Category: Violent phone sex

Maid To Order

taboo phone sex I knew as soon as I saw him that he would be my slave. I could tell by the way he carried himself that he had little to no self esteem. Kind of geeky looking he looked like he had never been laid.

Striking up a conversation was harder then I thought it would be. If you looked up the word “introvert” in the dictionary, his picture would be front and center. Pulling him out of his shell enough to get him to agree to come over for dinner was a huge challenge but with each small victory my cunt got wetter and wetter.

As soon as we walked in the door of my house the humiliation began. Ripping his clothes off leaving them in a shredded heap at his feet, his face was priceless. His attempt at modesty was feeble and unsuccessful. Laughing at his skinny body with no muscle or definition, I threw him a little white maid apron before grabbing my leather ridding crop and cracking his flat ass with it. A lone tear streaked down his face serving to increase my desire to mold him into the perfect, subservient, slave. He would soon learn that to displease me would be very painful indeed.

I’m A Thieving Maid Who Must Be Punished

roleplay phone sexWhen I awoke and found a sexy maid outfit laid out before me, I thought Daddy wanted me to roleplay with him again. When I went downstairs, I found out I was wrong. I was being sent to be another man’s maid for the day. The man walked me to the car and placed me inside. Once we pulled up to his house, he told me he had no use for a slut, but needed a maid and that is how I would pay off Daddy’s debts. I went about my duties, scrubbing everything in sight.

A bit later, I felt a hand go around my neck. He wanted to know where his wife’s jewels were. I had no idea what he was talking about, but I could not have answered anyway because his strong hands were squeezing my neck so hard. Her pulled me by my neck to a room I had not yet been in, but it was familiar. This was his BDSM room. So, my new master did want a slut, but he needed a roleplay first. He strapped me down so tightly I could barely wiggle my toes or fingers. My legs were spread wide. He put a large dildo into my pussy, stretching me so much I felt my pussy was ripping open. This was followed by a giant butt plug. He forced this into me. I was sure I was torn as I could feel blood trickle from my ass. He stood by the bed, surveying the damage, holding a belt up high. As he walked around, he cracked the belt sharply several times and then I felt it. He brought the belt down hard on my filled ass, raising welts and drawing blood. Just as I was expecting another blow, he sat on my back, putting the belt around my neck. He tightened and tightened, sending my world into blackness.

violent phone sex

Taboo phone sex

taboo phone sex

I was walking home after a long run at the park when suddenly I noticed a man following me, I tried running but no matter how fast I ran he was still managing to keep up. I was getting really tired and my lungs were burning and I had some serious cotton mouth. I had to stop I couldn’t keep running any more. I turned around and I was suddenly tackled by a man wearing  a hood to cover his face. He climbed on top of me when suddenly he pulled out a knife. He pointed it at my throat threatening to kill me if I screamed. I screamed as loud as I could hoping for some one to hear me when suddenly the stranger stabbed me in the arms ripping my arm open letting blood squirt all over the place. I then learned that this person was not playing any games. He checked my pockets looking for money or any valuables that I had on me and was upset that I had nothing. He looked at me up and down noticing that he liked what he saw so he began kissing me up and down choking me with one hand as he began pulling of my shorts I tried fighting back but he was way to strong.

He unzipped his pants and forced his cock deep inside my dry tight pussy. He began penetrating me hard and fast telling me how great my pussy was. I laid there crying hoping for it to end while he grabbed my tits licking them around the nipple. I tried to push him off screaming for help as he continued to shove his cock deep inside my pussy. He got upset that I disobeyed his orders and stabbed me in hands making them bleed. I was scared for my life when suddenly he came inside of me. He turned me around and began fucking me from the ass holding the knife against my throat as he worked me hard stretching me open. Once he was done leaving me filled with his cum he took my clothes and left me naked at the park bleeding and hoping I never run into him again. I called the ambulance hoping I would survive this event.

Home Invasion Phone Sex

Home invasion phone sexIt’s dark, raining and there is a chill in the air. I feel as though there is someone watching me. The hair on the back of my neck is standing up. The power goes out and my heartbeat quickens. I hear a sound in the bedroom, frightened, I freeze. When I get the nerve to move forward down the hall, I am grabbed from behind and choked out.

When I came to, I awoke in my bedroom, tied to each bedpost and unable to move. There was a ball gag in my mouth. Three men were going through my things while one stood over me, naked and stroking his cock. He called to the others, “The whore is awake.” Before I knew, four masked men were sticking their cocks in every whole I had. I was being choked and every hole I had was being stretched to bleeding. I screamed, they laughed and one slapped my face with such force my eyes watered instantly. With each hole filled and immense pain throughout my body, I wanted to beg them to kill me. As though they could hear my thoughts, once I was covered in jizz, I saw a butcher knife and could hear the sound of my throat being cut just as I lost consciousness.

Violent phone sex

Just a Standard-Issue Kidnapping!

It happened again today! As I was hitchhiking along a rather deserted highway headed N/NE, a station wagon was kind enough to pick me up. Given the blistering heat, I was elated to be out of the direct sunlight!Kidnapping phone sex

The next thing I know, I’m waking up with a massive headache and tied to a short table. My arms and legs were almost complete immobile, and my head was hanging off the end of the table. A guy came in with a plate of food, and he proceeded to spoon feed me some soup and oyster crackers. After he fed me, he wiped my mouth with a handkerchief he pulled out of his pocket. Then, he proceeded to kiss my jaw and lips. He informed me that they’d be entertaining me for a while. He wasn’t sure how long, but his family were very happy to host me for as long as it was deemed courteous. He then pulled his dick out of his pants and stuffed it in my mouth, which he fucked until he came down my throat. He pinched my nipples a few times, ran his fingers over a few of my scars, and grinned as he said, “Yes, this is going to be fun!” He left me in that dank room to ponder what day it was and how long I would be there, much less what I would endure at my “hosts” whims.

