Category: Violent phone sex

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies – Kidnapped

Murder phone sex fantasiesHis voice chilled me to my very bone. He had called twice before, issuing what I had thought were empty threats by way of prank phone calls. But, this time, I had chills going up and down my spine.

*3 days later*

He grabbed me after I left the grocery store. He has me tied up in the back seat of his car, and I have no idea where he’s taking me. I am so scared!! Oohh, we’re stopping! Please let there be people around!!! No!!!! No people, only trees!! Why?!

He’s carried me to a clearing, and oh gods!! He’s cutting my clothes off with a knife!! He’s crushing me, and … ahhhhhh, that hurts!! I think he ripped my cunt open!! I can’t scream with this damned gag!! Why is he doing this to me?! Oh god, my lungs!! He’s crushing my chest; his hands are so big, and his fists are just crushing my chest!!! I think that’s a broken….Yep, that’s a broken rib!! Someone please help me?! What’s that? Oh, please gods, NO!! Please? I can’t breathe. I can’t…

Taboo Phone Sex: Strangulation Snuff Porn Sites Arouse Me

taboo phone sexI enjoy exploring your taboo phone sex fantasies.  I have so many myself. Some I don’t even realize I have until I do a phone call or peruse the Internet. A revenge phone sex call where my caller strangled his cheating whore wife, prompted me to look at strangulation snuff porn sites.  Fuck they were hot. My pussy was a puddle of creamy wetness after watching a few videos. We all know some bitch we want to strangle right?  Not a day goes by that I don’t think about strangling someone, usually some whore. The other day, it was Rita. She is the wife of a friend of mine, a guy I have known since I was a school girl. He has always been one of the few men in my life I could be my dark twisted self with, which means a lot to me.

strangulation snuff porn sitesSunday I was over at their place for football. Rita was in bitch mode making jab after jab about my appearance and my relationship with her husband. It pissed him off too. But the icing on the cake was when she insulted his dick size in front of me. Personally, I have not seen his willy since I was a teen girl and we pissed in the woods together. It wasn’t small then, so I was sure she was just being a royal bitch. I looked at him and I could see him about to snap. He had my approval.  Hell, he had my assistance if he wanted. We could alibi one another. I stood up first, bitch slapped her. The rest happened rather quickly. As he throttled her throat, I yanked her granny panties off her body and wrapped them around her throat. That was something I saw on one of those strangulation sites. I was not strong enough to strangle the cunt dead, but her husband took over the honors. I stood over her so I could watch the life go from her eyes. I told her I would take real good care of her husband right before he snuffed out the bitch. We fucked for the first time next to her warm dead body. Hottest fuck of my life.

strangulation phone sex

Strangulation phone sex

I’m in the slave chambers of my master’s house. I remember being choked but then it’s all fuzzy. I start to recall what happened. I’m in the master’s office. There is a woman in there. I don’t know where my master has gone. She hits me hard with the whip in her hand. Blood bubbles onto the skin of my arms and ass. She grabs my hair and shoves my face into her pussy. I remember it smelled tangy. It tasted worse. I tried to hold my breath as I ran my tongue up and down her cum dumpster. She shoved my face all the way into it and laughed like a witch. She moved my head up and down so I got the full length of her nasty cunt. What don’t you like my rotten pussy baby? She asked. I knew it was a trap but I said no it’s disgusting. She jerked my head back with such force I landed on my back on the floor. She wrapped a rope around my neck and pulled it tight. I got dizzy. She sat her gross twat right on my face taking what little breath I had left out of me. I felt the whip crack my cunt lips. Then my legs. over and over she struck me while she smothered me with her hot box. Everything was going dark when she spread my legs and popped the whip right on my honey hole. Then I woke up here sore with the taste of her nasty cunny still in my mouth. Where is my master? Why would he make me eat some bitches nasty pussy?

Sex with dead bodies

sex with dead bodies

I was walking home one night and I got taken. All I saw was a car drive by and they put a bag over my head and snatched me up. When I got the location in which they stopped, I smelt a foul smell. I heard cries and screams as they pushed my body through what felt was a long stretched path. My black bag that was over my head was taken off and I panicked as I looked around.

