Category: Violent phone sex

Make Me Suffer

torture phone sex I love being suffocated and brought back. I love the feeling of not having any air and you use my fucking tight holes. I love when you push my head on the concrete and make my face bleed! Then you put a bag over my head and let me die for a brief moment then give me some air. Better yet how about you slice my throat so I bleed out just feeling the blood rush down my fucking tits knowing I will soon be dead so you can fuck my dead body. How about you make me bleed in my panties and shove them in my mouth? I am feeling extra dirty today. I want you to slice my stomach open and fuck my intestines.

torture phone sexMake me bleed all over myself and the floor. I had a fantasy yesterday about being me laying flat on something and being strapped down, and a man came up to me and slid a butcher knife down my body and sliced open my legs first. He sliced the open and pulled out my tendons. Then he stopped and got a plastic bag and put it over my face. I couldn’t really see anything but I could feel him cutting every part of my body open. I was suffocating and I think I passed out for about 2 minutes then he took the bag off and woke me up. When I woke up and looked down my tits where completely cut off. I started to scream so he put my bloody tit in my mouth to make me shut up. That’s when I woke myself up from cumming so hard.

Taboo Phone Sex Happy Father’s Day

Taboo phone sex fun for a twisted fucking Father’s Day celebration with your vixen of sin Dusty! 

Taboo phone Sex

The deadbeat asshole of a “father” decided he wanted to fucking meet me for the first time since he became the sperm donor to my whore mother. My first reaction was to tell him to fuck off by sending a few of my guys over to “take care of him”. After a moment of consideration I had a better thought!

Inviting “daddy” over I dressed up like some fucking sweet housewife and prepared a couple side dishes to play it up. I prepared a roasting pan with stock, carrots, potatoes, and garlic cloves to add the main ingredient in nice and fresh. Fucktard sperm donor showed up with flowers and his little whore wife. I served them drinks and had a bit of small talk waiting for my man to show up. Once Anthony showed up things could get interesting, and they did.

Inviting daddy up to my bedroom to show him some pictures and shit I left Anthony to entertain the whore wife. He had his way with her as I seduced my father into fucking me. I got him to the point of nearing orgasm when I whipped my switchblade knife out and whacked his dick off. I quickly straightened my clothes as I watched him bleed out on my bed and then returned to the kitchen with the main course.

He Hurt Me So Good

torture phone sex

I learned a lot about my body the other night. I had a guy torture me in ways that I’ve never experienced in my life! I pushed the end of a brush in soft spots behind my knee and elbow that made me scream in agony and my pussy cream at the same time. The pain was excruciating as I begged to stop but my torturer knew I wanted more. I brushed bristles across my clamped nipple and made it raw and sore. By the end of it my tits were sore and I still wanted more. My favorite part was when he demanded me to inflict more pain on myself. I took a stiletto as shoved it so far up my ass that I bled down my leg. My legs were shaking and I had tears fucking up all of my makeup. I didn’t care simply because his voice was intoxicating to me and he had me wrapped around his finger. I enjoy being his hot nigger slave and I can’t wait to hurt myself the way he made me!

Domination Phone Sex for A Druggy Whore

domination phone sexSometimes a whore needs a good dose of domination phone sex to remember her place. I needed drugs but had no money. I am a sexy MILF, so I thought I could work something out with my dealer for a fix. I over estimated my hotness.  My dealer was not even interested in abusing my asshole with his monster cock for a little bump. He was, however, interested in my daughter. My very young daughter. I tried to object but he smacked me, slapped a collar around my neck and chained me to a pole so I couldn’t defend my little virgin’s holes. “How bad do you need this fix Blair,” he seethed as he pulled out his monster cock and shoved it down my baby girl’s throat. She was crying, gagging trying to get away, but the more I thought about it the more I realized she would be fine. I was force fucked at her age and I grew up fine. Well, maybe not fine. I am a druggy dirty mommy, but I am happy. I grew up happy.  I  was chained up watching my daughter earn my coke. He didn’t go easy on her either. He fucked her ass and pussy like she was a seasoned fuck whore like me. His dick was bright red from her cherry popping.  She was crying and screaming, but he just fucked her harder. He came in her ass, but that was not the end of things. He held a knife to her throat and forced her to shit his cum in my mouth. He made sure she knew that I was the only reason this happened to her in the first place. I cleaned up her swollen, bloody fuck holes with my tongue. Siphoned out his cum, then begged for my coke. I got it, but not until after he fucked my holes too.

