Category: Violent phone sex

Bitch In The Red Dress

Have you ever wanted to literally rip someone’s heart out? Sure you have…I know you have…there was a girlfriend, a coworker, a relative, a friend…at some time in your life. The kind of person who you may have cared about at one time, or have hated eternally. But in some way, the pendulum swung and you hated that bitch’s fucking guts. So much, that you felt you could thrust your hand inside of the innermost part of them, and squeeze the life away…

Maybe strip her nice and naked. I know you can’t resist your dick straining against the front of your pants. You can see those pointy tits poking through the thin fabric of her silky dress…you wanna rip it off of her and spread those legs wide open. Wanna play, baby? I mean, look at that beautiful skin…it’s so soft. So smooth…so unblemished. Let’s light some matches and burn her eyelids off. 

I bet she’s gonna scream like a banshee and beg for release. Maybe, instead of tying her up, you should give her that release. Take your dick and pound her cervix wide open. Let the blood gush out…Wanna make some art? I’d love to see you carve some demonic symbols in her chest before we snuff her out.

Asphyxiation; Strangulation Phone Sex

strangulation Phone Sex Geneva 01

All I could think about was how fucking hot this new bartender at the club is. I’ve had more than my usual share of drinks just to flirt with Anthony. My Master has been a little distant and busy with his professional career, so I decided to come out with my girl friends and enjoy some drinks and clubbing. I got caught up at the bar and Anthony offered me a ride home. I jumped on that but maybe a little to easily.

While I was conversing with my friends I noticed him talking rather engrossed with a small group of guys with glances towards me and smiles with an exchange of information and were they paying him for something? The club was closed and just a handful of us still around. Well my girls went on their way and wished me luck!

strangulation phone sex geneva 02

Anthony and I went out to his car and he asked if i would mind stopping off at a party for a few. Well, I was completely blitzed and game for anything. We pulled into a parking lot with a large warehouse unit of lofts. The very guys that were at the club greeted us at the entrance. I appeared to be the only female there and about 10 guys were there total. Next thing I know I am being led into a dark room and I felt my wrists being bound and guided to a massage type table with an opening for the the face in a head rest and was helped onto my stomach.

Next thing I know I’m stripped and I feel guys taking turns penetrating my ass and my pussy. I feel numb and restrained, it appears I have been drugged and am being used as a fuck doll. One guy came around front while another was pounding me from behind and took my silk scarf and used it to choke me. I was gasping as my mouth was being fucked. I started passing out and that’s all I remember.

Barely making it I awoke to an empty warehouse and bruising all over my body. My neck and throat really hurt when I realized I had survived an attempted strangulation. The guy had left me for dead, or so they figured. I could barely breath or talk my larynx had been fractured during the strangulation attempts.

 Strangulation Phone Sex Geneva 00

Self Mutilation Phone Sex Fun

mutilation phonesex karma

When I meet someone that says they are into mutilation, I love to find out what they mean by mutilation. Are they into mutilating others? Or themselves? Or both? But what is more fun then anything is to force self mutilation on someone who would never think of doing it themselves. That is exactly what I did last night. I invited a cute little thing over and partied with her till she was nice and wasted, The power of suggestion is such a wonderful thing. It didn’t take me long to talk her into joining me. First I showed her how to stick a nice long needle through her tongue. Of course I did mine first and let her watch the blood drip down my face, Laughing the entire time and letting the effects of the drink and drugs alter her senses. When she leaned in and took the needle mimicking everything I just did, my panties filled with juices from my quivering pussy. I had to have more, A lot more. Taking a huge shoeing nail that I had sharpened long ago, I began self mutilation on my arms. Showing her how hard my nipples got from piercing my arms and letting the blood flow. When she took the nail from me and began the assault on her arms I had no clue she would be so brutal. Watching her crawl through her blood towards me just made me cum like crazy. I took a picture to keep forever. Of course for her it didn’t end well. It doesn’t for any of them. But hey that is the nature of the beast so to speak.mutilation phonesex 1

Violent phone sex is great!

violent phone sex StormViolent phone sex is better when it slow. I want to enjoy the screams. I want to relish in the blood. I want to feel it pouring over my hands. I want them to suffer! I want them to beg. I want to hear them calling for their mommy. I want to see the fear in there eyes. And smell the fear on their skin. Like this little whore I used up this week end! She was so sweet! So young and tight! I used my scalpel on her. Slowly slicing her. Dragging my fine lines all over her young tight body. Watching her perfectly smooth ivory skin peel open in dark red lines. Beautifully peeling apart for me! Oooh she screamed for hours. Blood curdling fear wrenching screams. I even pried her eyes open and slowly pierced them with needles. Over and over again. Just pushing them in far enough to leave them dangling. She could still see them in her eyes. She pissed herself then, again. But I was no where near done! I was just getting started. The pain warms me up. Gets my motor revving. Then we move into the please part. I love ripping her open. She was a little virgin when I started. He tight little pussy fought so hard to keep me out. But it finally gave way! Now her ass… That was a fight. I had to damn near rip her in two just to get the dildo inside her! But the screams she let out where so worth it! I came so hard! And that is what violent phone sex is all about!

