perfect ambience for some sick and twisted fun.  The dim illumination and tinny sound of an old TV blaring out the screams and grunts of the hapless onscreen suckers are the ultimate way to evoke a real reaction out of a random innocent while barely lifting a finger.  It’s the perfect accompaniment to all of the depraved debauchery we have planned for our virtuous victims.

All of the meathooks and spiked ball gags in the world are no good if the dupe doesn’t really believe they’re in danger.  I like it when they truly think they are about to die, they get a look on their face that you just don’t see anywhere else.  Letting them see a snuff movie of some sympathetic simp being degraded and eviscerated by a vile villain takes their expression from fake scared to fully frantic in a palpitating heartbeat, which makes my pussy tingle and twitch with excited anticipation.  And all I had to do was simply hit the play button.

I have stacks and stacks of snuff on VHS, I’ll never run out of mangled meat and bloody bruises to project for a patsy.  Some I found on the black market, some were passed down to me, but regardless of how I came across any of it, it’s all perfect material for making our mark feel like they are in real, mortal danger.  And who knows, maybe they are.

Sometimes we get a bit excited and cut a little too deep or strangle a little too hard and literally fuck our foolish playtoy within an inch of their life.  Bleeding out and being banged to death is scary enough, but you add a soundtrack of screaming, pleading, crunching and groaning and a grayish blue overlay to light it all up and it takes it to a whole new horrifying level.  Sometimes it can even be the difference in if they piss themselves or not and nothing makes my pussy drip more than making some stupid, chaste chump uncontrollably urinate, it shows me that our torture sex has really made them lose all control.

I cherish my crazy curation and look forward to adding to it.  Maybe it’s even time to start making some movies of our own.  What do you say, you in?


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