Category: Violent phone sex

Black Magic

Ass Rape Porn

Its been a really crappy week!

It has done nothing but rain for over a week with no end in site!

I am out of vodka and bourbon.

I have no candy and I haven’t been fucked hard in a week!

I decide to go down to the bar and see what kind of trouble I can get into and I run into this stupid punk on the corner.

I am trying to walk past him but he keeps blocking me. He tells me I look like I need some black magic.

I asked what it does and he says it will tare me up!

He says it will make me feel completely spent and relaxed!

Sounds like just what I need! So I hand the guy a fifty and he does this stupid secret knock and the door opens.

He shoves me inside the pitch black room and the door slams behind me!

I feel a hand grab my throat and push me to the ground as my clothes are being torn to shreds!

I open my mouth to scream but it is suddenly with a fat cock!

The man is fucking my face as he pulls my head by the hair, forcing his meat against the back of my throat!

I could taste drops of cum seeping out of his fuck stick as he banged the hell out of my face and I was relieved that it was almost over so that I could breath!

But he pulls his throbbing cock out just as he shoots a chunky load all over the floor!

He grabs my hair and forces my face into the cum on the filthy floor, yelling at me to lap it up like the hungry bitch I am!

I hear laughter as the light switches on and I can’t believe what I saw!

There is at least a half a dozen thick black cocks waiting to fuck any vacant hole in my body!Accomplice Phone Sex

It was not what I expected but the door man was right!

By the time all that huge black meat finished fucking my face, punishing my pussy, and shredding my shit whole….I was tore up and had the life practically fucked out of me!

I guess a good black magic pounding is just as good as a good drug!


Halloween is my favorite!

killer phone sexHalloween is my favorite holiday, and if you know me you know why, if you do not know me…then I think you should get to know me because I am a bloody fun time waiting to happen. Anyway, back to what I was saying; my favorite holiday is by far Halloween because the screams of my whores I kill are not paid attention to, they all think someone just got a good scare. People see the blood on my clothing and think it is that fake shit from the store, that I had simply covered myself in for my costume. On Halloween I can get away with murder, literally. I can even bury the bodies in my front yard, people walk by, unknowing, just thinking I have the best decorations. Last year I actually won a contest for my yard “decor”. I will never forget. It was a few weeks before Halloween and this whore was already wearing her little slutty bunny outfit and prancing past my house, my good day had been ruined. I invited her in and the dumb bitch said yes. When I got her inside I grabbed a lamp and smashed it on her head, knocking her out cold. I stripped her down and shoved the bunny suit in her mouth.I cut off her nipple and drug her outside where I had a line of fresh holes dug. I buried her still alive, paying special attention to leave a few bloody fingers out, so she could feel the breeze of out here while she suffocated in there. When the judges came by they were so impressed by the twitching bloody fingers that they had to give me the win, they wanted to know how I made it work, but I will never tell.

Kali’s gonna help me snuff this slut!

2 girl phone sexI’ve got a plan and Kali’s got no choice but to join in or she’ll be our next victim. We’ve been storming up a scheme for a special Halloween night killing… it’s going to be the best Halloween yet. We’re going to do something a little different this time, aren’t we precious Kali? This pathetic little slut is going to help me and Daddy get the perfect little whore to snuff out for good. Kali is going to be a good little slut and bring home some girls from school… they’re going to think it’s going to be fun and games until they hear Kali screaming from the other room. They’ll run to help her, only to find her with Daddy’s big cock stuffed deep into her bald cunny. A knife to her throat! She will be crying fake tears because we all know she loves to be treated like the submissive pain slut she is, she loves nothing more than to feel her Daddy’s cock forcing his way into her holes and above all of that she will literally do anything to please her Daddy and avoid as least amount of punishment as she can. She just loves to hate being Daddy’s one and only pain slut victim she is willing to throw any of her young teen slut friends under the bus. When her little friend comes running in to help she’ll be mine. I’ll push her down and rip her clothes off. I love when they try to fight me off – she’ll know soon what my knife can do. This will be the bloodiest Halloween yet…and I won’t be done till this whore is covered in cum and blood and poor little Kali helps me snuff this slut out.

accomplice phone sex

The Perfect Costume

taboo phone sex karmaShe has a strong will that is for damned sure. No matter what torture I inflict to teach her a lesson, each time I remove the gag, she screams to high heaven. And while I enjoy the sound of a good scream while pain is being inflicted, a scream out of being obstinate is annoying indeed and brings me great displeasure along with swift repercussions. I have decided that I am going to leave this she devil alone until the glorious night of all hallows eve. On this most auspicious occasion, I intend to cut her tongue out and then sew her mouth and eyes shut and put her on a leash. Every one will think it is a costume with fake blood, but I know it is real. I will parade her around the streets, my now obedient pet that is blind and mute. Just the thought of it all has me soaking wet and ready for that special night that will end with her demise. taboo phone sex mouth

fantasy phone sex

fantasy phone sex

I am going to bed earlier then usual tonight. As I close my eyes me and my friend are in the woods. We started our summer adventures earlier then usual this year with some camping. She is a busty brunette, who is super sexy. You could say I might have a girl crush. We are in our tent touching each others wet cunts until we hear movement outside our tent.