violent phone sex 2

Slow, Painful, Violent Phone Sex

violent phonesex karmaAll dressed in black. It matches my mood and fits me, don’t you think? I am in a particularly ruthless mood this afternoon. You laugh and say that I can’t get any more fucked up, my cunt growing wet with each violent thought that passes through my head. Culminating into the fruition of my dark, demented thoughts. My orgasms are so much stronger when I am acting out the things that float to the top of my dark and stormy thoughts. Tonight it is going to be exceptionally violent. I want several pretty things and decapitation is what I long for tonight. I want to take them apart slowly. Cutting off the smallest body parts first. Like the nose, ears, lips, and the nipples. I need to take things really slow, cutting where just enough blood is shed to make my cunt ache for more. I need the agonizing tease of blood building and heightening my desire to explode. By the time the last breath escapes the bleeding hole that once was their lips, I will have so much sexual frustration built up that I will erupt, Cum spewing from my cunt in long flowing spurts, my body racked with tremors making it imposable to stand. I will fall into the discarded pile of human flesh that was once beautiful, young and innocent  women. I will lay there convulsing in waves of orgasmic spasms, covered in their blood and flesh. Glorious spasms that  reflect the violent spasms or their last minutes.  I appreciate their sacrifice to satisfy my insatiable desire for blood, pain and lust.

Violent Phone Sex; Battle Rounds

violent phone sex belle

i am really sweet but I can be mean when I have to. Like a couple of days ago, I was put into what everyone underground calls the ‘Battle Rounds’ you kind of have to fight to the death. I’m not experienced in fighting by no means. But I do what I have to, to survive. They pick you and another person to be put in the ring together. You have to fight each other and then when you are on top, then that is when the torture comes.

I was put into the ring with a girl that looked to be a few years younger then me. She was scared and kept saying she wanted to go home. Me too little one, me too. But unfortunately we were put here for a reason, and I refuse to die on some cold concrete floor. I did what any human wanting to survive would do.

I started getting violent, yelling at her and started charging for her. I wanted to live and I was going to live. I grabbed the hammer off the floor and started to hit her. Doing whatever I could to make her fall. She was screaming and crying and trying to fight back. I wasn’t letting it get to me. You can’t have feelings and try to survive. I just kept bashing at her. Blood was starting to go every where. She finally slumped to the floor. I grabbed her by here hair and pulled her to the corner, where I could tie her up so she couldn’t get away.

violent phone sex boobsbelle

She pleaded, “please don’t do this.” Sorry I have to get out of here. Once she was tied up, I got the needle and thread and started to sow her lips together. Then I took the knife and started cutting her nipples off. And when she tried to scream the thread would rip through her skin. Causing more blood to spill out. I cut her fingers off.

I decided to skin her. Starting with her head. So much blood. I then cut her scalp off.  And if she wouldn’t dead by then. I wanted to make sure she was. I slit the bitches throat. I just remember seeing so much blood. Then I felt someone hit me in the back of the head. Everything went black.

When I woke up, I was home.. on the floor. I was  completely naked and I could feel cum oozing out of all my holes. I guess they liked what I did. At least I made it home. Alive. Safe. Even if I was cum filled by random men.

At least I survived….the battle rounds…

violent phone sex belle 1

Violent Phone Sex with Venus: Bloody Acts of Violence

violent phone sex knife killer

Violent phone sex really gets me off. I guess you could say I am prone to violent tendencies. Vanilla is not my thing, never has been. I was fucking Wednesday Adams as a wee one. I wanted to play with knives not dolls. Now the only dolls I wanna play with are the living breathing kind, but they never stay like that for long. All ages, both genders, all races…I am an equal opportunity violent offender.

Just the other day I was feeling all bitchy and sadistic, well more so than usual. I let myself in to this old farmhouse where I knew a middle aged couple lived. They reminded me of my parents. I hated my parents. The woman was home alone. I decided to butcher her first so that her husband would come home to find her bloody, dismembered body all throughout the house.  She was easy to take too, barely put up a fight. Kind of no fun. But I had fun with my massive knife collection cutting off body parts and leaving a trail for dear old husband to find. I started at the front door with a hand, and ended in the bathroom with her head.

violent phone sex knife playI relaxed in the old claw foot bathtub, with my favorite knife and her head, covered in blood and waited for Dad to come home. I heard the screams, the tears, the footsteps following my bloody presents. When he entered the bathroom, I bolted up from the tub wielding my knife, covered in wifey’s blood and went Lizzy Borden on his ass. He got 50 whacks, 50 deadly, violent whacks. I was covered in even more blood now and it was intoxicating. Blood, death, pain, violence are all aphrodisiacs to me.  As I laid there in a pool of blood, I rubbed my clit hard. I came, gathered up my knives, cleaned up any evidence that could lead back to me, and headed home. See, random acts of violence perplex the authorities. They always think a family member responsible. But, sometimes violent acts are just committed by random strangers like me in need of a good hard cum.

