Friday nights are gangbang rape porn nights for a blonde bimbo. I went to my local hole in the wall bar to drink and pick up a guy. Picked up more than one. Not nice guys either. I was slipped some sort of pill that made me a bit loopy. The next thing I knew, I was in a disgusting bathroom getting gang banged by more than the guy I was flirting with earlier. I think every male patron was in that bathroom. It smelled awful. This was a dive bar for sure. Reminded me of the bathroom in the movie Saw. Men were groping at me, calling me names, spitting on me, even pissing on me. Some shoved drinks down my throat, forcing me to get drunk, well more drunk. I tried to get up, but I was forced back down on the dirty floor with every attempt to leave. I felt sick and confused. Cum just started hitting me all over. Almost felt like a bucket of jizz was doused on me. These men were laughing at the dirty cum whore. As I was being forced to swallow cum, I puked. The booze, the drugs and cum all caught up with me. No chivalry, just laughter. Someone put their boot to the back of my head, slammed my face in the dirty cum puke while they all chanted “lap it up whore.” I need to learn to stay home and drink.
Category: Violent phone sex
Gangbang Rape Porn Friday Night
Sadistic Knife Play
My Master drugged me last night to keep me sedated while his friend enjoyed sadistic vulgar knife play with my sexy body. This sick fuck has been begging Master to let him play with me for the longest time but I would always resist, I didn’t want his filthy hands anywhere near me! Master likes me all to himself for the most part and he is very selective with who he lets play with me. Reluctantly, Master granted his friend’s wishes and let him have his way! He brought out his freshly sharpened hunting knives and went to work. I was laying on the table like a helpless dead fish, arms and legs flopped over the sides while this piece of shit began slicing off my nipples and nursing my tits to drink all of my blood. He was loving it! He dug his knife deep into my abdomen, slicing me open down the center while my blood and guts spilled out. He traced the knife down to my clit and cut into my pussy, making me gush blood all over the table. The knife was so big that when he started fucking me with it, it broke through my internal organs and came out through my stomach. He got on to the table and started sucking and licking up all of my blood and tissue matter as it oozed out of me! My Master was filming it all because his friend wanted to bring home the snuff video to rewatch the gruesome act any time he pleased. This fucker better have thoroughly enjoyed his time with me, he’s one lucky mother fucker!
Masters Home
You come home after a long day at work. You had a bad day, guys at work are fucking idiots. You come in and you see that nothing has been done. Dishes unwashed, clothes on the floor, no dinner, and no fucking beer. You’re instantly pissed. You call for me, your worthless whore. You hit me in the face, making my lip bleed just a little. I lick it off, I like the way it tastes. You call me a piece of shit and hit me again. You grab my arms and squeeze hard and throw me on the couch. You tell me that I can’t do anything right, that I’m a lazy bitch. You yank my pants down and whip your raging hard cock out. You pull my hands over my head and hold them there. You ram your cock, deep into my pussy, oh fuck it hurts but I like it. You then take it and ram it into my ass. You slap me on the ass and pull my hair. I know I’m a worthless cunt. You fuck me some more, getting more rough. You’re about to come when you start to choke me. I like being choked when I cum but you’re not letting go. I cum and it all starts to go black…
Killer Phone Sex Fantasies: I Kill Brats and Stupid Men
What are your killer phone sex fantasies? I have so many. This political season has made me even more violent. Are you on Face Book? I was, but after seeing so many stupid political posts and bickering between sides I decided to shut it down. But, not before I made a list of fucking assholes. A hit list. I am a bitch in charge. Two things I despise: brats and stupid men. I know right? Stupid men is so broad. Let me break this down for you in case you are one such stupid man. If you engage me in conversation and don’t like the fact that I have a brain I use and you take the low road and make comments about my appearance because you can’t handle being outsmarted by a woman, you are a stupid man. If you treat women as sex objects and think Lady Gaga is fat, well you are a stupid man. If you think you are god’s gift to women and you are balding, with a pot belly, a minimum wage job and a small dick, you sir are a stupid man. If you think women are just here to serve you and that we should be seen and not heard, you are a stupid man. I hunt, torture, castrate, even kill stupid men. And let me tell you, I have been on one hell of a killing spree lately. I fancy myself a champion of humanity. I get rid of stupid men so they can’t breed more stupid men. Some of you are worthwhile. You know your place; would never try to dominate or insult me. Some of you make worthy accomplices. Guys who share my disdain for little whores or even stupid people. Consider yourself warned. If you call me and you act like a stupid man, I will chop your balls off, maybe even your head. I am a sadistic bitch in charge. I take no shit, especially not from a stupid man.