We both freeze and stop what we are doing. She gets out of our tent first. There is a whole bunch of men dressed in black. They look like an evil cult. They snatch her and me and bring us back to where they are all gathering at.

They start singing and bringing out knifes. They take my sexy friend and tie her up. She screams but we are so deep in the woods that it really does no good. They tie her body onto a stick. Her hands tied tight by her face around the stick and her legs wrapped around the stick and rope tied around her ankles.

Her ankles and wrist are purple and red and look like they are going to fall off because they are tied so tight. They take a knife, cutting all of her clothes off. Her naked body is squirming.

They cut her from her ass hole up to her cunt and all the way to her nipples. Blood is dripping all down her as she screams and cries. They make me watch her. They start shoving sticks up the big gash they made from her ass hole to her tits.

Her blood just gushes out, they start rubbing her blood all over them and drinking it.

Oh my gosh is this still a dream? I want to wake up now! They start dragging me next to her lifeless body as their singing gets louder. Please wake up, please wake up!

Natasha LOVES Castration phone sex.

castration phone sexI saw him at the club. He was flirting with every girl there, thinking he was God’s gift to women. I hated him immediately and after a few drinks, I knew what needed to be done.
I approached him at the bar and he hit on me immediately. He was older, all dressed up in this nauseating pair of skin-tight jeans and an open shirt. Barf city, but I pretended to respond. He had his hands all over me and was undressing me with his eyes. “My cock needs sucked bad. Let’s go to your place. We can’t go to mine.” SO I knew this fucker was a cheating BF or hubby for sure and that made me madder.
We made it to my place, his hands groping me all the way. This asshole was gonna pay. There is no way that this guy should be allowed to breed..or even breathe.
I forced myself to kiss him and he had his hands under my shirt, grabbing at my tits. “Easy, loverboy.” I laughed. (with an evil smile) “You’re in my house, so my rules.” I said, reaching for my handcuffs. “Oh, you kinky slut” he grinned, his cock waving in the air in anticipation.
So, I had him chained to the wall and I dropped to my knees. I barely grazed the tip of his cock with my lips and snapped the shackles on his ankles. He looked confused as I stood up.
“So, you are a cheating asshole.” His face fell and he changed. “That’s none of your business, cunt. I just use bitches like you to suck my cock. Now, let me out of this shit.”
I punched him right in the gut and he wheezed for air. I cupped his nuts in my hand, pulling out my switchblade. “Men like you are dogs. They need to be neutered.” I watched his face as his cock deflated. Cupping his balls, I cut them, just superficially. Blood spurted and he screamed in pain. “WTF. You crazy bitch.” I made another cut and popped out a teste. Rolling the still-warm sac in my hand, I smiled. I carved the other one out, severing his nutsac from his body. I held up my bloody prize. Nothing like a little castration phone sex!!!
He was delirious from blood loss now as I pulled up a rolling metal table with a cutting board top. I laid his shriveled cock on the block and reached for my machete. “You should never be allowed to breed. You are nothing but a pussy and I’m making you one.” With a loud CHOP, I lopped off his cock.
His new pussy was bleeding in spurts. I grabbed a pair of my panties, put a Kotex in it and put them on him. I shoved his severed penis right in his mouth. “Suck that, bitch. Here’s your pussy” I laughed. Then I took a pic of him with his own phone and sent it to his wife.

mutilation phone sex

Taboo Phone Sex With A Killer

 Taboo Phone Sex



You are so very gullible and trusting although I think that a large part of your stupidity right now is coming from the fact that you’re mesmerized by my big tits. You’re always thinking with your cock instead of stopping to use the head on your shoulders for once. I approach you completely confident and lean over to whisper in your ear that I think you’re incredibly sexy and I want to take you back to my place and fuck you. You’re so egotistical that you never stop to think for one second that I might have ulterior motives. You’ve slept your way through half the women in town and you just see it as any other night. You make such easy prey I am really going to enjoy this. Once we get back to my place I take you down to my basement all I have to tell you was that I’m really loud when I’m getting off and I don’t want to bother the neighbors. You eat it up and get rock hard.

Strip naked while I take my time peeling my clothes off. I can feel your eyes glued to me as you stroke your cock in anticipation. I walk toward you with my hand behind my back holding my favorite steel blade. As I get closer I wrap my arms around you and press my lips to yours. I can feel your cock twitching against my thigh eager to fuck me as I plunge my blade into your ribcage. The gasp of pain makes my cunt tingle as I feel and see the blood trickling from your ribs. You double over in pain and shock and that’s when I pull the blade back out and plunge it into you over and over again laughing at the look of horror on your face and the muffled cries gurgling from your throat. Killing brings me more pleasure than the biggest cock could ever do. Once your body is drained of every last drop of blood and you’re slumped in a heap on the floor, I use your blood to masturbate and I squirt all over your dead lifeless face.