I saw girls, small girls crying and shackled to the ground. They were naked and bloody. I freaked because I knew there was no way out and no way home ever again. I watched as three men laughed as they beat this one girl. She looked like she was a blond, but I could tell since her hair down to her scalp was saturated in blood. They called her names, spitted on her, and finally pulled their cocks out to fuck her.

One man was even cumming inside her destroyed ripped open bloody pussy and he made eye contact with the girl. He lost it, as his fist pounded into her face over and over until he bashed her skull in. The men just laughed as they continued to fuck her dead body. They came all over her. She was just left to stay there, so that they could fuck her body whenever they pleased. The three men covered in blood finally walked up to me with smirks all over their faces.

I am next.

Gangbang Rape Porn Fantasies

gangbang rape pornGangbang rape porn is what they wanted. I just wanted gas. I ran out around midnight last night. I was in a bad part of town because that is where women like me go to score drugs. I used all my money for coke. Thought for sure I had enough gas to get home. Wrong. I called AAA and waited on the hood of my car when a pickup pulled up, I thought maybe it was AAA. It was so dark outside. Wrong again. It was truck full of rednecks. I knew I was in trouble. They were a long way from the cornfields, so I knew they were likely scoring drugs too. Meth heads by the look and smell of them. I tried to be polite and pass on their help with the explanation AAA was on their way. When they got out of the truck, I put some coke up my nose quickly because I knew what was next. They circled me on the hood of my car before they pinned me down. I prayed for AAA to come quickly or another motorist. No such luck. A gang of meth head rednecks force fucked me on the hood my car. They fisted my ass, pissed in my face, punched me and burned me with cigarettes. The coke I did was not enough to wash away the pain. I was a victim of opportunity for them.  I’ve learned I am nothing but a vessel for cum and that boys will be boys so I should just accept whatever they want to do to me. I laid on the hood of my car like a dead fish praying it would be over soon.  Soon was 5 hours. AAA never showed up. Apparently they don’t come to the neighborhood I was in because it is too dangerous.  I had to let my attackers take me home. I guess you can imagine how I had to repay them.

Evil Phone Sex Halloween Fun

My All Hallows Eve was a fucking bash of an Evil Phone Sex night. By
bash I do mean some little whores head did get bashed in. But first
was the thrill of the hunt, the chase  really got my blood boiling
and my appetite for fucking this little Alice in Wonderland costumed
girl up.
I spotted my prey on the street enjoying the festivities in the
graveyard that evening. I cornered her with my knife to her pretty
little throat… as I ordered her to run. I let her believe she was
free of me only to have a friend Jim, head her off throwing a
pillowcase over her head and yanking her to him. Nothing like the
sounds of her pleas and whimpering to make my friends cock grow hard.

Evil Phone Sex
He brings her back to me and I yank the pillowcase from her head and
smile sweetly looking at her terrified eyes. The bonfire is going
strong and perfect for a roast. I punch the little cunt in the mouth
with my brass knuckles a few times to knock her fucking teeth out.
Once her mouth was a bloody toothless mess Jim skull fucked her
bloodied mouth as she gasped for her last breath. By this time I was
shoving a taser wand up her cunt and fried that bitches insides.

I was so fucking wet and Jim knew just what I needed, as I was
kneeling over her fucking lifeless corpse carving sigils in her flesh
I was getting my cunt pounded with Jim’s bloody fuck rod. By now we
decided it was too much work to just filet her flesh and roast it. So,
we just axed her to pieces and threw her on the fire.

Snuff Sex

The Dirty Bathroom Glory Hole

Taboo phone sexI couldn’t believe Daddy even owed Gramps money. It seemed to be a large amount of money and he expected me to work it off! I am accustomed to taking care of Daddy’s debts by now, but with Gramps? He’s like 80. He is all old and wrinkly. Surely he wouldn’t be able to get it up and I would be relieved of this humiliation.