What are Your Rape Phone Sex Fantasies?

rape phone sex fantasiesDo you have rape phone sex fantasies? Most men do, it is just some would never admit it. Then there are guys that are very proud to boast that women are on this earth just to serve them. I met once such man this week. I was meeting a friend for drinks. This arrogant prick tried to pick us up. He saw the wedding rings on our fingers, but wouldn’t stop with the aggressive, crass come-ons. We had security remove him. He apparently followed me home.  As I was going into my house, he pushed me in and pinned me on the floor. “We meet again cunt,” he seethed at me. I tried to fight him off, but he was strong and fueled by rage over the fact that I had rejected him. He spit in my face, even punched me to subdue me. I was fighting him more than perhaps I would if my young niece had not been in the house. I was trying not to make much noise because I knew she would come to see what was the commotion.  I only left her alone for a little over an hour.  My attempts to shield her were futile. She came down, screamed, but my assailant threatened my life if she called the police, so she dropped her cell phone. He made her watch as he used me like an ass rape porn star. He sodomized me, fisted my cunt and called me vile names as my young niece was forced to watch. She was crying, feeling helpless as he violated and degraded me. He kept looking at my niece and grunting, “You will be next you little whore.” I tried to fight him, when I knew my young virgin niece was next on his conquest list, but the more I resisted him, the more violent he became. When he was done brutalizing my body, he moved to my niece. He ruined her tiny holes. I had to watch, helpless. After a couple hours, he finally left. But he left us tied up, gagged and covered in cum and blood for my husband to discover when he came home from work. What are your force fuck fantasies?

Torture phone sex with Morticia… Cock torture…

Torture phone sex

You called for Torture phone sex but you wanted to torture me… Watch as I laugh in your fucking face. You think a pussy as white bitch boy like you can make me bow down to you and your tiny cock. No sir. No fucking way. Now you have pissed me the fuck off and I am considering making you a fucking eunuch. No one fucking lives to talk about speaking to me in any dominating way. You made a mistake didn’t you. You thought you were going to have a fun time making me your Torture phone sex victim. Your first mistake was opening your mouth with out permission and for sticking your cock in this hole. Now you are tied up and the Torture phone sex is about to begin.

Goth teen phone sex

I wonder how many times I can force your cock to cum? Oh you get super sensitive after each time you cum? Perfect for me. I love hearing you beg as I rub your cock so fucking hard I start to rip it, tear it. Look at all of the cum and blood on the ground.. Tell me again who is more dom? 

Violent Phone Sex Date

I had a date the other day for violent phone sex with a guy I’ve come to like chatting with. He knows who he is. He started off picking me up from the highway I was walking along near him. He took me to a nearby shack that was deserted, where he had already prepared the interior. He promptly tied my hands up and started smacking me around, before taking out a knife and slashing at me and cutting into one of my nipples. Then, he tied me to the table in the middle of the room. It was a modified gynecology table, so he put my feet in the stirrups and tied them there; my hands were still tied together. Then, he pushed the head in so that my head had no choice but to hang off the table. He shoved his dick down my throat so far that I gagged. He proceeded to fuck my mouth and throat. From that point on, he fucked and smacked and thwacked with a riding crop and a flog. He really drove it home that I was to remember my place.

I really enjoyed myself, and I hope he was as happy with the experience as I was. It’s something I could definitely see myself undergoing again.violent phone sex

She got what she had coming

violent phone sexThis stupid whore always acted like she was better than me, she was always talking shit and acting like she was some kind of fucking princess or something but I showed her that in reality she is nothing more than a skanky whore! I waited until she was asleep and broke into her place with a few of my friends, this bitch slept so hard that we had her tied up with a cock in her ass before she even woke up! I let my friends force all her fuckholes and trust me, they were NOT gentle with her at all. They violently fucked that bitch half to death… then it was my turn. I made sure she was looking me in the eye while I slit her fucking throat, I wanted to be the last thing that bitch saw before she died… and I was…

Snuff Phone Sex at the Car Wash

Snuff phone sex has become a routine part of my life. Today, as I was hitchhiking, I came across a small town with a couple of churches, a single school that accommodated all 500 of their young from pre-k through 12th grade. The football team was their pride and joy, and all the little ones were hyper-religious, just like all the adults in the town.

It being just that type of town, I should have known what I was getting myself into. They were running a fundraiser to help the team out, since school is starting back up. They were trying to get a running leap at the funds they’ll need to make it to the bigger games. I stopped in and watched for a little bit, just because it was a change of pace, and you never know who might inquire and be kind enough to offer you a lift even a mile or so up the road.snuff phone sex

I was invited to come help, and since I was wearing my short denim skirt and a tight little tank, I didn’t see the harm. So, I joined in, helping these teens wash cars for “a good cause”. Apparently, this town hasn’t seen much by way of strangers, because every person there eventually stopped to watch me. Before I knew it, one of the girls walked over and started popping me across the back and backs of my legs with her wet towel. It hurt, and I asked her to stop before starting to leave. I don’t know why, but apparently I just have “victim” tattooed across my back. A couple of the guys came over and held me down, and the girls then all started whipping me with their wet rags. The guys were laughing and using the abuse as a reason to feel me up. Before I knew it, I was being raped right there by half the team while the girls, in their outrage that I was getting their guys attentions and dicks, continued to barrage me with wet towel smacks, slaps, spit, and so on. I couldn’t get out of there fast enough once they finally let me go.