Medical Fetish Phone Sex: Dr. Death
So my BFF, a dude, works in the morgue of an hospital that happens to have a botch job of a Neurologist Surgeon. My medical fetish phone sex needs get so stoked when I hear about another victim of this fucking tool that talks really big of himself, he’s a total fraud and so fucking arrogant.
I decided the other day to start flirting with this arrogant ass and see how far I could get with him. Jordan, (my bff), wanted to perform a lobotomy on the creep with my assistance in botching that. We were going to have some fun with this arrogant dick. I lure him to the morgue and tell him I want to play nurse with him and one of the corpses. We get to the basement and as soon as the elevator opens Jordan is waiting with a baseball bat which he bashes Dr. Death in the head with. He has a strong swing and the great doctors’ head nearly explodes as he stumbles backwards bashing head into the frame of the elevator.
Blood, skull fragments and brain matter is everywhere and standing over him watching the blood hemorrhaging from his head was a complete fucking turn on. I knelt in the crimson stickiness and started smearing it on me I leaned in and kissed his filthy fucking brain before getting up. I turned to Jordan and noticed he had the biggest boner I grabbed him and pulled him down and we just started fucking right in the mess of blood and brain matter getting it all over our naked bodies as we fucked in the hospitals’ morgue.
Torture sex
I was at my friends house during a football party and I did not think about all the crazy men there getting drunk off their asses. Me and my friend were the only females there. The night was going great, their team one and they were wanting a more formal way to celebrate. My friends dad grabbed us and pushed us in front of all of his friends.
They demanded that we strip down right then and there. We looked at one another, scared to disobey, so we undressed. Next thing you know all of the guys started to take out their cocks. We were forced on our knees and then quickly put on all fours. Are mouths were forcefully getting shoved full of cocks. We started to cry from not being able to catch any air.
I was surprised when two of those guys forced their cocks into my pussy and ass hole. It hurt so bad as they ripped my tinny little holes open. I looked over at my friend and watched as her face turned red. She was chocking on two cocks and her little body was getting jerked back and forth as they pounded her cunt and ass.
I felt blood from my ass gushing down to my pussy as all the men relentlessly kept taking turns forcing themselves inside of me. They kept laughing at us, spitting on us, and calling us names. They thought we were good whores and where well worked open, but since we weren’t they wanted to take the initiative to make sure they broke us in good enough for the other men in the world.
Taboo phone sex with a Black Whore
I was a sweet, innocent girl…before my older boyfriend got a hold of me and introduced my to the street life. He’s a drug addict. My beautiful, black ass is personal piggy bank. He forces me to prostitute to keep him supplied in drugs. My big titties and ass are real money makers. I’m his personal sex slave. He passes me around to all of his friends, and strangers if the price is right.
When we’re behind closed doors, he keeps me on a leash. When I have my leash on, I’m not allowed to stand, I have to crawl around on my hands and knees. And I have to keep my eyes down. If I look a john in the eye that’s an automatic beating. If I don’t make at least $500 a day, he won’t feed me. So I’ve learned to fuck the shit out of any man to keep him coming back for more. You can have me in any hole you want, I’m not allowed to say no. I always swallow cum, I never spit. Let me be your black whore, you won’t regret it. Layla
Sex With Frozen Dead Corpse
I was out solo to a BDSM Dungeon Club last night and I got so fucked up! This random dude drugged me with a Roofie pill in my drink and when I was incoherent enough, he dragged me out of the club, threw me into his car and brought me to his house. This sadistic mother fucker was a serial-killer and stored the bodies of his victims at his home inside of a large freezer in his garage! The Roofie pill didn’t totally knock me out so even though I appeared pretty lifeless to him, I was still semi-aware of what was happening! Thankfully he didn’t kill me, he just decided to use me as a prop for his frozen victims! He threw me onto a metal slab of a bed he had in his garage and opened up the freezer. The smell was fucking horrific as it was piled high with many bodies! He removed a little boy out of the freezer who he propped up on to a chair and adjusted his limbs, making sure his little dick was sticking out as far as it could go! He strapped my legs into a harness and spread them open wide so that my ankles were touching my ears and he brought the little boy over to me while I was laying on the bed. He threw his frozen little body on top of mine like it was a slab of meat and shoved his small frozen cock into my pussy! This sick fuck was jacking his dick off while he used one hand to fuck me with the little boy’s lifeless corpse! I remember moaning and resisting but I could barely move or make any sounds! I eventually faded off into a sleep and when I came to, I was able to escape out of the harness and through the garage door! I ran out down the street screaming for help and eventually a neighbor came out of his house to see what the commotion was. He let me use his phone to call a taxi but he didn’t believe my story of what had happened to me! Glad I wasn’t killed, my Master would have missed me too much!