violent phone sex taboo goth.gif

Was it a dream or was I just high?

taboo phone sex_Macey

I had partied all fucking night. It was an orgy, with friends.  I had done some blow, lots of shots and a I have no idea how many pills. I was Drained but very wired from the combination of drugs and alcohol. I love fucking while I’m wasted.  I was drifting in and out of sleep. My current fuck buddy was spread out on top of my messy bed totally naked and hot as hell. Everyone was passed out, scattered all over my large loft apartment, on floors, and sofas, outside on patio chairs. empty shot glasses and beer cans filled the tables.  As I gazed outside of my bedroom window onto the patio, I saw dark shadows moving around in the bushes. I kept passing out but would wake up a few seconds later from the drugs. I felt a presents above me and by the foot of the bed. I must be dreaming, I thought.  I felt large hands wrapping around my waste very tight (I was horny as hell) and one around my mouth. I was ready for something to happen. I was freaking me out. I hoped it was my fuck buddy. but I felt another set of hands on my body. I couldn’t move my legs or scream from feat, they were roped to my bed posts. My arms being held onto by someone. My ass was pulled up into the air so I was on my elbows and knees. My pussy was wet and ready for something nasty to I could hear mumbling but I couldn’t make out any words. I could see blurry images and shadows from the pale moon light that lightly lit up my room. I felt my fuck buddy moving in his sleep. It must have been my friends having their fun with  me. I went with it. I felt a large cold glass dildo slowly enter my asshole. Uhhh.. oh.. fuck..that felt amazing. It hurt so fucking good. I wanted to turn over to see who it was fucking me, but I was being restrained. A hard wet cock filled my mouth. I loved it. “FUCK ME HARD!” I wanted to scream. I didn’t have to I was being fucked hard and wished my fuck buddy would join this party. Scared to death and extremely turned on. Two cocks and a glass dildo filled me up, one in my tight pussy, the other filled up my mouth. They all moved in and out hard and fast. I love DP (double penetration) I wish there was a vibrator on my clit. I’d be in fucking heaven. Then a tongue licking my clit. Oh fucking hell, I was happy. I felt a hand wrapping around my throat, squeezing tighter and tighter very slowly. I wanted to squirt everywhere. The cock was out of my mouth and a ball gag shoved in. The dildo came out and a man mounted me from behind and slid his huge cock in my asshole. It stretched my asshole wide, I tried to moan, it hurt so fucking good. That was what I needed. Two cocks and a ball gag. I was sweating, so tired and wired, drunk and high. My pussy wanted to cum in this guys mouth. the cocks moved faster and faster, harder and harder, I screamed for more and more louder and louder. My orgasm was so, I shot  white cum everywhere. I was soaked. My body jolted hard a few times  and i woke up. Holy fuck!! was that a Wet dream? I could barley catch my breath. I noticed my window was open, and my wrists and ankles were bruised. WTF? Everyone was gone.

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies Cum True

bloody phonesex kaliI know I am Daddy’s fuck toy. I know I am to please which ever friend he brings over.
Last night Daddy brought over his boss. A fat wicked looking man with evil in his eyes. As soon as he laid eyes on me he walked over and kissed me with his foul mouth. Teeth all rotted out, stinking like he hadn’t showered in days and reeking of booze.
He was rough when he grabbed a hand full of tit, squeezing and pulling it so hard that I have bruises today.
He told Daddy I would do, handed him a fist full of money and dragged me by my hair to the room.
He ripped all my clothes off and threw them in a shredded heap on the floor before throwing me down right next to them.
He beat the shit out of me swelling my eyes and busting my lip before he took his big hard dick and shoved it inside of me. First in my mouth, gagging me till I puked all over him. Then in my pussy, ripping me opened and enjoying my cries and then up my tight ass, sending flashes of pain through my body.
He grunted like a pig when he shoot his load in my soar ass and then spit on me, calling me a worthless slut before he left.

One for The Money

There’s this skank I know who doesn’t understand how to keep her piehole shut. She’s been causing a lot of shit to hit the fan running that mouth of hers, so I decided to use it for something useful–making me money. How many dicks can you fit down the throat hole of an annoying little twat? Mmmm, baby, let’s find out.

I’ll get the scissors and we can cut a nice, neat little slit right across that little bitch’s tummy. Everyone loves a nice pussy hole, asshole, and of course a tight, wet pink throat hole–but I’ve got a bigger plan. How would you like to whip that rock hard cock right out of those pants, baby . . . take it in your hand and grasp that boner while it twitches. Feel the heat radiating off of it in droves and picture pumping it in and out of this stupid fuckcunt. 

I’ll sell this whore out and get her nice and used up, so by the time I’m ready to snuff her out, she’s made me mounds of cash. It won’t be hard to get her to the area where she’ll spend the next weeks of her life as a living cumdoll. I’ll just sprinkle a ‘lil something-something in her drink to keep her nice and compliant while she’s fucked up and creamed in. Such a stupid cunt . . . she’ll regret crossing me, that’s for sure. I’m gonna mess that bitch the fuck up.