Master brings me to his play room again. The same girl as before is on the table. He commands me to torture her. I really didn’t enjoy it the first time but, it’s my life or hers in the balance. I choose my life. I walk over to her and open master’s play bag. I pull out the cunt spreader and spread her pussy hole wide. She begs me to stop. I sigh and ignore her. I pull out master’s twelve inch dildo. I don’t bother lubing it up as I shove it into her drying cunt hole. She screams in pain. I feel a bolt rush down to my clit. I don’t understand why this is getting me off. I take the knife and I slit her wrists and belly. She begins to bleed out slowly. I take out the dildo and smear the blood on it. She cries out loud as I shove the blood soaked cock back into her dying wet pussy. I thrust it in and out of her as hard as I can. I take the knife and slice off her nipples. I toss them over to master’s dog. He eats them. I raise the knife and shove it into her chest. She gurgles a scream. I watch her as she lays there dying. I take the knife, look at master and lick her blood off. Master is pleased with me. Good!
Category: Violent phone sex
Rape phone sex fantasies come true
Rape phone sex fantasies are a real part of my nightly wet dreams. I love talking about how it would happen, and the types of things I want to experience.
I’m in the bathroom, standing over the sink, brushing my teeth. I hear something but immediately dismiss it as the cat getting into things. I finish brushing and rinsing and I am violently grabbed from behind and thrown to the ground. I only have my silk long nighty on and it is ripped from my body like it was an old rag. I am struggling and clawing but I am overpowered. I feel a flash of white hot pain rip through my ass. No lubrication, no regard for my virgin ass. I’ve never allowed anyone to fuck me in the ass and now this human is fucking my ass violently.
I can feel my sphincter ripping and stretching. I am screaming and struggling but the violation continues. I feel the stiffening and the familiar groan of him cumming in my ass. Abruptly as he entered, he was gone and I was left alone, bloodied and ripped asshole, cold on the bathroom tile.
Sadistic Medical Fetish
My Master has an extreme medical fetish and loves to use me as his guinea pig to test out his sadistic experiments. I was dressed in only white thigh high stockings and high heels when Master dragged me into his dungeon and stabbed a sharp scalpel into my right hand, attaching it to the sheets that were laying on the hospital bed. Fuck it hurt so much! My hand was gushing blood and he hit bones when he brutally shoved it into me. He had a sex swing hanging from the ceiling right next to the bed and he roughly bent me over it. My hand was throbbing with pain, I could feel my ligaments exploding inside! He hooked an IV up to my arm and started the flow of a liquid substance into my veins! He has been working on creating a new type of sexual sedation drug that allows the person to be awake and aware yet unable to have any sort of control over their body, allowing their Master to have complete power! He was fucking me hard in my pussy and asshole simultaneously while the poison gushed throughout my entire body! It was such a horrific feeling! I could feel his huge throbbing cock deep inside of me but was unable to react to anything. It was truly an out of body experience. I ended up having a bad reaction to the substance and my body began to convulse and I had a seizure as well. Master unhooked the scalpel from my hand and unleashed me from the sex swing, harshly dropping me to the floor where I was curled up into a ball while suffering. He made sure to film the entire experience so that he could refer back to it while perfecting the formula!
Torture sex
My car broke down on the side of the road and to my surprise my phone was dead as well. I had no choice but to either hitch hike or walk home. I maybe walked a mile from where my car had broke down when a stranger pulled up next to me in his car. He asked if I needed a ride home since,” I looked like I could use a ride.” I said no hoping he would go away. He smiled at me for a while and said, “I understand you can’t trust any one now days especially with everything you see on the news.
I laughed and told him that he indeed was correct. I waived good bye at him as I watched him drive off down the road. It was beginning to become dark outside and I was still maybe three miles away from my home. I heard a weird noise but I continued to walk forward. Suddenly I felt a large person grab me by the mouth and a sharp pain in my neck. I awakend some hours later in a truck tied and gagged. When I looked to see who the accuser was, I was surprised to see that it was the same man that tired to offer me a ride earlier.