Forced Knife play phone sex with Rena
I walk into my apartment from a long day of work. I’m just so ready to relax and unwind. I go to the closet and pick out a sexy purple see-through nightie. I start my shower, hot water caresses down my tired shoulders, over my big tits. The water trickles past my engorged clit and instantly I’m turned on. I decide to step out to go get my big black dildo. I get back in the shower and have the hot water running down my back, making my tight shoulders relax. I take my huge toy and slowly slide it in my wet and ready pussy. I shove it in hard and deep, oh it feels so fucking good. Working the toy faster, I rub my clit, rub it hard and fast. I fuck myself hard until I have cum dripping from my swollen crevasses. I finish my shower and get out. All of a sudden there was a big bang. I was so startled I dropped my black dildo. I quietly and nervously walked to the kitchen where I see the door wide open. Fear instantly ran over me. I ran to my bedroom and locked the door, proceeded to call the cops but out of nowhere a hand covered my mouth. All I could think was I’m going to die. A voice whispered in my ear to keep fucking quiet and if I was a good girl, I would live. I’m so terrified, I piss on myself. But, I happened to notice something unusual in the intruders voice, it sounded girly. She threw me on my bed and told me to spread my legs. She had a mask on so I couldn’t see her face. What are you going to do to me, I asked, my voice shaking. ‘I’m going to do whatever the fuck I want”, she said. She picked up my big black pussy plunger and dug it into my tight cunt. Stop, I pleaded. She pulled out a small steak knife and held it to my neck. ‘You will do whatever I fucking say and if you don’t I will slit your nasty, cum guzzling throat you fucking bitch’ She fucked my pussy and then my tight ass and went back to my twat. I was hurting so bad. The knife held at my throat started to cut into my flesh. Blood slowly trickled down my neck, I just knew I was going to die when out of nowhere she pulled her mask off and began tongue fucking my ass. I wanted to look down to see who this person was but she held the knife closer making me bleed more. I heard her moan. What the hell was she doing? She violated my twat some more and even licked my clit a little. All of a sudden she stopped, I felt the bed shaking as she let out this sultry, aggressive moan. I can’t believe she came! I had the courage to look down towards her and she was already putting her mask back on. ‘Stay on the bed until I’m gone’ she said. I heard the front door slam. I just lost it, I started to cry as I dialed the police. ‘Yes,I’d like to report a crime’…..
Mutilation phone sex
I went to the dentist for my routinely clean. I decided to try a new dentist that I found on the local white pages. I now get why no one uses those anymore. I arrived and everything appeared normal. I sat in the big chair and was given some kind of gas that knocked me out. I awoke, looking at my hands and feet strapped into the chair.
I could not move. The dentist was over me and a bright light shinned right on to my face. I tried to focus my eyes and immediately realized my mouth was being held open be a cold metal object, prying my mouth open. I could not even talk, and I was chocking on my spit. The doctor let out a laugh and had pliers in his hand.
“You need some teeth pulled”. I wanted to scream! He started ripping all of my teeth out of my mouth. I was gushing blood out of my mouth, and with each tug I thought I was going to pass out from the pain. He stood up, pulled down his pants and pulled up my dress. I chose the wrong day not to wear panties!
He spread me open and fucked my unmovable body on the chair. He forced himself into me over and over again. When he was about to blow his load, he stood up and pointed his cock at my mouth. I already couldn’t swallow very well.
He blasted his cum in my mouth, plugging up any room to breathe I had in my mouth. He took out a syringe and said that my eyes could use some work. I have a feeling I am not going to make it out of here. Lesson learned. Never use white pages, and always where panties!