Torture phone sex makes me wet.

torture phone sexHe cut us out several more lines. I was beyond fucked up and horny as hell. I had drained his cock several times and he was done for. He laughed as I fingered myself. “Let me find something to help you out.” he grinned. He came back with a nasty toilet brush. “How about this?” I shrieked with laughter as he flipped me over and began to tickle my pussy with the wicked dildo. “No way.” But he was high and didn’t listen. My giggle turned to a moan as he began to push the bristled cock up into me. It hurt like hell and I protested. But he was too caught up to listen. I kicked my feet trying to get away as it pierced my inner labia and clit. “Snort this.” he ordered. I inhaled some more shit as he continued to fuck me, first with the handle, then turning it around and inserting the bristles all the way. I felt 1000 needles poking into me as he rammed it harder. He was nasty now, demanding that I fuck the foul shit-tinged brush. I arched and moaned as his cock got hard. I felt the blood run down my legs as he showed no mercy. He violated me as his cock spasmed all over the brush. Then he brought it up to my mouth and forced me to brush my teeth with the cummy, shitty porcupine dildo from hell. Tomorrow my swollen, bloody cunt would pay the price for the drugs that controlled my life. But I don’t care. I’m just a stupid, druggie slut.

bloody phone sex

Cannibalism Phone Sex: Kidnapping Young Ones For A Feast

Abducted in the middle of the night and drugged up to the point of being unconscious, this cannibalism phone sex session started out bizarre. I awoke in a strange bedroom bound and stripped. It felt like my ass and cunt were had been fucked raw and bloody and my tits were bruised and aching. I tried to scream but could barely whimper. Within moments of awaking a man showed up and barely spoke as he unbound me and assisted me out of bed and into the bathroom where he bathed me.

As I was given clothes to wear he explained that today I was going to cooperate and I will be saved from another session of ass rape porn. He explained that he had plenty of men waiting to take their turns on stuffing my slutty cunt and whore ass. I was his possession now, and he had plans for me. I was told that I would be used to lure a couple young tender fleshlings back to the house with me. 

Dropped off at a park where I was to find my prey and lure them back with my story that I needed their assistance in decorating cookies for my nieces Birthday Party. She has no friends here and I want to make it special so a couple of sisters were the perfect victims. 

Back at the house the girls were given some special fruit punch which made the victims mellow and submissive. I undressed them and washed them telling them we had special dresses for them to wear for the party. Once the two were cleaned I slathered their flesh with culinary oil. They tried to question and I had to gag them with apples. I lifted the two into a large pot of warm broth to get the stew started, and continued to cut some vegetables to toss in along with various herbs. The tender flesh would start to cook and we will need to remove their heads to avoid any hair. 

Dinner was served in a couple of hours to the Master’s friends and family.

cannibalism phone sex

Almost Died During Gangbang Rape Porn

gangbang rape porn

Oh my god! I am really going to die. I have no idea where I am…Daddy brought me here in the middle of the night. I just thought he was going to fuck me or make me be his accomplice but all he did was tie me up and leave me here. I can barely move, and it’s wicked dark. If someone was coming to get me, I would never see them coming. Oh no! Someone is coming…I can hear footsteps echoing throughout…oh god I am going to die! Update: I am not dead…but barely alive. My body is numb from pain…I have broken bones and I am covered in bruises and cum. That was the most brutal gangbang Daddy has ever put me through! They kept me all chain up and beat me senseless. I would pass out from the blows to my head and wake up to my ass and pussy being rammed hard as possible. I would try and fight it and they’d choke me while fucking my mouth all in  one. I was cry and scream and they would only fuck me harder. This is what they wanted! I just wonder what Daddy’s price was for his pathetic daughter….