The man pulled over into the woods near by and made his way down a dirt path. I was so scared since I had no idea of what was about to happen. I felt my body shaking as the man began to touch me. He began touching my bald pussy trying to work his fingers inside of me. I tried pushing him away from me but he just got upset and began hitting me non stop. His fest made my eyes and face bleed like crazy. I was then fucked in the back seat of his truck, he had me do all kinds of positions while I was tied up.
He made me take his cock in all of my holes, he had no problem stretching them out or filling them up. Once he was done getting his cock wet, he tied me up side down on a tree. A bag was placed over my head so I couldn’t see and he made a tiny slit around my throat. Gravity just made my blood flow out all over the place, I was getting everything covered from the amount I was bleeding. Then I felt the bag around my face get wet .The pillow cushion was absorbing all the blood making it almost impossible to breathe.
The stranger watched me drown to death as my body wiggled all over the place while I was suspended in the air. The words I’m sorry were carved into my chest and my corpse was left there to rot. I guess the moral of the story is always have a phone charger.
Taboo Phone Sex Whore
I am a taboo phone sex whore. That means I am submissive with no limits. Since I am a druggy slut too, I will do anything for drugs or for money to buy them. My dealer cuts me off frequently until I can cough up some cash. He says my pussy is too loose to satisfy him, so no more drugs for pussy; at least not a well used pussy. That is a whore problem. I do my Kegel exercises, but I am a fisting and gangbang whore. I am surprised my uterus has not fallen out yet. My husband cut me off, so I got creative. I am resourceful that’s for sure. There are always “model” jobs in the Back Pages. I answered one for lesbian porn. That sounded like cake walk compared to what I have done in the past. I should have known better. My luck never goes that way. It was lesbian torture porn. Two dominant women abused the fuck out of me and another “worthless cunt.” I just took the money and endured the pain. Women are actually crueler than men when it comes to torture. It began with me and this other desperate chick being tied up back to back of each other. The bitches in charge made us eat their assholes as they farted in our faces. They were enjoying our humiliation. I could taste shit. I don’t consider myself a shit eater, but that night I was one. She actually took a dump in my mouth and forced me to swallow it. While I was gagging to swallow her shit pie, her friend took a cattle prod to my asshole. I shit myself. Of course I had to clean up my mess like a good puppy. Our holes got violated with taser guns. No porn was being made either. We weren’t models. We were torture slaves for the enjoyment of a couple bitches in charge. I got my money to score some blow, but I won’t be shitting right for days.
Suffocation Phone Sex with Marley
He had me tied with my forearms together behind my back and each leg bound to its thigh. He carried me just like that from his van to the bank of a nice-sized river, then settled me on my knees. It was painful, having to adjust my body around the bonds to settle down how he wanted me to. He had duct tape over my mouth, and when he walked around with a knife, I tried so hard to scream that he backhanded me with his free hand. He pulled my hair back hard and raised that knife to my mouth as tears streamed down my cheeks. The knife slipped across the duct tape, slashing a hole neatly where my mouth was. I started to try to beg for him to let me go, when he pulled his cock out and stuffed it down my throat. With the knife still in his hand, I didn’t dare try anything. Soon enough, he pulled his cock out of his throat and bent me forward so that my face was on the ground, and he shoved his cock into my dry cunt, tearing it a bit. I cried out, which I immediately regretted. He picked me up on his cock, moved us just to the edge of the lake, and settled me back down with my face in the water, his hand pressing me down into it. I struggled to keep the water from getting into my lungs. I held my breath as long as I could. Finally, I started to feel the water enter my lungs, even as his thrusts behind me got harder and faster. He was close to cumming, and my body was close to drowning. I prayed that he would let me get some air soon, but his body started spasming behind me. The last thing I felt was his jizz spurting up into me.
