College Campus Accomplice Wanted

Accomplice Phone Sex
I spent my time in college prowling campus for an accomplice worthy of my time. I needed someone strong, sadistic, and salivating for suffering. I watched the “uni-bomber” brats with great interest, but it was one of the Air Force ROTC that caught my eye. Jack was, in all things, an American Good Ol’ Boy, and I was aching in my cunt to corrupt him.

After a few dates, I managed to get my gentleman to admit he was addicted to the idea of adultery and aggressive assault of the nasty sluts in my dorm. Lucky for me, they all thought Jack was a hunk and barely let me near him when they were around. Well, one by one he lured them into the basement of his off campus housing, and chained them with the others.

When he called me so excited, he told me he had a bloody bouquet waiting for me. I arrived dressed in my best only to find a basement full of torture sluts. And then, it was time for a real snuff panty party. We spent all night, all weekend, shit all week tormenting those ballerina barbies one by one. That ought to teach those whores to fuck off and leave me be.

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