Gangbang Rape Porn Star Makes Real Rape Porn Videos

gangbang rape pornWhen you are an underground gangbang rape porn star, men think you are up for grabs literally. I only do rape porn videos for the money. It is all staged. I’m not really being harmed. Hell, most of the time it’s pretty hot because the men I work with are well hung. I was clubbing the other night when some frat boys recognized me from a few of my online movies. They wanted to buy me drinks, but I blew them off. College boys aren’t my thing. I like older men.

I started to not feel well when I was dirty dancing with some men more my type. The suit and tie guys usually know how to spoil a gal. I got dizzy, and one of the guys helped me to the bathroom like a gentleman. We were not alone, however. About 10 other guys were in the lady’s room with us. One guy mentioned he was a fan of my work. Another said I look like I really enjoy ass rape porn. “It pays the rent,” I mumbled. “How about a freebie, whore,” one yelled at me. As I tried to leave, several men restrained me, while the others bound and gagged me. My clothes were torn from my body.

rape porn videosI was thrown against a dingy bathroom stall and sodomized with beer bottles while they talked about how tight my ass was for a whore. I could feel blood trickling down my thighs. I was crying. One guy grabbed me by the throat and pushed my head in a piss and shit filled toilet while the rest took turns force fucking my battered ass. My cries, my pleas, went unanswered. They fucked me like a rag doll. “This is life imitating art, bitch,” the ringleader said with a smile.

When they were done abusing me, each one pissed on me like I was a human toilet. I was covered in cum and piss, even blood. The dirty bathroom floor looked like a crime scene. I started to crawl to the door when I felt a foot push me down and use me as a mop to clean up the excrement all over the floor. They weren’t done with me yet. Not by a long shot. I should have hung with the frat boys.

ass rape porn

Bye bye stupid slut

snuff phone sexIt is the stupid sluts that annoy me. The ones that don’t know a dick from a dildo. They make me want to just tear out their own throats then shove it up their stretched out ass. There was this one fucking slut that I really had it out for, I mean even her face pissed me off into next week. And I knew I would be doing everyone a favor if I just ended her miserable life. I am sure it was already ending because there is no way that she was not infested with every disease known to mankind. I am sure she even got fucked by a beast or two because she could easily take a giant dick like that. Slut. Anyway, I just could not handle her being alive so my only option was to do something about it. So I had to find a way to end her in a more creative way that usual but I did not want to fuck this skank. One day I asked her if she wanted to come over for dinner and fuck me after and obviously she said yes (ew!). I planned on ending her miserable life two ways…by feeding her meatballs laced with rat poison and using my new favorite toy…it was a strap on, but not just any strap on, it was a strap on that’s cum was pure poison. She came over and I was already waiting for her. I sat her down to a candlelit dinner and made sure she ate every bite. Then I led her to the bedroom and grabbed her and threw her onto the bed. I wrapped her wrists in acid coated chains and I could hear it sizzling her skin. She began to scream but she couldn’t scream for long because I went straight to fucking her mouth senseless. I watched the tears roll out of her eyes and I told the nasty slut to hold the fuck on it would be over soon. I pounded her face breaking her nose and ripping her lips. Finally I released my poison down her throat keeping my strap on in place so she couldn’t spit it back up. Finally the bitch was dead.

Working Off A Debt

Taboo Phone SexI got into a bit of trouble this past weekend.

I went to my local bar where I hang out and tried to get a shot. The bartender told me that I had run my tab up to high and would need to pay it down before he could serve me!

Damn! I didn’t have any money!

He told me that I could work it off and sent me back to the stock room.

I figured he wanted me to bring up some supplies but when I heard the door lock behind me, I knew I was in trouble!

I could hear him out side the door, telling all the men that it was $20 for ten minutes with the whore and to pay the bartender for the key!

I know I am the town slut but I ain’t no prostitute!

The door opened and the first guy came in and locked the door again.

He was a big man and I tried to struggle as he shoved me, face first against the wall.

He wanted nothing to do with foreplay! All he cared about was dumping his load!

He spit on his fat cock covering it with a combination of thick spit and chewing tobacco!

I could feel the strands of chew as he forced his filthy cock into my dry ass!

He pounded my tight little fuck hole for about four minutes before he dumped his chunky dick spit inside my sore rosebud!

I thought he was done but when I dropped to the floor, he yanked my head back by the hair and said he paid for ten minutes and plans to get his moneys worth!Ass Rape Porn

Then he held me by the throat and held my nose as ordered me to clean his limp cock!

He didn’t want his wife to know he had just fucked a whore!

I choked on his dirty cock as I licked every ounce of his spit and chunky cum off of it!

He finally let go of my throat and dropped me to the floor as he zipped his smelly jeans and walked out, only to be replaced by another fat cock wanting ten minutes with the town whore!

That’s ok guys! Bring it on! I can take all the pounding punishment you can deal out! And when it’s over, someone better buy me a damn shot!