Torture Sex for Women, Not Equal Rights
Torture sex is what men think when they meet me. They don’t see girlfriend material. They see a blonde bimbo they can fuck and humiliate. While millions of women were marching for equal rights over the weekend, I was being a submissive whore. I don’t deserve equality. I’m a stupid bitch. That is what Tom kept telling me as he bound my titties and used them as punching bags. He even had on boxing gloves. Left right left right double jab then right left and so on. I was hanging from a ceiling beam like a punching bag. He attached electrical currents to my body, including a cattle prod attached to my pussy. He would punch me then shock me. He enjoyed my pain. Tom kept asking me if he thought women deserved equality. I had to say no. A yes likely would have cost me my life. I know I am inferior to men. I know I am here to service them. I know I should not enjoy the same rights as men. I don’t think I deserve any as a stupid bimbo. So as he punched me repeatedly, I told him to punch me harder. I wanted him to ruin my whore body. “Don’t grab me by the pussy, punch me in the pussy,” I screamed. He loved that idea. He punched me so hard and so often that my pussy swelled up. My body was black and blue. Not from marching for rights, but for taking my punishment for being born a stupid whore. I know you think equality is bullshit too.
Ass rape porn
I was driving at night, it was pitch black and nothing or no one was around. As I pushed the gas making my car go faster I saw red and blue lights flashing behind me with no sirens on. I pulled over like any normal person would do when they see the po po. An officer approached my window where I proceeded to roll it down. He asked if I knew why I was pulled over. I told him I had no idea. He told me to step out of the car. I didn’t want any issues so I got out. He pushed my front forward aggressively against the car. His hands started to go up my dress and his fingers ripped the Lacey panties that I had on. I tried to fight back, but his strength was too much. He mentioned that he pulled me over for being a whore and that he was going to take care of me. He unzipped his pants and his cock came right out. He slid it into my cunt. I tried to close my legs as tight as they would go but it was no use. My pussy stretched over his cock as he broke through my cunt hole. His fingers dug into my hips and head, fucking my cunt and pounding it hard. I felt his thick hard cock swell up and my cunt blood gush all over his cock. He took me by my hair after he was finished and yanked me to go into his car. How could an officer get away with this. As I got into the car I looked around and noticed he must be a fake. I tried to open the door handles but noticed the door panels were all off the car. There was no way for me to leave.
helping master
Master says I am his accomplice today. He leads me to his torture room. When I enter there is a girl on his metal table tied up. She is sobbing. I feel bad for her but at the same time I feel like at least it’s her and not me. First, master hands me the same baseball bat that he used on me last time we were in here. “fuck her.” He commands. I look at him for a second. “NOW!!!” He says in his evil commanding tone. I do as he says. When I get to the end of the table the girl begs me not to hurt her. I don’t say a word. I take the larger end of the bat and place it on her exposed cunt hole. I start pushing it in as she screams. I feel my cunt grow wet with the thrill of fucking someone with this bat. I push it in and out as fast as I can. She is in agony. She pleads with me to stop. That only makes my throbbing pussy more wet. I ram that bat deep into her cunt over and over. Master takes a rope and ties it around her neck tight. ” you are going to come in here and torture her as I have tortured you everyday. Do you understand that Monetta?” I look him right in the eyes. “Yes, sir.” I bow my head. “You can go now. I will come get you again tomorrow for the next session. Leave the bat inside of her until then.” I bow my head and exit the room. I have no Idea what is going on or why I enjoyed doing that.
Domination phone sex with Evil Mistress Ivy
Marcus was a big strong man at one point in his life. Now he is a weak bitch that I keep locked up in my dark basement. When I first brought him home with me, he wanted to fuck me so bad! But I only allowed him to eat my pussy. He spent 3 days with me and after 3 days of blue balls he said he was leaving! I laughed and grabbed his swollen balls, squeezing them so hard that he dropped to his knees and vomited on my feet. I told him to eat his vomit. He told me I was a crazy bitch and he was right! After a few weeks, the Stockholm syndrome started to kick in. He started begging me to let him clean my dirty ass after I took a shit. He begged for my piss and begged me to force him to vomit and eat it up! He is my little pet now! I forget to feed him some times, and I don’t play with him. But he knows I am the best master! He loves licking my dirty pussy! I can hear him in the dark wet basement “Mistress Ivy, I love you.” Over and over. It’s going to be fun taking him out to the woods and dropping him off in the middle of now where! I bet he would go crazy looking for his way back to his Mistress Ivy!