I  made my way down to the gas station Gramps owned, dreading what would surely come next. When I got there, Gramps acted like he was happy to see me. He told me to follow him to the back of the store. He looked at me and said I knew why I was here and I might as well get busy. I went to my knees, the usual place for a subby slut. He chuckled and told e to get up because I would not be serving him. He opened the door to his right, which turned out to be a tiny bathroom. It had nothing more than a toilet inside. I stepped inside and he slammed the door, saying I would stay thee until all his money was made up. I realized there were several holes in the sides of the walls. I was inside a glory stall. In moments, my first cock came poking through. I leaned forward to suck it. As soon as I had it in my mouth, a dick thrust into my pussy. Bending over to suck the first one had inadvertently put my pussy right in line with another home. hen I felt one pressing into my ass. These holes were everywhere. So 0 I was getting gang banged in a Glory Hole Stall. At least I wasn’t being beaten. That’s when I felt the first jolt of electricity shoot painfully through my body. I wasn’t sure how he done it but the electricity came from the cock who was fucking me. Then another jolt came through from the dick in my mouth. That stung even more than the first. I couldn’t believe what Gramps was putting me through. That was my last coherent thought. I remember a loud humming noise building and suddenly electricity came through my body from all three cocks. My world became dark as I lie in a heap in that dirty Glory Hole floor.

Formicophilia is perfect for torture sex!

torture sexI am fascinated with torture sex I am literally obsessed with finding new ways to fuck people up but this unusual fetish I came across may be too extreme even for me! It’s called Formicophilia and it is all about having a sexual obsession with having bugs crawl all over and even inside a person. I am not a huge fan of bugs crawling on me but since I wasn’t going to be the one tortured, I figured what the fuck, lets do it! My friends and I picked a whore to play with from the local strip club,it was almost too easy. We offered her $1000 to come with us and strip at a private party and she didn’t even hesitate, she just grabbed her coat and left with us. The stupid bitch was so hard up for money that she didn’t stop to think about why we would be so generous, she had dollar signs in her eyes and not a suspicious bone in her body. All that changed when we got back to my place though, we had to struggle to get her stripped and strapped down to the table and she was begging for us to let her go but it was far too late for that! When we brought the bugs out she became hysterical, she was struggling hard against the straps but she couldn’t get away and I think that’s when her mind started to break. She howled when we put all those bugs on her, you could see the madness in her eyes when they started going inside her and I have to say, I was starting to get a little turned on. Watching her get more and more hysterical was making my pussy drip so I grabbed one of my friends and made him fuck me while we watched her literally scare herself to death…

torture phone sex

Ass Rape Porn – Gas Station Restroom

Ass rape pornIt was really late at night when I found the gas station along the isolated road I’d been traveling. The lights were on, and the place looked relatively clean; there was a man at the counter who appeared to be reading something. I decided to chance it – using a bathroom instead of the woods is always nice. The man behind the counter never once looked up as I walked in, passing everything to hit the restroom. I did my business, taking my time as I always did when I found a restroom along the way. I washed up at the sink, making sure to clean places that the road made sure got nice and gritty in my sweet little skirts. I never heard the door open – I just felt hands press me into the wall, crushing my face into it, as a cock jabbed up hard between my legs. It found its way, first, into my cunt, using the moisture I’d applied only seconds before to slide right in. He rammed into me a few times, making sure I got wet in the process, before pulling that right back out and jamming it into my ass. I screamed, though it was muffled by the wall my face was crammed into. He fucked me for a good while, there in that bathroom in the middle of nowhere. The entire time, my face was pressed into that wall, and when he finished with me, my face had the impressions of the wall itself temporarily tattooed onto it. I fixed myself as best I could and moved along.

Haunted House Rape Fantasy

taboo phone sex

I thought a haunted house would be the perfect place to try and get another rape fantasy fulfilled. Well, shit I was right! I dressed to kill, in very short skirt and a bra top. No panties.. I figured it would be easy access for my aggressor. So, I went to the haunted house and hung around outside for awhile and made myself seen. I meandered in and backed Into a dark corner in a room equipped with a strobe light. I couldn’t be seen by most people that were passing through, but there were members working the haunted house that knew that I was there. I only waited about thirty minutes before I felt the tug on my hair and hand covering my mouth. Finally, I thought but I struggled to make things interesting. My hair was pulled tight and a hand went around my throat and began to choke me. Flipped onto my belly, I could feel his hot breath on my neck as I felt him put his cock into my ass. After raping my ass, he got hard again real quick and gave my pussy a good pounding.