Worthless Whores Get Gangbanged

Gangbang rape pornDaddy loves watching me get used. It turns him on seeing multiple men abuse my young body. Tonight he was feeling bored and didn’t have anyone scheduled to come over. He brings me a slutty outfit and tells me to get dressed. I comply of course, putting on the half bra, sheer top, and slip of fabric that was supposed to be a skirt, but did not completely cover my bubble ass. The stripper heels complete the outfit. No panties in site means I am to wear none. I go downstairs, seeking his approval on my appearance. He tells me I look just like a good little whore. He leads me to the car and we go for a ride. Soon we arrive at the local biker’s bar. Big, mean, nasty looking bikers are hanging around outside. My Daddy tells them he is bringing me there to take on all who wish to have a piece of me. He lifts my skirt to show them my shaved pussy. We enter the bar with several following from the outside, eager to get their cocks into me. Once inside he tells the bikers inside the same thing. Soon, I am bent over a table with cocks everywhere. Cocks invaded my pussy, ass, mouth. hands, and even my armpits. Mam after man took their turn on me. Daddy was encouraging them the entire time. He told them to fuck me harder and faster. Be rough with the little whore. She loves it, he said. I could tell his cock was rock hard as we watched my body get pounded with cock after cock. With Daddy’s constant encouragement, they began slapping me around. They called me a fuck whore, a disgusting pig, and a worthless slut. One biker shoved his cock down my throat so hard, I puked a little but this didn’t stop him. He rammed his cock down my throat and held it their, leaving me no breathing room. As I began to pass out, one of them threw cold water in my face, shocking me back awake. As the last of them came in my ass, I was left in a worthless heap in the middle of the bar. I had taken on probably 50 or more men tonight. My face was bruised and my nose bloody. I am covered in sticky cum from head to toe. Daddy gathered me up in his arms and took me home. He laid me in my bed and praised me for being such a good little whore. I had pleased him tonight. His cock was rigid and he took his turn in my poor abused ass, eventually adding one more load to all the others my body had taken tonight.

I love to wear latex when I kill

violent phone sexI just love wearing latex when I kill and I am sure that you can figure out why. It fits like a second skin and cleans up so easily, seriously, body fluids of every type just rinse right off! I can NOT stain these mother fuckers and believe me, I have tried! I wore this adorable full length red latex catsuit yesterday, it was only open at the crotch and it fit me like a second skin. I was at this whore’s house, I had broken in and stripped that bitch naked before I tied her to the bed, she was terrified and crying but I am sure that even in her distress she could appreciate how fucking hot I looked. Oh the blood flowed like a river, I was cutting her up and making quite a mess but not a bit of it stained my hot ass outfit! I had more trouble getting the blood out of my hair than I did rinsing it of my suit! Latex will always be my go to kill outfit, what is yours?

Evil in Latex snuff sex

domination phone sexLatex was what he asked for. I had never played this game before and had no idea what I was getting into. I only know that the money was great and my need for drugs overpowered any fear I might have. I arrived in what I felt to be a sexy latex attire. He looked at me and laughed. Amateur, he said.

He left the room and returned in his own latex. He looked evil and I could not see his eyes. He was wearing a complete bodysuit that left his cock exposed. He was wearing a latex cock ring and I could see that it was swollen and purple, the veins bulging in anticipation.

In my drugged state, I realized that he was a Domme and I was to be his submissive. He grabbed me by the hair and forced his fat cock down my throat. He began to utter obscenities and to degrade me. “Filthy whore, Piece of shit, druggie cum dumpster.” This seemed to inflame him further. He hooked me up to a pole with a dog collar around my neck. “Good little bitch.” he said. “Call me Master.”

An hour later, I was screaming his name as he beat me. “Please, Master. No more.” He punched me right in the mouth, knocking me back on the floor. He was on me just like that. I felt a knife cut into my flesh as he slashed at the crotch of my latex jumpsuit. He rammed his wicked fuck stick right into my cunt. I screamed as his massive meat pumped into me. He grunted and moaned as his orgasm took him, spraying cum all over the latex. I felt the knife as the last drop of cum hit my face. He cut me deep and I could fill the jumpsuit filling with blood. The world began to grow dark and I heard him say. “Dump her. She’s just a junkie whore.”

snuff sex